Question for gun enthusiast.

You win the 2024 Totally Missing The Fucking Point Award

I would love to say that I find it amazing that you Leftist clowns want unconditional laws to be created by the Judicial Branch and the Executive Branch, but it's exactly what you

The TRUMPCourt fucked over the safety of the American public to pander to RW extremists

I need a bump stock to kill more children
The TRUMPCourt fucked over the safety of the American public to pander to RW extremists

I need a bump stock to kill more children
The Supreme Court upheld the Constitution. I get why you think that's a bad thing.

I need a bump stock to kill more children.

That proves just how big of a moron you really are. And you want us to trust you with running the country? Grow the fuck up, dude.
The Supreme Court upheld the Constitution. I get why you think that's a bad thing.

That proves just how big of a moron you really are. And you want us to trust you with running the country? Grow the fuck up, dude.
The Supreme Court pissed over the Constitution to pander to RW extremists

The blood of the people is on their hands
We live in a world where one major political party believes that porn should be available in public middle schools, and that Persons with dicks can magically become a woman. Oh, and by the way, that same political party calls people who don’t believe the above a cult.

That is all the reason anyone would have. Protection against morons.
No, people who believe the lie that a major political party believes that porn should be available in public schools and the lie that men ‘magically’ become women are in fact in a cult.

Indeed, it’s those moronic cult members the rest of us need protection from.
Lots of talk about bump stocks and high rate of fire rifles. I understand there is a constitutional right to bear arms, but on a practical level, is there any reason for high rate of fire for anything other than self-defense? Obviously, if you are defending your home from attackers, you need that high rate of fire, and extended capacity, but are there any other circumstances where a high rate of fire and extended capacity are required?

Even defending your home a high rate of fire isn't required. So answer is, it's never required.

But ultimately the question is, why should high rate of fire be banned?

If you have a society of decent and responsible people we could all own machine guns and everything would be fine. If I have a fully automatic or one where I can shoot as fast as I can pull the trigger what's the difference?

Capacity and firing speed shouldn't matter. What should matter is getting rid of people who use guns to hurt others. If you get rid of criminals, dopeheads and crazy people then all you have left are people who won't go out and use a gun to hurt others intentionally.

California has strict capacity rules to the point if you look at like sportsman warehouse website for guns they have guns and California approved guns. You also can't have automatic weapons. Yet shootings happen quite often.

Regulations don't stop criminals, dopeheads and crazy people. So if you get rid of them do you need regulations? No, you do not.

Remove them from society then all that will remain are the hundreds of millions of gun owners that own hundreds of millions of guns that have never gone out and shot or hurt anyone. Like myself.
Are "bump stocks" really that popular or is it a political issue? Americans are encouraged by the media to forget the carnage from a Vegas hotel room and concentrate on "bump stocks" instead. The FBI claimed that their world class psychological experts couldn't come up with a motive for Stephen Paddock's mass murder of about 55 people at a country concert that was dubbed by the media as a "Trump rally" when a rookie Cop could have figured out that it was motivated by political anger. Trump bowed to political pressure and banned "bump stocks".
I already answered it in post #7, jackass Democratic party of slavery supporter.

Do you want to your idiotic question "is there any reason for high rate of fire for anything other than self-defense?".. answered in big bold red letters?


And my answer is 100% factual. Obviously there is an infinite number of reasons for a high rate of fire.

For instance, one obvious reason is to discover how high of a rate of fire you can achieve.
They do? Who's attacking their home that needs that kinda firepower?
I doubt anybody does, but I'm allowing for self-defense/combat types of situations. I'm just looking for some other use for high-rate high-capacity guns.
And you only know what Everytown, or Giffords told you to say.

I'll bet you can't make an intelligent argument for banning guns WITHOUT repeating an anti-gunner talking point, or making a false claim.
I've said nothing about banning guns.
I already answered it in post #7, jackass Democratic party of slavery supporter.

Do you want to your idiotic question "is there any reason for high rate of fire for anything other than self-defense?".. answered in big bold red letters?

Well no. You didn't answer the question. You did say "yes" there are other uses for high-rate high-capacity guns, other than self-defense, but you didn't say what those other uses might be
Lots of talk about bump stocks and high rate of fire rifles. I understand there is a constitutional right to bear arms, but on a practical level, is there any reason for high rate of fire for anything other than self-defense? Obviously, if you are defending your home from attackers, you need that high rate of fire, and extended capacity, but are there any other circumstances where a high rate of fire and extended capacity are required?
Show us the word need in the bill of rights.
Lots of talk about bump stocks and high rate of fire rifles. I understand there is a constitutional right to bear arms, but on a practical level, is there any reason for high rate of fire for anything other than self-defense? Obviously, if you are defending your home from attackers, you need that high rate of fire, and extended capacity, but are there any other circumstances where a high rate of fire and extended capacity are required?
Nobody has to justify themselves to you. Fuck Off.

..but here's some justification anyway:

Just asking the question. Is there need for those things other than for self-defense? Do you need it for hunting or target practice?
A bumpstock is not necessary for home defense

Its really more of a novelty than a practical accessory
Lots of talk about bump stocks and high rate of fire rifles. I understand there is a constitutional right to bear arms, but on a practical level, is there any reason for high rate of fire for anything other than self-defense? Obviously, if you are defending your home from attackers, you need that high rate of fire, and extended capacity, but are there any other circumstances where a high rate of fire and extended capacity are required?
Actually, you don’t need a ‘high rate of fire’ for adequate self-defense.

Indeed, I’ve got a Smith 610 handy that’s more than capable of neutralizing any threat.

Otherwise, we see the usual dishonesty from the right, responding with deflections and lies – or responding with moronic nonsense about ‘defending’ from ‘government attack.’

The fact is that bump stocks are a ridiculous, childish waste of ammunition, the possession of which is completely devoid of merit.
Actually, you don’t need a ‘high rate of fire’ for adequate self-defense.

Indeed, I’ve got a Smith 610 handy that’s more than capable of neutralizing any threat.

Otherwise, we see the usual dishonesty from the right, responding with deflections and lies – or responding with moronic nonsense about ‘defending’ from ‘government attack.’

The fact is that bump stocks are a ridiculous, childish waste of ammunition, the possession of which is completely devoid of merit.
Show us the word need in the bill of rights

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