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Questions about Ukraine

Russian forces were massed at the Uk. border for weeks. Meanwhile U.S. news talking heads told us that everything was fine and Ukies were attending night clubs and having a good time. The Uk. prez. told the world that nothing was going to happen, Biden was doddering around as usual and U.S. "intel" sources were silent. WTF happened?
Ukraine was part of the USSR, so it's no big deal if Russia gains control of it.

Oh, what a bunch of nonsense.

Poland was part of the USSR also, and it was also part of Germany. The US was controlled by England, Netherlands, France, and Mexico. So I guess they all have the same right to invade the US and chop it up if they wanted.

What is now Italy owned most of the Mediterranean, including Greece, Spain, France, Israel, Syria, and Egypt. So I guess it is no big deal if Italy decides to take it all back again.
Biden was doddering around as usual and U.S. "intel" sources were silent.

What, have you been living in a cave for the last month?

US intelligence indicates Russia preparing operation to justify invasion of Ukraine​

By Natasha Bertrand and Jeremy Herb, CNN

Updated 1:29 PM ET, Fri January 14, 2022
Ukraine is Putin's 'last stand', says Russia expert

Washington (CNN)The US has information that indicates Russia has prepositioned a group of operatives to conduct a false-flag operation in eastern Ukraine, a US official told CNN on Friday, in an attempt to create a pretext for an invasion.
The official said the US has evidence that the operatives are trained in urban warfare and in using explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia's own proxy forces.
Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said the Defense Department has credible information indicating Russia has "prepositioned a group of operatives" to execute "an operation designed to look like an attack on them or Russian-speaking people in Ukraine" in order to create a reason for a potential invasion.
The allegation echoed a statement released by Ukraine's Ministry of Defense on Friday, which said that Russian special services are preparing provocations against Russian forces in an attempt to frame Ukraine. National security adviser Jake Sullivan hinted at the intelligence during a briefing with reporters on Thursday.

US warns Russia is sounding 'drumbeats of war' against Ukraine as crisis talks end with no breakthrough
US warns Russia is sounding 'drumbeats of war' against Ukraine as crisis talks end with no breakthrough
"Our intelligence community has developed information, which has now been downgraded, that Russia is laying the groundwork to have the option of fabricating the pretext for an invasion," Sullivan said on Thursday. "We saw this playbook in 2014. They are preparing this playbook again."
The Ukrainian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Friday that "the military units of the aggressor country and its satellites receive orders to prepare for such provocations."

That is one of many reports from over a month ago I have read. The "Intelligence sources" have hardly been silent, and as the war started more and more information was being released that was more and more correct when it finally did start.

US intelligence believes Russia has ordered Ukraine invasion – reports​

Antony Blinken repeated the White House’s assessment that Russia will invade Ukraine.

Antony Blinken repeated the White House’s assessment that Russia will invade Ukraine. Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/AFP/Getty Images

Ed Pilkington in New York
Sun 20 Feb 2022 17.24 EST

US intelligence has detected evidence that Russian troops amassed close to the border with Ukraine have received actual orders to proceed with an invasion, according to news reports.
Russian and Belarusian soldiers shaking hands during joint exercises  at a firing range near Brest., Belarus

CBS News was the first to report on Sunday that the Kremlin had given the green light to commanders among the more than 150,000 troops in potential attack positions.
“Commanders on the ground are making specific plans for how they would manoeuvre in their sector of the battlefield,” Face the Nation reported.
The New York Times also said the Kremlin had ordered an invasion. That intelligence prompted Joe Biden to say this week that the Russian president Vladimir Putin had decided to go ahead with an attack, the newspaper said.
Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, told CBS the Biden administration remains convinced that Russia is pressing ahead with attack plans.

Not sure how anybody can even say that, unless they were watching entirely the wrong "news sources".
Putin believes that Ukraine is part of Russia. Always was, always will be. Should never have been allowed to break out when the USSR folded.

The U.S. respects the borders and sovereignty of OTHER COUNTRIES (not the U.S., unfortunately). It is in everyone's best interest if Russia is forced to reverse this invasion.

My question is, are there any wimmin in the Russian invasion force? Ukraine has said that no MEN between the ages of 18 and 60 can leave the country, so that they can be available to defend the homeland. Haven't they heard (from the U.S.) that wimmin are as effective as combat soldiers as men?

Stupid questions, stupid points, I know. Other countries can't be as progressive as we are.
Ukraine was part of the USSR, so it's no big deal if Russia gains control of it. It is a tragedy for the world when a country is invaded for no legitimate reasons.

