Question for Republicans. Has Border Patrol been hiding vital information from President Biden?

Where do you get this crap?
Biden knows exactly what is going on at the border, and he loves it.
It's either his plan along with his Democrat's to try and increase their voter roles at the expense of this countries loss in security or Biden is compromised... If compromised, then he is probably being blackmailed by other's who have their agenda in play through Biden, and therefore it explains his total dereliction of duty while in the job.
Biden won't find any factual info as his minions have already sanitized anyplace that he is scheduled to tour. Can't have any detrimental visuals for the msm photo ops (dripping with sarcasm). Another democrat useless waste of taxpayer $$$.
Biden knows these things exist, so if it's being sanitized, then it's by his and his administrations hand in which it is being done.
Obviously, MAGAs think the Border Patrol has been nefariously withholding vital information from President Biden. Extensive communications channels allow a huge amount of information to be transferred electronically, so it would seem that the only purpose our president might have to actually go to the border would be to find what the nefarious border patrol is hiding. Exactly what do the MAGAs expect to be found that hasn't already been communicated to the White House, and who do you think should be imprisoned for withholding that information? There has been a constant stream of MAGAs to the border, but none seem to be anything more than photo -ops. None of those MAGAs have returned with a single shred of information that wasn't already known before their photo-ops. Exactly what new information do you expect to be discovered?
no they haven’t. xiden just doesn’t care.
So why have MAGAs demanded that he go there?

I think you are talking about Faux News, not MAGA. I don’t see how him visiting the border is going to change anything. That would imply he cares and would do something to fix it. Us MAGA know that he is leaving it open by design to destroy the country. The cucks on Fox are stupid in believing he will see it and go “Oh my God, let me fix this!” Then again they actually believe he is a legitimate President, so that is how dumb they are.
Nice try at transferring blame to conservatives before Biden's visit. Won't work leftist. In fact I can't figure out how in the hell we have a president who is blatantly derelict of his duties concerning the security of this NATION, and not be removed from office. How the country has allowed this criminality to take place at the highest level of this country, is really the most agreedous thing I've ever seen to go unpunished.

Biden and company make Trump look like a choir boy.

Biden is a threat to the national security of this nation. I'll keep saying it till he's out of office.
That's interesting and all, but still no answer to the question. Isn'tthere a single MAGA that can respond to a reasonable question? Are you all cowards?
It don't matter. Biden wouldn't be able to make heads or tales because of his advanced dementia. In other words, the president of the United States is a drooling moron.
I thought pres. Biden's mental health was in worse shape than you described? I am happy to hear from you that pres. Biden's mental health is improving!
Biden won't find any factual info as his minions have already sanitized anyplace that he is scheduled to tour. Can't have any detrimental visuals for the msm photo ops (dripping with sarcasm). Another democrat useless waste of taxpayer $$$.
So what new information did you expect him to find?
Send him to Del Rio or the Rio Grande Valley unannounced. Then see for yourself what he would discover since you evidently live in your basement.
Again, what new information did you expect him to find. What information that the border patrol hadn't already told the white house?
HaHaHa, you had no rational question and you expect an rational answer, try again moron.
A perfectly reasonable question. What information do you think wasn't already communicated to the white house, and requires an in person visit to find?

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