Question for all on this board

What goes around comes around - Karma is not in trump's best interest.
How many lives have been harmed by trump's use of power? There is no doubt trump has invited the hate of some, and the rest of us who have not been seriously harmed (unless we consider the tax fraud he signed) do not support trump; I do so, and suspect millions others do so too, because he is an embarrassment, but more importunately inept and dishonest.
Irony. As if your comments are not subjective (and mostly bullshit).
If I didn't like my boss and I got to the point I couldn't deal with him or her anymore I would find another job. If you are working in the government and you don't like the President or their policies resign that is how mature adults hand such situations.
Stay focused. This thread isn't about Rump. It's about Bidens and his Family which has nothing to do with Rump. This thread is nothing but a Dog and Pony Show inside a tiny little Carnie Side Show Tent.
Yes and Biden is done. The Russian collusion hoax is now being investigated. Your parties corruption is being exposed. Hopefully it will destroy it for good.

I said two years ago that Biden wasn't going to be the nominee. Rump, in his stupidity didn't listen to me. And he went after Biden and his Family. You are right, Biden is done for but not by anything that Rump has done. He's done for because he's just too weak a candidate for the job and always has been. But I would like to thank Biden for his assistance in all this.

You also need to ask yourself this. With the bailing out of areas that supported Rump and the Rumpets turning Blue (see Virginia and others) what will be left of the Republican Party when he finally is thrown into prison whether it will be in 2021 or 2025? I suggest you had damn well worry about your own plight and worry about it right now.

You are making the idiotic assumption that Trump went after Biden. he went after corruption involving Biden's son. learn something ffs.

His action was to go after Biden for political reasons that proved to be wrong. When you go after someones family, you had better damn well be dead on and be able to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Was it true? Maybe, maybe not. But it was never beyond a shadow of a doubt. Rump through in the Ante, played the cards and ended up folding after about 3 deals of the cards. Ukraine didn't play the game and called him until Rump folded. The Money that was allocated was released regardless AFTER the game was revealed. Biden and his family weren't even at the table. The score ended up Ukraine 1, Rump 0, America -1.

learn something ffs, don’t be a stupid sheep all your life.

Oh, I see. When you get your panties in a bunch, insult, insult, insult away. Sorry, but that Circus Dog and Pony act isn't working so well these days.
In your world it is just fine to fanatically support the president even if it violates your own oath of office but it is terrible to report illegal activity?

NO... If you can't support the OATH you took... i.e. to support the President... THEN quit! Just quit! Don't be a traitor and pretend to be something you aren't! Quit!
In your world it is just fine to fanatically support the president even if it violates your own oath of office but it is terrible to report illegal activity?

NO... If you can't support the OATH you took... i.e. to support the President... THEN quit! Just quit! Don't be a traitor and pretend to be something you aren't! Quit!

I took an oath 5 times and each time the opening statement was the oath to support the Constitution of the United States. Rump is a Criminal who is just awaiting standing in front of numerous judges. Even if he weren't, he ISN"T the United States Constitution. He's only one person. And to demand that I give him all my support and abandon my oath to the Constitution of the United States just ain't going to happen. Only a Rumpster would make that demand.
In your world it is just fine to fanatically support the president even if it violates your own oath of office but it is terrible to report illegal activity?

NO... If you can't support the OATH you took... i.e. to support the President... THEN quit! Just quit! Don't be a traitor and pretend to be something you aren't! Quit!

I took an oath 5 times and each time the opening statement was the oath to support the Constitution of the United States. Rump is a Criminal who is just awaiting standing in front of numerous judges. Even if he weren't, he ISN"T the United States Constitution. He's only one person. And to demand that I give him all my support and abandon my oath to the Constitution of the United States just ain't going to happen. Only a Rumpster would make that demand.

Is this the oath you took?
An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.
5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office
Now if you took that oath 5 times as you say you did...
When in the course of all the information put out by the BIASED MSM/Democrat party that you have seen... where was the Constitution in such danger that it had to be defended?
Where in all the investigations, leaks, whistleblower statements was the a specific damage done to the Constitution?
So far there is NO proof that the whistleblower or any others had any reason for bringing their totally biased position in defense of the Constitution!
Nothing. What you do have is the "swamp" dwellers who have been running our country and Trump is the first President that didn't need the job to fulfill any personal
objectives, or money or all the other reasons we've had the previous 44 Presidents.
I give you one perfect illustration of the BIASED presentations that you have been shown by the MSM!

I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anticorruption statement,” Mr. Sondland said.
Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

You can’t prove that Bidens did anything wrong wrong either.
Not without an investigation.
If they did nothing wring, why worry?

