
Sure, as long as the money to do so is collected on a voluntary basis.

Is the money to educate your children collected from your neighbors on a voluntary basis?

Not if I pay the same property taxes.

What city do you live in? If you are average, you pay about 1/3 of the cost to educate each of your children annually in property taxes. But, if you tell me what city you live in, I can give you the exact cost per child to educate your kid, and then you can see how the amount you are being subsidized by your neighbors and write them a thank you note.
Government has never had to subsidize my life, my babies, my pregnancies, my food bill, my birth control or the numerous other choices we all make and we call life. Yes choices! Don't make freakin' choices that others will have to pay for please. Not speaking to you personally Catz but just in reply to your OP.

It's great that you have never had to struggle in that manner. If only everyone in America were as blessed as you. :)
I don't have a problem with the "safety net" but the problem is it becomes far too comfortable, kind of like a hammock.

I understand totally, but as a pragmatist, we can't reduce the people comfortable in the safety net if we don't reduce the amount of children born to teen and unwed mothers in poverty. The only thing that I've seen that works, to this point, is increased access to birth control.

It's a chicken/egg.

I agree. Now I ask has all the government intervention through education and BC assistance, numerous programs as well as the general lowering of moral guidelines helped stop people from being so dependent on others namely government? Government getting bigger through programs is not the answer imo.

I do not support the banning of abortion because I have always believed the change for that comes from the heart and minds of those who choose abortion or support abortion and not through making it illegal. I believe people change when what they are doing hurts them and when their life is worse for their action and they learn through their own hardship.

I know for me the greatest lessons I have learned so far were those where I was hurt, suffered, screwed up or lost something because of my own action or inaction.
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Government has never had to subsidize my life, my babies, my pregnancies, my food bill, my birth control or the numerous other choices we all make and we call life. Yes choices! Don't make freakin' choices that others will have to pay for please. Not speaking to you personally Catz but just in reply to your OP.

It's great that you have never had to struggle in that manner. If only everyone in America were as blessed as you. :)

Oh I have struggled. I also had to sacrifice much along the way in my life to avoid being dependent on others and I am proud of this. So please, do not assume to know my life. You do not. I am a very independent soul and there are reasons I am but I just as easily could have been a different person. Trust me. Choices are a huge factor.
I don't have a problem with the "safety net" but the problem is it becomes far too comfortable, kind of like a hammock.

I understand totally, but as a pragmatist, we can't reduce the people comfortable in the safety net if we don't reduce the amount of children born to teen and unwed mothers in poverty. The only thing that I've seen that works, to this point, is increased access to birth control.

It's a chicken/egg.

Sure it is, and I don't REALLY advocate tubal ligations for every girl born to poverty,. but they all knows what gets a woman pregnant. #1, in order to receive benefits, a mother should have to provide the name of the father.
He should be compelled to pay child support similar to what courts award in divorce cases. If he doesn't pay, he should be jailed for contempt for 30 days if he fails to pay, 60 days and so on, until he accepts his responsibility
Government has never had to subsidize my life, my babies, my pregnancies, my food bill, my birth control or the numerous other choices we all make and we call life. Yes choices! Don't make freakin' choices that others will have to pay for please. Not speaking to you personally Catz but just in reply to your OP.

It's great that you have never had to struggle in that manner. If only everyone in America were as blessed as you. :)

Oh I have struggled. I also had to sacrifice much along the way in my life to avoid being dependent on others and I am proud of this. So please, do not assume to know my life. You do not. I am a very independent soul and there are reasons I am but I just as easily could have been a different person. Trust me. Choices are a huge factor.

I'm not judging you, simply pointing out that taking your personal life experiences and judging others based on them is very short sighted.
Sure, as long as the money to do so is collected on a voluntary basis.

Is the money to educate your children collected from your neighbors on a voluntary basis?

Not if I pay the same property taxes.

What city do you live in? If you are average, you pay about 1/3 of the cost to educate each of your children annually in property taxes. But, if you tell me what city you live in, I can give you the exact cost per child to educate your kid, and then you can see how the amount you are being subsidized by your neighbors and write them a thank you note.

Again, start a thread on public education. I have no children in public schools but I'm happy to debate it, in a proper thread.
It's great that you have never had to struggle in that manner. If only everyone in America were as blessed as you. :)

Oh I have struggled. I also had to sacrifice much along the way in my life to avoid being dependent on others and I am proud of this. So please, do not assume to know my life. You do not. I am a very independent soul and there are reasons I am but I just as easily could have been a different person. Trust me. Choices are a huge factor.

I'm not judging you, simply pointing out that taking your personal life experiences and judging others based on them is very short sighted.

Honestly, I have seen more than my own life to draw on here.

The deal here is this. I have no interest whatsoever on how others conduct their lives. Just please do not make me pay for the poor, foolish, arrogant and selfish choices of others especially since I( and many others like me) worked so damn hard to prevent ourselves from being dependent on others but especially the government. Most people know how to screw up AND how to avoid screwing up. I do and have in my life. Some of us choose wisely and sometimes sacrifice as much as possible to keep the screw ups down so as not to be a dependent on the goodwill of society and government.

