Questions for liberals and progressives

Here's the thing.....I dont give a rats ass about your imaginary list of Trump lies.
All I know is my 401k and stocks are going through the roof.

And then you had 401k was stagnant and my bank stocks were at 6 bucks instead of the 23 buck average they are today.

Wow- I guess you started your 401k in 2015 then.

I can't speak for your 401k- but if you had your 401k in stocks- then your 401k under Obama- like my 401k- should have gone up about 140%


The Obama bull market: A 140% jump in the Dow

The S&P 500 nearly tripled


Meanwhile the stock market has gone up an impressive 35% under Donald Trump
How Trump, Obama compare on the stock market

Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive.

But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.

I hope that the market continues to thrive under Trump as it did under Obama- I think we all should.

I've had a 401k since 90 and the wife is a banker,hence I have the inside skinny on the pulse of our economy in the eyes of our financial institutions.
I've havent seen so much confidence in our economy since before the eighties bust.

'inside skinny'- lol

Except of course you had no clue as to how the stock market did under President Obama.

Except for that.

All I can say is my bank stocks went from 6 bucks a share under barry to 23 or 24 bucks a share.
The Great Obama saved those banks

You dumbfuck...
I get the moments of the meetings among several banks and major stockholders as a holder of those stocks. I know exactly whats fueling the economy.
Wow- I guess you started your 401k in 2015 then.

I can't speak for your 401k- but if you had your 401k in stocks- then your 401k under Obama- like my 401k- should have gone up about 140%


The Obama bull market: A 140% jump in the Dow

The S&P 500 nearly tripled


Meanwhile the stock market has gone up an impressive 35% under Donald Trump
How Trump, Obama compare on the stock market

Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive.

But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.

I hope that the market continues to thrive under Trump as it did under Obama- I think we all should.

I've had a 401k since 90 and the wife is a banker,hence I have the inside skinny on the pulse of our economy in the eyes of our financial institutions.
I've havent seen so much confidence in our economy since before the eighties bust.

'inside skinny'- lol

Except of course you had no clue as to how the stock market did under President Obama.

Except for that.

All I can say is my bank stocks went from 6 bucks a share under barry to 23 or 24 bucks a share.
The Great Obama saved those banks

You dumbfuck...
I get the moments of the meetings among several banks and major stockholders as a holder of those stocks. I know exactly whats fueling the economy.

Aaaah yes...the simpleton wants to laugh at what he doesn't understand.
The Great Obama is one of our top ten presidents and the best President since Eisenhower 60 years ago

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa have some more of that kool-aid. Now for the truth.............the presidency of Donald Trump has been remarkably successful. In 17 months, he has effectively erased Barack Obama’s two-term legacy.

