Questioning The Definition of 'Religion'

right---and josef Goebbels never personally murdered a jewish or gypsy child

I take it that this is your 'white flag.'


I can certainly recommend several well documented tomes that will prevent you from embarrassing yourself again.

"Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America,"
by John Earl Haynes,Harvey Klehr

The Venona Decrypts is the same place Truman began, with the result that he reversed Roosevelt's pro-communist policies.

not impressed with your sophistry----SOCIALISM -----aka
MARXISM is an economic system----RUSSIAN MARXISM became an ENEMY OF THE USA

Clearly you are ignorant and demand the right to remain so.
That, of course, is your right.

It would not be your right if the communists that McCarthy exposed had been victorious.

You're dismissed.

somehow I do not believe that John Garfield was---IN ANY WAY ----a danger to me. Nor was CHARLIE CHAPLAIN---who was tossed out of the USA for the RED PERIL issue-----OOOPS---of course------deep down Mc Carthy was DISTRESSED over that pro---uhm PERSECUTION
  1. The progressive left, and the liberal left, while not themselves communists, share many of the same sympathies, such of redistribution of wealth, and worker’s rights, nationalizations of industry, etc, but are not quite as far left as the communists, and would not go to the same lengths as the communists to achieve their goals. This does not mean, though, that the help of these dupes is not necessary in order for the communists to achieve victory. Even at their peak, in the ‘30’s, the Communist Party of the United States never had more than 100 thousand members: so deception of the ‘dupes’ was critical.
    1. The archives tell a tale of plans and schemes between the CPUSA and the Communist International in Moscow, to dupe progressives and liberals: “go to rallies,” “don’t let them know you are a communist!,” “If anyone reveals that you are a communist, claim it is red-baiting,” “yell ‘McCarthyism!” Dr. Paul Kengor, Hoover Institution, Stanford “DUPES: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century
John Garfield aka Jacob Garfinkel ----interesting note-----I knew the name as a child because my mom was born in a cold water flat----in the same neighborhood in which Jacob Garfinkel was a little boy------Joseph Mc Carthy harassed him till he died of a heart attack at age 39

I warned you, over and over. McCarthy was a SENATOR, he had nothing to do with the HOUSE UNAMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMISSION.

He never talked to John Garfield, much less drove him to a heart attack.

Try again, but don't lie this time.

no lie----Mc Cathy made his CAREER on the fake "red peril" libel

"Mc Cathy (sic) made his CAREER on the fake "red peril"

Gads. you're an idiot.