1. That depends who is doing the investigation? Hint Guilliani.
2. That depends who is asking the investigation?

3. That depends the nature of the request of the investigation?

4. I will give you your money unless you do me a favor. That is bribery or extortion no matter how you twist it.

5. Why not investigate Shokin the corrupted Ukrainian prosecutor general?

6. Why not investigate John Solomon who created the conspiracy theory of Biden.
You can’t prove that Bidens did anything wrong wrong either.
Not without an investigation.
If they did nothing wring, why worry?

1. That depends who is doing the investigation? Hint Guilliani.
2. That depends who is asking the investigation?

3. That depends the nature of the request of the investigation?

4. I will give you your money unless you do me a favor. That is bribery or extortion no matter how you twist it.

5. Why not investigate Shokin the corrupted Ukrainian prosecutor general?

6. Why not investigate John Solomon who created the conspiracy theory of Biden.

So is this a "quid pro quo"...
"I (Biden) looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor is not fired, (QUID...) you’re not getting the money. (QUO) Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired.
And they put in place someone who was solid at the time...(someone who wouldn't investigate Burisma, Biden's son's employer.)..
FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

In black and white.. Biden said If the prosecutor is not fired, (QUID...) you’re not getting the money
Please refute Biden statement.
You can’t prove that Bidens did anything wrong wrong either.
Not without an investigation.
If they did nothing wring, why worry?

1. That depends who is doing the investigation? Hint Guilliani.
2. That depends who is asking the investigation?

3. That depends the nature of the request of the investigation?

4. I will give you your money unless you do me a favor. That is bribery or extortion no matter how you twist it.

5. Why not investigate Shokin the corrupted Ukrainian prosecutor general?

6. Why not investigate John Solomon who created the conspiracy theory of Biden.

So is this a "quid pro quo"...
"I (Biden) looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor is not fired, (QUID...) you’re not getting the money. (QUO) Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired.
And they put in place someone who was solid at the time..
.(someone who wouldn't investigate Burisma, Biden's son's employer.)..
FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

In black and white.. Biden said If the prosecutor is not fired, (QUID...) you’re not getting the money
Please refute Biden statement.

Of course it was. It was a known public policy with bipartisan support as well with support from our allies. Up till now no President has used that type of leverage on a foreign government to generate a controversy on a political opponent.
Up till now no President has used that type of leverage on a foreign government to generate a controversy on a political opponent.
Look at you, mindlessly repeating the spin fed to your by your talking points.
Tell us why you believe someone running against an incumbent white house should be immune to federal investigation for his actions while in federal office.
Up till now no President has used that type of leverage on a foreign government to generate a controversy on a political opponent.
Look at you, mindlessly repeating the spin fed to your by your talking points.
Tell us why you believe someone running against an incumbent white house should be immune to federal investigation for his actions while in federal office.

Why do you think there is a Federal investigation into what Biden did?
  • First off, Ukraine is a very corrupt country. This is the one thing that all sides agree on.
  • In particular, Ukraine’s Prosecutor General in 2016 was Viktor Shokin, a man so corrupt that both the IMF and pretty much every European country insisted he be removed if Ukraine wanted any assistance from the outside world.
  • At this time, Shokin was not investigating Burisma, the energy company on which Hunter Biden held a board seat. This is one of the (many) reasons he was considered corrupt.
  • Joe Biden later told the story of Shokin’s firing like this: “I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.” Now, this might be a bit of Biden exaggeration, but it accurately describes the general attitude toward Shokin at the time.
  • A new Prosecutor General was appointed and immediately reopened the investigation into Burisma. In other words, by switching prosecutors Biden probably made things harder on his son, not easier.
  • The new prosecutor eventually reached a deal with Burisma. As with everything in Ukraine, it’s unclear if this was on the up-and-up, but in any case it happened after Trump had won election and Joe Biden no longer had any power or influence.
  • There has never been even a hint of evidence that Hunter Biden did anything wrong. He’s a Washington lobbyist who sits on various boards and had done a few small jobs for Burisma during the Obama administration. The head of Burisma at the time was trying to assemble an “all-star” board of directors and approached Hunter Biden. Was this an attempt to curry favor with the White House? I wouldn’t be surprised. But that has nothing to do with Hunter Biden’s work for Burisma, which he says was mostly about corporate governance.
  • The new prosecutor has stated many times that his investigation came up with absolutely nothing on Hunter Biden.
  • Likewise, there’s not a hint of evidence that Joe Biden ever did anything wrong.
So that’s the Biden side of the story. Your Foxbot friends will never hear any of this, so I figure it’s useful for you to have it all in one place. I assure you that there is no partisan slant to any of this. This is pure conventional wisdom, agreed to by virtually everyone outside the Trump orbit.

