Question for Muslims: When you go around hating everyone, are you really all that suprised when...

I dont think you know any muslims. Because if you did you wouldnt ask such a stupid qudstion.

Rep Omar hates Jews ? Proof please. Go on.
I knew some Muslims who were very happy after 911.
I dont think you know any muslims. Because if you did you wouldnt ask such a stupid qudstion.

Rep Omar hates Jews ? Proof please. Go on.
I knew some Muslims who were very happy after 911.
You sure do....I know thousands and none of them was. But I know many here today that were happy that innocents were slaughtered including kids and i have proof of it. Do you ?
I am plugged in to the American muslim community, and I can assure you that no one was happy about the attack on 9/11

Because all it did was create "guilt by association" problems for muslims here in the U.S. .. :cool:
...people hate you back?

I mean, this new Muslim Congresswoman wasted no time telling the world how much she hates the Jews.

I mean, and then she says it's "Islamophobic" when people got pissed at her about that.

1. I am actually white, had blonde hair ( I am bald ) and blue eyes.

2. After you read number one realize I have worked with Muslims from India to the Sudan in Engineering and Medical and I never met the radicals you claim they are.

I am not saying there are not any but the ones that have came and left were sweet gentle people that even a Persian family wanted me to marry a sister and I should have.

3. After reading number two just remember in the Muslim world just like Christianity there are good and bad and over a billion Muslims go daily without killing one person.

4. Finally, because the news you and millions watch focus on the wars in the Muslim regions just maybe you and those like you should sit with a Muslim family and talk and not lecture and learn to listen.
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...people hate you back?

I mean, this new Muslim Congresswoman wasted no time telling the world how much she hates the Jews.

I mean, and then she says it's "Islamophobic" when people got pissed at her about that.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that even 10% of all Muslims hate non-Muslims?
This issue is also affected by the false news we get. Tonight I am changing the channels and caught about a half minute of Don Lemon interviewing a Islamic individual who spouted that white supremacist violence is not reported. This while they are reporting the NZ tragedy. You damn well know that any violence by what is perceived to be white supremacist will be reported for weeks on end by the progressive socialist dominated media. The entertainers/media/politicians need to take a step back in this madness.

That's untrue. Everybody wants to deny white supremacists exist. Look at what you have said white supremacist acts are perceived therefore people are mistaken so it cannot be. The media is not dominated by the progressive socialists.

No one denies that there are elements of white supremacist in the world but you consider all whites racist which make you no better than the Op'er...
I dont think you know any muslims. Because if you did you wouldnt ask such a stupid qudstion.

Rep Omar hates Jews ? Proof please. Go on.
I knew some Muslims who were very happy after 911.
You sure do....I know thousands and none of them was. But I know many here today that were happy that innocents were slaughtered including kids and i have proof of it. Do you ?
You can continue to pretend that no Muslims hate westerners if that make you happy not to see reality.
I dont think you know any muslims. Because if you did you wouldnt ask such a stupid qudstion.

Rep Omar hates Jews ? Proof please. Go on.
I know a Muslim. He is my ex-brother-in-law. He used to abuse my sister, and he abuses my nephew. He believes, as do all Muslim men, that he is entitled to beat his wife and child. Thanks to my efforts, he has done jail time and my sister left him, and his son now lives safely with his grandfather.

Islam is a Warrior Religion.

All protestations of peaceful intent notwithstanding.

Its core scripture and founding teachings and its founder himself are all saturated with blood-lust, conquest and hypocrisy.

Its writings encourage warfare in defense-of and to advance The Faith and The Faithful.

I do not recall Jesus of Nazareth teaching that it was OK to kill to defend Christians or to engage in war to advance Christianity.

Great and heinous crimes have been committed in the name of Christianity.

But that was men of evil intent, ignoring the teachings of its Founder and spin-doctoring and rationalizing their calls to violence.

Islam, on the other hand, needs no such spin-doctoring and rationalizing.

Any street-corner mullah can issue a fatwa or call for jihad, and lean heavily on the teachings of their own Founder for justification.

Islam is on a perpetual hair-trigger, it is disingenuous, incompatible with Western Civilization, and not to be trusted.

The blood-dripping legacy of their so-called 'prophet' --- P(eanut butter and jelly) B(e) U(pon) H(im).
...people hate you back?

I mean, this new Muslim Congresswoman wasted no time telling the world how much she hates the Jews.

