Questions for 'Journalist' Sodafin

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
What do you consider to be 'racism'?

If blacks hate whites, would you call that 'racism'?

Would you do a story about anti-white sentiment coming from Hispanics?

Do you know what "La Raza" means?

Do you think it's possible for there to ever be legitimate forms of racial animosity?

Do you think whites have any rights?

Why do journalists call any white who sticks up for whites a "white supremacist"? While calling any black or Hispanic who does the same for their race a "civil rights activist"?

Why does the media censor crimes of violence by blacks against whites?

Why hasn't the media ever asked whites how they feel about becoming a minority in the U.S.?
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Post's been up a day or two, no response from Sodafin.

Funny... teachers don't like tests, cops don't like arrests, lawyers don't like getting sued and journalists won't answer questions.
What do you consider to be 'racism'?

The philosophy you proclaim, no matter what the color of the person proclaiming it.

If blacks hate whites, would you call that 'racism'?

See the above.

Would you do a story about anti-white sentiment coming from Hispanics?

It's been done. Why should they be any differant than Whites? Xenophobia is a common human characteristic.

Do you know what "La Raza" means?

Who cares?

Do you think it's possible for there to ever be legitimate forms of racial animosity?

Sure, ask any Native American.

Do you think whites have any rights?

Certainly. Exactly those enumerated in the Constitution for all people in this diverse nation.

Why do journalists call any white who sticks up for whites a "white supremacist"? While calling any black or Hispanic who does the same for their race a "civil rights activist"?

Could it be that neither race has yet to be in the position to deny Whites their civil liberties? Could it be that Whites have a long record in this nation of doing just that to those of color?

Why does the media censor crimes of violence by blacks against whites?

Why do you lie about this?

Why hasn't the media ever asked whites how they feel about becoming a minority in the U.S.?

Perhaps because they cannot find enough Whites that are not at least 1/32 something else? And who the hell cares? Perhaps you had better seek some other nation.

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