Question for gun enthusiast.

If you want to shoot up a school, movie theater or concert, a Bump Stock is a nice way to augment your AR-15
these kinda "common sense" approaches pop up from time to time and like the shootings themselves they never include NRA meetings or Gun ranges or police gatherings and all for the same reason, "common sense"
Our Supreme Court wants to ensure you have the necessary tools to do your job
bout maybe pass "common sense" censorship laws to stop the encouraging/instigating of these events in and by the media? use some 'common sense" laws to shut them down? introduce "common sense" legislation that would make it very easy to sue the media? the faux arguments on gun control I could never support such "common sense" approaches to the problems, but it will at least expose the hypocrisy of those who pretend they support the constitution but only when it suits them.
these kinda "common sense" approaches pop up from time to time and like the shootings themselves they never include NRA meetings or Gun ranges or police gatherings and all for the same reason, "common sense"

bout maybe pass "common sense" censorship laws to stop the encouraging/instigating of these events in and by the media? use some 'common sense" laws to shut them down? introduce "common sense" legislation that would make it very easy to sue the media? the faux arguments on gun control I could never support such "common sense" approaches to the problems, but it will at least expose the hypocrisy of those who pretend they support the constitution but only when it suits them.
AR15s are the weapons of choice for mass killings
Giving them a Bump Stock just makes them mor lethal

Even Trump realized it when he banned them
So you have no idea if he did
You didn't read the source?

I’m not saying the press should have cut Donald Trump slack on migrant kids. “Politics ain’t beanbag”, and in many ways he did himself few favors. But if the media isn’t solely composed of partisan hacks playing gotcha on such children, they should be as enraged about 85,000 lost kids now as they were about a fraction of that number in 2018. They aren’t — and that’s the true outrage.
You didn't read the source?

I’m not saying the press should have cut Donald Trump slack on migrant kids. “Politics ain’t beanbag”, and in many ways he did himself few favors. But if the media isn’t solely composed of partisan hacks playing gotcha on such children, they should be as enraged about 85,000 lost kids now as they were about a fraction of that number in 2018. They aren’t — and that’s the true outrage.
85,000 is a significant number

Show some that have actually been found
AR15s are the weapons of choice for mass killings
and without AR-15's there would be no weapon of choice? were muskets ever the weapon of choice? what was the weapon of choice when 2a was drawn up?
Giving them a Bump Stock just makes them mor lethal
especially in "gun free" zones.
Even Trump realized it when he banned them
which means what to me? which means what to you? that the name Trump now gives your argument validity?
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Lots of talk about bump stocks and high rate of fire rifles. I understand there is a constitutional right to bear arms, but on a practical level, is there any reason for high rate of fire for anything other than self-defense? Obviously, if you are defending your home from attackers, you need that high rate of fire, and extended capacity, but are there any other circumstances where a high rate of fire and extended capacity are required?

Since no one else will answer the question, I will.

No, there is no real need for bump stocks when defending your home, unless you are defending your home from an invading army.

For me, a rifle must be accurate to be worth having. I have never seen a video of a bump stock shredding the center of a paper target. I have seen a full auto AR do it.
Show us the word need in the bill of rights
In fact, AR 15s and the like make for poor home self-defense, both unwieldly and given to over-penetration.

Handguns are preferable, revolvers in particular as they’re more reliable than semi-autos.

Conservatives will of course continue to ignore the facts, responding instead with deflections and lies and moronic nonsense about ‘defending’ from ‘government attack.’
In fact, AR 15s and the like make for poor home self-defense, both unwieldly and given to over-penetration.

Handguns are preferable, revolvers in particular as they’re more reliable than semi-autos.

Conservatives will of course continue to ignore the facts, responding instead with deflections and lies and moronic nonsense about ‘defending’ from ‘government attack.’
They need their AR 15s in case we are invaded by commies
Better Dead than Red.
A 20-something Air Force enlistee with a video game joystick hundreds of miles away would take out scores of treasonous insurrectionists with a drone.

The notion of ‘defending oneself’ from ‘government attack’ with semi-automatic small arms is true ignorant idiocy.

The Red Dawn fantasy is childish nonsense.
It is not the courts job to create laws that is congress. Congress shirking its duty is not on the Courts.

The Bump Stock ban was no different than bans on machine guns or sawed off shotguns

Weapons that have no place in public
Lots of talk about bump stocks and high rate of fire rifles. I understand there is a constitutional right to bear arms, but on a practical level, is there any reason for high rate of fire for anything other than self-defense? Obviously, if you are defending your home from attackers, you need that high rate of fire, and extended capacity, but are there any other circumstances where a high rate of fire and extended capacity are required?
Home defense suffices.

So might a few other situations as originally contemplated by the Framers.

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