Question for democrats?

I disagree with yiour senmitments on item 2.

You need to understand was we, the people, that FORCED the insurance companies to have pre existing condition clauses. Peoplke found that if they did not buy insurance, they could simply buy it when they needed it.

The dental industry had the same issue....people werenmt buying a policy until they had a tooth issue.

The dental industry found a can not USE your policy for 6 months.

Now, of course, you can do that with MM...for you will likely be dead in 6 months...

But again, it was we, the people, that created this mess for ourselves....

What is the solution?

Make premiums cheaper so people dont gamble with their health.....and in time, it will level out....

how do you make premiums cheaper?

Stop with the insistance that every visit is used to be only people want their 6 month visit covered....they have a "sniffle" they need to go to the doctor.....they bang their head, they want a kat scan...t

And the doctors?

They practice so much "cover your ass" medicine and bill it to the insurance companies, it inflates policy costs tremendously.

That is why tort reform is necessary. Sorry...but suing for a scar on your toe after surgery to remove a bunion is rediculous......and I kniow it happens becuase that was a jury I was in the pool for...I was told to leave when I blurted out "its a dam toe" during the selection process.....

It's okay to agree to disagree. ;)
Item 1) This withdrawal was being discussed and calculated well before Obama took office. When all was said and done, the withdrawal came pretty much when Bush wanted it to. If you recall, Obama promised to do it over a year earlier while campaigning.

Point taken. The reason I count this in Obama's column is that McCain was already waffling on the drawdown. My husband already served a year in Tikrit. I feel like we've given everything we need to give to Iraq.

Item 2) Elimination of the "pre existing conditions" clauses is something ALL politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle wanted. The problem was no one could figure out a way to do it without soemthing drastic like an individual mandate. So OBama put in the mandate not caring that so many Americans felt it was unconsitutional. That is not an accomplishment. That was putting into law something that can be deemed as unconsitutional.

Like I said, I am not 100% in favor of the way the healthcare mandate was crafted, but it was better than 30 years of doing nothing.

Item 3) Yes, I give him great credit for doing that.

Me too.

Jury is still out for me on who I'll be voting for come November. I could go either way. I don't love Romney, but Obama hasn't been the worst president we've had during my lifetime.
You must be over the age of 32.
I disagree with yiour senmitments on item 2.

You need to understand was we, the people, that FORCED the insurance companies to have pre existing condition clauses. Peoplke found that if they did not buy insurance, they could simply buy it when they needed it.

The dental industry had the same issue....people werenmt buying a policy until they had a tooth issue.

The dental industry found a can not USE your policy for 6 months.

Now, of course, you can do that with MM...for you will likely be dead in 6 months...

But again, it was we, the people, that created this mess for ourselves....

What is the solution?

Make premiums cheaper so people dont gamble with their health.....and in time, it will level out....

how do you make premiums cheaper?

Stop with the insistance that every visit is used to be only people want their 6 month visit covered....they have a "sniffle" they need to go to the doctor.....they bang their head, they want a kat scan...t

And the doctors?

They practice so much "cover your ass" medicine and bill it to the insurance companies, it inflates policy costs tremendously.

That is why tort reform is necessary. Sorry...but suing for a scar on your toe after surgery to remove a bunion is rediculous......and I kniow it happens becuase that was a jury I was in the pool for...I was told to leave when I blurted out "its a dam toe" during the selection process.....

It's okay to agree to disagree. ;)

Sure is.
Have a great day....I know I will.

1) was Bush's accomplishment, if you want to call it that (jury is still out)
2) was not an accomplishment.
3) was not an accomplishment.

1) your opinion.
2) your opinion.
3) your opinion.

do you know what opinions have in common with assholes? :D

1) fact- Bush negotiated the withdrawl.
2) we have differing opinions.
3) we have differing opinions.


1) was Bush's accomplishment, if you want to call it that (jury is still out)
2) was not an accomplishment.
3) was not an accomplishment.

1) your opinion.
2) your opinion.
3) your opinion.

do you know what opinions have in common with assholes? :D

1) fact- Bush negotiated the withdrawl.
2) we have differing opinions.
3) we have differing opinions.


As to #1? Notehow the O took credit for something already brokered?
Item 1) This withdrawal was being discussed and calculated well before Obama took office. When all was said and done, the withdrawal came pretty much when Bush wanted it to. If you recall, Obama promised to do it over a year earlier while campaigning.

Point taken. The reason I count this in Obama's column is that McCain was already waffling on the drawdown. My husband already served a year in Tikrit. I feel like we've given everything we need to give to Iraq.

Like I said, I am not 100% in favor of the way the healthcare mandate was crafted, but it was better than 30 years of doing nothing.

Item 3) Yes, I give him great credit for doing that.

Me too.

Jury is still out for me on who I'll be voting for come November. I could go either way. I don't love Romney, but Obama hasn't been the worst president we've had during my lifetime.
You must be over the age of 32.

