Question for those pushing a "living wage"

Skull, you might have missed understanding what I wrote. I was asking about YOUR business. Not fast food or retail.

But I got to ask you skull. You think everyone should be just like you eh?

I think you don't have a very good understanding of human beings. We are all different skull. You may have wanted to work 90 hours a week for what ever reason. Does not mean that everyone else should, would or could work 90 hours a week.

Tough for you to understand that. But that is the way it is.

And because you work 90 hours a week, get off your high horse and quit begging for applause. It was your choice. Your entire life is based on your job and what you do. Not everyone feels that way.

Yet they still gotta eat. And have a roof over their heads. Some basic medical care. Clothes. You know, things like that.

But your math is also fuzzy. Your 38 hour worker will not get paid another 400 dollars a month by working 40 hours. Do the math. 8.2 additional hours x 19.00 dollars equals $155.80.

Or do your employees set their own hours? That would be weird.

You don't exaggerate do you?

You're assuming she puts in 38 hours. She comes in well under that on average

You run a company or a welfare agency? How in the hell can a company prosper when the supposed full time workers don't work the full time hours? And you let that shit go on?
Knowingly and with your approval I guess. This person still has their job right?

What kind of business do you run?
How many of your support staff have a family and a life outside of work and still work a part time job? Do you even know? Or care?

If none of your support staff is working part time jobs or receiving food stamps, then you have answered a most vexing question for these boards; what is the amount of a "living" wage. Skull has determined it is 15 to 18 dollars an hour for "support staff". I agree.

What is your business skull? In broad generalities of course.

His skills, he runs a business, organizes, leads a group of people to produce a product or service, has invested many years, and tons of money to make it work, he produces jobs, he works in the confines of a massive government bureaucracy that forces him to collect taxes. He probably has contracted lawyers, CPA's and others to make sure he is compliant with laws. He probably has his business on his mind 24/7 and worries what the next law will be, how can he keep his business relevant in an ever changing world of competition.

That would be a small part of what most business owners need.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I'll fix that for you: He sits behind a desk, points fingers, yells at a group of people to produce a product or service, has wasted many years, and tons of his unlimited supply of bourgeois scum money to make it work, he produces "jobs" for unwitting wage slaves, he works alongside a helpful government bureaucracy that doesn't force him to do anything other than keep track of who he pays what amounts. I'll skip your next few lines, as they can be summed up as thus: "Probably probably probably."

Business owners are lazy scumbags that are unable to do anything for themselves so they leech off of society by taking advantage of wage slaves desperate for some form of income they can use to support their families. Capitalists are the real welfare queens.

All it would take to end corporate welfare is to raise the minimum wage to a living wage, and to do this we need only revoke a business owner's access to the company's funds. Let him get paid as a regular, rank and file employee of his own business, and let's see how long it takes before he makes the living wage a reality.

Yeah I risked everything I had to start this business. If it failed my wife and I would have been living in our car.

For a year we slept on an air mattress in the reception area got up and put it away every morning before we opened.

We did that because we had to gut the entire second floor of the building in order to bring it up to code for the apartment over the business that we planned to live in.

So a basic day was get up at 5 get the business ready to open work all day then at night we did all the work to bring the building up to code usually until the wee hours of the morning. We lived on PB and J and take out because we didn't have a kitchen, took showers at a friend's house or used the hose because we had no plumbing upstairs and no shower in the business.

You don't know Jack shit about what it took for us to open our business.

In the past 7 years we have reinvested 300K back into the business and increased our staff from 6 to 11 people.

After all this and living ina smll apartment for the past 7 years my wife and I are finally building a house onthe lot next to the business and people like you have the balls to say to us shit like this

" Oh gee I guess I know where all the money you charge me is going"


" it must be nice to have other people pay for your new house"

But I guess just because I own a business I'm not supposed to have a home when the very people who say this shit all have houses of their own and drive newer more expensive cars than I do.

So you can go fuck yourself because I got what I got because I risked everything to get it.
How many of your support staff have a family and a life outside of work and still work a part time job? Do you even know? Or care?