I might have had more children if I could have afforded more but I could not. I prevent them by pro-active BC methods and honestly it is not rocket science doing so.
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Oh I have struggled. I also had to sacrifice much along the way in my life to avoid being dependent on others and I am proud of this. So please, do not assume to know my life. You do not. I am a very independent soul and there are reasons I am but I just as easily could have been a different person. Trust me. Choices are a huge factor.

I'm not judging you, simply pointing out that taking your personal life experiences and judging others based on them is very short sighted.

Honestly, I have seen more than my own life to draw on here.

The deal here is this. I have no interest whatsoever on how others conduct their lives. Just please do not make me pay for the poor, foolish, arrogant and selfish choices of others especially since I( and many others like me) worked so damn hard to prevent ourselves from being dependent on others but especially the government. Most people know how to screw up AND how to avoid screwing up. Some of us choose wisely and sometimes sacrifice as much as possible.

I might have had more children if I could have afforded more but I could not.

I don't agree with federally funding PP. I think title X funding should be given to the states, and they should decide how best to spend that money. Whether its PP, county health clinics, or some other free clinics.

That being said, I don't think poor women who use PP are making "bad choices".
Again, start a thread on public education. I have no children in public schools but I'm happy to debate it, in a proper thread.

This is my thread, and I was making a reference to the issue of being responsible for the welfare of others, which was an argument against providing birth control. It's relevant to the thread, but if the thread has failed to interest you, the forum has many others.
I'm not judging you, simply pointing out that taking your personal life experiences and judging others based on them is very short sighted.

Honestly, I have seen more than my own life to draw on here.

The deal here is this. I have no interest whatsoever on how others conduct their lives. Just please do not make me pay for the poor, foolish, arrogant and selfish choices of others especially since I( and many others like me) worked so damn hard to prevent ourselves from being dependent on others but especially the government. Most people know how to screw up AND how to avoid screwing up. Some of us choose wisely and sometimes sacrifice as much as possible.

I might have had more children if I could have afforded more but I could not.

I don't agree with federally funding PP. I think title X funding should be given to the states, and they should decide how best to spend that money. Whether its PP, county health clinics, or some other free clinics.

That being said, I don't think poor women who use PP are making "bad choices".

I have a question. Why does PP need government intervention? The poor/low income in my state use Mass Health and all their health needs can be addressed under that health insurance program for the poor?
I have no such responsibility, nor do you. I have the desire to help others. Big difference.

Your neighbors are currently paying to educate your kids. That debunks your post above.

In order for society to function, we frequently pay for services we won't use often, because if/when we need them, we want them to be present. Your neighbors are paying the lion's share of educating your children with the belief that an educated populace that is employable and productive is in everyone's best interest.

Whether you grasp that or not, the fact remains.
Honestly, I have seen more than my own life to draw on here.

The deal here is this. I have no interest whatsoever on how others conduct their lives. Just please do not make me pay for the poor, foolish, arrogant and selfish choices of others especially since I( and many others like me) worked so damn hard to prevent ourselves from being dependent on others but especially the government. Most people know how to screw up AND how to avoid screwing up. Some of us choose wisely and sometimes sacrifice as much as possible.

I might have had more children if I could have afforded more but I could not.

I don't agree with federally funding PP. I think title X funding should be given to the states, and they should decide how best to spend that money. Whether its PP, county health clinics, or some other free clinics.

That being said, I don't think poor women who use PP are making "bad choices".

I have a question. Why does PP need government intervention? The poor/low income in my state use Mass Health and all their health needs can be addressed under that health insurance program for the poor?

This thread isn't advocating for federal funding of PP.
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I agree. Now I ask has all the government intervention through education and BC assistance, numerous programs as well as the general lowering of moral guidelines helped stop people from being so dependent on others namely government?

Access to free birth control has resulted in decreased unplanned pregnancies and abortions.

I have always had "access" to BC. Who does not? What does access to BC actually mean?
i agree. Now i ask has all the government intervention through education and bc assistance, numerous programs as well as the general lowering of moral guidelines helped stop people from being so dependent on others namely government?

access to free birth control has resulted in decreased unplanned pregnancies and abortions.

i have always had "access" to bc. Who does not? What does access to bc actually mean?

read the linked post and the links in the post and you will have the answers you seek.
I agree. Now I ask has all the government intervention through education and BC assistance, numerous programs as well as the general lowering of moral guidelines helped stop people from being so dependent on others namely government?

Access to free birth control has resulted in decreased unplanned pregnancies and abortions.

I have always had "access" to BC. Who does not? What does access to BC actually mean?

Many poor and low income not to mention unemployed.
access to free birth control has resulted in decreased unplanned pregnancies and abortions.

i have always had "access" to bc. Who does not? What does access to bc actually mean?

read the linked post and the links in the post and you will have the answers you seek.

Among girls ages 15-19 who had access to free birth control provided in the study, the annual birth rate was 6.3 per 1,000, far below the U.S. rate of 34.3 per 1,000 for girls the same age.
My point is that a 14 year old girl needing BC would have access under Mass Health for low income already or a private insurer because of her guardian or parent. It has been like that for years here in Mass.

So where is this access problem that needs PP and government funding?
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