And on a side note, Alaska was also once part of Russia. So should the US just roll over and allow them to take it if they decide that they now want it back?

Putin believes that Ukraine is part of Russia. Always was, always will be. Should never have been allowed to break out when the USSR folded.

The U.S. respects the borders and sovereignty of OTHER COUNTRIES (not the U.S., unfortunately). It is in everyone's best interest if Russia is forced to reverse this invasion.

My question is, are there any wimmin in the Russian invasion force? Ukraine has said that no MEN between the ages of 18 and 60 can leave the country, so that they can be available to defend the homeland. Haven't they heard (from the U.S.) that wimmin are as effective as combat soldiers as men?

Stupid questions, stupid points, I know. Other countries can't be as progressive as we are.
There are plenty of wimmin in Russian forces.

For some works women are even more effective than men.
And on a side note, Alaska was also once part of Russia. So should the US just roll over and allow them to take it if they decide that they now want it back?

Please get into the modern era. You are like the blacks, living in the past. Yours is a ridiculous point
Ahhh, got it Mr. Racist. I guess you think they should move back to the plantations and get to work.

Your idiocy is noticed, and your posts after this filed appropriately.
You also discredit yourself by calling people racist when they are not. That is the most fake, overused term ever.
You also discredit yourself by calling people racist when they are not. That is the most fake, overused term ever.

OK, fine, I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

You are like the blacks, living in the past.

Then kindly explain to me how that is not a racist comment. I would love to hear how that is not racist.

I imagine it is overused to you, as you are probably accused of that constantly I imagine.
OK, fine, I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

Then kindly explain to me how that is not a racist comment. I would love to hear how that is not racist.

I imagine it is overused to you, as you are probably accused of that constantly I imagine.
Have you read the board black racist comments we have like 4 on this board? They constantly whine about the past and slavery. Blaming current whites for slavery and Jim Crow, Demanding reparations and that whites die in some cases. Claiming the skyrocketing Black crime rate is false and a lie or that whitey caused it. Like you they claim anyone that mentions poor black behavior or crime is racist.
Have you read the board black racist comments we have like 4 on this board?

From some, I have seen a few. And I slap them around just as hard as I do any others.

However, I also stick almost exclusively to military topics, and not the political ones. I actually have no tolerance for racism from anybody, and see it and those that spread it as equally worthless.

But there is a huge difference between say commenting on "black thugs" that terrorize their own neighborhoods and others, and saying "You are like the blacks, living in the past.".

One is targeting a specific problem, the other is "whitewashing" an entire group for some reason. And I will always call such out. Because as we used to say when I was in the Corps, there is only one color. Green.
Talking about Nazism, racism, and modern Ukraine:

There are idiots like that in every nation. Do not take the ravings of the lunatics as the mainstream, either right or left.

Considering that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy is himself Jewish and that his grandfather and three uncles were murdered in the Holocaust, that is simple to prove bullshit.
There are idiots like that in every nation. Do not take the ravings of the lunatics as the mainstream, either right or left.

Considering that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy is himself Jewish and that his grandfather and three uncles were murdered in the Holocaust, that is simple to prove bullshit.
Zelenskiy decides nothing. He is just a puppet. Resurrection of Nazism in Europe - that's a real problem.
Zelenskiy decides nothing. He is just a puppet. Resurrection of Nazism in Europe - that's a real problem.


Care to explain why a Jew would be put in charge as a puppet of a "Nazi government"?

That makes about as much sense as Hitler assigning a Rabbi as his Foreign Minister.

But that's alright, I have long ago learned to not take you seriously at all, as little of what you say makes any kind of sense. You just say anything you can think of, with absolutely no proof at all.

Care to explain why a Jew would be put in charge as a puppet of a "Nazi government"?
He is an actor, and a good one. People know him, and most of them hate nazies. He don't need to make any decision. And, the modern European Nazism is not anti-Jewish. It is mostly anti-Russian.
He is an actor, and a good one.

Oh, so he is not really Jewish, he is just pretending to be one?

People know him, and most of them hate nazies.

OK, so most of the people hate Nazis, yet they are somehow in charge of Ukraine?

Sorry, does not compute. Have any evidence of that?

Oh silly me, what am I saying? OF course you don't have evidence. You never do.

And, the modern European Nazism is not anti-Jewish. It is mostly anti-Russian.

Oh really now?