NKVD and KGB[edit]
The "Berg" – "Art" Group[edit]
Buben group[edit]
Perlo group[edit]
Redhead group[edit]
Rosenberg ring[edit]
Silvermaster group[edit]
  • Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, Chief Planning Technician, Procurement Division, United States Department of the Treasury; Chief Economist, War Assets Administration; Director of the Labor Division, Farm Security Administration; Board of Economic Warfare; Reconstruction Finance Corporation Department of Commerce
  • Helen Silvermaster (wife)
  • Schlomer Adler, United States Department of the Treasury
  • Norman Chandler Bursler, United States Department of Justice Anti-Trust Division [10]
  • Frank Coe, Assistant Director, Division of Monetary Research, Treasury Department; Special Assistant to the United States Ambassador in London; Assistant to the Executive Director, Board of Economic Warfare; Assistant Administrator, Foreign Economic Administration
  • Lauchlin Currie, Administrative Assistant to President Roosevelt; Deputy Administrator of Foreign Economic Administration; Special Representative to China
  • Bela Gold, Assistant Head of Program Surveys, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Agriculture Department; Senate Subcommittee on War Mobilization; Office of Economic Programs in Foreign Economic Administration
  • Sonia Steinman Gold, Division of Monetary Research U.S. Treasury Department; U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Interstate Migration; U.S. Bureau of Employment Security
  • Irving Kaplan, Foreign Funds Control and Division of Monetary Research, United States Department of the Treasury Foreign Economic Administration; chief advisor to the Military Government of Germany
  • George Silverman, civilian Chief Production Specialist, Material Division, United States Army Air Forces Air Staff, War Department, Pentagon
  • William Henry Taylor, Assistant Director of the Middle East Division of Monetary Research, United States Department of Treasury
  • William Ullman, delegate to United Nations Charter meeting and Bretton Woods conference; Division of Monetary Research, Department of Treasury; Material and Services Division, Air Corps Headquarters, Pentagon
  • Anatole Volkov
  • Harry Dexter White, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; Head of the International Monetary Fund[11]
Sound and Myrna groups[edit]
  • Solomon Adler, United States Department of the Treasury
  • Cedric Belfrage, journalist; British Security Coordination
  • Elizabeth Bentley courier messenger for Communist spy rings on the American East Coast in the 1930s, testified about her activities in hearings in the 1940s and 1950s
  • Frank Coe, Assistant Director, Division of Monetary Research, Treasury Department; Special Assistant to the United States Ambassador in London; Assistant to the Executive Director, Board of Economic Warfare; Assistant Administrator, Foreign Economic Administration
  • Lauchlin Currie, Administrative Assistant to President Roosevelt; Deputy Administrator of Foreign Economic Administration; Special Representative to China
  • Rae Elson, an active Communist, and courier of the CPUSA underground, was chosen by Joseph Katz to replace Bentley at the Soviet front organization, U.S. Shipping and Service Corporation.
  • Edward Fitzgerald, War Production Board
  • Charles Flato, Board of Economic Warfare; Civil Liberties Subcommittee, Senate Committee on Education and Labor
  • Bela Gold, Bureau of Intelligence, Assistant Head of Program Surveys, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Agriculture Department; Senate Subcommittee on War Mobilization; Office of Economic Programs in Foreign Economic Administration
  • Sonia Steinman Gold, Division of Monetary Research U.S. Treasury Department; U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Interstate Migration; U.S. Bureau of Employment Security
  • Irving Goldman, Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
  • Jacob Golos, the "main pillar" of the NKVD intelligence network in the U.S., died in the arms of comrade Elizabeth Bentley
  • Gerald Graze, United States Civil Service Commission; Department of Defense, U.S. Navy official
  • Maurice Halperin, Chief of Latin American Division, Research and Analysis section, Office of Strategic Services; United States Department of State
  • Julius Joseph, Far Eastern section (Japanese Intelligence) Office of Strategic Services
  • Irving Kaplan, United States Department of the Treasury Foreign Economic Administration; United Nations Division of Economic Stability and Development; Chief Advisor to the Military Government of Germany
  • Joseph Katz
  • Duncan Lee, counsel to General William Donovan, head of Office of Strategic Services
  • Helen Lowry, (Elza Akhmerova), Akhmerov wife, American-born and raised, Soviet citizen
  • Harry Magdoff, Chief of the Control Records Section of War Production Board and Office of Emergency Management; Bureau of Research and Statistics, WTB; Tools Division, War Production Board; Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, United States Department of Commerce; Statistics Division Works Progress Administration
  • Jenny Levy Miller, Chinese Government Purchasing Commission
  • Robert Miller, Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs; Near Eastern Division United States Department of State
  • Willard Park, Assistant Chief of the Economic Analysis Section, Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs; United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
  • Victor Perlo, chief of the Aviation Section of the War Production Board; head of branch in Research Section, Office of Price Administration Department of Commerce; Division of Monetary Research Department of Treasury; Brookings Institution, head of Perlo group
  • Mary Price, stenographer for Walter Lippmann of the New York Herald
  • William Remington, War Production Board; Office of Emergency Management, convicted for perjury, killed in prison
  • Ruth Rivkin, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
  • Allan Rosenberg, Board of Economic Warfare; Chief of the Economic Institution Staff, Foreign Economic Administration; Civil Liberties Subcommittee, Senate Committee on Education and Labor; Railroad Retirement Board; Counsel to the Secretary of the National Labor Relations Board
  • Bernard Schuster[12]
  • Greg Silvermaster, Chief Planning Technician, Procurement Division, United States Department of the Treasury; Chief Economist, War Assets Administration; Director of the Labor Division, Farm Security Administration; Board of Economic Warfare; Reconstruction Finance Corporation Department of Commerce
  • John Spivak, journalist[citation needed]
  • William Taylor, Assistant Director of Monetary Research, United States Department of Treasury
  • Helen Tenney, Office of Strategic Services
  • Lud Ullman, delegate to United Nations Charter meeting and Bretton Woods conference; Division of Monetary Research, Department of Treasury; Material and Services Division, Air Corps Headquarters, Pentagon
  • David Weintraub, United States Department of State; head of the Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations; United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA); United Nations Division of Economic Stability and Development
  • Donald Wheeler, Office of Strategic Services Research and Analysis division
  • Anatoly Gorsky, (Anatoly Veniaminovich Gorsky, A. V. Gorsky), “Vadim”, former rezident of the MGB USSR in Washington
  • Olga Pravdina, former employee of the Ministry of Trade, wife of “Sergei,” the rezident in New York; author of Gorsky Memo (see Vladimir Pravdin)[13]
  • Vladimir Pravdin, “Sergei”, Tass, former rezident of the MGB USSR in New York
  • Mikhail A. Shaliapin [Shalyapin], “Stock” [“Shtok”][14]
  • Gaik Badelovich Ovakimian, former rezident of the MGB USSR in New York
  • Iskhak Abdulovich Akhmerov, “Albert” – former Illegal Rezident of the MGB USSR in New York
  • Michael Straight, speechwriter for President Franklin Roosevelt
  • John Anthony Walker US Navy senior enlisted man who spied for the Soviet Union for decades, enlisting family and friends to do so as well
Ware group[edit]
KGB Illegals[edit]
Last edited:
right---and josef Goebbels never personally murdered a jewish or gypsy child