The Hunter Biden Timeline
Up till now no President has used that type of leverage on a foreign government to generate a controversy on a political opponent.
Look at you, mindlessly repeating the spin fed to your by your talking points.
Tell us why you believe someone running against an incumbent white house should be immune to federal investigation for his actions while in federal office.
Why do you think there is a Federal investigation into what Biden did?
You avoided my question. I'll ask again:
Why do you believe someone running against an incumbent white house should be immune to federal investigation for his actions while in federal office?
Up till now no President has used that type of leverage on a foreign government to generate a controversy on a political opponent.
Look at you, mindlessly repeating the spin fed to your by your talking points.
Tell us why you believe someone running against an incumbent white house should be immune to federal investigation for his actions while in federal office.
Why do you think there is a Federal investigation into what Biden did?
You avoided my question. I'll ask again:
Why do you believe someone running against an incumbent white house should be immune to federal investigation for his actions while in federal office?

While I'm sure Trumpybear has asked Barr to start one, I'm just as sure Barr told him to 'go fish'.
Up till now no President has used that type of leverage on a foreign government to generate a controversy on a political opponent.
Look at you, mindlessly repeating the spin fed to your by your talking points.
Tell us why you believe someone running against an incumbent white house should be immune to federal investigation for his actions while in federal office.
Why do you think there is a Federal investigation into what Biden did?
You avoided my question. I'll ask again:
Why do you believe someone running against an incumbent white house should be immune to federal investigation for his actions while in federal office?
While I'm sure Trumpybear has asked Barr to start one, I'm just as sure Barr told him to 'go fish'.
I'm sorry?
You -can't- answer my question,. because you haven't been fed one by the latest talking points?
I thought so.
Up till now no President has used that type of leverage on a foreign government to generate a controversy on a political opponent.
Look at you, mindlessly repeating the spin fed to your by your talking points.
Tell us why you believe someone running against an incumbent white house should be immune to federal investigation for his actions while in federal office.
Why do you think there is a Federal investigation into what Biden did?
You avoided my question. I'll ask again:
Why do you believe someone running against an incumbent white house should be immune to federal investigation for his actions while in federal office?
While I'm sure Trumpybear has asked Barr to start one, I'm just as sure Barr told him to 'go fish'.
I'm sorry?
You -can't- answer my question,. because you haven't been fed one by the latest talking points?
I thought so.

Your unfounded accusation posed as a question is so ambiguous that it renders itself moot.
Look at you, mindlessly repeating the spin fed to your by your talking points.
Tell us why you believe someone running against an incumbent white house should be immune to federal investigation for his actions while in federal office.
Why do you think there is a Federal investigation into what Biden did?
You avoided my question. I'll ask again:
Why do you believe someone running against an incumbent white house should be immune to federal investigation for his actions while in federal office?
While I'm sure Trumpybear has asked Barr to start one, I'm just as sure Barr told him to 'go fish'.
I'm sorry?
You -can't- answer my question,. because you haven't been fed one by the latest talking points?
I thought so.
Your unfounded accusation posed as a question is so ambiguous that it renders itself moot.
As always, I accept your concession of whatever point you tried to make.
You can’t prove that Bidens did anything wrong wrong either.
Not without an investigation.
If they did nothing wring, why worry?

1. That depends who is doing the investigation? Hint Guilliani.
2. That depends who is asking the investigation?

3. That depends the nature of the request of the investigation?

4. I will give you your money unless you do me a favor. That is bribery or extortion no matter how you twist it.

5. Why not investigate Shokin the corrupted Ukrainian prosecutor general?

6. Why not investigate John Solomon who created the conspiracy theory of Biden.

So is this a "quid pro quo"...
"I (Biden) looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor is not fired, (QUID...) you’re not getting the money. (QUO) Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired.
And they put in place someone who was solid at the time..
.(someone who wouldn't investigate Burisma, Biden's son's employer.)..
FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

In black and white.. Biden said If the prosecutor is not fired, (QUID...) you’re not getting the money
Please refute Biden statement.

Of course it was. It was a known public policy with bipartisan support as well with support from our allies. Up till now no President has used that type of leverage on a foreign government to generate a controversy on a political opponent.

What do you mean? You first say "Of course it was"... i.e. Biden's Quid Pro Quo"..
Then the next statement.. "Up till now no President has used that type of leverage on a foreign government to generate a controversy on a political opponent."
So did Biden use Quid pro quo or not?

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