Question for those pushing a "living wage"

How would you suggest we make government smaller? What would you do?

At the federal level...

Abolish the EPA.

Abolish the Dept of Education.

Abolish OSHA.

A the state level....

publish all salaries and benefits.

The EPA? You want us to be like China so we can't even the sky?

How much would all those things save us on the budget?

Notice he picked OSHA and EPA

Don't want to tell those businesses what to do. Kill your workers and your neighbors....but make more money for your stockholders
How would you suggest we make government smaller? What would you do?

Ah, back to your small government authoritarian leftism, LOL.

Companies should operate as companies, not government welfare agencies. Which means they should pay market wages. They should not consider government social policy in their strategies.

Welfare should be welfare. First, no one should ever get less welfare for working. What they do now is cutoffs, if you make more than X, you don't qualify. It should be for example a 2 for 1 phaseout meaning for every 2 dollars you earn your benefit is reduced 1 dollar so no one is incented to not work. One of my employees won't work more than a certain number of hours for that reason, it's insane.

Welfare should be reformed where they go for help in this order:

1) People are responsible for themselves
2) Their families help them
3) Their communities/churches help them
4) Charities help them
5) Government welfare should be the last step, not the first, and it should be at the local level not the Federal level.

I can't believe how impenetrable some of these alleged "conservative" skulls are...Where would Kmart and McDonald's be without it's burger flippers, store clerks, cashiers, warehousemen, etc,? NOWHERE
All of these people are needed to generate the wealth enjoyed by a successfull company...and SHOULD NOT HAVE TO DEPEND ON CHARITY OR TAXPAYER LARGESSE to survive...
Sure the CEOs and stockholders at the top of these BIG companies "deserve" profits...but so do the folks at the bottom ...who help generate those profits...DESERVE A LIVING WAGE.
Depending on charity or the public dole to feed ur kids when u work full time for the wealthiest in our nation is not just's obscene.

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In their eyes the Walton's who inherited the business and probably do very little work deserve the $3 billion a year. But the people who are actually working to help them make that money deserve so little they are on welfare.
Companies like Walmart are creating this need by paying so little, so the government grows.


So Walmart gives workers with little education, experience or training a better offer than anyone else gives them, and that's Walmart "creating this need?" WTF? So Walmart caused them to suck at school and not work hard? Walmart caused them to not work hard or be reliable at other jobs and not gain experience? Walmart did all that? Wow, in your native language, "baa." Incredible. And you actually believe that don't you? Walmart gave them a chance, and they are paying them more than anyone else will pay them. In what possible fantasy land is that bad?

I'm in the real world.

LOL, we know that's wrong. Walmart, who is already paying them more than anyone else will pay them, is the bad guy in this. Right. Oh, and you're saying that because of your belief in small governments...

Look at the unemployment rate. Not many other options out there.

Yes, Obama's doing a bang up job of making sure Walmart has plenty of employees they can abuse...
Sure get a job at the largest company in the world maybe. Oh wait they pay so little that you'd still be on welfare.

Why the hell would I bust my ass working at the local Walmart? Maybe corporate HQ or one of their software/engineering shops, but no way in hell I'm gonna work as a stock guy, register clerk, or even manager at Walmart when I can make a six figure salary millions of different ways working right at home. I've never collected an ounce of welfare, and I suspect I never will. You'd have to burn down my ranch & home, steal my assets, break my hands and legs, cut my tongue out, poke my eyes out, and kill all of my relatives, before I'd even come close to not being able to figure out a way to stay off welfare.

And you've been very fortunate your whole life no doubt.

When I was a young child, I learned you can either make/construct your own fortune or wait for hand-outs. My parents were not big on hand-outs. I enjoy the competition. I enjoy the effort. I take pride in being able to say, I built that.

I made more money as a child back in the 70s cutting grass and / or working at publix than most walmart employees make. If you are working for minimum wage at walmart, and you are an "adult" who is not of retirement age I just have to ask, what the hell happened? Or perhaps the real reason is they are at walmart cause it's an easy job and they can keep their welfare checks.

Just to add, I can remember plenty of retired folks that were bagging at publix for minimum wage/close to minimum. They did it cause they enjoyed the work, got to mingle with the chicks, and keep busy/healthy, and it got them a little pocket change with no stress. It was odd for me (a 17 year old kid) to be managing folks 50 years older than me, but I really liked them, they worked hard and they were courteous and helped me out by providing lots of sage advice.
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I can't believe how impenetrable some of these alleged "conservative" skulls are...
I'm not an alleged conservative, I'm an actual libertarian.

