Question to leftist Supporters, Did the medias misrepresentation of Trump's "Inject disinfectant" Comment Change your Opinion of them?

Are you tired of the medias lies yet

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    Votes: 13 50.0%
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    Votes: 13 50.0%

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You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....

ummmm.... this isn't 'business as usual' it's a fucking PANDEMIC. a presser about supposed facts & stats are supposta be the agenda; it's not the time nor the place to be spitballing ideas & 'see what happens'

cause given the mentality of his base ... & it was already proven some are dumbfucks of the highest order ... having already CONsumed fish cleaner because of a drug yer president dotard was peddling ... it was at the very least impulsive & STUPID on donny's part to talk about it like that.

so much so - that lysol & his own CDC had to come out with a statement telling people not to ingest it.

People actually watching those conferences don't have trouble with what president Trump is saying. That's actually only you, and you don't watch them anyway because you hate Trump, remember?

In short STFU.

i watch until he comes to the mic, hoping to get some actual truthful facts. but i heard & saw what he said this time around - in its entirety.

so did lysol & the CDC.
Lol.. Why Democrats can’t win elections

is that why the house flipped? hell even deep south KY & LA took on (D) governors. :eusa_dance:
41 seats? Lol republicans took 52 two years before lol .. your moderate democrats like jones vote with trump 90% of the time. Keep em coming i say.. we love democrat trumps hehe

lol... 2016 is gone, incel.... 2018 the house flipped. that's all that matters.

the senate is in play this time around & no (R) is immune from covid. they won't be voting for the dude that let them get it or killed their gramma.
In 2018 the House had the avg number of losses for a mid term. In the Senate, instead of Dimsocialists picking up the 2-3 seats normally picked up, you LOST 2 seats.

2018 actually sucked for Dimsocialists, and you still want to make it out as the "Blue Wave" you idiots predicted. :iyfyus.jpg:

they still have the majority no matter how you slice & dice it. but you go on & think somehow - (R) LOSING the house was somehow a 'win' for ya!
I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

Why are you lefties worried about what Trump says? How many black people got shot this weekend in town you guys run? How in the world could you try to combat the greatest president in the history of the world when every town you run is shit holes

Because he is the President and what tells Americans and the world in the time of crisis matters. DUH?

Why are you deflecting instead of facing this honestly?

Because you are a degenerate unable to honestly deal with certain things is my explanation of it.

Do you need to be reminded not to drink Lysol after he was joking? lol come on man! Lol

He wasn't joking, he said it seriously with absolutely zero indication that it was a joke or "srcasm". He was taken seriously by everyone in the room, and you are a fucking degenerate to even suggest that as an explanation of what happened at that press conference.

Don't be a degenerate, face things honestly and stop posting crazy nonsense.

And who cares? Misspoke, joking, spit shooting, what is the derangement? What’s stopping you from moving on? The great trump made a mistake? So you attack him? Sad

I moved on just fine, you are the one making up complete horseshit to carry water for your dear leader.

If you idiots simply admitted Trump fucked up, as he obviously did there would be nothing to talk about.

20 people were shot in the past 24 hours and towns run by democrats and you’re sitting here hopping on trump miss speaking.. lol where are your Priorities? Your party is a complete fucking disaster you’re literally not gonna win one state in 2020 get some success in your life

I’ll take that bet. What’s the wager? One state?
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....

ummmm.... this isn't 'business as usual' it's a fucking PANDEMIC. a presser about supposed facts & stats are supposta be the agenda; it's not the time nor the place to be spitballing ideas & 'see what happens'

cause given the mentality of his base ... & it was already proven some are dumbfucks of the highest order ... having already CONsumed fish cleaner because of a drug yer president dotard was peddling ... it was at the very least impulsive & STUPID on donny's part to talk about it like that.

so much so - that lysol & his own CDC had to come out with a statement telling people not to ingest it.

People actually watching those conferences don't have trouble with what president Trump is saying. That's actually only you, and you don't watch them anyway because you hate Trump, remember?

In short STFU.

i watch until he comes to the mic, hoping to get some actual truthful facts. but i heard & saw what he said this time around - in its entirety.

so did lysol & the CDC.
Then how do you know what he says? Oh yeah, your Chicom handlers over at CNN tell you what to think.

