Question for Dems. Seriously would you vote for a person who didn't know what state they were in

Guess we’ll see which team ends up on top come January/February.

I don’t see “the right” doing so hot on the economy (huge debt, deficits and a coming recession), the military (robbing money for the stupid wall), border security (a wall isn’t security) or logic (what “logic” is applied by the right that you perceive the left is lacking?)

Name one issue you “lean left” on?

#1) I am pro choice.

#2) I think the 2nd amendment needs to be reevaluated. Semi auto rifle background checks need be a lot more comprehensive.

#3) I don't oppose gay marriage. I think marriage as an institution has been basically destroyed anyway. High divorce rates, single mothers, etc. But if the gay community wants to damage itself in this way.

#4) I am for separation of church and state when it comes to schools. Meaning we don't preach religion in schools.

#5) I would be OK with UH if we address the expensive schools and the 14th Amendment first. I would certainly be willing to discuss some sort compromise there. But to discuss UH by itself is not practical.

#6) I like the foreign policy of helping countries like Honduras and El Salvador so that people want to remain there rather than traverse here and have the cartels exploit them.

#7) I am against lobbyists and as they are in Europe they should be illegal in the US.
Oh honey, those aren't liberal positions, those are majority positions.

They are? How many of those do you think the current President agrees with? I do Not support any Leftist positions. No.
The current occupant of the White House appeals only to his base and not to the majority of Americans. Duh...

So his base is 62mil? LOL

You think Trump would consider the positions you listed as “far left”. Trump believes a lot of things that aren’t true. They aren’t. They are positions supported by a majority of Americans, just not his base. You are a moderate conservative, but you’re not taking “far left” positions on anything.
#1) I am pro choice.

#2) I think the 2nd amendment needs to be reevaluated. Semi auto rifle background checks need be a lot more comprehensive.

#3) I don't oppose gay marriage. I think marriage as an institution has been basically destroyed anyway. High divorce rates, single mothers, etc. But if the gay community wants to damage itself in this way.

#4) I am for separation of church and state when it comes to schools. Meaning we don't preach religion in schools.

#5) I would be OK with UH if we address the expensive schools and the 14th Amendment first. I would certainly be willing to discuss some sort compromise there. But to discuss UH by itself is not practical.

#6) I like the foreign policy of helping countries like Honduras and El Salvador so that people want to remain there rather than traverse here and have the cartels exploit them.

#7) I am against lobbyists and as they are in Europe they should be illegal in the US.
Oh honey, those aren't liberal positions, those are majority positions.

They are? How many of those do you think the current President agrees with? I do Not support any Leftist positions. No.
The current occupant of the White House appeals only to his base and not to the majority of Americans. Duh...

So his base is 62mil? LOL

You think Trump would consider the positions you listed as “far left”. Trump believes a lot of things that aren’t true. They aren’t. They are positions supported by a majority of Americans, just not his base. You are a moderate conservative, but you’re not taking “far left” positions on anything.

How many moderate conservatives are pro life and want to amend the 2nd amendment? If you mean that I dont believe that we can pick our genders and the biological males may identify as females and play competitive sports vs biological females then yes, I am conservative on that topic. I am anti BDS and pro Israel. I am pro small government and fewer regulations as bureaucrats are awful. I am pro business and free trade.

Most people here are in it for themselves. Regardless of party.
Oh honey, those aren't liberal positions, those are majority positions.

They are? How many of those do you think the current President agrees with? I do Not support any Leftist positions. No.
The current occupant of the White House appeals only to his base and not to the majority of Americans. Duh...

So his base is 62mil? LOL

You think Trump would consider the positions you listed as “far left”. Trump believes a lot of things that aren’t true. They aren’t. They are positions supported by a majority of Americans, just not his base. You are a moderate conservative, but you’re not taking “far left” positions on anything.

How many moderate conservatives are pro life and want to amend the 2nd amendment? If you mean that I dont believe that we can pick our genders and the biological males may identify as females and play competitive sports vs biological females then yes, I am conservative on that topic. I am anti BDS and pro Israel. I am pro small government and fewer regulations as bureaucrats are awful. I am pro business and free trade.

