Question for Democrats

California is massively wealthy. If you are not able to afford it there, there are many cheap red states with weak economies for you to travel to.
No. It sucks. Used to be Reagan Country. Now the cities are full of filthy illegals and homeless bums. LA is the Gang capital of the USA. Housing is impossible. And a few grafting pigs like Pelosi and Waters live in 4 Million dollar homes.
California is massively wealthy. If you are not able to afford it there, there are many cheap red states with weak economies for you to travel to.

Yep, just the lap of luxury.

California is massively wealthy. If you are not able to afford it there, there are many cheap red states with weak economies for you to travel to.
No. It sucks. Used to be Reagan Country. Now the cities are full of filthy illegals and homeless bums. LA is the Gang capital of the USA. Housing is impossible. And a few grafting pigs like Pelosi and Waters live in 4 Million dollar homes.
Know what is an eye opener? Most of the homeless are white...or black. Not many brown people because brown people take care of their own and squish them all in to the housing already gained by whomever relative has a roof. Asians are rare, too. Its black folks...and white folks. Young, old. Not many browns, illegal or otherwise.
California is massively wealthy. If you are not able to afford it there, there are many cheap red states with weak economies for you to travel to.
No. It sucks. Used to be Reagan Country. Now the cities are full of filthy illegals and homeless bums. LA is the Gang capital of the USA. Housing is impossible. And a few grafting pigs like Pelosi and Waters live in 4 Million dollar homes.
Know what is an eye opener? Most of the homeless are white...or black. Not many brown people because brown people take care of their own and squish them all in to the housing already gained by whomever relative has a roof. Asians are rare, too. Its black folks...and white folks. Young, old. Not many browns, illegal or otherwise.

What’s up with this data Issa
I thought you said no homeless are brown? Did you mean other than the 3.5 in 10?

California is massively wealthy. If you are not able to afford it there, there are many cheap red states with weak economies for you to travel to.
No. It sucks. Used to be Reagan Country. Now the cities are full of filthy illegals and homeless bums. LA is the Gang capital of the USA. Housing is impossible. And a few grafting pigs like Pelosi and Waters live in 4 Million dollar homes.
Know what is an eye opener? Most of the homeless are white...or black. Not many brown people because brown people take care of their own and squish them all in to the housing already gained by whomever relative has a roof. Asians are rare, too. Its black folks...and white folks. Young, old. Not many browns, illegal or otherwise.
Sure. They get rich on drug money. Refuse to learn English. Apply for free stuff. And hack people up with machetes.
California is massively wealthy. If you are not able to afford it there, there are many cheap red states with weak economies for you to travel to.
Yeah, Alabama has been a stronghold of conservative policies forever. The people get fucked out of real prosperity and seem to love it.
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I am everything, except straight. But I can find a plethora of ways to piss someone off. The easiest way is for me to stand there with that shirt on, and look at the horrified liberal faces when I say I'm bi.

Oh boy that is quite a devious plan.
Fought for health insurance for all Americans

By doing what? Be specific.

Fought for our environment

By doing what, specifically?

Fought for the rights of gay Americans

For all intents and purposes, I'm gay. And Trump is doing far more for me and my rights than Obama ever did. Tread lightly with your response, lest I play the "bigot" card against you.

Fought for low cost higher education

I sure as hell am not going to a college dominated by people who teach political doctrine over giving an actual education. If a college education cost me a single penny, I would not pay it. It is not worth it.
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I used to be one myself, but walked away a few years ago. the democrates I know back then are not the same party as now. question is a serious one...and I would like an honest answer.

WHY do you continue to vote for a party that does absolutely nothing? Take California for instance, since that is where I was born and where I will probably die. it's a shit hole. Literally and figurally a shithole. You guys all know the stories...shit maps for San Fran which used to be such a lovely place to visit and tourists flocked there; Los Angeles, home of Hollyweird Celebs, Rodeo Drive, mountains, ocean. Once upon a time...tourists flocked there, too. Dreams people had...being in the movies, being around the "beautiful" people, etc etc etc. Now? Shitholes. Who is in charge of California? Democrats. Its now a sanctuary state, money taxed for roads is stolen by the governor, and in general...a mess with homelessness being rampant, disease garnering footholds and still...nothing is done.

So...why do you keep putting in place the same people who have done NOTHING, regardless of the state? For me..its Cali. My home. which is like a 3rd world country now. No way in hell would I keep employed someone that let my business flounder with filth, theft, bad attitudes to customers that no longer come because of the filth, theft, bad attitudes and overall uncaringness of serving that customer. Why would I continue to employee a party that does the same to my state?????

Why do republicans ask dumb questions like this? Arnold was governor and he screwed the state up. And he was a republican. I live in a republican state screwed by 2 terms of a republican governor and now a democratic governor has to fix the mess he made. So why do republicans ask these dumb ass questions when the states they run are even more fucked up. Then when republicans get control of the federal government, they run up record deficits, then blame the democratic president that gets elected after republicans fuck things up, for the damage he inherited. So why do republicans ask dumb ass questions like this when we are still trying to recover from the last time our country was run by republicans?

Good luck waiting on the dems to fix your problems. When they do, it will be the first thing they ever fixed, ever.

Republicans are the ones that don't fix anything. They fuck shit up so badly all democrats have time to do is fix the shit republicans fucked up to stop us from going under.

