Questions about the Biden Family for those who lean Democrat

Pay attention dumb fuck. Great character in positions of authority have blown the whistle on they methods your Democrats have used to smother investigations, into what auditors and more recognize are likely illegal activities. That's what happens when communists and the like pass income down through shell companies to fall into the Biden's collective laps. Unlike you they weren't born yesterday.

Same as your erections you guys call an insurrection. Great character in positions of authority have blown the whistle on the Democrat's deep State who ensured the Capitol was undermanned, all so they could build a story. It's called a false flag, look it up.

ILMAO BDTEX liked your post. Your kind likes anything so long as it's free from any truth and sounds neat to your shallow and betrayed heads.

This just in. Unlike the common Democrat supporter the Democrack's deep state are smart. Smart like fucking witches, they're an evil bunch. You guys were even sold on Joe Biden, he has the disposition of an aggressive used car salesman, and will even sell his family out for your purchase. You guys missed it, because you're obedient to electronic modes of information.
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Pay attention dumb fuck. Great character in positions of authority have blown the whistle on they methods your Democrats have used to smother investigations, into what auditors and more recognize are likely illegal activities. That's what happens when communists and the like pass income down through shell companies to fall into the Biden's collective laps. Unlike you they weren't born yesterday.

Same as your erections you guys call an insurrection. Great character in positions of authority have blown the whistle on the Democrat's deep State who ensured the Capitol was undermanned, all so they could build a story. It's called a false flag, look it up.

ILMAO BDTEX liked your post. Your kind likes anything so long as it's free from any truth and sounds neat to your shallow and betrayed heads.

This just in. Unlike the common Democrat supporter the Democrack's deep state are smart. Smart like fucking witches, they're an evil bunch. You guys were even sold on Joe Biden, he has the disposition of an aggressive used car salesman, and will even sell his family out for your purchase. You guys missed it, because you're obedient to electronic modes of information.
In all that screed, you didn’t manage to include any facts
In all that screed, you didn’t manage to include any facts
blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda, yack yack yack yack Democracked.

Since you're too lazy to look it up, if I provide your facts for you, do you promise to call out the left for the communist evil witches they are?

Fuck no, you won't at all. Look it up dumbass.
Like I said
Repubs are more concerned with keeping an active investigation
No, regardless of how fast you’d like to sweep this away and move toward the daily lying about Trump, your guy is corrupt, and is selling us out to China. We’re going to expose that…
No, regardless of how fast you’d like to sweep this away and move toward the daily lying about Trump, your guy is corrupt, and is selling us out to China. We’re going to expose that…
Yet you can’t identify a single act by Biden to benefit China
1. Why was Hunter Biden paid enormous amount of monies from foreign companies, of which the companies are corrupt? Why can't Hunter explain his value beyond "the Biden brand"?

2. What would these entities get from Hunter in return? Do people do business only to receive nothing in return, and consider these transactions are in the 10s of millions?
3. Oh yeah, why is Hunter now supposedly "broke"? :abgg2q.jpg: Bet I can guess, drugs, the "great life", but mostly because they had to cool off since the heat's on while his dad is POTUS.

4. Why were these foreign interests sending mass of amounts of monies down to shell companies (fake companies) of which fell to the Biden family? Why can't the Bidens explain their value beyond "the Biden brand", while of course Uncle Joe said he was unaware of everything. Wow, he can and could really play the game of dementia off.

5. What would these entities receive from the Bidens in return? Do people do business only to receive nothing in return, and consider these transactions are in the 10s of millions?
From The Wire






And if you don't get the reference...

blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda, yack yack yack yack Democracked.

Since you're too lazy to look it up, if I provide your facts for you, do you promise to call out the left for the communist evil witches they are?

Fuck no, you won't at all. Look it up dumbass.
Love when I challenge conservatives to back up their claims and they reply…….Look it up yourself

Love when I challenge conservatives to back up their claims and they reply…….Look it up yourself

When you're challenged to back up your claims you never do that. You deflect or ignor the challenge out right.
Here is an easy one, but you will continue to ignore it.

Tater let China fly a spy balloon over our nuke sites and military installations coast to coast for a week and did nothing.

Our President consulted with the military and was told it was not an immediate threat. They also told him there was a risk in shooting it down over land.
So they waited till it was over the ocean
Love when I challenge conservatives to back up their claims and they reply…….Look it up yourself

Is that like when you can’t back up you claims and come back with the lame ass response that you revoked the privilege of asking for a link?

Like that, Trollwinger?

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