Questions for liberals and progressives

Yes, I'm very proud of what Obama was able to accomplish, but he's not the president now. Why don't you try to join the real world instead of living in the past. Next, you'll be whining about Bill getting a blowjob
Well Obama did get gender neutral bathrooms.....and he did allow MS13 to grow in our if that is your flavor then slurp it up......

This is 2018. Your whining is outdated even if it was right.

Typical dog bull. For eight years is was a specious question beneath being answered, now that he's out of office, now the questions are outdated. There just isn't a "good time" to get a straight answer out of a democrat.
there is no such thing as a straight answer from a democrat. as the Lion in the Wizard of Oz once said, 'no way, no how'.
Are you proud of Obama? If you are tell us why...if you are not tell us why.....if he spied on the Trump Campaign do you care?

Obama was a great prez . He saved us from a depression and got us out of Iraq .

He didn’t “spy on Trump”.
Yes, I'm very proud of what Obama was able to accomplish, but he's not the president now. Why don't you try to join the real world instead of living in the past. Next, you'll be whining about Bill getting a blowjob.
well shit then stop the mueller investigation, cause you see that's stopping the current president. Why do you wish to stop progress in the country? It seems it is your party stuck on obammy. so move on. you lost.

LOL how is the Mueller investigation stopping Trump from accomplishing anything?

If he would spend less time on the golf course- like he kept telling Obama to do- he could actually get more done. Or maybe just didn't tweet everytime he got his panties twisted in a wad.

Hey I am happy our economy is doing well under Trump- just as I was happy our economy did well under Obama.

Oh come on.
We all know Mewler is only trying to poison the midterms.
Unfortunately for the political elite the cats out of the bag and the shits hitting the fan.

Like all of you Trumpsters know that your Dear Leader never lies and always tweets the truth.

LOL- poor little Trumpster- anyone who you think dares threaten your Dear Leader is automatically an enemy of the state.
Yes, I'm very proud of what Obama was able to accomplish, but he's not the president now. Why don't you try to join the real world instead of living in the past. Next, you'll be whining about Bill getting a blowjob.
well shit then stop the mueller investigation, cause you see that's stopping the current president. Why do you wish to stop progress in the country? It seems it is your party stuck on obammy. so move on. you lost.

LOL how is the Mueller investigation stopping Trump from accomplishing anything?

If he would spend less time on the golf course- like he kept telling Obama to do- he could actually get more done. Or maybe just didn't tweet everytime he got his panties twisted in a wad.

Hey I am happy our economy is doing well under Trump- just as I was happy our economy did well under Obama.
you are truly naive eh?

You are truly unable to refute anything I said.

.....if he spied on the Trump Campaign do you care?

If he didn't spy on the Trump campaign- do you care that Trump lied to you him spying on the Trump campaign.

I am proud of many of the things that Obama accomplished- even while I disagreed with him on things like our involvement in Syria and our lack of effort on peace between Israel and Palestine.

Not all of the numbers below are to be proud of- but most are
ah the obammy wet dream.

Ah I know the Trumpster's despise how the American economy rebounded while Obama was President.....
rebounded and landed in the fking toilet. yep, thank uncle donnie he has america america again. yeah, I know you like to disregard the progress of the black person. I get it, you hate it and were quite proud how obammy held them down.

LOL oh yes- how the ebil black President held down the 'blacks'.

But Uncle Donny has their back!

Yes, I'm very proud of what Obama was able to accomplish, but he's not the president now. Why don't you try to join the real world instead of living in the past. Next, you'll be whining about Bill getting a blowjob
Well Obama did get gender neutral bathrooms.....and he did allow MS13 to grow in our if that is your flavor then slurp it up......

This is 2018. Your whining is outdated even if it was right.

Typical dog bull. For eight years is was a specious question beneath being answered, now that he's out of office, now the questions are outdated. There just isn't a "good time" to get a straight answer out of a democrat.
there is no such thing as a straight answer from a democrat. as the Lion in the Wizard of Oz once said, 'no way, no how'.

Coming from the party of Lying Donny that is really hilarious.
I am proud of Obama. I am proud he was so lazy, and inept that most of his eight years were overturned by Trump in fifteen months.
Yes, I'm very proud of what Obama was able to accomplish, but he's not the president now. Why don't you try to join the real world instead of living in the past. Next, you'll be whining about Bill getting a blowjob.
well shit then stop the mueller investigation, cause you see that's stopping the current president. Why do you wish to stop progress in the country? It seems it is your party stuck on obammy. so move on. you lost.

LOL how is the Mueller investigation stopping Trump from accomplishing anything?

If he would spend less time on the golf course- like he kept telling Obama to do- he could actually get more done. Or maybe just didn't tweet everytime he got his panties twisted in a wad.

Hey I am happy our economy is doing well under Trump- just as I was happy our economy did well under Obama.