I take it that this is your 'white flag.'


I can certainly recommend several well documented tomes that will prevent you from embarrassing yourself again.

"Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America,"
by John Earl Haynes,Harvey Klehr

The Venona Decrypts is the same place Truman began, with the result that he reversed Roosevelt's pro-communist policies.

not impressed with your sophistry----SOCIALISM -----aka
MARXISM is an economic system----RUSSIAN MARXISM became an ENEMY OF THE USA

Clearly you are ignorant and demand the right to remain so.
That, of course, is your right.

It would not be your right if the communists that McCarthy exposed had been victorious.

You're dismissed.

somehow I do not believe that John Garfield was---IN ANY WAY ----a danger to me. Nor was CHARLIE CHAPLAIN---who was tossed out of the USA for the RED PERIL issue-----OOOPS---of course------deep down Mc Carthy was DISTRESSED over that pro---uhm PERSECUTION
  1. The progressive left, and the liberal left, while not themselves communists, share many of the same sympathies, such of redistribution of wealth, and worker’s rights, nationalizations of industry, etc, but are not quite as far left as the communists, and would not go to the same lengths as the communists to achieve their goals. This does not mean, though, that the help of these dupes is not necessary in order for the communists to achieve victory. Even at their peak, in the ‘30’s, the Communist Party of the United States never had more than 100 thousand members: so deception of the ‘dupes’ was critical.
    1. The archives tell a tale of plans and schemes between the CPUSA and the Communist International in Moscow, to dupe progressives and liberals: “go to rallies,” “don’t let them know you are a communist!,” “If anyone reveals that you are a communist, claim it is red-baiting,” “yell ‘McCarthyism!” Dr. Paul Kengor, Hoover Institution, Stanford “DUPES: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century

right----TOTOLITARIAN COMMUNISM (extreme left) is just as evil as TOTALITARIAN NAZISM- (extreme right)
I would never deny it
yes-----fake. It became a RELIGION ---with
"clergymen" who cashed in

And now for a look at what every communist and fellow traveler wanted for America....

Let's take, as an example, Naftly Frenkel, the man who made Stalin's gulags the "success" that they were.
And, of course, I mean "success," in the sense that that it destroyed millions...and gave rise to Hitler's concentration camps.