Most people here are in it for themselves. Regardless of party.

Your positions aren't "left"

As of 2019, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
Public Opinion on Abortion

They are? How many of those do you think the current President agrees with? I do Not support any Leftist positions. No.
The current occupant of the White House appeals only to his base and not to the majority of Americans. Duh...

So his base is 62mil? LOL

You think Trump would consider the positions you listed as “far left”. Trump believes a lot of things that aren’t true. They aren’t. They are positions supported by a majority of Americans, just not his base. You are a moderate conservative, but you’re not taking “far left” positions on anything.

How many moderate conservatives are pro life and want to amend the 2nd amendment? If you mean that I dont believe that we can pick our genders and the biological males may identify as females and play competitive sports vs biological females then yes, I am conservative on that topic. I am anti BDS and pro Israel. I am pro small government and fewer regulations as bureaucrats are awful. I am pro business and free trade.

Most people here are in it for themselves. Regardless of party.

Your positions aren't "left"

As of 2019, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
Public Opinion on Abortion


Name some pro choice Republicans
Because clearly the leading Democratic candidate does not know where he is, so would you vote for Biden

Joe Biden Forgets Which State He's In | The Stream

And do we need a law passed that Democrats need to be conscious when interviewed?

Because Joe could no longer be interviewed legally
Lol at least Biden speaks in complete sentences and doesn’t ramble about nonsense like Trump does.
The current occupant of the White House appeals only to his base and not to the majority of Americans. Duh...

So his base is 62mil? LOL

You think Trump would consider the positions you listed as “far left”. Trump believes a lot of things that aren’t true. They aren’t. They are positions supported by a majority of Americans, just not his base. You are a moderate conservative, but you’re not taking “far left” positions on anything.

How many moderate conservatives are pro life and want to amend the 2nd amendment? If you mean that I dont believe that we can pick our genders and the biological males may identify as females and play competitive sports vs biological females then yes, I am conservative on that topic. I am anti BDS and pro Israel. I am pro small government and fewer regulations as bureaucrats are awful. I am pro business and free trade.

Most people here are in it for themselves. Regardless of party.

Your positions aren't "left"

As of 2019, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
Public Opinion on Abortion


Name some pro choice Republicans
Not being Republican does not make them liberal. There are colors other than black and white. Your ignorance of that makes you much more conservative than moderate. There is nothing "left" in your positions. Some are mainstream, not "left".
So his base is 62mil? LOL

You think Trump would consider the positions you listed as “far left”. Trump believes a lot of things that aren’t true. They aren’t. They are positions supported by a majority of Americans, just not his base. You are a moderate conservative, but you’re not taking “far left” positions on anything.

How many moderate conservatives are pro life and want to amend the 2nd amendment? If you mean that I dont believe that we can pick our genders and the biological males may identify as females and play competitive sports vs biological females then yes, I am conservative on that topic. I am anti BDS and pro Israel. I am pro small government and fewer regulations as bureaucrats are awful. I am pro business and free trade.

Most people here are in it for themselves. Regardless of party.

Your positions aren't "left"

As of 2019, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
Public Opinion on Abortion


Name some pro choice Republicans
Not being Republican does not make them liberal. There are colors other than black and white. Your ignorance of that makes you much more conservative than moderate. There is nothing "left" in your positions. Some are mainstream, not "left".

We have a different operational definition of “left”. There is nothing logical about your posts. You just ramble like an old bitty.
So his base is 62mil? LOL

You think Trump would consider the positions you listed as “far left”. Trump believes a lot of things that aren’t true. They aren’t. They are positions supported by a majority of Americans, just not his base. You are a moderate conservative, but you’re not taking “far left” positions on anything.

