Questions about the Biden Family for those who lean Democrat

I answered your questions.

And that triggered you.


No, you deflected. It is proven beyond doubt that the shell companies exist. And it is proven through wire transfer and bank records that the companies have received millions of dollars from foreign countries.

But, as usual, you defend your leftist masters like the obedient little boot licker you are.
As opposed to The Trumpy Foundation which was dissolved by the court, the Clinton Foundations books were open to scrutiny.

On June 14, 2018, New York attorney general Barbara Underwood filed a civil suit against the foundation, Trump himself, and Trump's adult children—Ivanka, Eric and Donald Jr.—alleging "a shocking pattern of illegality" with respect to the foundation's money. On December 18, 2018, Underwood announced that the foundation had agreed to shut down under court supervision and distribute its remaining assets to court-approved charities, although she did not end investigations of the foundation and its directors. In November 2019, Trump admitted to using the foundation for his business and political purposes and was ordered to pay $2 million as restitution.

Deflect, derail, deny. Typical leftist tactics.
No, you deflected. It is proven beyond doubt that the shell companies exist. And it is proven through wire transfer and bank records that the companies have received millions of dollars from foreign countries.

But, as usual, you defend your leftist masters like the obedient little boot licker you are.

Nothing has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt as nothing has been presented in a court of law under the threat of perjury. Till that happens it is just talk
Nothing has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt as nothing has been presented in a court of law under the threat of perjury. Till that happens it is just talk

Wrong. Records ARE evidence. The question is whether the activity that is PROVEN, is illegal.

1. Why was Hunter Biden paid enormous amount of monies from foreign companies, of which the companies are corrupt? Why can't Hunter explain his value beyond "the Biden brand"?

2. What would these entities get from Hunter in return? Do people do business only to receive nothing in return, and consider these transactions are in the 10s of millions?
3. Oh yeah, why is Hunter now supposedly "broke"? :abgg2q.jpg: Bet I can guess, drugs, the "great life", but mostly because they had to cool off since the heat's on while his dad is POTUS.

4. Why were these foreign interests sending mass of amounts of monies down to shell companies (fake companies) of which fell to the Biden family? Why can't the Bidens explain their value beyond "the Biden brand", while of course Uncle Joe said he was unaware of everything. Wow, he can and could really play the game of dementia off.

5. What would these entities receive from the Bidens in return? Do people do business only to receive nothing in return, and consider these transactions are in the 10s of millions?
  1. Access to a politician. Standard US politics.
  2. Access to a politician. Standard US politics.
  3. He's an idiot.
  4. Access to a politician. Standard US politics.
  5. Access to a politician. Standard US politics.
When a candidate holds a $1,000-a-plate dinner, is anyone going for the food?
Deflect, derail, deny. Typical leftist tactics.
Hogwash, Nostry pole vaulted to impugn the Clinton foundation. I noticed neither of you were able to defend the Dirty Dons personal use of his so called "charitable foundation's" cash. Just a standard insult rebut.
Having some evidence is not the same as "proven beyond the shadow of a doubt"


Man, you ARE thick. Aren't you. The evidence is absolutely proven.

The question is it evidence of illegal actions.

The Biden family payoff system hides the money so well, they will never prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, any criminal charge against Joe himself. That's the point of such an elaborate scheme.

But Congress need not meet that burden of proof. They can see that corrupt Romanian oligarchs paying tens of thousands of dollars to Biden's grand child (not Navy, of course), for no known work means that Joe is bought and paid for and serves at the pleasure of foreign criminals. They can vote to impeach based on knowing that, whether it could ever be proven to the sort who answers every piece of evidence against Joe with "Prooooove it!"

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