If none of your support staff is working part time jobs or receiving food stamps, then you have answered a most vexing question for these boards; what is the amount of a "living" wage. Skull has determined it is 15 to 18 dollars an hour for "support staff". I agree.

What is your business skull? In broad generalities of course.

I never mention the term living wage.

I pay my people what I pay them because that is what the skill level they need is worth in the market place. The total cost of paying them is reflected in my pricing which is in general on par with the regional norms for my operation. Increasing my prices so as to pay people 40% more ( and you think people should get more of in increase I'm sure) would most likely result in a significant decrease in business and most likely the elimination of some of my employees

And FYI even my part time employees get paid the same hourly rates as many of the full timers. Those full time people who get insurance get 90% of the single premium paid all my employees full and part time get vacation and sick time and can participate in the company 401K with up to a 5% match.

But that's what I pay in a small closely held business with a small staff. I by no means think other businesses should be forced to do the same.

What difference does that make?

If you pay your support staff enough money per hour that they do not need a part time job to survive and they don't need food stamps to eat, then they are being paid a wage they can live on.

Hence a "living wage" is 15 to 18 dollars an hour. Not very hard to understand for a business man such as yourself is it?

I refuse to use a vague term like living wage.

I pay what the market for my operation will bear. My people get paid on par with what the regional averages are for their positions. It has nothing to do with what it takes for them to support themselves
Skull, you might have missed understanding what I wrote. I was asking about YOUR business. Not fast food or retail.

But I got to ask you skull. You think everyone should be just like you eh?

I think you don't have a very good understanding of human beings. We are all different skull. You may have wanted to work 90 hours a week for what ever reason. Does not mean that everyone else should, would or could work 90 hours a week.

Tough for you to understand that. But that is the way it is.

And because you work 90 hours a week, get off your high horse and quit begging for applause. It was your choice. Your entire life is based on your job and what you do. Not everyone feels that way.

Yet they still gotta eat. And have a roof over their heads. Some basic medical care. Clothes. You know, things like that.

But your math is also fuzzy. Your 38 hour worker will not get paid another 400 dollars a month by working 40 hours. Do the math. 8.2 additional hours x 19.00 dollars equals $155.80.

Or do your employees set their own hours? That would be weird.

You don't exaggerate do you?

You're assuming she puts in 38 hours. She comes in well under that on average

You run a company or a welfare agency? How in the hell can a company prosper when the supposed full time workers don't work the full time hours? And you let that shit go on?
Knowingly and with your approval I guess. This person still has their job right?

What kind of business do you run?

Not that it's any of your business but I allow it because it benefits me. In fact she is the one employee I would love to let go but she really has not done anything to warrant firing her and I don't want to have to pay the unemployment claim.

You're assuming she puts in 38 hours. She comes in well under that on average

You run a company or a welfare agency? How in the hell can a company prosper when the supposed full time workers don't work the full time hours? And you let that shit go on?
Knowingly and with your approval I guess. This person still has their job right?

What kind of business do you run?

Not that it's any of your business but I allow it because it benefits me. In fact she is the one employee I would love to let go but she really has not done anything to warrant firing her and I don't want to have to pay the unemployment claim.

What does she do? Let you bang her in the break room? LMAO. Or head jobs under your desk?

When I was an employee, you could be fired for not working the hours scheduled. Unemployment be damned. You need a person there to do the work or you don't. You run a welfare agency?
Must have been Obama that changed that eh?.

I think you are slinging bullshit now skull.

But I noticed that you can't describe the business that you have poured your life into in even the most simply way. You ashamed or what?

What kind of fucking business do you have?
Walmart does not receive that money the people who will not support themselves do.

Yes the people who are making the walmart billions.


Stuffing shit into bags is not a job that will support a family. It never was and it never will be and it should never be.

You put together a good argument against capitalism. I mean the waltons make billions, the execs make millions, and a huge number of the workers do not and should not make a living wage. And this is our countries largest employer.
If you're not a Marxist, you might just be a Marxist! I should send this in to Jeff Foxworthy. If you're not a redneck, you just might be a redneck! Hmm...on second thought I won't send him that one.