By just a leetle bit. :)
1) fact- Bush negotiated the withdrawl.
2) we have differing opinions.
3) we have differing opinions.


1. McCain was already waffling on honoring the withdrawal.

The competition isn't between Obama and Bush. The competition is between Obama and McCain/Palin.
1) Major troop draw-downs from Iraq (saving us $1bil a day and getting us out of an incredibly sticky political situation).
The plan for which was in place before He came into office - and thus, this is only an accomplishment in that He managed to not screw up GWB's plan.
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1) fact- Bush negotiated the withdrawl.
2) we have differing opinions.
3) we have differing opinions.


1. McCain was already waffling on honoring the withdrawal.

The competition isn't between Obama and Bush. The competition is between Obama and McCain/Palin.

I see your point. I still contend that if Iraq becomes the disaster many expect, perhaps it would have been wise to stay longer, as per advice of the Generals.
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So what did Obama accomplish since he took office?
I would like to know, because honestly the only good thing I can see is that UBL was killed, but even that was not entirely Obama's credit.......

In my view since Obama took office we have become more divided, more nasty to each other, more people live in poverty, more people feeling "entitled"........

Just my two cents.....

I’m not an Obama supporter, but I will say that I don't think that you can blame the division, the nastiness, the "people living on poverty" all on a single person – Obama.

In my view, Washington’s been getting nastier for years, with it's beginnings in the early 1990’s (with some of it thanks to Newt Gingrich – in my humble opinion). Also, I think the nastiness is today perpetuated equally by people on both sides of the equation (prime example is the USMB).

We need to get back to the idea that we need to be moderate and share ideas in order to make this country work; not just use only a right leaning approach or only a left leaning approach.

Secondly, when Obama was entering office the economy was in freefall mode. Jobs were disappearing at a rate of a half a million plus per month. The stock market was collapsing. All of this was a disaster recipe 20-30 years in the making, and if you think one man (especially one who has to also run everything by 100 senators and 400+ representatives) can singularly turn the whole thing around, and singularly be responsible for the outcome of all of these gigantically powerful market forces that take years and years to even begin to react to policy changes by Washington, then your thinking is wholly misguided.

Accomplishments? We're all still here right? The economy is starting to get back on track (in my view), but we've got a long way to go to recovery.

If you want the country to become less divided, nasty, then I suggest you can start by not posting simplistic, scapegoat posts, and start thinking about the broader picture and how we need to work together – and not against each other – to solve these issues.
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So what did Obama accomplish since he took office?
I would like to know, because honestly the only good thing I can see is that UBL was killed, but even that was not entirely Obama's credit.......

In my view since Obama took office we have become more divided, more nasty to each other, more people live in poverty, more people feeling "entitled"........

Just my two cents.....

I wouldn't put killing OBL on anybody's top ten list of accomplishments. I still think that they could have arrested that evil man, took him into American custody and put him on trial for his deeds, but that is a moot point now. If killing Osama Bin laden isn't to Obama's "credit", neither is this current climate of anger, hatefulness and divisiveness. I would credit THAT to unrealistic people that resist change and reject a diverse view on America's future.
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So what did Obama accomplish since he took office?
I would like to know, because honestly the only good thing I can see is that UBL was killed, but even that was not entirely Obama's credit.......

In my view since Obama took office we have become more divided, more nasty to each other, more people live in poverty, more people feeling "entitled"........

Just my two cents.....

I’m not an Obama supporter, but I will say that I don't think that you can blame the division, the nastiness, the "people living on poverty" all on a single person – Obama.

In my view, Washington’s been getting nastier for years, with it's beginnings in the early 1990’s (with some of it thanks to Newt Gingrich – in my humble opinion). You can’t blame the nastiness on one man, as I think it’s perpetuated equally by people on both sides of the equation (prime example is the USMB).

We need to get back to the idea that we need to be moderate and share ideas in order to make this country work; not just use only a right leaning approach or only a left leaning approach.

Secondly, when Obama was entering office the economy was in freefall mode. Jobs were disappearing at a rate of a half a million plus per month. The stock market was collapsing. All of this was a disaster recipe 20-30 years in the making, and if you think one man (especially one who has to also run everything by 100 senators and 400+ representatives) can singularly turn the whole thing around, and singularly be responsible for the outcome of all of these gigantically powerful market forces that take years and years to even begin to react to policy changes by Washington, then your thinking is wholly misguided.

If you want the country to become less divided, nasty, then I suggest you can start by not posting simplistic, scapegoat posts, and start thinking about the broader picture and how we need to work together – and not against each other – to solve these issues.

in regard to your last line...

That will never happen until our elected legislators...congress and the seante....stop spinning the motives and intentions of the opposing side of the aisle.

They play on the naive...and have the naive fight their battles for them.

