Question for Republicans. Has Border Patrol been hiding vital information from President Biden?

C'mon man, I said "could." Do you deny that is a possibility? Sounds like you've been listening to democrats who have tried to convince us all that would, could and should actually mean "did"
The point is, it won't.

The system is hopelessly corrupt.

And yes, I do deny the possibility. I knew who was going to win the election, even before the early voting started.

Biden had the SAME campaign slogans, as all the other global leaders. We now have a global government, which, in affect means, the institutional investment companies, and the global media consortium, run everything.

Finance, trade, my life, your life, the lives of all the politicians, scientists, doctors, lawyers and judges, etc. . . .

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Let’s pretend that Brandon had a functioning brain.

Now let’s further assume that it is theoretically possible for a man with a functioning brain to observe things by going to a specific location — in person — and witnessing with his own eyes the conditions at that location.

There ^ you have the basic reasons why a President might want to go do some primary research by traveling to a place — like our porous Southern border.
So your make-believe thesis is that Brandon should be relieved of any negative criticism merely because he hasn’t bothered in two years as President to visit the nearly open Southern border.

It appears that your thesis assumes that the agents of our border patrol (and it’s management) would send the President some reports and official communications about the impact of our porous borders on local American communities.

That’s a rather baseless assumption. Can you provide link one?
You're right. I just assumed the border patrol et. al. was in daily contact with the white house. Do you really doubt that happens?
You're right. I just assumed the border patrol et. al. was in daily contact with the white house. Do you really doubt that happens?
It is and Biden doesn't care.
It's obvious you never check out Reuters or AP News because what little brain matter you possess would rupture.
who do you think should be imprisoned for withholding that information?
Here is ONE MORE rational answer to your question. MAYORKAS! He has been a nonstop source of misinformation and lies regarding the border. Not the CBP. Mayorkas. Remember his report of CBP "whipping" Haitians. Yeah, that is only one example of his many LIES. Like your disingenuous OP.
In fact I can't figure out how in the hell we have a president who is blatantly derelict of his duties concerning the security of this NATION
I can't figure out how this mod has chosen to disregard this obvious blatant troll thread. I believe that mod is derelict in his duty.
No, you speculated, in your opinion, about a future outcome. Next you'll tell me to "follow the science" because I COULD get covid if I don't. Are you trolling now?
That's a bit off-topic, ain't it? You should be careful before you pigeonhole and build your straw-men, seriously.
Obviously, MAGAs think the Border Patrol has been nefariously withholding vital information from President Biden.

Nonsense. CBP would love to tell Biden all about the challenges they face. Everyone but you seems to know that BIden is doing what he is doing with full knowledge of the crisis at hand.

Nice cover for Biden under false premise. We don't think that Biden is making a drastic mistake because the Deep State is hiding info from him; he is fully informed and doing this knowingly, in violation of his Constitutional duty.

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