<pffft> i don't have cable, nimrod. i actually watch it on FOX or WaPO live thru youtube.
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....

ummmm.... this isn't 'business as usual' it's a fucking PANDEMIC. a presser about supposed facts & stats are supposta be the agenda; it's not the time nor the place to be spitballing ideas & 'see what happens'

cause given the mentality of his base ... & it was already proven some are dumbfucks of the highest order ... having already CONsumed fish cleaner because of a drug yer president dotard was peddling ... it was at the very least impulsive & STUPID on donny's part to talk about it like that.

so much so - that lysol & his own CDC had to come out with a statement telling people not to ingest it.

People actually watching those conferences don't have trouble with what president Trump is saying. That's actually only you, and you don't watch them anyway because you hate Trump, remember?

In short STFU.

i watch until he comes to the mic, hoping to get some actual truthful facts. but i heard & saw what he said this time around - in its entirety.

so did lysol & the CDC.
Lol.. Why Democrats can’t win elections

is that why the house flipped? hell even deep south KY & LA took on (D) governors. :eusa_dance:
41 seats? Lol republicans took 52 two years before lol .. your moderate democrats like jones vote with trump 90% of the time. Keep em coming i say.. we love democrat trumps hehe

lol... 2016 is gone, incel.... 2018 the house flipped. that's all that matters.

the senate is in play this time around & no (R) is immune from covid. they won't be voting for the dude that let them get it or killed their gramma.
In 2018 the House had the avg number of losses for a mid term. In the Senate, instead of Dimsocialists picking up the 2-3 seats normally picked up, you LOST 2 seats.

2018 actually sucked for Dimsocialists, and you still want to make it out as the "Blue Wave" you idiots predicted. :iyfyus.jpg:

they still have the majority no matter how you slice & dice it. but you go on & think somehow - (R) LOSING the house was somehow a 'win' for ya!
Democrats, not Liberals, always have the majority and yet never seem to take over all levels of government.
It took a Democrat to fix the roads in the Town of Hempstead.
The Rs were too busy hiring family at outrageous salaries and benefits to fix the roads.
Amazingly enough, the D lost her reelection bid.
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....

ummmm.... this isn't 'business as usual' it's a fucking PANDEMIC. a presser about supposed facts & stats are supposta be the agenda; it's not the time nor the place to be spitballing ideas & 'see what happens'

cause given the mentality of his base ... & it was already proven some are dumbfucks of the highest order ... having already CONsumed fish cleaner because of a drug yer president dotard was peddling ... it was at the very least impulsive & STUPID on donny's part to talk about it like that.

so much so - that lysol & his own CDC had to come out with a statement telling people not to ingest it.

People actually watching those conferences don't have trouble with what president Trump is saying. That's actually only you, and you don't watch them anyway because you hate Trump, remember?

In short STFU.

i watch until he comes to the mic, hoping to get some actual truthful facts. but i heard & saw what he said this time around - in its entirety.

so did lysol & the CDC.
Lol.. Why Democrats can’t win elections

is that why the house flipped? hell even deep south KY & LA took on (D) governors. :eusa_dance:
41 seats? Lol republicans took 52 two years before lol .. your moderate democrats like jones vote with trump 90% of the time. Keep em coming i say.. we love democrat trumps hehe

lol... 2016 is gone, incel.... 2018 the house flipped. that's all that matters.

the senate is in play this time around & no (R) is immune from covid. they won't be voting for the dude that let them get it or killed their gramma.
In 2018 the House had the avg number of losses for a mid term. In the Senate, instead of Dimsocialists picking up the 2-3 seats normally picked up, you LOST 2 seats.

2018 actually sucked for Dimsocialists, and you still want to make it out as the "Blue Wave" you idiots predicted. :iyfyus.jpg:

they still have the majority no matter how you slice & dice it. but you go on & think somehow - (R) LOSING the house was somehow a 'win' for ya!
41 seats lol hahah
I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

Why are you lefties worried about what Trump says? How many black people got shot this weekend in town you guys run? How in the world could you try to combat the greatest president in the history of the world when every town you run is shit holes

Because he is the President and what tells Americans and the world in the time of crisis matters. DUH?