1. "Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel...was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

He rose rapidly from prisoner to staff member on the strength of his proposal to the camp administration that they link inmates' food rations to their rate of production, the proposal known as nourishment scale (шкала питания).

The story goes that when he arrived at the camp [as a prisoner!] he found shocking disorganisation and waste of resources (both human and material): he promptly wrote a precise description of what exactly was wrong with every one of the camp's industries (including forestry, farming and brick-making).[6]

He placed the letter in the prisoners' 'complaints box' whence it was sent, as a curiosity, toGenrikh Yagoda the secret police bureaucrat who eventually became leader of the Cheka; it is said that Yagoda immediately demanded to meet with the letter's author.[6]Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.....records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Partypurge years;..." Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Frenkel's special talent for improving inmate work efficiency was quickly noticed by the camp officials there, and it was not long before he was ordered to explain his ideas and methods to Stalin personally. His main proposal was to link a prisoner's food ration, especially hot food, to his production, essentially substituting hunger for the knout as the main work incentive.

Frenkel had also observed that a prisoner's most productive work is usually done in the first three months of his captivity, after which he or she was in so debilitated a state thatthe output of the inmate population could be kept high only by removing (killing off) the exhausted prisoners and replacing them with fresh inmates. " The Gulag Communism s Penal Colonies Revisited

Seems that if there are benefits available, there are always men who will serve big government rather than their sisters and brothers.
Is that what we want America's motto to be?

2. Naftaly Frenkel rose in importance under Stalin by instituting inhuman rules that made the gulag more.....'efficient'....and more deadly.

But advanced the aims of the Communists.

"During the early 1930s every non-apparatchik in the USSR was hungry, and the peasants were starving in their millions. The zeks [prisoners] of the gulag, from 1918 to 1956, were always somewhere in between.
The mature gulag ran on food and the deprivation of food. Illuminatingly, the history of Communism keeps bringing us back to this: the scarcity or absence of food.

[In] his natural indifference to all human suffering Frenkel was an excellent Bolshevik. It was he who advised Stalin to run the gulag on the steady deprivation of food.

Again they used norms and quotas:
for the full norm: 700 grams of bread, plus soup and buckwheat for those not attaining the norm: 400 grams of bread, plus soup

The ‘full norm' was near-unachievable (sometimes more than 200 times higher than the Tsarist equivalent). A socialist-realist superman might manage it, for a time. But you were not meant to manage it. As the zek increasingly fell further behind the norm, he weakened further too, and his ration would soon be demoted to ‘punitive' (300 grams).

As for the rations, [historian Robert] Conquest cites those of the Japanese POW camps on the River Kwai: ‘There, prisoners got a daily ration norm of 700 grams of rice, 600 of vegetables, 100 of meat, 20 of sugar, 20 of salt, and 5 of oil…'; all these items were, of course, great rarities and delicacies in the archipelago. Solzhenitsyn describes a seven-ounce loaf (218 grams): ‘sticky as clay, a piece little bigger than a matchbox…'"
Martin Amis, "Koba The Dread."

Under socialism, the hero is the one who 'improves' the way of the collective, no matter the cost in human lives....or who attack the American Jeremiahs, , like Joseph McCarthy.......
.......or who support the Iran Nuclear Treaty.
I take it that this is your 'white flag.'


I can certainly recommend several well documented tomes that will prevent you from embarrassing yourself again.

"Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America,"
by John Earl Haynes,Harvey Klehr

The Venona Decrypts is the same place Truman began, with the result that he reversed Roosevelt's pro-communist policies.

not impressed with your sophistry----SOCIALISM -----aka
MARXISM is an economic system----RUSSIAN MARXISM became an ENEMY OF THE USA

Clearly you are ignorant and demand the right to remain so.
That, of course, is your right.

It would not be your right if the communists that McCarthy exposed had been victorious.

