Question for gun enthusiast.

Lots of talk about bump stocks and high rate of fire rifles. I understand there is a constitutional right to bear arms, but on a practical level, is there any reason for high rate of fire for anything other than self-defense? Obviously, if you are defending your home from attackers, you need that high rate of fire, and extended capacity, but are there any other circumstances where a high rate of fire and extended capacity are required?
This is my personal take on firearms that can fire at a high rate.
The Second Amendment specifically states that, "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a "FREE" state, the right of the "people" to KEEP and BEAR ARMS, shall NOT be infringed.
What it is saying is that if the freedom of your state is threatened (whether by a foreign or domestic government), the public can form a well-regulated militia to protect that state's freedom.
So, in my personal opinion, the general "law-abiding" public should be allowed to own any small arms your average Army or Marine can carry for defense, which includes fully automatic firearms.
Obviously our oppressive government doesn't see it that way, but in my opinion, they're wrong.
In Switzerland citizens can have a fully automatic firearm in their own home and crime isn't rampant there. They are expected to fight for their nation should the need arise.
In fact, AR 15s and the like make for poor home self-defense, both unwieldly and given to over-penetration.

Handguns are preferable, revolvers in particular as they’re more reliable than semi-autos.

Conservatives will of course continue to ignore the facts, responding instead with deflections and lies and moronic nonsense about ‘defending’ from ‘government attack.’
Your Misinformation is irrelevant. Now show us the word need in the bill of rights.
Since no one else will answer the question, I will.

No, there is no real need for bump stocks when defending your home, unless you are defending your home from an invading army.

For me, a rifle must be accurate to be worth having. I have never seen a video of a bump stock shredding the center of a paper target. I have seen a full auto AR do it.
Rights aren't subject to need. The supreme court punished the ATF for its unauthorized over reach of its authority. The ATF can't create or change laws. Only Congress can do that.
Conservatives offer nothing to address gun crime and violence; they resort only to fearmongering and lies about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’
Again with the gaslighting you should stop
End gun free zones
Keep criminals in prison
There i fixed the problem in less than a minute. And hunters laptop was Russian disinformation :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
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Lots of talk about bump stocks and high rate of fire rifles. I understand there is a constitutional right to bear arms, but on a practical level, is there any reason for high rate of fire for anything other than self-defense?
There doesn't need to be a "reason".
The 2nd Amendment protects the right to own and use 'all bearable arms " - those in common use for traditionally legal purposes.
Semi-automatic rifles are in common use for traditionally legal purposes; this does not change when you add a bump stock, because the rifle is still semi-automatic.

In fact, AR 15s and the like make for poor home self-defense, both unwieldly and given to over-penetration.
A statement of ignorance.
I would say willful ignorance, but your actual ignorance of firearms is well known.

An AR/AK carbine or pistol in a major pistol caliber - 9mm 40 45 10mm - could be the -perfect- weapon for home defense.

If you want to shoot up a school, movie theater or concert, a Bump Stock is a nice way to augment your AR-15

Our Supreme Court wants to ensure you have the necessary tools to do your job
Said no one with an above room temperature IQ.
A 20-something Air Force enlistee with a video game joystick hundreds of miles away would take out scores of treasonous insurrectionists with a drone.
Only if he is first convinced that the kill order is constitutional. His oath is not to his commanding officers, and if ordered to kill fellow citizens for nothing more than behaving like the Founding Fathers did, would likely split the military.
The notion of ‘defending oneself’ from ‘government attack’ with semi-automatic small arms is true ignorant idiocy.

The Red Dawn fantasy is childish nonsense.
We've seen in Afghanistan what a determined society armed with small arms can do to even a modern military force. The Soviets said, "The heck with this, it isn't worth it".
We have 2.5 million in jail

2.5 million violent felons?

Or 2.5 million people in jail?

The point is, once someone has been convicted of violent crimes, especially multiple convictions, they should never get out of jail. If you have to let them out, do so and deport them.

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