questions about Middle East


Aug 19, 2009
1. Our President stated that 250,000 people assembled peacefully and demanded Mubarak resign, so he should resign. Would our President resign (the one that told someone else to do so under the same circumstances) if 250,000 people protested and demanded his resignation?

2. Why is no one calling Iran on the hypocrisy of proclaiming the people of Egypt are right, when Iran, brutally suppressed the same type of protests?

3. Is Obama working with Islamists extremists to shut down oil transport in the Middle East? He is allowing/encouraging extremists' takeovers in the strategic locations: Egypt & Jordon (Suez canal), Sudan, Somalia, & Yemen (Red Sea & Gulf of Aden), Tunisia, Lebanon & Syria (East Mediterranian), Iran (Persian Gulf & the Gulf of Oman). Is this a plan to cripple the USA and set it back?

4. If Obama was trying to destroy the USA, what would he do differently?

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