You're dismissed.

somehow I do not believe that John Garfield was---IN ANY WAY ----a danger to me. Nor was CHARLIE CHAPLAIN---who was tossed out of the USA for the RED PERIL issue-----OOOPS---of course------deep down Mc Carthy was DISTRESSED over that pro---uhm PERSECUTION
  1. The progressive left, and the liberal left, while not themselves communists, share many of the same sympathies, such of redistribution of wealth, and worker’s rights, nationalizations of industry, etc, but are not quite as far left as the communists, and would not go to the same lengths as the communists to achieve their goals. This does not mean, though, that the help of these dupes is not necessary in order for the communists to achieve victory. Even at their peak, in the ‘30’s, the Communist Party of the United States never had more than 100 thousand members: so deception of the ‘dupes’ was critical.
    1. The archives tell a tale of plans and schemes between the CPUSA and the Communist International in Moscow, to dupe progressives and liberals: “go to rallies,” “don’t let them know you are a communist!,” “If anyone reveals that you are a communist, claim it is red-baiting,” “yell ‘McCarthyism!” Dr. Paul Kengor, Hoover Institution, Stanford “DUPES: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century

right----TOTOLITARIAN COMMUNISM (extreme left) is just as evil as TOTALITARIAN NAZISM- (extreme right)
I would never deny it

"...TOTALITARIAN NAZISM- (extreme right) "

Gads, you're an imbecile....

Nazism is as Leftist as Bolshevik Communism.

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

3. It is far more common to believe that it represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed. The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands."
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
right----extreme left = extreme right
what else is new? Lots
of support for your hero
adolf was tolerated
right----extreme left = extreme right
what else is new? Lots
of support for your hero
adolf was tolerated

"...your hero.... adolf"

I'm on the right.... defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society.

Now you've become a low-live gutter snipe.

I have no heroes in either Leftist ideology....Nazis nor Communists.

You are the one disparaging the man who revealed the malevolence of communism....hence, supporting Hitler and Stalin.
try again--------anti union, racist, nationalist
is NAZI-----extreme right. The SOCIALISM
of Nazism -----in its actual prime directive
not PROVISION FOR ALL-----it is provision
FOR SOME and enslavement the "them"
NATIONAL socialism
right----extreme left = extreme right
what else is new? Lots
of support for your hero
adolf was tolerated

"...your hero.... adolf"

I'm on the right.... defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society.

Now you've become a low-live gutter snipe.

I have no heroes in either Leftist ideology....Nazis nor Communists.

You are the one disparaging the man who revealed the malevolence of communism....hence, supporting Hitler and Stalin.

wrong -----your tendencies are ----

the law of the jungle
try again--------anti union, racist, nationalist
is NAZI-----extreme right. The SOCIALISM
of Nazism -----in its actual prime directive
not PROVISION FOR ALL-----it is provision
FOR SOME and enslavement the "them"
NATIONAL socialism

OK, you me bury you:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated by organized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers Life and Death in the Third ReichFirst Edition Edition
Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and
burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..."
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.
try again--------anti union, racist, nationalist
is NAZI-----extreme right. The SOCIALISM
of Nazism -----in its actual prime directive
not PROVISION FOR ALL-----it is provision
FOR SOME and enslavement the "them"
NATIONAL socialism

OK, you me bury you:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated by organized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers Life and Death in the Third ReichFirst Edition Edition
Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and
burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..."
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

you have proven NOTHING-----Stalin was extreme left and insisted ALL BE SOCIALIST
DUPER MASTER RACE and the inferior
non Aryans--enslaved and pillaged for
the benefit of the super duper happy master race of ALL GERMANS (very greek---plato in particular--- the republic of greeks only)

white supremacists in the USA emulate
POWER OF ----just them
try again--------anti union, racist, nationalist
is NAZI-----extreme right. The SOCIALISM
of Nazism -----in its actual prime directive
not PROVISION FOR ALL-----it is provision
FOR SOME and enslavement the "them"
NATIONAL socialism

