Question: How many citizenships will be handed out to the illegals?

Shit is about to get real. Forget Ferguson, it's time watch the beatout at the border.

Btw, how are they going to verify that someone has been here for 5 years?

No more waiting, door is open.
The door is not open, and the beat down will be on anyone stupid enough to fight the order physically. Don't do it, far right fascists, you won't like the result.
The door is not open, and the beat down will be on anyone stupid enough to fight the order physically. Don't do it, far right fascists, you won't like the result.

..."far right fascists"... LOL

they were lefties, idiot.
A ‘Particularly Dangerous Moment’
November 20th, 2014 - 4:47 am
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That’s what the liberal law professor Jonathan Turley said about the executive order on immigration that Obama is planning to announce. If Obama extends amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens in the country, Turley warned, he would be “tearing at the very fabric of the Constitution.”
Peter Wehner made a similar point. Obama, he writes in Commentary, is “about to commit an act of Constitutional infamy.” It is, Wehner says, “a stain that will stay with him.”
Strong words. But they are echoed on both sides of the aisle across the country. “In a broad test of his executive powers,” AP reported, “President Barack Obama declared Wednesday he will sidestep Congress and order his own federal action on immigration — in measures that could spare from deportation as many as 5 million people illegally in the U.S. and set up one of the most pitched partisan confrontations of his presidency.”
“Sidestep Congress” and “order his own federal action on immigration.”
Have you got that? “Sidestep Congress” and “order his own federal action on immigration.”
In other words, Barack Obama is just about to underscore his lawlessness and utter disregard for the Constitution by brazenly circumventing the Constitution and the will of the people. What will the upshot be? Senator Tom Coburn, a normally circumspect and statesmanlike lawmaker, warned that widespread anarchy and even violence are possible.

Obama, he said, is acting like “an autocratic leader that’s going to disregard what the Constitution says and make law anyway.”

“Sidestep Congress” and “order his own federal action on immigration.” It’s not every day that you get to have a ringside seat at the birth of tyranny. Tune in tonight and you might have that dubious privilege.

“Sidestep Congress” and “order his own federal action on immigration.” Over at Instapundit, Glenn Reynolds asked the $64,000 question: “So what’s the country going to do about it?”

all of it here"
Roger s Rules A 8216 Particularly Dangerous Moment 8217
The criminal code that outlaws violence.

Violently attack the government on this issue, and you will find out.
McConnell: ‘Congress Will Act’ if Obama Goes Through with Immigration Order

Bridget Johnson
November 20, 2014 - 8:03 am

[URL='']Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) vowed on the floor of the upper chamber this morning that “if President Obama acts in defiance of the people and imposes his will on the country, Congress will act.”
[URL='']“We’re considering a variety of options. But make no mistake. When the newly elected representatives of the people take their seats, they will act,” he said in reference to the GOP majority in the 114th Congress.
[URL='']“Look, as the president has said, democracy is hard. Imposing his will unilaterally may seem tempting. It may serve him politically in the short term. But he knows that it will make an already-broken system even more broken. And he knows that this is not how democracy is supposed to work. Because he told us so himself.”
[URL='']McConnell resurrected another past quote of Obama’s: “I know some… wish that I could just bypass Congress and change the law myself. But that’s not how democracy works.”
[URL='']“Indeed, it isn’t,” McConnell said. “All of which makes the president’s planned executive action on immigration even more jarring.”
[URL='']“If the president truly follows through on this attempt to impose his will unilaterally, he will have issued a rebuke to his own stated view of democracy. And he will have contradicted his past statements on this very issue.”
[URL='']ALL of it here:
[URL=''][URL='']The PJ Tatler McConnell 8216 Congress Will Act 8217 if Obama Goes Through with Immigration Order
Everyone, email McConnell and tell him to tell Boehner to vote on the Senate's immigration on B's desk.

That is how the fuck democracy works.

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