Why are you deflecting instead of facing this honestly?

Because you are a degenerate unable to honestly deal with certain things is my explanation of it.

Do you need to be reminded not to drink Lysol after he was joking? lol come on man! Lol

He wasn't joking, he said it seriously with absolutely zero indication that it was a joke or "srcasm". He was taken seriously by everyone in the room, and you are a fucking degenerate to even suggest that as an explanation of what happened at that press conference.

Don't be a degenerate, face things honestly and stop posting crazy nonsense.

And who cares? Misspoke, joking, spit shooting, what is the derangement? What’s stopping you from moving on? The great trump made a mistake? So you attack him? Sad

I moved on just fine, you are the one making up complete horseshit to carry water for your dear leader.

If you idiots simply admitted Trump fucked up, as he obviously did there would be nothing to talk about.

20 people were shot in the past 24 hours and towns run by democrats and you’re sitting here hopping on trump miss speaking.. lol where are your Priorities? Your party is a complete fucking disaster you’re literally not gonna win one state in 2020 get some success in your life

I’ll take that bet. What’s the wager? One state?

This could be a great example of natural selection.

My niece is all things Seattle PROG, and it's become especially important to her and those like her that Trump said we need to inject Lysol or some shit into the human body. She's wonderful and all that, but she's been very emotional since very young. Go figure the more emotional someone is the more likely they are to think PROG. Common sense and critical application are unimportant.

That and this entire "disinfectent" business is only the latest example of desperation by the left. They're unable to criticize Trump objectively, but since when does objective matter to a PROG?
I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

Why are you lefties worried about what Trump says? How many black people got shot this weekend in town you guys run? How in the world could you try to combat the greatest president in the history of the world when every town you run is shit holes

Because he is the President and what tells Americans and the world in the time of crisis matters. DUH?

Why are you deflecting instead of facing this honestly?

Because you are a degenerate unable to honestly deal with certain things is my explanation of it.

Do you need to be reminded not to drink Lysol after he was joking? lol come on man! Lol

He wasn't joking, he said it seriously with absolutely zero indication that it was a joke or "srcasm". He was taken seriously by everyone in the room, and you are a fucking degenerate to even suggest that as an explanation of what happened at that press conference.

Don't be a degenerate, face things honestly and stop posting crazy nonsense.

And who cares? Misspoke, joking, spit shooting, what is the derangement? What’s stopping you from moving on? The great trump made a mistake? So you attack him? Sad

I moved on just fine, you are the one making up complete horseshit to carry water for your dear leader.

If you idiots simply admitted Trump fucked up, as he obviously did there would be nothing to talk about.

20 people were shot in the past 24 hours and towns run by democrats and you’re sitting here hopping on trump miss speaking.. lol where are your Priorities? Your party is a complete fucking disaster you’re literally not gonna win one state in 2020 get some success in your life

I’ll take that bet. What’s the wager? One state?


You want the bet or not, bigmouth?
I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

Why are you lefties worried about what Trump says? How many black people got shot this weekend in town you guys run? How in the world could you try to combat the greatest president in the history of the world when every town you run is shit holes

Because he is the President and what tells Americans and the world in the time of crisis matters. DUH?

Why are you deflecting instead of facing this honestly?

Because you are a degenerate unable to honestly deal with certain things is my explanation of it.

Do you need to be reminded not to drink Lysol after he was joking? lol come on man! Lol

He wasn't joking, he said it seriously with absolutely zero indication that it was a joke or "srcasm". He was taken seriously by everyone in the room, and you are a fucking degenerate to even suggest that as an explanation of what happened at that press conference.

Don't be a degenerate, face things honestly and stop posting crazy nonsense.

And who cares? Misspoke, joking, spit shooting, what is the derangement? What’s stopping you from moving on? The great trump made a mistake? So you attack him? Sad

I moved on just fine, you are the one making up complete horseshit to carry water for your dear leader.

If you idiots simply admitted Trump fucked up, as he obviously did there would be nothing to talk about.