Well you clearly love big government and spending. That's a good start.

No the politicians that have changed the rules so as to make getting on the dole easier than ever before and people like you who think they did the right thing by doing so are the ones who like big government

I am against regulating Walmart's wages and I'm against government forced redistribution of wealth, so I see how "brain" (LOL) blames me for big government...
Well you clearly love big government and spending. That's a good start.

No the politicians that have changed the rules so as to make getting on the dole easier than ever before and people like you who think they did the right thing by doing so are the ones who like big government

I am against regulating Walmart's wages and I'm against government forced redistribution of wealth, so I see how "brain" (LOL) blames me for big government...

What about giving business tax incentives to pay better and offer better benefits? Certainly it benefits the government to not be giving out lots of welfare. Also would be great for the economy.
No the politicians that have changed the rules so as to make getting on the dole easier than ever before and people like you who think they did the right thing by doing so are the ones who like big government

I am against regulating Walmart's wages and I'm against government forced redistribution of wealth, so I see how "brain" (LOL) blames me for big government...

What about giving business tax incentives to pay better and offer better benefits? Certainly it benefits the government to not be giving out lots of welfare. Also would be great for the economy.

A healthy economy starts with economic efficiency. The people at walmart should earn market wages for working. Welfare should be a totally separate topic which the Federal government should have nothing to do with.
I am against regulating Walmart's wages and I'm against government forced redistribution of wealth, so I see how "brain" (LOL) blames me for big government...

What about giving business tax incentives to pay better and offer better benefits? Certainly it benefits the government to not be giving out lots of welfare. Also would be great for the economy.

A healthy economy starts with economic efficiency. The people at walmart should earn market wages for working. Welfare should be a totally separate topic which the Federal government should have nothing to do with.

Right so you could cut the government out and lower taxes and increase pay, but you don't support that. You also seem to support there being really rich and really poor with no middle class. And you say you're not a communist?
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You run a company or a welfare agency? How in the hell can a company prosper when the supposed full time workers don't work the full time hours? And you let that shit go on?
Knowingly and with your approval I guess. This person still has their job right?

What kind of business do you run?

Not that it's any of your business but I allow it because it benefits me. In fact she is the one employee I would love to let go but she really has not done anything to warrant firing her and I don't want to have to pay the unemployment claim.

What does she do? Let you bang her in the break room? LMAO. Or head jobs under your desk?

When I was an employee, you could be fired for not working the hours scheduled. Unemployment be damned. You need a person there to do the work or you don't. You run a welfare agency?
Must have been Obama that changed that eh?.

I think you are slinging bullshit now skull.

But I noticed that you can't describe the business that you have poured your life into in even the most simply way. You ashamed or what?

What kind of fucking business do you have?

I work with my wife you moron and this particular employee is married to a friend of mine so why don't you grow up?

It's obvious you don't understand the concept that firing her would be more expensive than keeping her on.

First you say I don't treat my employees well enough and that I just must be mistreating them because I own a business and now you say I'm not enough of a hard ass.

Make up your fucking mind.
Yes the people who are making the walmart billions.


Stuffing shit into bags is not a job that will support a family. It never was and it never will be and it should never be.

You put together a good argument against capitalism. I mean the waltons make billions, the execs make millions, and a huge number of the workers do not and should not make a living wage. And this is our countries largest employer.

I didn't say they should not make whatever they want I am saying that it is not the employer's responsibility to pay someone enough to afford their lifestyle.

If you want to support a family then make yourself more valuable to an employer than a monkey who can put shit in a bag.
At some point we have to separate large corporations making millions/billions off of their employee's work and not paying them a fair wage vs. the small country store.

One thing is certain, Wal-Mart and others cannot make their profit without their workers who are part of the team who help create this profit. In fact, the ones making this profit probably never enter the buildings earning the majority of this profit, only the workers are there. The workers are replaceable, but again, these businesses can't stay afloat without the workers. So there is ALWAYS a team of workers helping create this profit that aren't getting a decent share.