Where would Kmart and McDonald's be without it's burger flippers, store clerks, cashiers, warehousemen, etc,? NOWHERE
All of these people are needed to generate the wealth enjoyed by a successfull company...and SHOULD NOT HAVE TO DEPEND ON CHARITY OR TAXPAYER LARGESSE to survive...
Sure the CEOs and stockholders at the top of these BIG companies "deserve" profits...but so do the folks at the bottom ...who help generate those profits...DESERVE A LIVING WAGE.
Depending on charity or the public dole to feed ur kids when u work full time for the wealthiest in our nation is not just's obscene.

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LOL, Comrade. Without them, companies would hire other dime a dozen employees. Without entrepreneurs, the burger flippers and store clerks would starve. They have no idea what to do unless they are told what to do or how to do it until they are told how to do it.

People like me who start and run businesses are rare, people who work at them are everywhere. And yet we're supposed to value the sand over the diamond? LOL. You have no idea what my life is like or the pressure I'm under. I do know I have a lot of good employees and I know none of them could do what I do. And the higher they are in the company the more they know and tell me that.
Ah, back to your small government authoritarian leftism, LOL.

Companies should operate as companies, not government welfare agencies. Which means they should pay market wages. They should not consider government social policy in their strategies.

Welfare should be welfare. First, no one should ever get less welfare for working. What they do now is cutoffs, if you make more than X, you don't qualify. It should be for example a 2 for 1 phaseout meaning for every 2 dollars you earn your benefit is reduced 1 dollar so no one is incented to not work. One of my employees won't work more than a certain number of hours for that reason, it's insane.

Welfare should be reformed where they go for help in this order:

1) People are responsible for themselves
2) Their families help them
3) Their communities/churches help them
4) Charities help them
5) Government welfare should be the last step, not the first, and it should be at the local level not the Federal level.

I can't believe how impenetrable some of these alleged "conservative" skulls are...Where would Kmart and McDonald's be without it's burger flippers, store clerks, cashiers, warehousemen, etc,? NOWHERE
All of these people are needed to generate the wealth enjoyed by a successfull company...and SHOULD NOT HAVE TO DEPEND ON CHARITY OR TAXPAYER LARGESSE to survive...
Sure the CEOs and stockholders at the top of these BIG companies "deserve" profits...but so do the folks at the bottom ...who help generate those profits...DESERVE A LIVING WAGE.
Depending on charity or the public dole to feed ur kids when u work full time for the wealthiest in our nation is not just's obscene.

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In their eyes the Walton's who inherited the business and probably do very little work deserve the $3 billion a year. But the people who are actually working to help them make that money deserve so little they are on welfare.

Actually, the Waltons who built the business deserve what they built and they have the right to leave it to whomever they want. If the next generations aren't responsible, their wealth won't last.

So Walmart gives workers with little education, experience or training a better offer than anyone else gives them, and that's Walmart "creating this need?" WTF? So Walmart caused them to suck at school and not work hard? Walmart caused them to not work hard or be reliable at other jobs and not gain experience? Walmart did all that? Wow, in your native language, "baa." Incredible. And you actually believe that don't you? Walmart gave them a chance, and they are paying them more than anyone else will pay them. In what possible fantasy land is that bad?

LOL, we know that's wrong. Walmart, who is already paying them more than anyone else will pay them, is the bad guy in this. Right. Oh, and you're saying that because of your belief in small governments...

Look at the unemployment rate. Not many other options out there.

Yes, Obama's doing a bang up job of making sure Walmart has plenty of employees they can abuse...

You are closer to the truth than you think.

There is a Wal-Mart in a small city close to the indian reservation. I was warned that you should not be close by the day of and the day after the government checks come out.

The word is that this Wal-Mart is the 2n'd largest grossing store in the entire system.....most of it coming from government money.

Now, there is a wealth redistribution program the left can be proud of.
Why the hell would I bust my ass working at the local Walmart? Maybe corporate HQ or one of their software/engineering shops, but no way in hell I'm gonna work as a stock guy, register clerk, or even manager at Walmart when I can make a six figure salary millions of different ways working right at home. I've never collected an ounce of welfare, and I suspect I never will. You'd have to burn down my ranch & home, steal my assets, break my hands and legs, cut my tongue out, poke my eyes out, and kill all of my relatives, before I'd even come close to not being able to figure out a way to stay off welfare.