OK, you me bury you:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated by organized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers Life and Death in the Third ReichFirst Edition Edition
Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and
burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..."
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

you have proven NOTHING-----Stalin was extreme left and insisted ALL BE SOCIALIST
DUPER MASTER RACE and the inferior
non Aryans--enslaved and pillaged for
the benefit of the super duper happy master race of ALL GERMANS (very greek---plato in particular--- the republic of greeks only)

white supremacists in the USA emulate
POWER OF ----just them

And, once the face of true and supported facts, the ignorant respond with

" not, issss nootttttttttt!!!!"
try again--------anti union, racist, nationalist
is NAZI-----extreme right. The SOCIALISM
of Nazism -----in its actual prime directive
not PROVISION FOR ALL-----it is provision
FOR SOME and enslavement the "them"
NATIONAL socialism

OK, you me bury you:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated by organized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers Life and Death in the Third ReichFirst Edition Edition
Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and
burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..."
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

you have proven NOTHING-----Stalin was extreme left and insisted ALL BE SOCIALIST
DUPER MASTER RACE and the inferior
non Aryans--enslaved and pillaged for
the benefit of the super duper happy master race of ALL GERMANS (very greek---plato in particular--- the republic of greeks only)

white supremacists in the USA emulate
POWER OF ----just them

And, once the face of true and supported facts, the ignorant respond with

" not, issss nootttttttttt!!!!"

you wax idiotic
right----TOTOLITARIAN COMMUNISM (extreme left) is just as evil as TOTALITARIAN NAZISM- (extreme right)
I would never deny it

Since you have chosen to promote the "Big Lie," can you explain to the class what exactly is "right" about the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany?

What it the emphasis on private property rights? The advocacy of restraint of power of the state? Ensuring that government did not interfere with business? Reliance on market mechanisms for economic planning? Respect for the free exercise of religion?

You see Rosie, the preeminent feature of the Big Lie, is that it is indeed a lie.
try again--------anti union, racist, nationalist
is NAZI-----extreme right.

It also describes the BOLSHEVIKS under Stalin.

You are promoting the Big Lie.

of Nazism -----in its actual prime directive
not PROVISION FOR ALL-----it is provision
FOR SOME and enslavement the "them"
NATIONAL socialism

That describes ALL socialism, including the American democratic - socialist party.
wrong -----your tendencies are ----

the law of the jungle

That would be you totalitarian thugs of the left.

To trade value for value is how men of goodwill deal with each other. This is the foundation of civilization, that one person offers to another that which the other values, in return for something to offerer values. We use money as a medium of exchange,, so that it is generally what a seller takes in return for offered goods.

Unlike the systems you promote, where wants are offered with force in exchange for goods, we of the right, we who have integrity, offer value in exchange for anything we ask of others. No man has the right to rule another. That which one man (or woman) wants must be PURCHASED by offering wages or other implements of value.

It is only you of the left who advocate the whip and the gun as a substitute for value. You seek to create large and powerful governments so that you have many men with guns who can take by force from some, and give to those you favor more.

It is YOU who advocates the strength of guns and whips as the motivators of men to produce. We of the right advocate TRADE, as trade is the most noble of interactions between people.
try again--------anti union, racist, nationalist
is NAZI-----extreme right. The SOCIALISM
of Nazism -----in its actual prime directive
not PROVISION FOR ALL-----it is provision
FOR SOME and enslavement the "them"
NATIONAL socialism

OK, you me bury you:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated by organized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers Life and Death in the Third ReichFirst Edition Edition
Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and
burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..."
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

you have proven NOTHING-----Stalin was extreme left and insisted ALL BE SOCIALIST
DUPER MASTER RACE and the inferior
non Aryans--enslaved and pillaged for
the benefit of the super duper happy master race of ALL GERMANS (very greek---plato in particular--- the republic of greeks only)

white supremacists in the USA emulate
POWER OF ----just them

And, once the face of true and supported facts, the ignorant respond with

" not, issss nootttttttttt!!!!"

you wax idiotic are not able to dispute a single thing I posted....other than your insipid 'is not, isss noootttttt!!!"

Pretty clear to whom 'idiotic' applies.
Let's put it this way: you've taken the Art of Clueless to an epic level!

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