20 people were shot in the past 24 hours and towns run by democrats and you’re sitting here hopping on trump miss speaking.. lol where are your Priorities? Your party is a complete fucking disaster you’re literally not gonna win one state in 2020 get some success in your life

I’ll take that bet. What’s the wager? One state?


You want the bet or not, bigmouth?

I do .. how much?
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....

ummmm.... this isn't 'business as usual' it's a fucking PANDEMIC. a presser about supposed facts & stats are supposta be the agenda; it's not the time nor the place to be spitballing ideas & 'see what happens'

cause given the mentality of his base ... & it was already proven some are dumbfucks of the highest order ... having already CONsumed fish cleaner because of a drug yer president dotard was peddling ... it was at the very least impulsive & STUPID on donny's part to talk about it like that.

so much so - that lysol & his own CDC had to come out with a statement telling people not to ingest it.

People actually watching those conferences don't have trouble with what president Trump is saying. That's actually only you, and you don't watch them anyway because you hate Trump, remember?

In short STFU.

i watch until he comes to the mic, hoping to get some actual truthful facts. but i heard & saw what he said this time around - in its entirety.

so did lysol & the CDC.
Lol.. Why Democrats can’t win elections

is that why the house flipped? hell even deep south KY & LA took on (D) governors. :eusa_dance:
41 seats? Lol republicans took 52 two years before lol .. your moderate democrats like jones vote with trump 90% of the time. Keep em coming i say.. we love democrat trumps hehe

lol... 2016 is gone, incel.... 2018 the house flipped. that's all that matters.

the senate is in play this time around & no (R) is immune from covid. they won't be voting for the dude that let them get it or killed their gramma.
In 2018 the House had the avg number of losses for a mid term. In the Senate, instead of Dimsocialists picking up the 2-3 seats normally picked up, you LOST 2 seats.

2018 actually sucked for Dimsocialists, and you still want to make it out as the "Blue Wave" you idiots predicted. :iyfyus.jpg:

they still have the majority no matter how you slice & dice it. but you go on & think somehow - (R) LOSING the house was somehow a 'win' for ya!
41 seats lol hahah

majority rules.

& that ain't the (R)s. it was great to see devin nunes give up his chair to schiff & have to take a beta seat!
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....

ummmm.... this isn't 'business as usual' it's a fucking PANDEMIC. a presser about supposed facts & stats are supposta be the agenda; it's not the time nor the place to be spitballing ideas & 'see what happens'

cause given the mentality of his base ... & it was already proven some are dumbfucks of the highest order ... having already CONsumed fish cleaner because of a drug yer president dotard was peddling ... it was at the very least impulsive & STUPID on donny's part to talk about it like that.

so much so - that lysol & his own CDC had to come out with a statement telling people not to ingest it.

People actually watching those conferences don't have trouble with what president Trump is saying. That's actually only you, and you don't watch them anyway because you hate Trump, remember?

In short STFU.

i watch until he comes to the mic, hoping to get some actual truthful facts. but i heard & saw what he said this time around - in its entirety.

so did lysol & the CDC.
Lol.. Why Democrats can’t win elections

is that why the house flipped? hell even deep south KY & LA took on (D) governors. :eusa_dance:
41 seats? Lol republicans took 52 two years before lol .. your moderate democrats like jones vote with trump 90% of the time. Keep em coming i say.. we love democrat trumps hehe

lol... 2016 is gone, incel.... 2018 the house flipped. that's all that matters.

the senate is in play this time around & no (R) is immune from covid. they won't be voting for the dude that let them get it or killed their gramma.
In 2018 the House had the avg number of losses for a mid term. In the Senate, instead of Dimsocialists picking up the 2-3 seats normally picked up, you LOST 2 seats.

2018 actually sucked for Dimsocialists, and you still want to make it out as the "Blue Wave" you idiots predicted. :iyfyus.jpg:

they still have the majority no matter how you slice & dice it. but you go on & think somehow - (R) LOSING the house was somehow a 'win' for ya!
41 seats lol hahah

majority rules.

& that ain't the (R)s. it was great to see devin nunes give up his chair to schiff & have to take a beta seat!

