Question for Republicans. Has Border Patrol been hiding vital information from President Biden?

Of course folks doubt that happens. No rational person, believes Biden is completely in charge. It is a DNC committee approach to running things. No one really believes he either knows, or cares, what the hell is going on in the nation.

He is just happy to get his ass wiped and get some ice cream at the end of the day. . .

You're getting more childish than usual now. Perhaps somebody at a Q site will be interested in that kind of silly discussion. I'm not..
You're getting more childish than usual now. Perhaps somebody at a Q site will be interested in that kind of silly discussion. I'm not..
Isn't your team at DailyBULLSHIT getting tired of feeding you weak ad hominems?
You are being intentionally obtuse. I really don't care--do what you want to do. It is ludicrous to attempt to bring logic into a discussion that allows for nonsense. Meh.
So, you aren't going to give me an answer. You are just going to call to taunt, disparage, and bully me, if I do not see things your way, but you won't give me any factual basis to see things your way? I would LIKE to see what you claim is logic, but. . I guessssss. . . that is some sort of???? secret now?????

I may not agree with bulldog, or particularly like him a lot of times, but the forum is more important.


What's your source for this "fact"?
Why do CNN, MSNBC and Fox know what Biden doesn't?
Do Biden's handlers stop Biden from watching the news?
If you really don't think the white house knows as much as broadcast networks do, you are also too goofy to have any kind of discussion with. Try again later if you are feeling more sane.
If you really don't think the white house knows as much as broadcast networks do, you are also too goofy to have any kind of discussion with. Try again later if you are feeling more sane.
Since the Ds just sent 800 billion to the Eastern Hemisphere in order for 4 nations to build a border wall, I think Sleepy Joe Biden can spend a few bucks to see the Southern US Border.
You're getting more childish than usual now. Perhaps somebody at a Q site will be interested in that kind of silly discussion. I'm not..
Shall we just move the entire thread to the FZ, is that what you want? I have a whole pack of slavering MAGATS, putting pressure on me to do that, and I have been your only champion, b/c I have classical liberal values, which are far more important to me than dumb ass politics.

You wanna play stupid partisan games, you can win stupid partisan prizes. . . ???

Quote for me the exact portion of the OP or title, and the exact rule, that was broken.

Not some nebulous opinion that is subjective, that you just wave your hand around, because you are emotional, and don't like the topic.
From the OP.
Obviously, MAGAs think the Border Patrol has been nefariously withholding vital information from President Biden.
Violated Rule.
Furthermore, when starting a new thread and declaring something as fact in your opening post, you must also link to a source.
The OP stated what "MAGAs (whatever they are) think." I would like to know what he bases that obvious assumption on. I have not seen a post or report anywhere supporting that assertion. What is the OP basing his assertion that anyone thinks the "Border patrol has been nefariously withholding vital information from Biden? Do your job and quit being obtuse.
Shall we just move the entire thread to the FZ, is that what you want? I have a whole pack of slavering MAGATS, putting pressure on me to do that, and I have been your only champion, b/c I have classical liberal values, which are far more important to me than dumb ass politics.

You wanna play stupid partisan games, you can win stupid partisan prizes. . . ???

There's nothing new under the sun.
BULLDOG always lies.
If you really don't think the white house knows as much as broadcast networks do, you are also too goofy to have any kind of discussion with. Try again later if you are feeling more sane.
Then why hasn’t your Vegetable Messiah lived up to his oath of office and enforced the laws passed by Congress?

I predict you will dodge this question too.
Obviously, MAGAs think the Border Patrol has been nefariously withholding vital information from President Biden.

Oh, obviously.

I mean, look at all the meticulous and well researched evidence you compiled to make your case.

I can really see why you started this thread.

P.S. You must think Biden's an infant.
So, you aren't going to give me an answer. You are just going to call to taunt, disparage, and bully me, if I do not see things your way, but you won't give me any factual basis to see things your way? I would LIKE to see what you claim is logic, but. . I guessssss. . . that is some sort of???? secret now?????

I may not agree with bulldog, or particularly like him a lot of times, but the forum is more important.


Nowhere have I called for limiting free speech. I have asked that you be impartial in the enforcement of board rules. I have given you specifics in post #147 and you refuse to address them, opting instead to accuse me of being an opponent of free speech. I have only requested that you abandon your jaded personal political opinions and impartially enforce the rules of the board.
Shall we just move the entire thread to the FZ, is that what you want? I have a whole pack of slavering MAGATS, putting pressure on me to do that, and I have been your only champion, b/c I have classical liberal values, which are far more important to me than dumb ass politics.

You wanna play stupid partisan games, you can win stupid partisan prizes. . . ???

Your site, your call. Of course they want it moved. I asked a reasonable question, and the only return has been bullshit. One or two implied they wanted him to visit to shame Biden. That is a dumb reason, but it is a reason. The rest are cowards.
Oh, obviously.

I mean, look at all the meticulous and well researched evidence you compiled to make your case.

I can really see why you started this thread.

P.S. You must think Biden's an infant.
I think MAGAs have been whining about Biden visiting the border for a while. I'm just asking why.
Then why hasn’t your Vegetable Messiah lived up to his oath of office and enforced the laws passed by Congress?

I predict you will dodge this question too.
The idiot OP whines and cries for pages saying she didn’t get an acceptable answer to her idiot OP, refuses to answer questions.
Glad that you showed that your impartial judgements are valid. LMAO
This is a very, very christian paradigm, and it is indoctrinated in most Americans since birth, so, I do not blame you for perceiving me this way. Bulldog is the same. Look;
You're getting more childish than usual now. Perhaps somebody at a Q site will be interested in that kind of silly discussion. I'm not..
He too, dislikes me as much, probably more than you do. I am loathed by all, I assure you.

In American, indeed, all western culture, we have this thing, embedded to our collective psyche, it goes back to Christian and Roman days.

Matthew 12:30​

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.

divide et impera



Dude, just b/c you are still being toyed in a long range psyop, that I can speak to the other side about, does not mean I have anymore respect for the globalist consortium, which is purposely created as the foil in the Hegelian dialectic.

The divide and rule paradigm is phony. It always has been, it is used to manipulate and rule, only.


I've had a few friends that were born in the middle East and Asia that always thought this type of dialectical brainwashing was silly. You should try to train yourself to get out of it.
From the OP.
Obviously, MAGAs think the Border Patrol has been nefariously withholding vital information from President Biden.
Violated Rule.
Furthermore, when starting a new thread and declaring something as fact in your opening post, you must also link to a source.
The OP stated what "MAGAs (whatever they are) think." I would like to know what he bases that obvious assumption on. I have not seen a post or report anywhere supporting that assertion. What is the OP basing his assertion that anyone thinks the "Border patrol has been nefariously withholding vital information from Biden? Do your job and quit being obtuse.
Keep grabbing. You'll reach that straw yet.

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