Question for gun enthusiast.

I honestly expected a quick direct answer. I expected a real gun enthusiast would know. The gun nuts here only have answers to stock questions. They only know what the NRA has told them to say.

We live in a world where one major political party believes that porn should be available in public middle schools, and that Persons with dicks can magically become a woman. Oh, and by the way, that same political party calls people who don’t believe the above a cult.

That is all the reason anyone would have. Protection against morons.
Even more accurate is you are either a coward or you can't come up with anything other than self-defense that requires high rate and capacity.
Why do you require a dominatrix. She is of no practical use, but you have one just the same. Right?
I've hunted hogs. Nobody needs that kind of rate or capacity for feral hogs. It might be fun to use them for that, but certainly not required.

You lied.

Your response doesn't answer the question in any way. Are you just too much of a coward to give a valid answer?

He might just realize this is a troll question from a troll poster.

Even more accurate is you are either a coward or you can't come up with anything other than self-defense that requires high rate and capacity.

Naah, he's just realizing you're a troll.

At least 3 were used in the Las Vegas shooting.

Lots of talk about bump stocks and high rate of fire rifles. I understand there is a constitutional right to bear arms, but on a practical level, is there any reason for high rate of fire for anything other than self-defense? Obviously, if you are defending your home from attackers, you need that high rate of fire, and extended capacity, but are there any other circumstances where a high rate of fire and extended capacity are required?
Why do you need a another reason besides self-defense?

There is another reason though: to come to the defense of others.

Also, to fight and overthrow the government. The primary reason for the right to bear arms is to have the ability to overthrow a tyrannical government.
Why do you need a another reason besides self-defense?

There is another reason though: to come to the defense of others.

Also, to fight and overthrow the government. The primary reason for the right to bear arms is to have the ability to overthrow a tyrannical government.

Hate to break it to you but that ship sailed as of 1861.
All "why do you need" gun questions harken back to 2A.....It has shit all to do with hog hunting or home defense.....It has to do with being on something like equal footing with those in the .gov who would be sent against the citizenry.....F-15s notwithstanding. ;)
I have an experience that only about 3 percent of the population has and have used in combat the types of weapons you want to have available to every tom dick and fruitcake. I am just tough enough. And I must be just tough enough but my enemies weren't.
Tell us more about your heroic exploits, Vrenn!

Lots of talk about bump stocks and high rate of fire rifles. I understand there is a constitutional right to bear arms, but on a practical level, is there any reason for high rate of fire for anything other than self-defense? Obviously, if you are defending your home from attackers, you need that high rate of fire, and extended capacity, but are there any other circumstances where a high rate of fire and extended capacity are required?
It is better to be a warrior in a garden, then a gardener in a war.
I ain't no hero but I served with real Heroes and you ain't one of them.
Vrenn, please do tell the USMB forum more about how tough you are, Mr. Internet Tough Guy.

Seriously dude, you sound like a typical ITG.

And please explain how you came to believe that your super-duper toughness is somehow relevant to the topic.

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