Question: How many citizenships will be handed out to the illegals?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Question: How many citizenships will be handed out to the illegals? Does his order grant every parent with a child that has been here for more than 5 years that???
Zero. No it doesn't.

They'll become citizens. My understanding is they'll go to the back of the line on the applicants awaiting citizenship, but eventually the get citizenship and in the mean time they won't get deported.
HoR, pass the fucking Senate bill that is sitting on John's desk in return to sending Matthew to guard the border.
I am glad we could have 27 threads on this subject today.
I know, some of these people reacting in shock and outrage strikes me as terribly disingenuous, they've had months to get used to the idea that Obama was going to take unilateral action on immigration.
I am glad we could have 27 threads on this subject today.
I know, some of these people reacting in shock and outrage strikes me as terribly disingenuous, they've had months to get used to the idea that Obama was going to take unilateral action on immigration.

And instead, he increases border patrol again and tells them they'll be deported if they come.

But, betcha by tomorrow this will have morphed into oh, about 47 million new Dem voters, all pouring over the border.
We need a bounty on illegals. That would settle their hash.

The mass graves along the border are a drop in the ocean.
We need to build a fence if we're ever going to get serious about fixing the border. Only after that would I ever consider any form of amnesty.
I don't trust the far right to ever keep its word.

Immigration reform and fence in the same bill. Right now.
Illegally living in the U.S. longer - The Washington Post

Illegally living in the U.S. longer

A new study by the Pew Research Center found that about one third of illegal immigrant adults living in the United States over the years have had children here, and are staying. Read related article.

In 2001, there were 7.5 million illegals in the US. By 2008, there were 11.7 million. 2013, 11.3 million. Yet you assholes want to blame President Obama for them being here. They came when your fellow was in there, and your mewling and puking is pure hypocrasy.
Folks, the majority of them are staying.

Sux to be those who don't like it, because you can never change it.
Question: How many citizenships will be handed out to the illegals?


Otherwise, when did you stop beating your wife.

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