And you've been very fortunate your whole life no doubt.

When I was a young child, I learned you can either make/construct your own fortune or wait for hand-outs. My parents were not big on hand-outs. I enjoy the competition. I enjoy the effort. I take pride in being able to say, I built that.

I made more money as a child back in the 70s cutting grass and / or working at publix than most walmart employees make. If you are working for minimum wage at walmart, and you are an "adult" who is not of retirement age I just have to ask, what the hell happened? Or perhaps the real reason is they are at walmart cause it's an easy job and they can keep their welfare checks.

Just to add, I can remember plenty of retired folks that were bagging at publix for minimum wage/close to minimum. They did it cause they enjoyed the work, got to mingle with the chicks, and keep busy/healthy, and it got them a little pocket change with no stress. It was odd for me (a 17 year old kid) to be managing folks 50 years older than me, but I really liked them, they worked hard and they were courteous and helped me out by providing lots of sage advice.

I know people were paying you ridiculous amounts of money to mow lawns. I got like $5 for a big lawn that might take an hour. Something tells me you were in the rich neighborhood and have been very fortunate your whole life.
And you've been very fortunate your whole life no doubt.

When I was a young child, I learned you can either make/construct your own fortune or wait for hand-outs. My parents were not big on hand-outs. I enjoy the competition. I enjoy the effort. I take pride in being able to say, I built that.

I made more money as a child back in the 70s cutting grass and / or working at publix than most walmart employees make. If you are working for minimum wage at walmart, and you are an "adult" who is not of retirement age I just have to ask, what the hell happened? Or perhaps the real reason is they are at walmart cause it's an easy job and they can keep their welfare checks.

Just to add, I can remember plenty of retired folks that were bagging at publix for minimum wage/close to minimum. They did it cause they enjoyed the work, got to mingle with the chicks, and keep busy/healthy, and it got them a little pocket change with no stress. It was odd for me (a 17 year old kid) to be managing folks 50 years older than me, but I really liked them, they worked hard and they were courteous and helped me out by providing lots of sage advice.

I know people were paying you ridiculous amounts of money to mow lawns. I got like $5 for a big lawn that might take an hour. Something tells me you were in the rich neighborhood and have been very fortunate your whole life.

What does it matter ?

You get what the market will bear. I used to turn down lawn mowing jobs because I was in demand and had all the business I wanted at better prices than some offered.

A good friend made good money washing cars for people at their houses.

You take what's available and grow on it.
And you've been very fortunate your whole life no doubt.

When I was a young child, I learned you can either make/construct your own fortune or wait for hand-outs. My parents were not big on hand-outs. I enjoy the competition. I enjoy the effort. I take pride in being able to say, I built that.

I made more money as a child back in the 70s cutting grass and / or working at publix than most walmart employees make. If you are working for minimum wage at walmart, and you are an "adult" who is not of retirement age I just have to ask, what the hell happened? Or perhaps the real reason is they are at walmart cause it's an easy job and they can keep their welfare checks.

Just to add, I can remember plenty of retired folks that were bagging at publix for minimum wage/close to minimum. They did it cause they enjoyed the work, got to mingle with the chicks, and keep busy/healthy, and it got them a little pocket change with no stress. It was odd for me (a 17 year old kid) to be managing folks 50 years older than me, but I really liked them, they worked hard and they were courteous and helped me out by providing lots of sage advice.

I know people were paying you ridiculous amounts of money to mow lawns. I got like $5 for a big lawn that might take an hour. Something tells me you were in the rich neighborhood and have been very fortunate your whole life.
Nope. The neighborhood where I cut grass as a young child is called North Lauderdale, it's in South Florida. You can look it up. It's not even close to being a rich neighborhood, but it's not a slum if that's what you mean. The reason they paid well was the temperature and humidity. One would have had to be off their rocker to cut grass for five bucks down there. Ten - twenty was about right depending on size of lawn and who's equipment you used whether they wanted edging etc.

Here's a link to some of the homes I used to cut.!3m4!1e1!3m2!1st37aEh5e5YA0i-Ip0kLtbw!2e0
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When I was a young child, I learned you can either make/construct your own fortune or wait for hand-outs. My parents were not big on hand-outs. I enjoy the competition. I enjoy the effort. I take pride in being able to say, I built that.