^^ This moron actually believes Trump suggested he eat Clorox. Incredibly stupidity...
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....

ummmm.... this isn't 'business as usual' it's a fucking PANDEMIC. a presser about supposed facts & stats are supposta be the agenda; it's not the time nor the place to be spitballing ideas & 'see what happens'

cause given the mentality of his base ... & it was already proven some are dumbfucks of the highest order ... having already CONsumed fish cleaner because of a drug yer president dotard was peddling ... it was at the very least impulsive & STUPID on donny's part to talk about it like that.

so much so - that lysol & his own CDC had to come out with a statement telling people not to ingest it.

People actually watching those conferences don't have trouble with what president Trump is saying. That's actually only you, and you don't watch them anyway because you hate Trump, remember?

In short STFU.

i watch until he comes to the mic, hoping to get some actual truthful facts. but i heard & saw what he said this time around - in its entirety.

so did lysol & the CDC.
Lol.. Why Democrats can’t win elections

is that why the house flipped? hell even deep south KY & LA took on (D) governors. :eusa_dance:
41 seats? Lol republicans took 52 two years before lol .. your moderate democrats like jones vote with trump 90% of the time. Keep em coming i say.. we love democrat trumps hehe

lol... 2016 is gone, incel.... 2018 the house flipped. that's all that matters.

the senate is in play this time around & no (R) is immune from covid. they won't be voting for the dude that let them get it or killed their gramma.
In 2018 the House had the avg number of losses for a mid term. In the Senate, instead of Dimsocialists picking up the 2-3 seats normally picked up, you LOST 2 seats.

2018 actually sucked for Dimsocialists, and you still want to make it out as the "Blue Wave" you idiots predicted. :iyfyus.jpg:

they still have the majority no matter how you slice & dice it. but you go on & think somehow - (R) LOSING the house was somehow a 'win' for ya!
41 seats lol hahah

majority rules.

& that ain't the (R)s. it was great to see devin nunes give up his chair to schiff & have to take a beta seat!
And China just sent us a virus while Adam goes after trump .. you all are embarrassing.. haha
I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

Why are you lefties worried about what Trump says? How many black people got shot this weekend in town you guys run? How in the world could you try to combat the greatest president in the history of the world when every town you run is shit holes

Because he is the President and what tells Americans and the world in the time of crisis matters. DUH?

Why are you deflecting instead of facing this honestly?

Because you are a degenerate unable to honestly deal with certain things is my explanation of it.

Do you need to be reminded not to drink Lysol after he was joking? lol come on man! Lol

He wasn't joking, he said it seriously with absolutely zero indication that it was a joke or "srcasm". He was taken seriously by everyone in the room, and you are a fucking degenerate to even suggest that as an explanation of what happened at that press conference.

Don't be a degenerate, face things honestly and stop posting crazy nonsense.

And who cares? Misspoke, joking, spit shooting, what is the derangement? What’s stopping you from moving on? The great trump made a mistake? So you attack him? Sad

I moved on just fine, you are the one making up complete horseshit to carry water for your dear leader.

If you idiots simply admitted Trump fucked up, as he obviously did there would be nothing to talk about.

20 people were shot in the past 24 hours and towns run by democrats and you’re sitting here hopping on trump miss speaking.. lol where are your Priorities? Your party is a complete fucking disaster you’re literally not gonna win one state in 2020 get some success in your life

I’ll take that bet. What’s the wager? One state?


You want the bet or not, bigmouth?

I do .. how much?

I will bet you any amount that you can afford that the Dems will win at least one state in the 2020 election. You say they won’t win one.

Name your wager.
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....

ummmm.... this isn't 'business as usual' it's a fucking PANDEMIC. a presser about supposed facts & stats are supposta be the agenda; it's not the time nor the place to be spitballing ideas & 'see what happens'

cause given the mentality of his base ... & it was already proven some are dumbfucks of the highest order ... having already CONsumed fish cleaner because of a drug yer president dotard was peddling ... it was at the very least impulsive & STUPID on donny's part to talk about it like that.

so much so - that lysol & his own CDC had to come out with a statement telling people not to ingest it.

People actually watching those conferences don't have trouble with what president Trump is saying. That's actually only you, and you don't watch them anyway because you hate Trump, remember?