Thumping your chest and saying you care after doing things that make life worse for people is getting old. Dems don't get points for doing things that accidentally make things worse. Homelessness and crime rates are two prime examples. Democrats keep telling people that government takeovers lower costs, but that has literally never happened. Government solutions to things such as healthcare raise prices and lower services. Forgive me if I get tired of watching Democrats celebrate because they did something. How about giving Republicans some credit or leaving people alone? At least they aren't causing worse problems than the ones they are trying to fix.
California is massively wealthy. If you are not able to afford it there, there are many cheap red states with weak economies for you to travel to.

SillyCon Valley, Hollyweird and those lucky enough to live on the water are wealthy...the rest of the state is run by wetbacks and is a disgusting thirdworld shithole...You can thank wetbacks
I hope you can find happiness one day
California is massively wealthy. If you are not able to afford it there, there are many cheap red states with weak economies for you to travel to.

SillyCon Valley, Hollyweird and those lucky enough to live on the water are wealthy...the rest of the state is run by wetbacks and is a disgusting thirdworld shithole...You can thank wetbacks
I hope you can find happiness one day

Weird that you would think I’m unhappy becaue I believe Americans should fight to get their sovereignty back.
California is massively wealthy. If you are not able to afford it there, there are many cheap red states with weak economies for you to travel to.
Yeah, Alabama has been a stronghold of conservative policies forever. The people get fucked out of real prosperity and seem to love it.
View attachment 309791
A warning shirt. Good idea. People probably used to have to talk to you to find out you're an asshole.

Worked on you, didn't it???
What have Democrat’s done?

Fought for health insurance for all Americans
Fought for our environment
Fought for the rights of gay Americans
Fought for low cost higher education

I ask the OP....what have Republicans done other than fight for tax cuts for billionaires!

1. You raised premiums and made insurance too expensive for many.
2. The world ends in 12 years? give people money for Paris Accord with no accountability?
3. I'll give you that one.
4. You guys have kept education screwed up for decades with no progress of any kind.

I respect that you tried to answer. But perpetual failure should bear some self reflection. Good intentions can still create misery.

Republicans claim global warming is a accurate is that prediction?
Trump claimed he had a healthcare plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare...where is it?
Not all republicans. From what I have experienced and witnessed....republicans can be many things...and not stick to party lines. Personally, I think mother earth is having a shit hissy and is going to fuck us all up and its our fault. Period. No ands ifs or buts about it. And I am now a republican.
I am also a christian. But a pagan as well. So now I am a republican christian-pagan. Is there such a thing? Yup. :D

I'm interested in your thoughts on the environment. Everyone wants clean air and water. It is just frustrating that dems are pushing kids like Thunberg and buying houses on beach front property. Then you have the whole Al Gore fiasco. Doable things that make sense, sure, but trying to eliminate all fossil fuels and nuclear power while pushing solar and wind seems a bit extreme. I want a healthy planet, but I am also skeptical a sense a power grab for the sake of power.
Nobody is pushing the elimination of fossil fuels but a sensible reduction on their usage with alternative fuels picking up the slack.

What I can’t understand is the viciousness of attacks by conservatives against Thunberg, a young girl who only wants to see action on climate change.
It looks so much like the Dems care more about illegals and refugees from the ME and Africa than they do about US citizens. You look at the big cities that have been run into the ground for decades by democrats, and wonder about their priorities. Do they really care about actually making things better for us, or is it primarily about getting themselves re-elected and back into the WH? The programs they tout are outrageously impractical at this point in time, Green New Deal and all that other stuff is in no way pragmatic. So, how does a sane person vote for that Party?

I get that Trump and the GOP have their own shortcomings and failures. But what they've been doing over the past 3 plus yeas is working better than what the Dems did for the 8 prior years. Frankly when I see the shenanigans that the Dems pulled in the DOJ, FBI, IRS, etc., and the ridiculous Impeachment and constant investigations into anything and everything they could think of to get Trump, all to no effect instead of focusing on the problems we need to deal with, well it makes we wonder who in their right mind can vote for them? You lost in 2016, get over it; you should be working harder to earn back our trust but you ain't even coming close. Play to your base all you want, the rest of us are going to vote the other way.
I haven’t seen any solid solutions from Republicans on healthcare, environmental protection, education, worker protections or their beloved deficit.

Every major issue seems to be just another excuse to cut taxes.
What I can’t understand is the viciousness of attacks by conservatives against Thunberg, a young girl who only wants to see action on climate change.
Maybe it's because of her sneers? In short, she is not very good at getting ALL people to embrace her. Including me. I think she's a snot and am not interested in anything she has to say due to her public personna. But that's me.
The same viciousness of attacks are non understandable towards anyone that is not democratic or liberal concerning some topics, too. Shit happens on all sides.
California is massively wealthy. If you are not able to afford it there, there are many cheap red states with weak economies for you to travel to.
America is the land of liberty and opportunity for all that wants it.. shouldn’t be based on income.
California is massively wealthy. If you are not able to afford it there, there are many cheap red states with weak economies for you to travel to.
Yeah, Alabama has been a stronghold of conservative policies forever. The people get fucked out of real prosperity and seem to love it.
Only people rioting about economic oppression are people in towns run by democrats

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