The Obama administration was marred by debt, scandals, foreign policy failures, and an overall fragmentation of this country. He plunged the United States into an abyss of economic debt that will create generations of American servitude paying off his wayward spending endeavors. The Red, White and Blue’s epitaph will read like a litany of failures perpetrated on both the American people and the world by this president:
IRS targets Obama’s enemies
Spying on the AP
The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme
Sebelius demands payment
The Pigford Agriculture Department Scandal
The General Services Administration Las Vegas Spending Spree.
Veterans Affairs in Disney World and neglecting vets
New Black Panthers Voter Intimidation
The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer
Obama’s LIES about the Affordable Care Act
“I’ll Pass My Own Laws”
NSA Spying on American People
Foreign Policy
Lack of solidarity with Israel
Disaster with the Arab Spring
Leaving Iraq too soon and letting ISIS take over
Handling of Syrian Red Line
Calling ISIS “JV”
Failing to Recognize ISIS as a Radical (or Devout) Muslim Movement
Returning the bust of Churchill to the Brits
Lack of Confidence by NATO nations
Signing a Disastrous Nuclear Deal with the Mullahs of Ira
Paid $5 Billion & Released 5 Taliban Prisoners For Deserter Bergdahl
Waging war by attacking Libya without Congressional approval
Allowed the building of Chinese bases in the South China Sea and off the coast of Somalia at the entrance to the gulf of Aden
14. Paying ransom to Iranian for hostages- and using foreign currency in unmarked plane
15. Lying about paying ransom (which media ignored!)
16. Pays tribute to Japanese at Hiroshima on US Memorial Day
17. Obama trashed America 18 times on Asian Tour
Domestic Policy
Failure to secure the Border
Illegals bringing guns, drug and diseases through the southern border
Bowe Bergdahl swap
Passing on the keystone pipeline
9 Trillion dollars more in debt
Vast expansion of government
Racial Division at all-time high
Inviting Bomb Boy Ahmed to White House
Disrespect for Cops
Failed economic stimulus plan
Constant disregard for the Constitution and tyrannical rule
China overtook America as world’s largest economy
Double Downgrade
Housing policies failed to stop foreclosures
Price of healthcare has drastically risen for those purchasing it
Education policies failed to curb college costs
Highest percentage of Americans on Food Stamps and Medicaid
Record 92,898,000 Americans over 16 years not working
Lowest Labor Force participation rate of 62.7%
Denying the notion of American Exceptionalism
Securing the Olympics for Chicago in 2016
Naming numerous Communists/Socialists/Progressives to Czar Positions
Mismanagement and cover up of Terrorist shootings in San Bernardino, California
Mismanagement of Gulf Oil Spill
Disastrous Vetting Process of “Immigrants” from Muslim Nations
Refusing to Listen to CIA/FBI that there is no way to properly vet certain immigrants from Muslim nations
27. Fort Hood Shooting
28. Colorado EPA Disaster
29. Veto of 911 Crime Bill- which was overturned
30. Worst economic recovery since the depression with anemic GDP numbers
31. Over 94 million Americans out of the workforce
32. Solyndra
History will record the only real legacy of Obama is the fact that he is the first President with Negroid heritage. In other words he was elected on the basis of his skin what is that called? I will not go there. Hopefully he will be the last affirmative action President. I do not think we could survive another.
Last edited:
Wow- I guess you started your 401k in 2015 then.

I can't speak for your 401k- but if you had your 401k in stocks- then your 401k under Obama- like my 401k- should have gone up about 140%


The Obama bull market: A 140% jump in the Dow

The S&P 500 nearly tripled


Meanwhile the stock market has gone up an impressive 35% under Donald Trump
How Trump, Obama compare on the stock market

Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive.

But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.

I hope that the market continues to thrive under Trump as it did under Obama- I think we all should.

I've had a 401k since 90 and the wife is a banker,hence I have the inside skinny on the pulse of our economy in the eyes of our financial institutions.
I've havent seen so much confidence in our economy since before the eighties bust.

'inside skinny'- lol

Except of course you had no clue as to how the stock market did under President Obama.

Except for that.

All I can say is my bank stocks went from 6 bucks a share under barry to 23 or 24 bucks a share.
The Great Obama saved those banks

You dumbfuck...
I get the moments of the meetings among several banks and major stockholders as a holder of those stocks. I know exactly whats fueling the economy.

Of course you do.


Which is why you thought your 401K did nothing while Obama was President and has thrived while Trump was president.

You have your finger to the pulse.....
The Great Obama is one of our top ten presidents and the best President since Eisenhower 60 years ago

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa have some more of that kool-aid. Now for the truth.............the presidency of Donald Trump has been remarkably successful. In 17 months, he has effectively erased Barack Obama’s two-term legacy.