In short STFU.

i watch until he comes to the mic, hoping to get some actual truthful facts. but i heard & saw what he said this time around - in its entirety.

so did lysol & the CDC.
Lol.. Why Democrats can’t win elections

is that why the house flipped? hell even deep south KY & LA took on (D) governors. :eusa_dance:
41 seats? Lol republicans took 52 two years before lol .. your moderate democrats like jones vote with trump 90% of the time. Keep em coming i say.. we love democrat trumps hehe

lol... 2016 is gone, incel.... 2018 the house flipped. that's all that matters.

the senate is in play this time around & no (R) is immune from covid. they won't be voting for the dude that let them get it or killed their gramma.
In 2018 the House had the avg number of losses for a mid term. In the Senate, instead of Dimsocialists picking up the 2-3 seats normally picked up, you LOST 2 seats.

2018 actually sucked for Dimsocialists, and you still want to make it out as the "Blue Wave" you idiots predicted. :iyfyus.jpg:

they still have the majority no matter how you slice & dice it. but you go on & think somehow - (R) LOSING the house was somehow a 'win' for ya!
41 seats lol hahah

majority rules.

& that ain't the (R)s. it was great to see devin nunes give up his chair to schiff & have to take a beta seat!

^^ This moron actually believes Trump suggested he eat Clorox. Incredibly stupidity...

not me dumb fuck - but his poorly educated base....

& i am not a 'he' dumb fuck.
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....

ummmm.... this isn't 'business as usual' it's a fucking PANDEMIC. a presser about supposed facts & stats are supposta be the agenda; it's not the time nor the place to be spitballing ideas & 'see what happens'

cause given the mentality of his base ... & it was already proven some are dumbfucks of the highest order ... having already CONsumed fish cleaner because of a drug yer president dotard was peddling ... it was at the very least impulsive & STUPID on donny's part to talk about it like that.

so much so - that lysol & his own CDC had to come out with a statement telling people not to ingest it.

People actually watching those conferences don't have trouble with what president Trump is saying. That's actually only you, and you don't watch them anyway because you hate Trump, remember?

In short STFU.

i watch until he comes to the mic, hoping to get some actual truthful facts. but i heard & saw what he said this time around - in its entirety.

so did lysol & the CDC.
Lol.. Why Democrats can’t win elections

is that why the house flipped? hell even deep south KY & LA took on (D) governors. :eusa_dance:
41 seats? Lol republicans took 52 two years before lol .. your moderate democrats like jones vote with trump 90% of the time. Keep em coming i say.. we love democrat trumps hehe

lol... 2016 is gone, incel.... 2018 the house flipped. that's all that matters.

the senate is in play this time around & no (R) is immune from covid. they won't be voting for the dude that let them get it or killed their gramma.
In 2018 the House had the avg number of losses for a mid term. In the Senate, instead of Dimsocialists picking up the 2-3 seats normally picked up, you LOST 2 seats.

2018 actually sucked for Dimsocialists, and you still want to make it out as the "Blue Wave" you idiots predicted. :iyfyus.jpg:

they still have the majority no matter how you slice & dice it. but you go on & think somehow - (R) LOSING the house was somehow a 'win' for ya!
41 seats lol hahah

majority rules.

& that ain't the (R)s. it was great to see devin nunes give up his chair to schiff & have to take a beta seat!
And China just sent us a virus while Adam goes after trump .. you all are embarrassing.. haha

it was up to donny not to ignore all the warnings. nice try - but you can't blame anyone but him.
I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

Why are you lefties worried about what Trump says? How many black people got shot this weekend in town you guys run? How in the world could you try to combat the greatest president in the history of the world when every town you run is shit holes

Because he is the President and what tells Americans and the world in the time of crisis matters. DUH?

Why are you deflecting instead of facing this honestly?

Because you are a degenerate unable to honestly deal with certain things is my explanation of it.

Do you need to be reminded not to drink Lysol after he was joking? lol come on man! Lol

He wasn't joking, he said it seriously with absolutely zero indication that it was a joke or "srcasm". He was taken seriously by everyone in the room, and you are a fucking degenerate to even suggest that as an explanation of what happened at that press conference.

Don't be a degenerate, face things honestly and stop posting crazy nonsense.

