Question: What qualifies as an "infringement" of the right to arms?

This question is meant specifically for the anti-gun loons who want to further restrict the right to keep and bear arms for law-abiding citizens.

2nd Amendment:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

In your book, what sort of gun control violates the 2nd?
That is, what sort of restrictions on the right to arms violate the constitution?

Please be sure to explain your response.
Asking someone if they are over the age of 8 is an infringement. Nothing about age in that 2nd is there?
'Question: What qualifies as an "infringement" of the right to arms?'

Any law, act, or measure that denies non-prohibited persons from accessing all and any types of firearms pursuant to the right to self-defense.

There is no right to "keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose,” government is at liberty to place reasonable restrictions on the types of firearms allowed and the manner in which firearms might be acquired by “imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.” (DC v. Heller)

Current Second Amendment jurisprudence holds that as long as a jurisdiction affords its resident access to some type of firearm, the prohibition of other types of firearms in the interest of public safely is Constitutional.
This question is meant specifically for the anti-gun loons who want to further restrict the right to keep and bear arms for law-abiding citizens.

2nd Amendment:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

In your book, what sort of gun control violates the 2nd?
That is, what sort of restrictions on the right to arms violate the constitution?

Please be sure to explain your response.
Asking someone if they are over the age of 8 is an infringement. Nothing about age in that 2nd is there?
I'm sorry... you'll have to point out your answer.
'Question: What qualifies as an "infringement" of the right to arms?'
Any law, act, or measure that denies non-prohibited persons from accessing all and any types of firearms pursuant to the right to self-defense.

Current Second Amendment jurisprudence holds that as long as a jurisdiction affords its resident access to some type of firearm, the prohibition of other types of firearms in the interest of public safely is Constitutional.
These sentences contradict one another.
I grew up with guns. Owned my first at 12. They were hunting weapons. And used in that manner. They could be used for defense very effectively, if neccessary. However, what we see today are people buying weapons that are designed solely for the purpose of killing other humans. And we see the response to that among the less sane members of our society in the body count.

And that is what you and the NRA are defending, is the body count. Bloody minded fools, all of you.

Do you realize that as more people own guns in this country the gun murder rate has gone down...substantially......and as more Americans carry guns for self defense, over 11.1 million people now, the gun murder rate has gone down, not up....

Would you like to re post what you posted now that you know the truth.....since your post is wrong...?

The body count is going down, not up.......

And the purpose of a gun is to save the life of the user....and in most self defense situations it does not need to be fired to achieve know that...right?

I think the exposure to news makes people think crime is up when it is really down. It is a very safe country unless you are involved in criminal behavior.
This is true.....
Judging by the number of gun threads the OP has started, it looks to me like someone is a bit obsessed.
The odd time I read some anti gun nitwit running their mouth about how the 'average person' doesn't need a gun for protection the same question comes to mind: I wonder how many farms and ranches in rural America have been the target of thugs wanting to rape and loot and terrorise the occupants? Those are long drivways up to the ranch houses in Montana. LOL LOL
I also wonder how many negroes driving brand new Escalades with 22" rims packed with 'homies' have decided to make that trip up those driveways?
Answer: Fucking zero. Why? B/c the thugs are at least bright enough to know they'd be making a one-way trip.
If the thugs knew no one at the ranch had a gun guess what they would do?
One isn't required to agree with current Second Amendment jurisprudence, one is required to acknowledge and understand it, however.
One isn't required to agree with current Second Amendment jurisprudence, one is required to acknowledge and understand it, however.
Another useless post from Clayton Obvious -- who, incidentally, has not provided a sound responseto the question in the OP.
This question is meant specifically for the anti-gun loons who want to further restrict the right to keep and bear arms for law-abiding citizens.

2nd Amendment:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

In your book, what sort of gun control violates the 2nd?
That is, what sort of restrictions on the right to arms violate the constitution?

Please be sure to explain your response.
I love guns but you are a retard if you think its ok for someone to have a nuclear weapon.
Why do anti-gun loons wait until a mass shooting to come out of the woodwork and try to discuss guns?
Why do anti-gun loons wait until the blood of innocents is spilled to try to make a point?

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