Question for Republicans. Has Border Patrol been hiding vital information from President Biden?

MAGAs have been whining about Biden going to the border for quite a while.
yep…he doesn’t care and when he went close buy, to El Paso he insulted Jews by comparing the illegal migrants to Jews fleeing gas chambers. he’s a sick man
So what new information did you expect him to find?
Since I didn't ask him to go -- I already saw the fiasco the last visit by Kameltoe was, I don't expect ANYTHING from this moron beyond more wasted money. What did you expect him to find? Don't bother to answer, you voted for this POS, so it is clear you don't expect anything either. Is that enough rationality for you?
Obviously, MAGAs think the Border Patrol has been nefariously withholding vital information from President Biden. Extensive communications channels allow a huge amount of information to be transferred electronically, so it would seem that the only purpose our president might have to actually go to the border would be to find what the nefarious border patrol is hiding. Exactly what do the MAGAs expect to be found that hasn't already been communicated to the White House, and who do you think should be imprisoned for withholding that information? There has been a constant stream of MAGAs to the border, but none seem to be anything more than photo -ops. None of those MAGAs have returned with a single shred of information that wasn't already known before their photo-ops. Exactly what new information do you expect to be discovered?
He knows. His great replacement overlords own him When he was VP.
Because the democrats obviously don't want him to go there as has been evidenced by the previous two years of this admin. You really need to become better informed. Cave dwelling has not helped you to keep up.
Link to any Democrat opposing Biden's visit
I think you are talking about Faux News, not MAGA. I don’t see how him visiting the border is going to change anything. That would imply he cares and would do something to fix it. Us MAGA know that he is leaving it open by design to destroy the country. The cucks on Fox are stupid in believing he will see it and go “Oh my God, let me fix this!” Then again they actually believe he is a legitimate President, so that is how dumb they are.
Faux news is MAGA.
Again, what new information did you expect him to find. What information that the border patrol hadn't already told the white house?
Again, I didn't schedule the trip. The morons you voted for did. IDGAF, whether he spends his entire term where he campaigned, actually that would be preferable, he would do less damage.
---Former White House adviser, Oliver McGee, has shared footage on social media of former Vice President Joe Biden saying he wants “unrelenting immigration” to turn white America into an “absolute minority.”---

Joe Biden is on a need to know basis and is there to try to stumble through the words he sees on his teleprompter.

His handlers promise him ice cream cones and 8 year olds if he can read the words well enough without asking any questions.
Since I didn't ask him to go -- I already saw the fiasco the last visit by Kameltoe was, I don't expect ANYTHING from this moron beyond more wasted money. What did you expect him to find? Don't bother to answer, you voted for this POS, so it is clear you don't expect anything either. Is that enough rationality for you?
So why have MAGAs whined so much about him not going? Childish tantrum?
Link to any Democrat opposing Biden's visit
The last two years speaks for itself--however irrelevant as is your OP. The only reason Abbott or any other southern border state governor asked him to "come and see" is he and his admin's very public lack of concern for what is happening. The fact that you posted this obvious irrelevant click bait just supports that reality. Is that rational enough for you. If not, run along, you have no interest in rationality or truth.
Joe Biden is on a need to know basis and is there to try to stumble through the words he sees on his teleprompter.

His handlers promise him ice cream cones and 8 year olds if he can read the words well enough without asking any questions.
This moron OP has no interest in his own OP. He is trolling click bait.
The border patrol has been screaming at Fuckwad Biden. Biden sits in his full diaper with his eyes tightly shut as he stamps his feet and screams LA LA LA LA LA.
Obviously, MAGAs think the Border Patrol has been nefariously withholding vital information from President Biden. Extensive communications channels allow a huge amount of information to be transferred electronically, so it would seem that the only purpose our president might have to actually go to the border would be to find what the nefarious border patrol is hiding. Exactly what do the MAGAs expect to be found that hasn't already been communicated to the White House, and who do you think should be imprisoned for withholding that information? There has been a constant stream of MAGAs to the border, but none seem to be anything more than photo -ops. None of those MAGAs have returned with a single shred of information that wasn't already known before their photo-ops. Exactly what new information do you expect to be discovered?
Where is your evidence the BP has withheld anything from your Vegetable Messiah?

Let‘s see if the Simp has an answer.
This wad of crap DOES NOT belong in Politics. Mods if you please........
Locking to clean up thread.

The basic rules are not gonna change much.. There's already a clause for not allowing "baiting and polarizing" Titles and OPs. That will be footnoted with something like the following..

Titles and Opening Posts
1) Title must contain sufficient clues about the ACTUAL expected discussion. Titles like "How stupid are These People" can't be SEARCHED or indexed for search for the use of members or mods to find and manage existing active threads.

2) Titles must be free of INFLAMMATORY words, name calling or "pet names".. Those things are what make a title "baiting".

3) The "user content" in OPs that the existing rules require needs to be "stepped up".. "Get a load of this" -- is no longer sufficient topical content"... Must be 2 lines or more.. The more the better.. Must SUMMARIZE the topic to be discussed and why you think it NEEDS discussion..

To sum that up.. We're REQUIRING the Original Posters to START a clean topical discussion.,. No more juiced incendiary titles and ranting OPs.. If it's important enough for you to dash to a keyboard to poke it in -- need to put in the effort to start the discussion with YOUR views of the topic..

As far as I can tell, the title, and topic hypothesis, which is an original thought, requires no links, is a political discussion, and it is a clean start.
Thread re-opened. If you are going to throw bombs at each other, or slag each other's partisan view point, try to address the topic, what is to be gained by the POTUS visiting the border?
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