I mean, and then she says it's "Islamophobic" when people got pissed at her about that.
take out muslim and jews and put in left or right. black or white. conservative or liberal.

people in general these days waste no time in telling you who they hate and pulling whatever bullshit excuse out of their ass to justify it.
I dont think you know any muslims. Because if you did you wouldnt ask such a stupid qudstion.

Lot of braindeads in the thread. Why did no one bring up September 11, 2001? Forgot? I do not know any muzzies, and I don't want to. I have a hatred of them, all of them, all muzzies are compicit in what happened that day, don't deny it. Muslems had roof parties and danced when the NYC towers fell, you know, just like THEY KNEW IT WAS COMING AND WHEN.
I dont think you know any muslims. Because if you did you wouldnt ask such a stupid qudstion.

Lot of braindeads in the thread. Why did no one bring up September 11, 2001? Forgot? I do not know any muzzies, and I don't want to. I have a hatred of them, all of them, all muzzies are compicit in what happened that day, don't deny it. Muslems had roof parties and danced when the NYC towers fell, you know, just like THEY KNEW IT WAS COMING AND WHEN.
what a total and complete fucktard.
Liberals / atheists go out of their way to trample on Christian faith, to attempt to contain if not outright eliminate it, and condemn Christians for trying to offer up their faith to those who want it....

...but those same liberals / atheists remain silent, withhold their condemnation, and do not equally condemn a radical religion whose goal it is to either convert every living soul on the planet to Islam OR enslave or murder them.

Why is that?

What is it that liberals / socialists hate about Christianity / like so much about Islam?

Perhaps it is 'free will' involved in Christianity....we all know how Socialists love / are all about controlling others...
I dont think you know any muslims. Because if you did you wouldnt ask such a stupid qudstion.

Rep Omar hates Jews ? Proof please. Go on.
I know a Muslim. He is my ex-brother-in-law. He used to abuse my sister, and he abuses my nephew. He believes, as do all Muslim men, that he is entitled to beat his wife and child. Thanks to my efforts, he has done jail time and my sister left him, and his son now lives safely with his grandfather.

What nonsense. There are over a billion Muslims in the world.

And you know one male and assume that ALL of them are the same.


Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that every, single Muslim male thinks that they are entitled to beat their women?

Afghanistan According to HRW 2013 report, Afghanistan has one of the highest incidence rates of domestic violence in the world. Domestic violence is so common that 85 per cent of women admit to experiencing it. 60% of all women report being victims of multiple forms of serial violence.[54] Afghanistan is the only country in which the female suicide rate is higher than that of males.[55]
Islam and domestic violence - Wikipedia

Perhaps they think they are entitled to beat their women... because they are entitled to do so.
To members of the death cult the only good Jew is a dead Jew.

Hell they want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

Oh and they all practice Sharia law where a man can beat his wife to death. Women are nothing but slaves and the men have all the power and that's according to Sharia law.

Anyone who doesn't know this is one dumb fuck.
I am plugged in to the American muslim community, and I can assure you that no one was happy about the attack on 9/11

Because all it did was create "guilt by association" problems for muslims here in the U.S. .. :cool:

And this is what I don’t get. I work with two Muslim dudes. Both moved here to get away from that crazy shit that go’s on in other countries, specifically to escape persecution and violence from a different sect of Islam. They say they put it, it’s a similar thing to how Catholics and Protestants used to have at each other.
I dont think you know any muslims. Because if you did you wouldnt ask such a stupid qudstion.

Rep Omar hates Jews ? Proof please. Go on.
I know a Muslim. He is my ex-brother-in-law. He used to abuse my sister, and he abuses my nephew. He believes, as do all Muslim men, that he is entitled to beat his wife and child. Thanks to my efforts, he has done jail time and my sister left him, and his son now lives safely with his grandfather.

What nonsense. There are over a billion Muslims in the world.

And you know one male and assume that ALL of them are the same.


Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that every, single Muslim male thinks that they are entitled to beat their women?

There are over a billion in the world. So maybe you can explain why the majority does nothing about the minority that's the jihadists??

As for death cult they all practice Sharia law which allows them to enslave their women.

Sharia law baby. Look it up. That's what all death cult men follow and want the world to follow as well.
...people hate you back?

I mean, this new Muslim Congresswoman wasted no time telling the world how much she hates the Jews.

I mean, and then she says it's "Islamophobic" when people got pissed at her about that.

Turban…red hat…you say potato, I say potato...
I dont think you know any muslims. Because if you did you wouldnt ask such a stupid qudstion.

Rep Omar hates Jews ? Proof please. Go on.
I cant read her mind. But I can read her comments, and she is drudging up old Jewish conspiracy canards. She needs to go.

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