How many moderate conservatives are pro life and want to amend the 2nd amendment? If you mean that I dont believe that we can pick our genders and the biological males may identify as females and play competitive sports vs biological females then yes, I am conservative on that topic. I am anti BDS and pro Israel. I am pro small government and fewer regulations as bureaucrats are awful. I am pro business and free trade.

Most people here are in it for themselves. Regardless of party.

Your positions aren't "left"

As of 2019, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
Public Opinion on Abortion


Name some pro choice Republicans
Not being Republican does not make them liberal. There are colors other than black and white. Your ignorance of that makes you much more conservative than moderate. There is nothing "left" in your positions. Some are mainstream, not "left".

Further proof that you’re dumb.

"Pro-Choice" or "Pro-Life," 2018-2019 Demographic Tables
Because clearly the leading Democratic candidate does not know where he is, so would you vote for Biden

Joe Biden Forgets Which State He's In | The Stream

And do we need a law passed that Democrats need to be conscious when interviewed?

Because Joe could no longer be interviewed legally
Lol at least Biden speaks in complete sentences and doesn’t ramble about nonsense like Trump does.

LOL he does not know where he is half the time. What are you talking about? Your party had a strong candidate and you screwed her. Idiots.
You think Trump would consider the positions you listed as “far left”. Trump believes a lot of things that aren’t true. They aren’t. They are positions supported by a majority of Americans, just not his base. You are a moderate conservative, but you’re not taking “far left” positions on anything.

How many moderate conservatives are pro life and want to amend the 2nd amendment? If you mean that I dont believe that we can pick our genders and the biological males may identify as females and play competitive sports vs biological females then yes, I am conservative on that topic. I am anti BDS and pro Israel. I am pro small government and fewer regulations as bureaucrats are awful. I am pro business and free trade.

Most people here are in it for themselves. Regardless of party.

Your positions aren't "left"

As of 2019, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
Public Opinion on Abortion


Name some pro choice Republicans
Not being Republican does not make them liberal. There are colors other than black and white. Your ignorance of that makes you much more conservative than moderate. There is nothing "left" in your positions. Some are mainstream, not "left".

Further proof that you’re dumb.

"Pro-Choice" or "Pro-Life," 2018-2019 Demographic Tables

Um...what is it you think that proves? I'm sorry to burst your bubble but being pro choice is not a "left" position.
You think Trump would consider the positions you listed as “far left”. Trump believes a lot of things that aren’t true. They aren’t. They are positions supported by a majority of Americans, just not his base. You are a moderate conservative, but you’re not taking “far left” positions on anything.

How many moderate conservatives are pro life and want to amend the 2nd amendment? If you mean that I dont believe that we can pick our genders and the biological males may identify as females and play competitive sports vs biological females then yes, I am conservative on that topic. I am anti BDS and pro Israel. I am pro small government and fewer regulations as bureaucrats are awful. I am pro business and free trade.

Most people here are in it for themselves. Regardless of party.

Your positions aren't "left"

As of 2019, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
Public Opinion on Abortion


Name some pro choice Republicans
Not being Republican does not make them liberal. There are colors other than black and white. Your ignorance of that makes you much more conservative than moderate. There is nothing "left" in your positions. Some are mainstream, not "left".

We have a different operational definition of “left”. There is nothing logical about your posts. You just ramble like an old bitty.

Of course you have a different idea of what is're very much on the right with a couple of middle of the road mainstream opinions that are not left or right but mainstream. When your positions align with the majority, that's not left or right.
How many moderate conservatives are pro life and want to amend the 2nd amendment? If you mean that I dont believe that we can pick our genders and the biological males may identify as females and play competitive sports vs biological females then yes, I am conservative on that topic. I am anti BDS and pro Israel. I am pro small government and fewer regulations as bureaucrats are awful. I am pro business and free trade.

Most people here are in it for themselves. Regardless of party.

Your positions aren't "left"

As of 2019, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
Public Opinion on Abortion


Name some pro choice Republicans
Not being Republican does not make them liberal. There are colors other than black and white. Your ignorance of that makes you much more conservative than moderate. There is nothing "left" in your positions. Some are mainstream, not "left".