And is working.
So what did Obama accomplish since he took office?
I would like to know, because honestly the only good thing I can see is that UBL was killed, but even that was not entirely Obama's credit.......

In my view since Obama took office we have become more divided, more nasty to each other, more people live in poverty, more people feeling "entitled"........

Just my two cents.....

I wouldn't put killing OBL on anybody's top ten list of accomplishments. I still think that they could have arrested that evil man, took him into American custody and put him on trial for his deeds, but that is a moot point now. If killing Osama Bin laden isn't to Obama's "credit", neither is this current climate of anger, hatefulness and divisiveness. I would credit THAT to unrealistic people that resist change and accept a diverse view on America's future.

In the real world, killing Osama Bin Laden is a good thing. Thanks for your perspective though :cuckoo: .
So what did Obama accomplish since he took office?
I would like to know, because honestly the only good thing I can see is that UBL was killed, but even that was not entirely Obama's credit.......

In my view since Obama took office we have become more divided, more nasty to each other, more people live in poverty, more people feeling "entitled"........

Just my two cents.....

I wouldn't put killing OBL on anybody's top ten list of accomplishments. I still think that they could have arrested that evil man, took him into American custody and put him on trial for his deeds, but that is a moot point now. If killing Osama Bin laden isn't to Obama's "credit", neither is this current climate of anger, hatefulness and divisiveness. I would credit THAT to unrealistic people that resist change and reject a diverse view on America's future.

so you blame those that think differently than you.
in regard to your last line...

That will never happen until our elected legislators...congress and the seante....stop spinning the motives and intentions of the opposing side of the aisle.

They play on the naive...and have the naive fight their battles for them.

And is working.

I agree. You know why the Super Pacs are so successful at swaying public opinion? It’s because people are too lazy, ignorant, or stupid to go out and do their own independent research on the issues, and the people running our country, and would rather get their information from a 30 sec polarizing TV ad, stock full of bullshit talking points and spun statistics.

Either way, scapegoating the President as the cause of every single problem facing America today (which I hear all of the time) is a bullshit approach.
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So what did Obama accomplish since he took office?
I would like to know, because honestly the only good thing I can see is that UBL was killed, but even that was not entirely Obama's credit.......

In my view since Obama took office we have become more divided, more nasty to each other, more people live in poverty, more people feeling "entitled"........

Just my two cents.....

I am not a democrat. I'm an independent.

However, Obama has accomplished some things that I wanted to see occur...perhaps imperfectly, but still, to his credit:

1) Major troop draw-downs from Iraq (saving us $1bil a day and getting us out of an incredibly sticky political situation).

2) Reforms to healthcare that make it impossible for health insurance providers to reject people with pre-existing conditions. I don't believe that "Obamacare" has necessarily fixed the problems with our healthcare system; however, this particular quick fix has had a major positive impact on several people I know.

3) Overturned don't ask/don't tell, which was inhibiting the ability of good personnel to serve in the military.

I don't know who I am going to vote for in the Fall. However, I don't think that McCain would have done better; or that our economy would be in a better position with a McCain/Palin White House.

The one person that I thought has had creative ideas throughout the Republican primaries probably will not get on a ticket (Ron Paul). I don't see that the Republican Party has better ideas for getting us out of debt and back on the road to recovery, at this moment in time.

I've actually been quite relieved that Obama has been a relatively moderate president.

wow you think Obama is moderate, and you're an independant....hmmmm something doesnt smell right. The only thing more leftwing he could do is just come out and say he's a socialist.
in regard to your last line...

That will never happen until our elected legislators...congress and the seante....stop spinning the motives and intentions of the opposing side of the aisle.

They play on the naive...and have the naive fight their battles for them.

And is working.

I agree. You know why the Super Pacs are so successful at swaying public opinion? It’s because people are too lazy, ignorant, or stupid to go out and do their own independent research on the issues, and the people running our country, and would rather get their information from a 30 sec polarizing TV ad, stock full of bullshit talking points and spun statistics.

IN all fairness...I do not see it as lazy or ignorant. Not everyone allows politics to play a mjaor role in their lives. I believe many people are trusting...they trust what they hear on the news. To them, if Brian Williams siad it, it must be true...and if Brian Williams doesnt report on it, then it never happened.

Me? Early in the mroning I watch local news affiliate of NBC.....mid day, I have CNN on in the backgorund. 6:00 Brett Baier on Fox. And when there is a conflict of information, (more often than not), I conduct my own research.

I NEVER read blogs.....ever.

But I am retired...I have the time.
wow you think Obama is moderate, and you're an independant....hmmmm something doesnt smell right. The only thing more leftwing he could do is just come out and say he's a socialist.

Are you sure you know what the definition of Socialism is? Until Obama comes out and says to the United States that he wants the government to take over all of the major industries and companies so the profits can be dictated and shared by all, I’m going to go ahead and say that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Stop trying to make Obama look more extreme than he is.

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