Question for Republicans. Has Border Patrol been hiding vital information from President Biden?


This is just one more example of. . .




Obviously, MAGAs think the Border Patrol has been nefariously withholding vital information from President Biden. Extensive communications channels allow a huge amount of information to be transferred electronically, so it would seem that the only purpose our president might have to actually go to the border would be to find what the nefarious border patrol is hiding. Exactly what do the MAGAs expect to be found that hasn't already been communicated to the White House, and who do you think should be imprisoned for withholding that information? There has been a constant stream of MAGAs to the border, but none seem to be anything more than photo -ops. None of those MAGAs have returned with a single shred of information that wasn't already known before their photo-ops. Exactly what new information do you expect to be discovered?
Lol, the lunacy of you howler monkeys is not measurable. How would we know any of that? Lol, we wouldn't. Fail.
Any REAL American demands that China Joe SEE FOR HIMSELF the human disaster he and his party has caused. Not just Conservatives who want to Make America Great Again, but any REAL American.
Now that conservatives are in charge of congress, there will be pressure to do something, anything.

If anything does happen to get done, this will be optics, to make it look like the administration cared about border security from day one.

Especially if the head of DHS gets impeached.
Obviously, MAGAs think the Border Patrol has been nefariously withholding vital information from President Biden. Extensive communications channels allow a huge amount of information to be transferred electronically, so it would seem that the only purpose our president might have to actually go to the border would be to find what the nefarious border patrol is hiding. Exactly what do the MAGAs expect to be found that hasn't already been communicated to the White House, and who do you think should be imprisoned for withholding that information? There has been a constant stream of MAGAs to the border, but none seem to be anything more than photo -ops. None of those MAGAs have returned with a single shred of information that wasn't already known before their photo-ops. Exactly what new information do you expect to be discovered?
Unclean start. Trollish bait thread. And most offensive of all, it’s a very retarded boring thread.
That would be a huge indictment on the Biden administration's ability to effectively lead this country and could, IMO, lead to impeachment proceedings on Biden/Harris themselves.

You really think McCarthy will go after Biden huh?


The last two years speaks for itself--however irrelevant as is your OP. The only reason Abbott or any other southern border state governor asked him to "come and see" is he and his admin's very public lack of concern for what is happening. The fact that you posted this obvious irrelevant click bait just supports that reality. Is that rational enough for you. If not, run along, you have no interest in rationality or truth.
So you wanted a photo-op?
Locking to clean up thread.

As far as I can tell, the title, and topic hypothesis, which is an original thought, requires no links, is a political discussion, and it is a clean start.
The following isn’t opinion, it’s factual claims the OP failed to bring a link to back up.

There has been a constant stream of MAGAs to the border, but none seem to be anything more than photo -ops. None of those MAGAs have returned with a single shred of information that wasn't already known before their photo-ops. Exactly what new information do you expect to be discovered?
Where is your evidence the BP has withheld anything from your Vegetable Messiah?

Let‘s see if the Simp has an answer.
The only reason I can come up with for the MAGAs to whine so much about a visit is they think there is some information that wasn't already given to the White House. Well, either that, or they wanted a photo OP. Can you think of any other rational reason why MAGAs whined so much?
The following isn’t opinion, it’s factual claims the OP failed to bring a link to back up.

There has been a constant stream of MAGAs to the border, but none seem to be anything more than photo -ops. None of those MAGAs have returned with a single shred of information that wasn't already known before their photo-ops. Exactly what new information do you expect to be discovered?
This is the last time I am going to address this, but reality does not need a link. I don't even watch TEE VEE, and even I know, that places like OAN & Newsmax have sent their folks to the border to film the border and what is going on.

We have all seen the photos. We have all seen the clips, this does not need a link. You just want to use forum rules to try to shut down free speech, that is not what the rules are designed for.

The only time you absolutely NEED a link to prove a fact, is when there might be an argument about the validity of some epistomological truth. There is no argument about the flow of illegals coming in. You agree, bulldog agrees.

Furthermore, when starting a new thread and declaring something as fact in your opening post, you must also link to a source. For example, "Polls say 2/3 of people think x, y, z." You need to link to a source for one of those alleged polls. Telling others to Google it on their own is not acceptable.

You just want to use manipulate the rules to try to shut the thread down. Just as the left always trolls and derails threads to do to your side. You guys both do it to each other.


This is the end of this discussion.
The only reason I can come up with for the MAGAs to whine so much about a visit is they think there is some information that wasn't already given to the White House. Well, either that, or they wanted a photo OP. Can you think of any other rational reason why MAGAs whined so much?
Your Vegetable Messiah didn’t go to the border, Dumbass.

He went to a parking lot in the middle of El Paso that had all his illegals bum rushed out if there faster than if they were in a Dimtard Sanctuary City like Martha’s Vineyard.
Any REAL American demands that China Joe SEE FOR HIMSELF the human disaster he and his party has caused. Not just Conservatives who want to Make America Great Again, but any REAL American.
And another vote for a photo-op.
Obviously, MAGAs think the Border Patrol has been nefariously withholding vital information from President Biden. Extensive communications channels allow a huge amount of information to be transferred electronically, so it would seem that the only purpose our president might have to actually go to the border would be to find what the nefarious border patrol is hiding. Exactly what do the MAGAs expect to be found that hasn't already been communicated to the White House, and who do you think should be imprisoned for withholding that information? There has been a constant stream of MAGAs to the border, but none seem to be anything more than photo -ops. None of those MAGAs have returned with a single shred of information that wasn't already known before their photo-ops. Exactly what new information do you expect to be discovered?
They're just partisan idiots
Your Vegetable Messiah didn’t go to the border, Dumbass.

He went to a parking lot in the middle of El Paso that had all his illegals bum rushed out if there faster than if they were in a Dimtard Sanctuary City like Martha’s Vineyard.
The idiot OP claimed nothing new was learned by all the people, Dem and Rep, who went to the border and did numerous interviews about what is actually going on.

The idiot OP never learned any of this new information because that Maddow dude on MSDNC didn’t report it.

And just so I’m clear going forward, despite the rules saying when you declare something as “fact” you “must” provide a link……but reality needs no link. Do I have that correct?
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Unclean start. Trollish bait thread. And most offensive of all, it’s a very retarded boring thread.
Yet not a single MAGA could come up with a rational reason for all their whining about Biden not visiting the border, and now whining because he did.
Obviously, MAGAs think the Border Patrol has been nefariously withholding vital information from President Biden. Extensive communications channels allow a huge amount of information to be transferred electronically, so it would seem that the only purpose our president might have to actually go to the border would be to find what the nefarious border patrol is hiding. Exactly what do the MAGAs expect to be found that hasn't already been communicated to the White House, and who do you think should be imprisoned for withholding that information? There has been a constant stream of MAGAs to the border, but none seem to be anything more than photo -ops. None of those MAGAs have returned with a single shred of information that wasn't already known before their photo-ops. Exactly what new information do you expect to be discovered?
So your make-believe thesis is that Brandon should be relieved of any negative criticism merely because he hasn’t bothered in two years as President to visit the nearly open Southern border.

It appears that your thesis assumes that the agents of our border patrol (and it’s management) would send the President some reports and official communications about the impact of our porous borders on local American communities.

That’s a rather baseless assumption. Can you provide link one?

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