I made more money as a child back in the 70s cutting grass and / or working at publix than most walmart employees make. If you are working for minimum wage at walmart, and you are an "adult" who is not of retirement age I just have to ask, what the hell happened? Or perhaps the real reason is they are at walmart cause it's an easy job and they can keep their welfare checks.

Just to add, I can remember plenty of retired folks that were bagging at publix for minimum wage/close to minimum. They did it cause they enjoyed the work, got to mingle with the chicks, and keep busy/healthy, and it got them a little pocket change with no stress. It was odd for me (a 17 year old kid) to be managing folks 50 years older than me, but I really liked them, they worked hard and they were courteous and helped me out by providing lots of sage advice.

I know people were paying you ridiculous amounts of money to mow lawns. I got like $5 for a big lawn that might take an hour. Something tells me you were in the rich neighborhood and have been very fortunate your whole life.

What does it matter ?

You get what the market will bear. I used to turn down lawn mowing jobs because I was in demand and had all the business I wanted at better prices than some offered.

A good friend made good money washing cars for people at their houses.

You take what's available and grow on it.

The rich kid getting paid lots of money to do jobs by the rich neighbors has a different view than the kid who grew up poor. People don't seem to recognize the advantages they have. Who you know is often better than how hard you work.
What does it matter ?

You get what the market will bear. I used to turn down lawn mowing jobs because I was in demand and had all the business I wanted at better prices than some offered.

A good friend made good money washing cars for people at their houses.

You take what's available and grow on it.

You're right, none of these stories about how well people did mowing lawns when they were kids matters in this discussion. It is all just anecdotal evidence trying to prove... what exactly I'm not sure. That some people found a good market for lawn mowing and did well when they were children?

More germane to this thread is the question:
Is anyone arguing that the minimum wage should be abolished?

What happens when the income that the market will bear is below the income level necessary for subsistence?

Given that there is a minimum wage and there is inflation, does it make sense to increase the minimum wage purely for the purpose of matching inflation?
I know people were paying you ridiculous amounts of money to mow lawns. I got like $5 for a big lawn that might take an hour. Something tells me you were in the rich neighborhood and have been very fortunate your whole life.

What does it matter ?

You get what the market will bear. I used to turn down lawn mowing jobs because I was in demand and had all the business I wanted at better prices than some offered.

A good friend made good money washing cars for people at their houses.

You take what's available and grow on it.

The rich kid getting paid lots of money to do jobs by the rich neighbors has a different view than the kid who grew up poor. People don't seem to recognize the advantages they have. Who you know is often better than how hard you work.

So what ? Nobody said life was fair.

To somehow claim that is something to be rectified is a joke.

You take the hand you get dealt and you press forward.

I wasn't a rich kid growing up. I just worked and learned that opportunity was there for the interested and willing. I see nothing to change that opinion.
I know people were paying you ridiculous amounts of money to mow lawns. I got like $5 for a big lawn that might take an hour. Something tells me you were in the rich neighborhood and have been very fortunate your whole life.

What does it matter ?

You get what the market will bear. I used to turn down lawn mowing jobs because I was in demand and had all the business I wanted at better prices than some offered.

A good friend made good money washing cars for people at their houses.

You take what's available and grow on it.

The rich kid getting paid lots of money to do jobs by the rich neighbors has a different view than the kid who grew up poor. People don't seem to recognize the advantages they have. Who you know is often better than how hard you work.

Who you know can get you in the door. But you still have to execute. The door isn't locked for you if you don't know folks, it just makes it a bit harder for you to get started.

One of my past work associates became one of the richest men in the world cause his mom was a good friend of the CEO of IBM. I got to work with Bill cause I was known to be one of the best of the best of software engineers in an organization that had over 300k employees. My parents didn't get me any such invites, but they did teach me how to get myself into a position where I could get my own invites.
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What does it matter ?

You get what the market will bear. I used to turn down lawn mowing jobs because I was in demand and had all the business I wanted at better prices than some offered.

A good friend made good money washing cars for people at their houses.

You take what's available and grow on it.

You're right, none of these stories about how well people did mowing lawns when they were kids matters in this discussion. It is all just anecdotal evidence trying to prove... what exactly I'm not sure. That some people found a good market for lawn mowing and did well when they were children?

