Question for all on this board

Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower

What goes around comes around - Karma is not in trump's best interest.

How many lives have been harmed by trump's use of power? There is no doubt trump has invited the hate of some, and the rest of us who have not been seriously harmed (unless we consider the tax fraud he signed) do not support trump; I do so, and suspect millions others do so too, because he is an embarrassment, but more importunately inept and dishonest.

According to a diminishing number of people like you that believe EVERYTHING the MSM says about Trump, he is an embarrassment...
Tell me were these Democrat Presidents an embarrassment?
View attachment 288918 View attachment 288919View attachment 288920 View attachment 288921




Size of a BIG LIE


On a good day


Clearly two Never Trumpers


Big Head, Tiny Hand
Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower

What goes around comes around - Karma is not in trump's best interest.

How many lives have been harmed by trump's use of power? There is no doubt trump has invited the hate of some, and the rest of us who have not been seriously harmed (unless we consider the tax fraud he signed) do not support trump; I do so, and suspect millions others do so too, because he is an embarrassment, but more importunately inept and dishonest.

According to a diminishing number of people like you that believe EVERYTHING the MSM says about Trump, he is an embarrassment...
Tell me were these Democrat Presidents an embarrassment?
View attachment 288918 View attachment 288919View attachment 288920 View attachment 288921
Is that really the best you can come up with?

Trump does worse than that with every Tweet
Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower

What goes around comes around - Karma is not in trump's best interest.

How many lives have been harmed by trump's use of power? There is no doubt trump has invited the hate of some, and the rest of us who have not been seriously harmed (unless we consider the tax fraud he signed) do not support trump; I do so, and suspect millions others do so too, because he is an embarrassment, but more importunately inept and dishonest.

According to a diminishing number of people like you that believe EVERYTHING the MSM says about Trump, he is an embarrassment...
Tell me were these Democrat Presidents an embarrassment?
View attachment 288918 View attachment 288919View attachment 288920 View attachment 288921
Is that really the best you can come up with?

Trump does worse than that with every Tweet

Hey that is your opinion and a diminishing number of Americans opinions.
Instead of being embarrassed of a President who shows his scars, or pulls the ears of dogs, or lecherously leering at a woman's rear while wearing a dumb ass hat
I'm trying to understand your distinction. I've provided visual proof... you..nothing but your personal subjective opinion.
Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower

What goes around comes around - Karma is not in trump's best interest.

How many lives have been harmed by trump's use of power? There is no doubt trump has invited the hate of some, and the rest of us who have not been seriously harmed (unless we consider the tax fraud he signed) do not support trump; I do so, and suspect millions others do so too, because he is an embarrassment, but more importunately inept and dishonest.

According to a diminishing number of people like you that believe EVERYTHING the MSM says about Trump, he is an embarrassment...
Tell me were these Democrat Presidents an embarrassment?
View attachment 288918 View attachment 288919View attachment 288920 View attachment 288921
Is that really the best you can come up with?

Trump does worse than that with every Tweet

Hey that is your opinion and a diminishing number of Americans opinions.
Instead of being embarrassed of a President who shows his scars, or pulls the ears of dogs, or lecherously leering at a woman's rear while wearing a dumb ass hat
I'm trying to understand your distinction. I've provided visual proof... you..nothing but your personal subjective opinion.

Irony. As if your comments are not subjective (and mostly bullshit).
The Jury is still out on that one. You prove he didn't.

Hey idiot! How do you prove something that DIDN"T happen? It is up to idiots like YOU to prove it!
Dummies like you think you can prove something that never happened! Geez how f...king stupid are you!
It is up to YOU to prove it occurred! Do you understand the logic here? There is NO way anyone can prove something happened that never happened!

Well, you demand I prove something that hasn't happened. It's the least I can do for you. Now, get to it. I won't wait.

You make absolutely no sense!
Of course I want you to prove that Trump was involved in bribery. You make the charge. You prove.
What the hell does "it's the least I can do for you " MEAN? Geez you make no sense.
Then you want me to "get to it" Get to what? You are making the charge of bribery. PROVE it dummy!
Then you say "I won't wait" What the hell does that mean? Again flaky snowflakes like you make absolutely NO SENSE!

I don't have to prove a damned thing. I am not in the House of Representatives or the Senate. And I don't think I am that important in the grand scheme of things. You demand I prove something that's outside my control. So I reserve the right to make the same stupid demand of you. So get to it, cupcake.

But YOU DarylHunt....wrote: "Well, you demand I prove something that hasn't happened. It's the least I can do for you. Now, get to it. I won't wait."
What you wrote MADE NO sense!
No human can prove that something DIDN"T happen! Do you comprehend?
No Bribery activity happened. So how can I prove it didn't? You can't prove an event occurred that didn't occur!
Do you comprehend that? Nothing happened so how can anyone prove something DIDN'T if it didn't! Do you understand Daryl...

ah, the standard Rumpster response. When you get buried, you answer with the Carnie small tent dog and pony act. I suggest you move it to south of the border where you can at least include a donkey, Fat Lady, and a disappearing Midget (use your own imagination on that one).
The transcript of the phone call has been released. You have nothing, but you have set up a new way to go after future Democrat presidents. That won't be for a long time. After the crap you have pulled off.

Stay focused. This thread isn't about Rump. It's about Bidens and his Family which has nothing to do with Rump. This thread is nothing but a Dog and Pony Show inside a tiny little Carnie Side Show Tent.
Yes and Biden is done. The Russian collusion hoax is now being investigated. Your parties corruption is being exposed. Hopefully it will destroy it for good.