The Obama administration was marred by debt, scandals, foreign policy failures, and an overall fragmentation of this country. He plunged the United States into an abyss of economic debt that will create generations of American servitude paying off his wayward spending endeavors. The Red, White and Blue’s epitaph will read like a litany of failures perpetrated on both the American people and the world by this president:
IRS targets Obama’s enemies
Spying on the AP
The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme
Sebelius demands payment
The Pigford Agriculture Department Scandal
The General Services Administration Las Vegas Spending Spree.
Veterans Affairs in Disney World and neglecting vets
New Black Panthers Voter Intimidation
The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer
Obama’s LIES about the Affordable Care Act
“I’ll Pass My Own Laws”
NSA Spying on American People
Foreign Policy
Lack of solidarity with Israel
Disaster with the Arab Spring
Leaving Iraq too soon and letting ISIS take over
Handling of Syrian Red Line
Calling ISIS “JV”
Failing to Recognize ISIS as a Radical (or Devout) Muslim Movement
Returning the bust of Churchill to the Brits
Lack of Confidence by NATO nations
Signing a Disastrous Nuclear Deal with the Mullahs of Ira
Paid $5 Billion & Released 5 Taliban Prisoners For Deserter Bergdahl
Waging war by attacking Libya without Congressional approval
Allowed the building of Chinese bases in the South China Sea and off the coast of Somalia at the entrance to the gulf of Aden
14. Paying ransom to Iranian for hostages- and using foreign currency in unmarked plane
15. Lying about paying ransom (which media ignored!)
16. Pays tribute to Japanese at Hiroshima on US Memorial Day
17. Obama trashed America 18 times on Asian Tour
Domestic Policy
Failure to secure the Border
Illegals bringing guns, drug and diseases through the southern border
Bowe Bergdahl swap
Passing on the keystone pipeline
9 Trillion dollars more in debt
Vast expansion of government
Racial Division at all-time high
Inviting Bomb Boy Ahmed to White House
Disrespect for Cops
Failed economic stimulus plan
Constant disregard for the Constitution and tyrannical rule
China overtook America as world’s largest economy
Double Downgrade
Housing policies failed to stop foreclosures
Price of healthcare has drastically risen for those purchasing it
Education policies failed to curb college costs
Highest percentage of Americans on Food Stamps and Medicaid
Record 92,898,000 Americans over 16 years not working
Lowest Labor Force participation rate of 62.7%
Denying the notion of American Exceptionalism
Securing the Olympics for Chicago in 2016
Naming numerous Communists/Socialists/Progressives to Czar Positions
Mismanagement and cover up of Terrorist shootings in San Bernardino, California
Mismanagement of Gulf Oil Spill
Disastrous Vetting Process of “Immigrants” from Muslim Nations
Refusing to Listen to CIA/FBI that there is no way to properly vet certain immigrants from Muslim nations
27. Fort Hood Shooting
28. Colorado EPA Disaster
29. Veto of 911 Crime Bill- which was overturned
30. Worst economic recovery since the depression with anemic GDP numbers
31. Over 94 million Americans out of the workforce
32. Solyndra
History will record the only real legacy of Obama is the fact that he is the first President with Negroid heritage. In other words he was elected on the basis of his skin what is that called? I will not go there. Hopefully he will be the last affirmative action President. I do not think we could survive another.

Hey I can copy and paste too!

1 – Rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% over six years

2 – Signed the Affordable Care Act which provided health insurance to over 20 million uninsured Americans

3 – Ended the war in Iraq

4 – Ordered for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden

5 – Passed the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act to spur economic growth during the Great Recession

6 – Supported the LGBT community’s fight for marriage equality

7 – Commuted the sentences of nearly 1200 drug offenders to reverse “unjust and outdated prison sentences”

8 – Saved the U.S. auto industry

9 – Helped put the U.S. ontrack for energy independence by 2020

10 – Began the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan

11 – Signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals allowing as many as 5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits

12 –Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to re-regulate the financial sector

13 – Dropped the veteran homeless rate by 50 percent

14 – Reversed Bush-era torture policies

15 – Began the process of normalizing relations with Cuba

16 – Increased Department of Veteran Affairs funding

17 – Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act

18 – Boosted fuel efficiency standards for cars

19 – Improved school nutrition with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act

20 – Repealed the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy

21 – Signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, making it a federal crime to assault anyone based on sexual or gender identification

22 – Helped negotiate the landmark Iran Nuclear Deal

23 – He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to combat pay discrimination against women

24 – Nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic ever to serve as a justice

25 – Supported veterans through a $78 billion tuition assistance GI bill

26 – Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”

27 – Launched My Brother’s Keeper, a White House initiative designed to help young minorities achieve their full potential

28 – Expanded embryonic stem cell research leading to groundbreaking work in areas including spinal injury treatment and cancer
Ah I know the Trumpster's despise how the American economy rebounded while Obama was President.....
A slight uptick when people realized Obama's term was nearly over is not a rebound.....!

Hmmmm a 'slight uptick'

Only a serious Trumptard would call the steady economic progress under President Obama a 'slight uptick'.

Obama never had a growth rate over 3% and your graph is about the stock market dummy...
Yes, I'm very proud of what Obama was able to accomplish, but he's not the president now. Why don't you try to join the real world instead of living in the past. Next, you'll be whining about Bill getting a blowjob.
well shit then stop the mueller investigation, cause you see that's stopping the current president. Why do you wish to stop progress in the country? It seems it is your party stuck on obammy. so move on. you lost.