Fascism and Freedom was founded in 1989 as a political movement inside the Italian Social Movement, centered around Senator Giorgio Pisanò and his weekly Candido. Finally, it separated from the MSI on 25 July 1991. In 2009, it added the words National Socialist Party (NSP) to its original name. The movement has been sued several times for alleged reconstitution of the dissolved National Fascist Party. It refuses agreements and / or alliances with other neo-fascist parties, stressing categorically not to be classified as a right-wing party, and that similar parties do not sufficiently adhere to Fascist ideology. The party makes explicit reference to the ideals of the Italian Social Republic as corporatism and the nationalization of the economy. Their ideology is based on the thought of fascist leader Benito Mussolini, and has as its main objective the realization of Mussolini's strongly hierarchical corporate democracy based on social credit. The party is also in favor of a presidential republic, and expresses a strong sense of anti-Americanism and anti-Zionism.
Two violent anti-Jewish incidents were recorded in Sweden in 2000, one during a pro-Palestinian demonstration following the outbreak of the al-Aqsa intifada. There was much less violent racist activity than in 1999, but the public debate and official initiatives in 2000 were influenced by the events of that year. Sweden remains one of the world’s largest producers of White Power music, race hate videos and CDs, and neo-Nazi skinhead merchandise.
Sweden has a Jewish population of about 18,000 out of a general population of 8.9 million. The majority, approximately 10,000, belong to the major communities in Stockholm, Göteburg and Malmö. Smaller Jewish communities can be found in Boras, Uppsala, Norrköping and Helsingborg. The various communities are independent, but linked through the Council of Swedish Jewish Communities.
Several of the major international Jewish organizations have affiliates in Sweden. A Stockholm-based magazine, Jewish Chronicle, appears bi-monthly, as well as Tachless, the magazine of the Jewish Congregation. Shechita (Jewish ritual slaughter) is prohibited and kosher meat is imported from abroad.
By hosting the January 2000 Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust, attended by forty-five heads of state, who declared that the Holocaust “challenged the foundations of civilization,” Sweden became a leading force for raising awareness of the Shoah. Its Living History Project has become a model of Holocaust education. As an outcome of that parley, plans were announced to establish the European Institute of Jewish Studies in Sweden, Paideia. In January 2001, Stockholm was the venue for the Second International Forum for Combating Intolerance, which had as its goal “counteracting and preventing xenophobia, racism, antisemitism and other extremist ideas and movements.”​
Two violent anti-Jewish incidents were recorded in Sweden in 2000, one during a pro-Palestinian demonstration following the outbreak of the al-Aqsa intifada. There was much less violent racist activity than in 1999, but the public debate and official initiatives in 2000 were influenced by the events of that year. Sweden remains one of the world’s largest producers of White Power music, race hate videos and CDs, and neo-Nazi skinhead merchandise.
Sweden has a Jewish population of about 18,000 out of a general population of 8.9 million. The majority, approximately 10,000, belong to the major communities in Stockholm, Göteburg and Malmö. Smaller Jewish communities can be found in Boras, Uppsala, Norrköping and Helsingborg. The various communities are independent, but linked through the Council of Swedish Jewish Communities.​
Several of the major international Jewish organizations have affiliates in Sweden. A Stockholm-based magazine, Jewish Chronicle, appears bi-monthly, as well as Tachless, the magazine of the Jewish Congregation. Shechita (Jewish ritual slaughter) is prohibited and kosher meat is imported from abroad.
By hosting the January 2000 Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust, attended by forty-five heads of state, who declared that the Holocaust “challenged the foundations of civilization,” Sweden became a leading force for raising awareness of the Shoah. Its Living History Project has become a model of Holocaust education. As an outcome of that parley, plans were announced to establish the European Institute of Jewish Studies in Sweden, Paideia. In January 2001, Stockholm was the venue for the Second International Forum for Combating Intolerance, which had as its goal “counteracting and preventing xenophobia, racism, antisemitism and other extremist ideas and movements.”​

Of course, then there is Ukraine.

A new study from the National Minority Rights Monitoring Group entitled Two Years of War: Xenophobia in Ukraine 2015 reports a dangerous increase in xenophobia only in Russian-occupied Crimea. Even in areas under Kremlin-backed militant control – the so-called ‘Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics’, there appears to have been a decrease since 2014. although at a press conference on Jan 20, the Director of the Congress of National Communities Josef Zisels left no room for illusions about the reasons for that drop. Over half of the members of the Jewish community, according to their estimates, have left Donbas, as have believers from Protestant, Greek-Catholic, Evangelical and other churches, and Orthodox believers attached to the Kyiv Patriarchate.

Gee, that is the pesky things about doing this thing called "research", and why shills simply make things up or parrot things they had heard before, and never ever ever verify anything they claim. You know, kind of like you. You never verify any of your claims, and simply make up things that are easily disproven.

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