Oh come on.
We all know Mewler is only trying to poison the midterms.
Unfortunately for the political elite the cats out of the bag and the shits hitting the fan.

Like all of you Trumpsters know that your Dear Leader never lies and always tweets the truth.

LOL- poor little Trumpster- anyone who you think dares threaten your Dear Leader is automatically an enemy of the state.

Here's the thing.....I dont give a rats ass about your imaginary list of Trump lies.
All I know is my 401k and stocks are going through the roof.

And then you had 401k was stagnant and my bank stocks were at 6 bucks instead of the 23 buck average they are today.
Yes, I'm very proud of what Obama was able to accomplish, but he's not the president now. Why don't you try to join the real world instead of living in the past. Next, you'll be whining about Bill getting a blowjob.
well shit then stop the mueller investigation, cause you see that's stopping the current president. Why do you wish to stop progress in the country? It seems it is your party stuck on obammy. so move on. you lost.

LOL how is the Mueller investigation stopping Trump from accomplishing anything?

If he would spend less time on the golf course- like he kept telling Obama to do- he could actually get more done. Or maybe just didn't tweet everytime he got his panties twisted in a wad.

Hey I am happy our economy is doing well under Trump- just as I was happy our economy did well under Obama.

Oh come on.
We all know Mewler is only trying to poison the midterms.
Unfortunately for the political elite the cats out of the bag and the shits hitting the fan.

Like all of you Trumpsters know that your Dear Leader never lies and always tweets the truth.

LOL- poor little Trumpster- anyone who you think dares threaten your Dear Leader is automatically an enemy of the state.

Here's the thing.....I dont give a rats ass about your imaginary list of Trump lies.
All I know is my 401k and stocks are going through the roof.

And then you had 401k was stagnant and my bank stocks were at 6 bucks instead of the 23 buck average they are today.

Wow- I guess you started your 401k in 2015 then.

I can't speak for your 401k- but if you had your 401k in stocks- then your 401k under Obama- like my 401k- should have gone up about 140%


The Obama bull market: A 140% jump in the Dow

The S&P 500 nearly tripled


Meanwhile the stock market has gone up an impressive 35% under Donald Trump
How Trump, Obama compare on the stock market

Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive.

But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.

I hope that the market continues to thrive under Trump as it did under Obama- I think we all should.
well shit then stop the mueller investigation, cause you see that's stopping the current president. Why do you wish to stop progress in the country? It seems it is your party stuck on obammy. so move on. you lost.

LOL how is the Mueller investigation stopping Trump from accomplishing anything?

If he would spend less time on the golf course- like he kept telling Obama to do- he could actually get more done. Or maybe just didn't tweet everytime he got his panties twisted in a wad.

Hey I am happy our economy is doing well under Trump- just as I was happy our economy did well under Obama.

Oh come on.
We all know Mewler is only trying to poison the midterms.
Unfortunately for the political elite the cats out of the bag and the shits hitting the fan.

Like all of you Trumpsters know that your Dear Leader never lies and always tweets the truth.

LOL- poor little Trumpster- anyone who you think dares threaten your Dear Leader is automatically an enemy of the state.

Here's the thing.....I dont give a rats ass about your imaginary list of Trump lies.
All I know is my 401k and stocks are going through the roof.

And then you had 401k was stagnant and my bank stocks were at 6 bucks instead of the 23 buck average they are today.

Wow- I guess you started your 401k in 2015 then.

I can't speak for your 401k- but if you had your 401k in stocks- then your 401k under Obama- like my 401k- should have gone up about 140%


The Obama bull market: A 140% jump in the Dow

The S&P 500 nearly tripled


Meanwhile the stock market has gone up an impressive 35% under Donald Trump
How Trump, Obama compare on the stock market

Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive.

But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.

I hope that the market continues to thrive under Trump as it did under Obama- I think we all should.

I've had a 401k since 90 and the wife is a banker,hence I have the inside skinny on the pulse of our economy in the eyes of our financial institutions.
I've havent seen so much confidence in our economy since before the eighties bust.
Are you proud of Obama? If you are tell us why...if you are not tell us why.....if he spied on the Trump Campaign do you care?

Obama was a great prez . He saved us from a depression and got us out of Iraq .

He didn’t “spy on Trump”.
He did so spy on Trump and who knows who else he spied on...Cruz is saying he was surveilled during the election and now Bush is looking into it as well...Obama is will learn it soon enough... Obama is even more crooked than crooked Hillary....
LOL how is the Mueller investigation stopping Trump from accomplishing anything?

If he would spend less time on the golf course- like he kept telling Obama to do- he could actually get more done. Or maybe just didn't tweet everytime he got his panties twisted in a wad.

Hey I am happy our economy is doing well under Trump- just as I was happy our economy did well under Obama.

Oh come on.
We all know Mewler is only trying to poison the midterms.
Unfortunately for the political elite the cats out of the bag and the shits hitting the fan.