And who cares? Misspoke, joking, spit shooting, what is the derangement? What’s stopping you from moving on? The great trump made a mistake? So you attack him? Sad

I moved on just fine, you are the one making up complete horseshit to carry water for your dear leader.

If you idiots simply admitted Trump fucked up, as he obviously did there would be nothing to talk about.

20 people were shot in the past 24 hours and towns run by democrats and you’re sitting here hopping on trump miss speaking.. lol where are your Priorities? Your party is a complete fucking disaster you’re literally not gonna win one state in 2020 get some success in your life

I’ll take that bet. What’s the wager? One state?


You want the bet or not, bigmouth?

I do .. how much?

I will bet you any amount that you can afford that the Dems will win at least one state in the 2020 election. You say they won’t win one.

Name your wager.

With voter id 10,000
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....

ummmm.... this isn't 'business as usual' it's a fucking PANDEMIC. a presser about supposed facts & stats are supposta be the agenda; it's not the time nor the place to be spitballing ideas & 'see what happens'

cause given the mentality of his base ... & it was already proven some are dumbfucks of the highest order ... having already CONsumed fish cleaner because of a drug yer president dotard was peddling ... it was at the very least impulsive & STUPID on donny's part to talk about it like that.

so much so - that lysol & his own CDC had to come out with a statement telling people not to ingest it.

People actually watching those conferences don't have trouble with what president Trump is saying. That's actually only you, and you don't watch them anyway because you hate Trump, remember?

In short STFU.

i watch until he comes to the mic, hoping to get some actual truthful facts. but i heard & saw what he said this time around - in its entirety.

so did lysol & the CDC.
Lol.. Why Democrats can’t win elections

is that why the house flipped? hell even deep south KY & LA took on (D) governors. :eusa_dance:
41 seats? Lol republicans took 52 two years before lol .. your moderate democrats like jones vote with trump 90% of the time. Keep em coming i say.. we love democrat trumps hehe

lol... 2016 is gone, incel.... 2018 the house flipped. that's all that matters.

the senate is in play this time around & no (R) is immune from covid. they won't be voting for the dude that let them get it or killed their gramma.
In 2018 the House had the avg number of losses for a mid term. In the Senate, instead of Dimsocialists picking up the 2-3 seats normally picked up, you LOST 2 seats.

2018 actually sucked for Dimsocialists, and you still want to make it out as the "Blue Wave" you idiots predicted. :iyfyus.jpg:

they still have the majority no matter how you slice & dice it. but you go on & think somehow - (R) LOSING the house was somehow a 'win' for ya!
41 seats lol hahah

majority rules.

& that ain't the (R)s. it was great to see devin nunes give up his chair to schiff & have to take a beta seat!

^^ This moron actually believes Trump suggested he eat Clorox. Incredibly stupidity...

not me dumb fuck - but his poorly educated base....

& i am not a 'he' dumb fuck.
How many blacks got shot yesterday in town’s run by democrats
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....

ummmm.... this isn't 'business as usual' it's a fucking PANDEMIC. a presser about supposed facts & stats are supposta be the agenda; it's not the time nor the place to be spitballing ideas & 'see what happens'

cause given the mentality of his base ... & it was already proven some are dumbfucks of the highest order ... having already CONsumed fish cleaner because of a drug yer president dotard was peddling ... it was at the very least impulsive & STUPID on donny's part to talk about it like that.

so much so - that lysol & his own CDC had to come out with a statement telling people not to ingest it.

People actually watching those conferences don't have trouble with what president Trump is saying. That's actually only you, and you don't watch them anyway because you hate Trump, remember?

In short STFU.

i watch until he comes to the mic, hoping to get some actual truthful facts. but i heard & saw what he said this time around - in its entirety.

so did lysol & the CDC.
Lol.. Why Democrats can’t win elections

is that why the house flipped? hell even deep south KY & LA took on (D) governors. :eusa_dance:
41 seats? Lol republicans took 52 two years before lol .. your moderate democrats like jones vote with trump 90% of the time. Keep em coming i say.. we love democrat trumps hehe

lol... 2016 is gone, incel.... 2018 the house flipped. that's all that matters.

the senate is in play this time around & no (R) is immune from covid. they won't be voting for the dude that let them get it or killed their gramma.
In 2018 the House had the avg number of losses for a mid term. In the Senate, instead of Dimsocialists picking up the 2-3 seats normally picked up, you LOST 2 seats.

