Question for gun enthusiast.

Bump stocks, aka an obama/biden voter adjustment tool, are getting far more attention than they deserve

As someone pointed out, their high rate of fire can be a liability since you cant shoot anyone when you are out of ammo
Even defending your home a high rate of fire isn't required. So answer is, it's never required.

But ultimately the question is, why should high rate of fire be banned?

If you have a society of decent and responsible people we could all own machine guns and everything would be fine. If I have a fully automatic or one where I can shoot as fast as I can pull the trigger what's the difference?

Try firing you semi auto at 600 rounds per minute, changing out the mag 3 times and then tell me what your trigger hand feels like. About the most I could ever do would be 200 to 400 rounds and that would require a whole bunch of mag changes to get that far. The problem is, I would miss most of the rounds and I would have committed the 11 commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Run Out of Ammo".

Capacity and firing speed shouldn't matter. What should matter is getting rid of people who use guns to hurt others. If you get rid of criminals, dopeheads and crazy people then all you have left are people who won't go out and use a gun to hurt others intentionally.

You left out the accidents that take more likes than criminal shootings. Having that gun in the nightstand, it's more likely to accidently kill a child than a criminal.

California has strict capacity rules to the point if you look at like sportsman warehouse website for guns they have guns and California approved guns. You also can't have automatic weapons. Yet shootings happen quite often.

But you can have automatic weapons. Just have an EFL or an FFL license.

Regulations don't stop criminals, dopeheads and crazy people. So if you get rid of them do you need regulations? No, you do not.

Remove them from society then all that will remain are the hundreds of millions of gun owners that own hundreds of millions of guns that have never gone out and shot or hurt anyone. Like myself.

And after we remove them, we will have to remove you as well as your bunch accidently shoots more people than the nutcases and criminals do.
Lots of talk about bump stocks and high rate of fire rifles. I understand there is a constitutional right to bear arms, but on a practical level, is there any reason for high rate of fire for anything other than self-defense? Obviously, if you are defending your home from attackers, you need that high rate of fire, and extended capacity, but are there any other circumstances where a high rate of fire and extended capacity are required?

I can not think of a single reason, even the ones you have listed and allowed for, why anyone would need a bump stock. But, that is based on what I feel I need and want in firearms. Obviously, others feel differently.
If you want to shoot up a school, movie theater or concert, a Bump Stock is a nice way to augment your AR-15

Our Supreme Court wants to ensure you have the necessary tools to do your job
Liar, go peddle your ignorance somewhere else. If Congress would do their job it wouldnt be an issue. The Courts are not the legislature and will not be making laws.
Mass killing is not easy

If you want to set the record for most kills, you only get one chance to do it.
The Supreme Court wants to be sure you have the best ability to kill as many people as you can
Liar you dont like it get congress to do their fucking job it is not the courts place to create new laws.
I can not think of a single reason, even the ones you have listed and allowed for, why anyone would need a bump stock. But, that is based on what I feel I need and want in firearms. Obviously, others feel differently.

The Gunnutters want us to believe a lie on this one. Nothing is "Banned". I can own a fully operational Tank with a 105mm cannon. Or I can own a quad 20mm fully operational Anti Aircraft canon. What's the only thing that would stop me? If I had a felony, constantly beat the girl friend, had convictions of assault and that would stop me from the proper licensing.
Try firing you semi auto at 600 rounds per minute, changing out the mag 3 times and then tell me what your trigger hand feels like. About the most I could ever do would be 200 to 400 rounds and that would require a whole bunch of mag changes to get that far. The problem is, I would miss most of the rounds and I would have committed the 11 commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Run Out of Ammo".

You left out the accidents that take more likes than criminal shootings. Having that gun in the nightstand, it's more likely to accidently kill a child than a criminal.

But you can have automatic weapons. Just have an EFL or an FFL license.

And after we remove them, we will have to remove you as well as your bunch accidently shoots more people than the nutcases and criminals do.
accidentally kills are so few as to be meaningless.
And how many times has my life been in jeopardy in my home by a mob? How about zero.
If that's how we're going to determine the usefulness or an AR15...please inform us...

