Question for Biden supporters.

As always, the dupes are suckers giving money to corrupt scams half the time and The rich hypocrites enjoy the Big Gala Award ceremonies and dinners. It all runs out when it's needed. Tax the rich again and invest in Americans again so we don't have the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness and poverty ever anywhere. Ignoramus.
Get a job! Best way out of poverty we already have too many freeloaders and you want to create more. Democrats are really generous with other peoples money, while sitting on their own. If you are stupid enough to believe the tax the rich scheme go for it, they already pay almost all of the taxes now. Unless they are corrupt democrat politicians
You're repeating Right wing lies. There was no investigation to stop. If you don't believe me, see what the GOP Senators that investigated the Bidens say about it here. Hunter has always been an embarrassment to Joe but they found no connections between the Obama administration threatening to withhold aid and the firing of a prosecutor. A prosecutor many Western nations also wanted out.
you are brainwashed. the prosecutor was investigating Burisma, if he continued he would have found the money being paid to Hunter for nothing but access and favors from "the big guy". Wake up, the media is lying to us. Find the truth even if it exposes your political heroes.

If Trump committed crimes, he should be properly prosecuted in accordance with our laws and statutes, same applies to Biden, the Clintons, and every other DC puke head of both parties. That is where we differ, I want all crime punished, you want only republicans and conservatives punished.
you are brainwashed. the prosecutor was investigating Burisma, if he continued he would have found the money being paid to Hunter for nothing but access and favors from "the big guy". Wake up, the media is lying to us. Find the truth even if it exposes your political heroes.

If Trump committed crimes, he should be properly prosecuted in accordance with our laws and statutes, same applies to Biden, the Clintons, and every other DC puke head of both parties. That is where we differ, I want all crime punished, you want only republicans and conservatives punished.

Nope. There was no active investigation at the time.
you are brainwashed. the prosecutor was investigating Burisma, if he continued he would have found the money being paid to Hunter for nothing but access and favors from "the big guy".
The truth I've found says different. If you have different information, please share.

Wake up, the media is lying to us. Find the truth even if it exposes your political heroes.
You mean establish news media doesn't repeat the lies you've been told so you go to sites that offer opinions and theories instead of facts. You an Alex Jones fan?

If Trump committed crimes, he should be properly prosecuted in accordance with our laws and statutes, same applies to Biden, the Clintons, and every other DC puke head of both parties. That is where we differ, I want all crime punished, you want only republicans and conservatives punished.
See that is a lie. I don't want different treatment for anyone, right, left, rich, poor, Black, or White.
The truth I've found says different. If you have different information, please share.

You mean establish news media doesn't repeat the lies you've been told so you go to sites that offer opinions and theories instead of facts. You an Alex Jones fan?

See that is a lie. I don't want different treatment for anyone, right, left, rich, poor, Black, or White.
you may want equal treatment, but your dem leaders don't. and yes, the media has been lying to us all you years.
The students were reimbursed. end of story. Shall we now discuss the Clintons, Bidens, Obamas? Hmmm?
When the court found that Trump-U was a fraud.

Now let's move on to why none of the Trump's are allowed to serve on charity boards.
When the court found that Trump-U was a fraud.

Now let's move on to why none of the Trump's are allowed to serve on charity boards.
OK, lets assume that is true, shall we discuss the clinton foundation and its corruption? NO? didn't think so. All rich people use foundations to avoid taxes, did you not know that?
OK, lets assume that is true, shall we discuss the clinton foundation and its corruption? NO? didn't think so. All rich people use foundations to avoid taxes, did you not know that?
Trying to move the goalpost? OK, let's do it.

Describe all the actual factual criminal charges against the Clinton foundation or any of its board members.

Trying to move the goalpost? OK, let's do it.

Describe all the actual factual criminal charges against the Clinton foundation or any of its board members.

It is well documented that 95% of contributions to the clinton foundation went for "administrative expenses" i.e. the clinton bank accounts.
not moving any goalposts, just pointing out your hypocrisy.
You're trying to equivocate made up crimes i.e,. Clinton, Joe Biden, etc.
with real actual factual crimes Trump and his mob.
and you're accusing those who refuse to prosecute your made up crimes with hypocrisy for prosecuting trump's real crimes.

And in that effort attempt to cover your own hypocrisy.

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