Question for Republicans. Has Border Patrol been hiding vital information from President Biden?

Nonsense. CBP would love to tell Biden all about the challenges they face. Everyone but you seems to know that BIden is doing what he is doing with full knowledge of the crisis at hand.

Nice cover for Biden under false premise. We don't think that Biden is making a drastic mistake because the Deep State is hiding info from him; he is fully informed and doing this knowingly, in violation of his Constitutional duty.
I have no doubt that Biden has full knowledge of what is happening. My question was why MAGAs feel he needs to stand on the border to know what is happening. The only possible reason I can think of is they feel the border patrol is withholding information. Otherwise, the only rational reason for all their whining is the desire for aa photo-op
Why do you refuse to enforce rules of the board?
Quote for me the exact portion of the OP or title, and the exact rule, that was broken.

Not some nebulous opinion that is subjective, that you just wave your hand around, because you are emotional, and don't like the topic.
If the border patrol has been hiding information that should have already been transferred to the White House, that would have MASSIVE political repercussions.
Your whole premise is absurd.

Wanting Biden to go the border is not about educating him. It is about having him face the mess that his administration has created.

It is an empty gesture, because of course the White House knows what is going on. If anything, Biden's handlers are sending him to pretend that he does not know how bad it is.

Best case scenario, Biden uses his visit as and excuse to say that it must have gotten really bad since (fill in some way to blame anyone but Biden), and now he has to take action. No mystery what to do, just repeat what the last administration did.

But the Dems are not about best case scenarios, so that is doubtful. More likely, he will look around the El Paso reception hosted by the Democratic mayor and say, "it look like it's going well to me."
I think we presently “talking” past each other.

First, I do doubt that there is “daily” contact.

But let’s assume it is daily. What are the likely subject matters of such communications? I’m going to guess, below.

Source: my fertile imagination.

What topics are unlikely to be included in any reports provided by our Border Patrol?
My guess is that it is outside of their purview to assess the impact of illegal immigration on our border communities. And this might be a good reason for a President to get his own eyes and ears on those local border communities.
And you think it is reasonable to expect the President of the United States to spend the several days it would require for him to personally evaluate the impact on border communities? How many communities do you want him to personally evaluate?
What makes it a "trolling thread?" instead of a hypothetical conversation to those opposed to the current administration?

If it triggers you so hard, instead of thinking of it as a troll thread, maybe you need to do some introspection?

Does it not all come down to point of view?
You are being intentionally obtuse. I really don't care--do what you want to do. It is ludicrous to attempt to bring logic into a discussion that allows for nonsense. Meh.
And you call that link on topic? No my post is definitely on topic until you pars it to the point that you change the topic yourself. I responded to the quote you made that "you knew" the outcome of a future event. That is obviously untrue, because reality dictates that you cannot possibly "know" the outcome of ANY future event. I believe you are being disingenuous in not calling this thread what it is. An obvious trolling post.
I was giving you proof, that my mod decisions are based on the rules, not political POV, and if you want to discuss those things with me, there is the thread.

On epistemology, yes, you are right, I am not clairvoyant, but, IMO, I think circumstantial evidence of corruption speaks pretty loudly.

You can have your opinion about the rules all you want, but IMO? They should be applied without prejudice.
What makes it a "trolling thread?" instead of a hypothetical conversation to those opposed to the current administration?

If it triggers you so hard, instead of thinking of it as a troll thread, maybe you need to do some introspection?

Does it not all come down to point of view?
Ignoring blatant reality videoed and reported on by every news outlet.
Let’s see if you can answer a question: If he went there to see what is going on, why didn’t he go to the border instead of a parking lot in the middle of a city that had all the illegals bum rushed out of it for his visit?
Doesn't look like a parking lot to me. Perhaps your MAGA source only showed part of his visit. Wouldn't be the first time.
What makes it a "trolling thread?" instead of a hypothetical conversation to those opposed to the current administration?

If it triggers you so hard, instead of thinking of it as a troll thread, maybe you need to do some introspection?

Does it not all come down to point of view?
The factual claims makes it not a hypothetical.

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