...exactly how many mass shootings have you been involved in?
but are there any other circumstances where a high rate of fire and extended capacity are required?
Yes, absolutely, without doubt...CIVIL WAR...It is of the utmost importance to have that.
You want to have them available for one side while disarming the other side through "common sense" gun laws...having that available to you while the other side uses "common sense" will guarantee your victory.

Perhaps if you make it illegal to run news stories about these mass shooters it would, at the very least, cut down on them if not stop them completely. I am also against this but if we can just ignore the constitution then what's the big deal? right?
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I doubt anybody does, but I'm allowing for self-defense/combat types of situations. I'm just looking for some other use for high-rate high-capacity guns.
Eradicating invasive, destructive feral hogs on farmland.

I can easily see a use for a bump stock for this purpose.

If you bait a sounder but just kill a few, you'll end up with a worse problem than you started the sounder will fragment and repopulate as four of five new sounders.

It's almost impossible to cull a feral hog in flight with anything else.

These guys are hunting for food...but in an area like mine, right on the edge of the invasion... You'd need to take out this entire sounder in one fell swoop. Even with standard capacity magazines and bumpstocks, you still couldn't do it alone.


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Actually, you don’t need a ‘high rate of fire’ for adequate self-defense.

Indeed, I’ve got a Smith 610 handy that’s more than capable of neutralizing any threat.

Otherwise, we see the usual dishonesty from the right, responding with deflections and lies – or responding with moronic nonsense about ‘defending’ from ‘government attack.’

The fact is that bump stocks are a ridiculous, childish waste of ammunition, the possession of which is completely devoid of merit.
That's your opinion.
No, people who believe the lie that a major political party believes that porn should be available in public schools and the lie that men ‘magically’ become women are in fact in a cult.

Indeed, it’s those moronic cult members the rest of us need protection from.

Bull Clayton. And as well, your side supported the LGBTQ group, parading through Central Park chanting “we’re here, we’re queer, and we’re coming for your children”

Not just a cult, but a sick cult at that.
Actually, you don’t need a ‘high rate of fire’ for adequate self-defense.

Indeed, I’ve got a Smith 610 handy that’s more than capable of neutralizing any threat.

Otherwise, we see the usual dishonesty from the right, responding with deflections and lies – or responding with moronic nonsense about ‘defending’ from ‘government attack.’

The fact is that bump stocks are a ridiculous, childish waste of ammunition, the possession of which is completely devoid of merit.
Sure Clayton. Take that up against a gang thug with an AR. You lose.
Show us the word need in the bill of rights.
I didn't say you had to have a need for your gun. I'm not trying to get you to justify anything. We have a constitutional right to bear arms. Case closed. I asked a specific question that I don't know the answer to. I'm only asking if high capacity and rate are required for any other use for a gun other than self-defense.
I've received answers that were mostly correct, but none have pointed out a specific use for high rate other than self-defense. If you don't know any other uses with that requirement, that's just fine. Why is it so hard to get a direct relevant answer?
I didn't say you had to have a need for your gun. I'm not trying to get you to justify anything. We have a constitutional right to bear arms. Case closed. I asked a specific question that I don't know the answer to. I'm only asking if high capacity and rate are required for any other use for a gun other than self-defense.
I've received answers that were mostly correct, but none have pointed out a specific use for high rate other than self-defense. If you don't know any other uses with that requirement, that's just fine. Why is it so hard to get a direct relevant answer?
Because any attempt to answer a nonsensical question will normally be rejected.

Here’s one, the nutjobs in this world exist. If they know that I have massive firepower, they will stay the hell away from me.

So, no need for self defense when you have the detergent at hand.
Nobody has to justify themselves to you. Fuck Off.

..but here's some justification anyway:

All disgusting events where it would certainly be an advantage to have a self-defense weapon available. Those shop owners would certainly be justified in defending their lively hood. All that is true but has nothing to do with my simple question. Why are you defending something I never questioned?
A bumpstock is not necessary for home defense

Its really more of a novelty than a practical accessory
I agree, but some would insist a bump stock is indeed a practical accessory for self defense. To save confusion I just considered all high rate guns to be the same instead of just bump stocks. That's why I asked the question in relation to high rate of fire instead of just bump stocks.

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