More germane to this thread is the question:
Is anyone arguing that the minimum wage should be abolished?

What happens when the income that the market will bear is below the income level necessary for subsistence?

Given that there is a minimum wage and there is inflation, does it make sense to increase the minimum wage purely for the purpose of matching inflation?

Clearly, arguendo, if it was worth while to have a minimum wage then it should be indexed to either inflation, or some other measure selected based on whatever was used to support creation of minimum wage in the first place. One could and should say the same about AMT. It makes no sense for AMT not to be indexed. So yes, it makes no sense for minimum wage not to be indexed.

That said, I'd prefer our government spend it's time breaking up monopolies that monopolize labor rates, vs. setting a supposed minimum bar for the worth of supposed minimum value labor in this country. It seems to me minimum wages are an excuse for government to forgo their job of breaking up labor rate monopolies.
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Given how ok you are with all this corporate welfare you might be a Marxist.

If you're not a Marxist, you might just be a Marxist! I should send this in to Jeff Foxworthy. If you're not a redneck, you just might be a redneck! Hmm...on second thought I won't send him that one.

Well you clearly love big government and spending. That's a good start.

No the politicians that have changed the rules so as to make getting on the dole easier than ever before and people like you who think they did the right thing by doing so are the ones who like big government
Companies like Walmart are creating this need by paying so little, so the government grows.


So Walmart gives workers with little education, experience or training a better offer than anyone else gives them, and that's Walmart "creating this need?" WTF? So Walmart caused them to suck at school and not work hard? Walmart caused them to not work hard or be reliable at other jobs and not gain experience? Walmart did all that? Wow, in your native language, "baa." Incredible. And you actually believe that don't you? Walmart gave them a chance, and they are paying them more than anyone else will pay them. In what possible fantasy land is that bad?

I'm in the real world.

LOL, we know that's wrong. Walmart, who is already paying them more than anyone else will pay them, is the bad guy in this. Right. Oh, and you're saying that because of your belief in small governments...

Look at the unemployment rate. Not many other options out there.

Unemployment Rates for States

Half of the states have unemployment under 6%
Clearly, arguendo, if it was worth while to have a minimum wage then it should be indexed to either inflation, or some other measure selected based on whatever was used to support creation of minimum wage in the first place. One could and should say the same about AMT. It makes no sense for AMT not to be indexed. So yes, it makes no sense for minimum wage not to be indexed.

That said, I'd prefer our government spend it's time breaking up monopolies that monopolize labor rates, vs. setting a supposed minimum bar for the worth of supposed minimum value labor in this country. It seems to me minimum wages are an excuse for government to forgo their job of breaking up labor rate monopolies.

I agree, and thank you for granting that for the sake of argument at least.

When you say "monopolies that monopolize labor rates" to which entities are you referring? I apologize if you have explained this already. This thread is massive.
The Job Loss Myth | Raise The Minimum Wage

Yes, this is a web-site without an agenda.

Collecting data that supports their opinion.

Here is something to consider.

We don't live in an "economy". We live in 50 states, most of which have some degree of uiqueness and even some of them have multiple economies.

You might see positive effects by raising the wage in one area and reduced effects by lowering it.

Even within businesses that have different models, you might find things different.

In one area I know of (not a garden place), people all make well above the minimum wage because labor is so tight. The minimum wage Obama is proposing would have no effect on them. The problem is that the cost of living is also up because of tight demand.

So, this all or nothing argument is meaningless.

I know I'd be pretty feeling pretty low if my wage was set by law and not by what my employer thought I was worth. And don't get me wrong. He does not pay anymore than he has to.

From someone I know:

I left a job I liked for a job I knew I'd like more. My first employer came to me with an offer for about 20% more. I was flattered, but I wasn't leaving because of money. Still, why would they not pay me that much if they thought I was worth it. Shame on me for working for less than market value.

Don't kid yourselves.
If you're not a Marxist, you might just be a Marxist! I should send this in to Jeff Foxworthy. If you're not a redneck, you just might be a redneck! Hmm...on second thought I won't send him that one.

Well you clearly love big government and spending. That's a good start.

No the politicians that have changed the rules so as to make getting on the dole easier than ever before and people like you who think they did the right thing by doing so are the ones who like big government

Then lets talk numbers. What is the cut off point for food stamps?

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