2018 actually sucked for Dimsocialists, and you still want to make it out as the "Blue Wave" you idiots predicted. :iyfyus.jpg:

they still have the majority no matter how you slice & dice it. but you go on & think somehow - (R) LOSING the house was somehow a 'win' for ya!
41 seats lol hahah

majority rules.

& that ain't the (R)s. it was great to see devin nunes give up his chair to schiff & have to take a beta seat!
And China just sent us a virus while Adam goes after trump .. you all are embarrassing.. haha

it was up to donny not to ignore all the warnings. nice try - but you can't blame anyone but him.
Isn’t he the head of house intel? Lol wtf is he doing? Haha nice Communist China talking points
I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

Why are you lefties worried about what Trump says? How many black people got shot this weekend in town you guys run? How in the world could you try to combat the greatest president in the history of the world when every town you run is shit holes

Because he is the President and what tells Americans and the world in the time of crisis matters. DUH?

Why are you deflecting instead of facing this honestly?

Because you are a degenerate unable to honestly deal with certain things is my explanation of it.

Do you need to be reminded not to drink Lysol after he was joking? lol come on man! Lol

He wasn't joking, he said it seriously with absolutely zero indication that it was a joke or "srcasm". He was taken seriously by everyone in the room, and you are a fucking degenerate to even suggest that as an explanation of what happened at that press conference.

Don't be a degenerate, face things honestly and stop posting crazy nonsense.

And who cares? Misspoke, joking, spit shooting, what is the derangement? What’s stopping you from moving on? The great trump made a mistake? So you attack him? Sad

I moved on just fine, you are the one making up complete horseshit to carry water for your dear leader.

If you idiots simply admitted Trump fucked up, as he obviously did there would be nothing to talk about.

20 people were shot in the past 24 hours and towns run by democrats and you’re sitting here hopping on trump miss speaking.. lol where are your Priorities? Your party is a complete fucking disaster you’re literally not gonna win one state in 2020 get some success in your life

I’ll take that bet. What’s the wager? One state?


You want the bet or not, bigmouth?

I do .. how much?

I will bet you any amount that you can afford that the Dems will win at least one state in the 2020 election. You say they won’t win one.

Name your wager. state? LOL

Lone Leftist has gone off the deep end.
I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

Why are you lefties worried about what Trump says? How many black people got shot this weekend in town you guys run? How in the world could you try to combat the greatest president in the history of the world when every town you run is shit holes

Because he is the President and what tells Americans and the world in the time of crisis matters. DUH?

Why are you deflecting instead of facing this honestly?

Because you are a degenerate unable to honestly deal with certain things is my explanation of it.

Do you need to be reminded not to drink Lysol after he was joking? lol come on man! Lol

He wasn't joking, he said it seriously with absolutely zero indication that it was a joke or "srcasm". He was taken seriously by everyone in the room, and you are a fucking degenerate to even suggest that as an explanation of what happened at that press conference.

Don't be a degenerate, face things honestly and stop posting crazy nonsense.

And who cares? Misspoke, joking, spit shooting, what is the derangement? What’s stopping you from moving on? The great trump made a mistake? So you attack him? Sad

I moved on just fine, you are the one making up complete horseshit to carry water for your dear leader.

If you idiots simply admitted Trump fucked up, as he obviously did there would be nothing to talk about.

20 people were shot in the past 24 hours and towns run by democrats and you’re sitting here hopping on trump miss speaking.. lol where are your Priorities? Your party is a complete fucking disaster you’re literally not gonna win one state in 2020 get some success in your life

I’ll take that bet. What’s the wager? One state?


You want the bet or not, bigmouth?

I do .. how much?

I will bet you any amount that you can afford that the Dems will win at least one state in the 2020 election. You say they won’t win one.

Name your wager.

By the way how many black representatives did you guys lose to the Republican party this week? Lol You’re gonna lose so bad I literally feel bad for you
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