I'm absolutely confused about people fighting for the few dozen people's mega billions when the few dozen millions aren't able to make ends meet. But that's because I was raised Christian and I'm not greedy.

The mega rich will still be mega rich if they pay a good wage and they won't have to raise prices.......Anyone who says differently is uninformed on the topic.

Addressing WalMart vs local country store: The minimum wage already has numerous exceptions, including an exception for any enterprise under $500k in revenue.

For the rest, there's a wonderful quote from FDR:
"Do not let any calamity-howling executive with an income of $1,000.00 a day, who has been turning his employees over to the Government relief rolls in order to preserve his company’s undistributed reserves, tell you — using his stockholders’ money to pay the postage for his personal opinions — tell you that a wage of $11.00 a week is going to have a disastrous effect on all American industry. "​

THIS is why I am on Forums about politics. I want to learn.

This person uses a historical quote based on a time period that is much like today, the great depression, where the rich were keeping all profits and letting Poor/Middle America suffer.

I'm curious why the Right Wing only holds debates that involve, "You are stupid". I'm curious why Fox news is, "You are stupid if you don't agree with us" all day every day.

Shouldn't information be a factor here in America? I don't really care if people are bias. But I can't stand people that are bias and have no understanding of why they are bias.
I suppose you have no problem with the highlighted portion of that historical quote? That portion of the quote highlights the intent of this President, much like our current crop of USMB and Democrat representatives.

So, then you have to ask yourself, how much money from the wealthy will government have to steal in order to satisfy this notion that a wealth gap is somehow killing people? And do you know the outcome of such a policy?

The rest of your reply is utter nonsense.
What about giving business tax incentives to pay better and offer better benefits? Certainly it benefits the government to not be giving out lots of welfare. Also would be great for the economy.

A healthy economy starts with economic efficiency. The people at walmart should earn market wages for working. Welfare should be a totally separate topic which the Federal government should have nothing to do with.

Right so you could cut the government out and lower taxes and increase pay, but you don't support that. You also seem to support there being really rich and really poor with no middle class. And you say you're not a communist?

What a dumb ass. Is this supposed to be serious?
The Job Loss Myth | Raise The Minimum Wage

Yes, this is a web-site without an agenda.

Collecting data that supports their opinion.

Here is something to consider.

We don't live in an "economy". We live in 50 states, most of which have some degree of uiqueness and even some of them have multiple economies.

You might see positive effects by raising the wage in one area and reduced effects by lowering it.

Even within businesses that have different models, you might find things different.

In one area I know of (not a garden place), people all make well above the minimum wage because labor is so tight. The minimum wage Obama is proposing would have no effect on them. The problem is that the cost of living is also up because of tight demand.

So, this all or nothing argument is meaningless.

I know I'd be pretty feeling pretty low if my wage was set by law and not by what my employer thought I was worth. And don't get me wrong. He does not pay anymore than he has to.

From someone I know:

I left a job I liked for a job I knew I'd like more. My first employer came to me with an offer for about 20% more. I was flattered, but I wasn't leaving because of money. Still, why would they not pay me that much if they thought I was worth it. Shame on me for working for less than market value.

Don't kid yourselves.
I know what you mean.
21 years ago I was working for a company I liked doing a job a liked. At my annual performance appraisal and salary increase, I was rated 4.6 out of 5, then given a 3% raise. I asked for more money (5% increase) based upon my high performance appraisal and was denied because, "We don't have enough money in the budget". I started looking for work elsewhere and in about one month I received an offer for employment at another company. When I gave my two week notice, my boss offered me a 5% salary increase to stay. I declined it, and then he offered me 8% to stay. I declined that also. My boss then asked me, "How much are they going to pay you? Will you give me a chance to match their salary?" I looked him straight in the eye and said, "Greg, you had the chance to keep me when I asked for a larger raise at my performance appraisal. You told me the money wasn't available. I find it odd that now, just a month later, the money is available. I wouldn't have looked elsewhere if you had simply given me the additional 2% I asked for back then. I won't tell you what they offered me, my letter of resignation stands."