I said two years ago that Biden wasn't going to be the nominee. Rump, in his stupidity didn't listen to me. And he went after Biden and his Family. You are right, Biden is done for but not by anything that Rump has done. He's done for because he's just too weak a candidate for the job and always has been. But I would like to thank Biden for his assistance in all this.

You also need to ask yourself this. With the bailing out of areas that supported Rump and the Rumpets turning Blue (see Virginia and others) what will be left of the Republican Party when he finally is thrown into prison whether it will be in 2021 or 2025? I suggest you had damn well worry about your own plight and worry about it right now.

You are making the idiotic assumption that Trump went after Biden. he went after corruption involving Biden's son. learn something ffs.

His action was to go after Biden for political reasons that proved to be wrong. When you go after someones family, you had better damn well be dead on and be able to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Was it true? Maybe, maybe not. But it was never beyond a shadow of a doubt. Rump through in the Ante, played the cards and ended up folding after about 3 deals of the cards. Ukraine didn't play the game and called him until Rump folded. The Money that was allocated was released regardless AFTER the game was revealed. Biden and his family weren't even at the table. The score ended up Ukraine 1, Rump 0, America -1.

learn something ffs, don’t be a stupid sheep all your life.
Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower

What goes around comes around - Karma is not in trump's best interest.

How many lives have been harmed by trump's use of power? There is no doubt trump has invited the hate of some, and the rest of us who have not been seriously harmed (unless we consider the tax fraud he signed) do not support trump; I do so, and suspect millions others do so too, because he is an embarrassment, but more importunately inept and dishonest.

According to a diminishing number of people like you that believe EVERYTHING the MSM says about Trump, he is an embarrassment...
Tell me were these Democrat Presidents an embarrassment?
View attachment 288918 View attachment 288919View attachment 288920 View attachment 288921




Size of a BIG LIE


On a good day


Clearly two Never Trumpers


Big Head, Tiny Hand

SO many pics just screaming for captions.

I'll take this one:


"I could eat you two right now, and not lose any votes!"
Federal Employees take an oath to defend the Constitution

Reporting acts that are detrimental to our country is part of that
Have you noticed nobody can argue trumps innocent?

What the fuck does that mean.

He has to be impeachable.

And right now, you are fucking light years away.
I still don’t see Republicans defending his actions

As make no sense.

They don't need to.

In the end, there is nothing that serious enough to get him thrown out of office.

Suck on it.
Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower

What goes around comes around - Karma is not in trump's best interest.

How many lives have been harmed by trump's use of power? There is no doubt trump has invited the hate of some, and the rest of us who have not been seriously harmed (unless we consider the tax fraud he signed) do not support trump; I do so, and suspect millions others do so too, because he is an embarrassment, but more importunately inept and dishonest.

According to a diminishing number of people like you that believe EVERYTHING the MSM says about Trump, he is an embarrassment...
Tell me were these Democrat Presidents an embarrassment?
View attachment 288918 View attachment 288919View attachment 288920 View attachment 288921
Is that really the best you can come up with?

Trump does worse than that with every Tweet

Hey that is your opinion and a diminishing number of Americans opinions.
Instead of being embarrassed of a President who shows his scars, or pulls the ears of dogs, or lecherously leering at a woman's rear while wearing a dumb ass hat
I'm trying to understand your distinction. I've provided visual proof... you..nothing but your personal subjective opinion.

Irony. As if your comments are not subjective (and mostly bullshit).

I really can't tell what you are talking about.

There is no irony in his post.

You, on the other hand are projecting as it is your posts that tend to be fit for the garden.
In your world it is just fine to fanatically support the president even if it violates your own oath of office but it is terrible to report illegal activity?

The only thing he did that was wrong was to

Loosing by 3 million votes is now kicking ass. Sort of like his "winning".

Well, let see.....

A football team have shitty rushing yards, shitty passing yards, terrible 3rd down conversion, high turnovers and basically look like incompetents on the statistics board.

But when people look up at the SCOREboard, all they see is the SCORE.

I know you get it (well, maybe).

But even being close was kicking her ass. He should have lost 400+ to piddle.
so, a worker ant must always have allegiance then??


The entire purpose of the whistleblower laws is to stop government waste and fraud. It was never meant to be a political tool.

Extortion is against the law.

Exactly. This is why having a "businessman" as President is so risky. In private business negotiations, such a move would likely be legal. A business owner has wide latitude to negotiate deals like this. But, as President, Trump is not a businessman. He commands the most dangerous military on the planet. Which makes any negotiation he enters coercive in nature. The fact that Trump doesn't understand this, or doesn't care, is what makes him and his followers so dangerous.
Is your boss committing serious national security violations? Trying to strong arm the leaders of countries who depend on our aid for personal favors?
If only any of this were true, eh?
Many witness accounts say it is.
Unsupportable nonsense.
Cite the source and quote the text.
All those released transcripts.
I note your lack of citations and quotes of text.
Because you know you can provide neither.
Thus, your assertion is unsupportable nonsense.
In this case, an employee saw Trump breaking the law....
Problem is, of course, Trump hasn't broken the law.
He's will be impeached for Bribery.
Who did he bribe, for what, and how do you know?
Cite the source and quote the text to that effect.
Bribed the President of the Ukraine to announce he is investigating Biden.
You missed this part:
Cite the source and quote the text to that effect.

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