Looks like the current president is a crook and needs to be stopped. You tried that with Obama, but false accusations just didn't get the job done. When Mueller finishes his investigation, we'll know whether Trump-0 is guilty of the things it looks like he has done. I would think he would welcome the opportunity to have his innocence proven.
Yes, I'm very proud of what Obama was able to accomplish, but he's not the president now. Why don't you try to join the real world instead of living in the past. Next, you'll be whining about Bill getting a blowjob
Well Obama did get gender neutral bathrooms.....and he did allow MS13 to grow in our if that is your flavor then slurp it up......

You forgot about Obama selling guns to the Mexican Drug Cartels and funding ISIS and putting the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt. Obama did a lot of stuff.

With the republicans in charge, whay haven't all the details of that been made public? I would love to see all that proof that he sold guns to cartels, or the real story of the birth certificate. Why doesn't Trump-0 make all that public?
Looks like the current president is a crook and needs to be stopped. You tried that with Obama, but false accusations just didn't get the job done. When Mueller finishes his investigation, we'll know whether Trump-0 is guilty of the things it looks like he has done. I would think he would welcome the opportunity to have his innocence proven
Obama is a proven FISA abuser and a spy....
With the republicans in charge, whay haven't all the details of that been made public? I would love to see all that proof that he sold guns to cartels, or the real story of the birth certificate. Why doesn't Trump-0 make all that public?
Because making it public would end the witch hunt and Trump is keeping his base excited and ready to vote because of the investigation and the left wing nut bags that can't shut up about it....check his poll numbers....
I've had a 401k since 90 and the wife is a banker,hence I have the inside skinny on the pulse of our economy in the eyes of our financial institutions.
I've havent seen so much confidence in our economy since before the eighties bust.

'inside skinny'- lol

Except of course you had no clue as to how the stock market did under President Obama.

Except for that.

All I can say is my bank stocks went from 6 bucks a share under barry to 23 or 24 bucks a share.
The Great Obama saved those banks

You dumbfuck...
I get the moments of the meetings among several banks and major stockholders as a holder of those stocks. I know exactly whats fueling the economy.

Of course you do.


Which is why you thought your 401K did nothing while Obama was President and has thrived while Trump was president.

You have your finger to the pulse.....

The growth was putrid during barry's tenor.
Yes, I'm very proud of what Obama was able to accomplish, but he's not the president now. Why don't you try to join the real world instead of living in the past. Next, you'll be whining about Bill getting a blowjob
Well Obama did get gender neutral bathrooms.....and he did allow MS13 to grow in our if that is your flavor then slurp it up......

This is 2018. Your whining is outdated even if it was right.

Typical dog bull. For eight years is was a specious question beneath being answered, now that he's out of office, now the questions are outdated. There just isn't a "good time" to get a straight answer out of a democrat.

Trump now has access to the REAL information. What doesn't he publicize the Real story of the birth certificate, or Obama selling guns to the cartels, or how much input Hillary had in the sale of that Uranium mine? Is it because the claims were just bullshit, or because Trump-0 just hasn't gotten around to proving his claims were real?
Trump now has access to the REAL information. What doesn't he publicize the Real story of the birth certificate, or Obama selling guns to the cartels, or how much input Hillary had in the sale of that Uranium mine? Is it because the claims were just bullshit, or because Trump-0 just hasn't gotten around to proving his claims were real?
In due time....
Looks like the current president is a crook and needs to be stopped. You tried that with Obama, but false accusations just didn't get the job done. When Mueller finishes his investigation, we'll know whether Trump-0 is guilty of the things it looks like he has done. I would think he would welcome the opportunity to have his innocence proven
Obama is a proven FISA abuser and a spy....

Credible link?
With the republicans in charge, whay haven't all the details of that been made public? I would love to see all that proof that he sold guns to cartels, or the real story of the birth certificate. Why doesn't Trump-0 make all that public?
Because making it public would end the witch hunt and Trump is keeping his base excited and ready to vote because of the investigation and the left wing nut bags that can't shut up about it....check his poll numbers....

You mean those poll numbers that say more than half of the country disapproves of him?
Trump now has access to the REAL information. What doesn't he publicize the Real story of the birth certificate, or Obama selling guns to the cartels, or how much input Hillary had in the sale of that Uranium mine? Is it because the claims were just bullshit, or because Trump-0 just hasn't gotten around to proving his claims were real?
In due time....

In other words, he doesn't want to admit he was full of shit.

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