Question for BUTCH Gay Women

I've had a few friends that were butch, and I dont understand it. It got more confusing now because the butch girl found another butch girl and now they look like a gay guy huh?

THIS!!!! I'm not challenging, I just would like to understand the mind-set.....

Anyone can ask me anything I won't be offended! Why do others get all ruffled up about this stuff.. sheesh!

Its like trying to understand an alien life form, they can explain it to you but we'll never "get it" because its just what they want.

The same butch girl told me she doesnt even like to be penetrated...She uses a dildo on her gf. That was fine when she had a gf that looked like a gf. But now they look like 2 thugged out guys and probably have to flip a coin to see who's going to be the bottom.

I shudder at the thought

Okay well, not liking to be penetrated, at least that's a reason - but, looking like a guy is the part that throw me.
If I wanted to attract STRAIGHT women I might act or dress like a guy, maybe it's a way to "capture" the bisexuals... LOL... I shouldn't laugh, but I do find this entirely humorous!!!
The butch-femme thing is an old stereotype created and perpetuated by homophobic press. As the saying among gay men goes, "if I wanted a femme I'd be straight." The stereotype in the 70s was gay men were the effeminate sort who speak with a lisp and act more feminine than most women. But that's just a stereotype. Most gay men are hyper-masculine, hairy, 'gym queens.'

Same with women. Women attracted to other women are overwhelmingly hyper feminine. If they wanted 'butch' they'd be straight.

I disagree.

Most lesbian women I see have super short hair, dress in manly type clothing etc.
I rarely see an ultra-feminine lesbian.
This is evidenced at a Melissa Etheridge concert.

That's because you associate those looks with homosexuality. If you saw a lesbian woman who was feminine and attractive you wouldn't automatically assume she's gay. Not a criticism, just an answer to your statement.

It still doesn't answer why a woman that is attracted to women would be attracted to a woman that looks "manly"!?

It might be that she gets the macho look of a man but without the penis and with the emotional sensitivity of a woman.

I don't really know, I'm just guessing.
Is it wrong for a mostly nice guy to let his girlfriends keep their girlfriends?

Not if you can get a threesome out of it!
The butch-femme thing is an old stereotype created and perpetuated by homophobic press. As the saying among gay men goes, "if I wanted a femme I'd be straight." The stereotype in the 70s was gay men were the effeminate sort who speak with a lisp and act more feminine than most women. But that's just a stereotype. Most gay men are hyper-masculine, hairy, 'gym queens.'

Same with women. Women attracted to other women are overwhelmingly hyper feminine. If they wanted 'butch' they'd be straight.

I disagree.

Most lesbian women I see have super short hair, dress in manly type clothing etc.
I rarely see an ultra-feminine lesbian.
This is evidenced at a Melissa Etheridge concert.

That's because you associate those looks with homosexuality. If you saw a lesbian woman who was feminine and attractive you wouldn't automatically assume she's gay. Not a criticism, just an answer to your statement.

It still doesn't answer why a woman that is attracted to women would be attracted to a woman that looks "manly"!?

It might be that she gets the macho look of a man but without the penis and with the emotional sensitivity of a woman.

I don't really know, I'm just guessing.

could be. I guess only the person could answer though. that sounds logical however... as logical as it can be anyway....
well, since a lack of sex is grounds for annulment of even a really really serious relationship in modern times; i believe i may need both for the practice and the experience.

well.... if you are not a Christian, I would say do whatever you want -
If you are a Christian you already know what to do.
If not, I would just do whatever floats your boat :)
I was just wondering this very thing earlier in the week. There is a relative in the family, a 31 year old , 300 or so lb female, who says she is gay and she found a girlfriend . . . a 30-ish, 300 or so lb female whose hair is so short it is nearly non-existent, who wears a fedora type hat and sunglasses constantly, whose physical appearance could be easily mistaken for male, even the way she stands. Yet at the same time one could also mistake the two of them for sisters because they really physically resemble each other, except for the hair. It's like 'you claim you're gay but who you are attracted to is a really manly looking chick'. ??

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