Further proof that you’re dumb.

"Pro-Choice" or "Pro-Life," 2018-2019 Demographic Tables

Um...what is it you think that proves? I'm sorry to burst your bubble but being pro choice is not a "left" position.

Did you not notice the poll of Liberal vs. Conservative? I consider Left to be Liberal and Right to be Conservative and middle to be Moderate or Independent.
How many moderate conservatives are pro life and want to amend the 2nd amendment? If you mean that I dont believe that we can pick our genders and the biological males may identify as females and play competitive sports vs biological females then yes, I am conservative on that topic. I am anti BDS and pro Israel. I am pro small government and fewer regulations as bureaucrats are awful. I am pro business and free trade.

Most people here are in it for themselves. Regardless of party.

Your positions aren't "left"

As of 2019, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
Public Opinion on Abortion


Name some pro choice Republicans
Not being Republican does not make them liberal. There are colors other than black and white. Your ignorance of that makes you much more conservative than moderate. There is nothing "left" in your positions. Some are mainstream, not "left".

We have a different operational definition of “left”. There is nothing logical about your posts. You just ramble like an old bitty.

Of course you have a different idea of what is're very much on the right with a couple of middle of the road mainstream opinions that are not left or right but mainstream. When your positions align with the majority, that's not left or right.

What are your positions?
Your positions aren't "left"

As of 2019, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
Public Opinion on Abortion


Name some pro choice Republicans
Not being Republican does not make them liberal. There are colors other than black and white. Your ignorance of that makes you much more conservative than moderate. There is nothing "left" in your positions. Some are mainstream, not "left".

We have a different operational definition of “left”. There is nothing logical about your posts. You just ramble like an old bitty.

Of course you have a different idea of what is're very much on the right with a couple of middle of the road mainstream opinions that are not left or right but mainstream. When your positions align with the majority, that's not left or right.

What are your positions?

On what?
Name some pro choice Republicans
Not being Republican does not make them liberal. There are colors other than black and white. Your ignorance of that makes you much more conservative than moderate. There is nothing "left" in your positions. Some are mainstream, not "left".

We have a different operational definition of “left”. There is nothing logical about your posts. You just ramble like an old bitty.

Of course you have a different idea of what is're very much on the right with a couple of middle of the road mainstream opinions that are not left or right but mainstream. When your positions align with the majority, that's not left or right.

What are your positions?

On what?

What do you think? What positions are you more "left" than me on.
Not being Republican does not make them liberal. There are colors other than black and white. Your ignorance of that makes you much more conservative than moderate. There is nothing "left" in your positions. Some are mainstream, not "left".

We have a different operational definition of “left”. There is nothing logical about your posts. You just ramble like an old bitty.

Of course you have a different idea of what is're very much on the right with a couple of middle of the road mainstream opinions that are not left or right but mainstream. When your positions align with the majority, that's not left or right.

What are your positions?

On what?

What do you think? What positions are you more "left" than me on.
Probably all of them.
We have a different operational definition of “left”. There is nothing logical about your posts. You just ramble like an old bitty.

Of course you have a different idea of what is're very much on the right with a couple of middle of the road mainstream opinions that are not left or right but mainstream. When your positions align with the majority, that's not left or right.

What are your positions?

On what?

What do you think? What positions are you more "left" than me on.
Probably all of them.

Any fool can deal in generalities.
Of course you have a different idea of what is're very much on the right with a couple of middle of the road mainstream opinions that are not left or right but mainstream. When your positions align with the majority, that's not left or right.

What are your positions?

On what?

What do you think? What positions are you more "left" than me on.
Probably all of them.

Any fool can deal in generalities.
This is your game. You pick an issue.
What are your positions?

On what?

What do you think? What positions are you more "left" than me on.
Probably all of them.

Any fool can deal in generalities.
This is your game. You pick an issue.

No game. You just have a different operational definition than I do on just about everything. You’re a very confused individual who is unhappy with themselves. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

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