Like all of you Trumpsters know that your Dear Leader never lies and always tweets the truth.

LOL- poor little Trumpster- anyone who you think dares threaten your Dear Leader is automatically an enemy of the state.

Here's the thing.....I dont give a rats ass about your imaginary list of Trump lies.
All I know is my 401k and stocks are going through the roof.

And then you had 401k was stagnant and my bank stocks were at 6 bucks instead of the 23 buck average they are today.

Wow- I guess you started your 401k in 2015 then.

I can't speak for your 401k- but if you had your 401k in stocks- then your 401k under Obama- like my 401k- should have gone up about 140%


The Obama bull market: A 140% jump in the Dow

The S&P 500 nearly tripled


Meanwhile the stock market has gone up an impressive 35% under Donald Trump
How Trump, Obama compare on the stock market

Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive.

But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.

I hope that the market continues to thrive under Trump as it did under Obama- I think we all should.

I've had a 401k since 90 and the wife is a banker,hence I have the inside skinny on the pulse of our economy in the eyes of our financial institutions.
I've havent seen so much confidence in our economy since before the eighties bust.

'inside skinny'- lol

Except of course you had no clue as to how the stock market did under President Obama.

Except for that.
Are you proud of Obama? If you are tell us why...if you are not tell us why.....if he spied on the Trump Campaign do you care?

Obama was a great prez . He saved us from a depression and got us out of Iraq .

He didn’t “spy on Trump”.
He did so spy on Trump and who knows who else he spied on..

'He did so!'


Still the same amount of evidence that President Obama spied on Trump as the first day Trump floated that lie.
Ah I know the Trumpster's despise how the American economy rebounded while Obama was President.....
A slight uptick when people realized Obama's term was nearly over is not a rebound.....A economic rebound is what we have now and that is do to Trump and his team...and don't tell me this is Obama's economy a year after the fool left office that is nonsense!!!!!
Oh come on.
We all know Mewler is only trying to poison the midterms.
Unfortunately for the political elite the cats out of the bag and the shits hitting the fan.

Like all of you Trumpsters know that your Dear Leader never lies and always tweets the truth.

LOL- poor little Trumpster- anyone who you think dares threaten your Dear Leader is automatically an enemy of the state.

Here's the thing.....I dont give a rats ass about your imaginary list of Trump lies.
All I know is my 401k and stocks are going through the roof.

And then you had 401k was stagnant and my bank stocks were at 6 bucks instead of the 23 buck average they are today.

Wow- I guess you started your 401k in 2015 then.

I can't speak for your 401k- but if you had your 401k in stocks- then your 401k under Obama- like my 401k- should have gone up about 140%


The Obama bull market: A 140% jump in the Dow

The S&P 500 nearly tripled


Meanwhile the stock market has gone up an impressive 35% under Donald Trump
How Trump, Obama compare on the stock market

Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive.

But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.

I hope that the market continues to thrive under Trump as it did under Obama- I think we all should.

I've had a 401k since 90 and the wife is a banker,hence I have the inside skinny on the pulse of our economy in the eyes of our financial institutions.
I've havent seen so much confidence in our economy since before the eighties bust.

'inside skinny'- lol

Except of course you had no clue as to how the stock market did under President Obama.

Except for that.

All I can say is my bank stocks went from 6 bucks a share under barry to 23 or 24 bucks a share.
The Great Obama is one of our top ten presidents and the best President since Eisenhower 60 years ago
Like all of you Trumpsters know that your Dear Leader never lies and always tweets the truth.

LOL- poor little Trumpster- anyone who you think dares threaten your Dear Leader is automatically an enemy of the state.

Here's the thing.....I dont give a rats ass about your imaginary list of Trump lies.
All I know is my 401k and stocks are going through the roof.

And then you had 401k was stagnant and my bank stocks were at 6 bucks instead of the 23 buck average they are today.

Wow- I guess you started your 401k in 2015 then.

I can't speak for your 401k- but if you had your 401k in stocks- then your 401k under Obama- like my 401k- should have gone up about 140%


The Obama bull market: A 140% jump in the Dow

The S&P 500 nearly tripled


Meanwhile the stock market has gone up an impressive 35% under Donald Trump
How Trump, Obama compare on the stock market

Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive.

But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.

I hope that the market continues to thrive under Trump as it did under Obama- I think we all should.

I've had a 401k since 90 and the wife is a banker,hence I have the inside skinny on the pulse of our economy in the eyes of our financial institutions.
I've havent seen so much confidence in our economy since before the eighties bust.

'inside skinny'- lol

Except of course you had no clue as to how the stock market did under President Obama.

Except for that.

All I can say is my bank stocks went from 6 bucks a share under barry to 23 or 24 bucks a share.
The Great Obama saved those banks
The Great Obama is one of our top ten presidents and the best President since Eisenhower 60 years ago

Sadly the worse president in our history followed him. :( A man that hates human rights and wishes to send America back into the stone age.

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