The company I went to work for was the same type of work, my starting salary was 1% more than my current salary. I turned down a fat raise (8%) because I didn't want to play that game of threatening to quit every few years in order to get a larger raise. I was with the new company for 14 years. Some years I was able to negotiate a higher raise than they offered and some years I didn't, but they were at least willing to negotiate. Especially for promotions.

These days, time off is just as important to me as salary, so I include that in my annual raise negotiations. I accept smaller raises for an additional week of paid vacation.
A living wage is preferable to the wage of the dead since the dead don't do work and thus don't earn anything.

I oppose the dead wage.

You should too.

I've seen a lot of people working places who i thought were dead.

Democrats want to continue to be paid after they die. Hell, they keep right on voting so this is the next logical step.
A healthy economy starts with economic efficiency. The people at walmart should earn market wages for working. Welfare should be a totally separate topic which the Federal government should have nothing to do with.

Right so you could cut the government out and lower taxes and increase pay, but you don't support that. You also seem to support there being really rich and really poor with no middle class. And you say you're not a communist?

What a dumb ass. Is this supposed to be serious?

I think communism will give you the results you want.
Right now your tax dollars are going to make the Waltons richer.

No, they are not, but please explain whose wealth you would have our gov't confiscate to satisfy the min wagers.

Look, I understand opposing the minimum wage, but this is just ridiculous. Do you understand how the minimum wage works? It is a price control such that no one can buy an hour of labor for less than some specified amount.

It is applied in the opposite direction also. A person willing to work for less than minimum wage is prevented from doing so.
Just for example, suppose a mentally retarded person wanted a job washing cars at a car dealership (yes, they wash those cars regularly to keep them looking shiny and new). You or I could probably wash 5-6 cars an hour and earn our minimum wage. The mentally retarded guy, he may only be able to wash 3-4 cars an hour. That makes him worth $4 an hour as opposed to our $7.25 an hour. That means he can't get a job, even though he wants to and even though he can perform it. Minimum wage laws priced him out of employment that he is willing and able to perform.
You make an interesting point

But as a follow up. If your employee doesn't earn enough to support himself, should the taxpayer make up the difference?

Should an employer have the taxpayers support his employees just so that he can profit off of substandard wages?

The term "substandard" is purely subjective and idiosyncratic. There is no such thing as a "standard wage" in economics. There is only the market wage. You are claiming that employers have some obligation to pay more than the market wage. So far, I haven't seen a smidgeon of justification for such a claim. Can you explain it?

Simple enough...

The employer either supports his employees or the taxpayer does

Any amount we taxpayers have to pay represents what is substandard

Why do you think it is an either/or situation?
It is not "either" the employer does it "or" the government does it.
You seem to think that some nebulous "somebody" (government or employer) is responsible for providing for the needs of some other person.
You can feel free to provide for the needs of anybody you want to. I'm not standing in your way on that, I think it is noble of you to do so. The moment you expect me or somebody else to provide for the charity of your choice I disagree.
What does it matter ?

You get what the market will bear. I used to turn down lawn mowing jobs because I was in demand and had all the business I wanted at better prices than some offered.

A good friend made good money washing cars for people at their houses.

You take what's available and grow on it.

You're right, none of these stories about how well people did mowing lawns when they were kids matters in this discussion. It is all just anecdotal evidence trying to prove... what exactly I'm not sure. That some people found a good market for lawn mowing and did well when they were children?

More germane to this thread is the question:
Is anyone arguing that the minimum wage should be abolished?

What happens when the income that the market will bear is below the income level necessary for subsistence?

Given that there is a minimum wage and there is inflation, does it make sense to increase the minimum wage purely for the purpose of matching inflation?

Interesting phrase "what the market will bear"....
Does it really mean "The minimum an employer needs to pay to get a job done", while keeping the economy healthy?
Is our economy all that healthy?
Don't u need a sufficiently large number of consumers as well as producers to make it healthy?
What happens when large numbers of people are paid so little that, while they may survive to produce while subsidized by government (thru food stamps, etc.) they cannot afford to be active consumers beyond sustenance?
What happens to the ALMIGHTY MARKETS then?

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