Questions for liberals and progressives

Attention Deficit Syndrome?

Whatever..............for me just one thing discredits Obama's b.s more than anything else......and it does not take anyone with some academic degree or high i.q. to understand.............simply this.....................After years of stonewalling and fighting in court to keep his long-form birth certificate under wraps, President Barack Obama has publicized an image of the document he claims should resolve his birthplace once and for all.

Thus anyone with common sense wonders why it took him so long? Why did he fight releasing it in the first place? Now this would be scandalous behavior for anyone in public office....but for the President of The United States to carry on with such a charade as he did regarding this whole matter is something only a very well protected politician could pull off....without the medias protection and without the ideology of political correctness aka....anyone who questioned him was quickly labeled a racist............thus scaring off just about every career politician....etc.etc. and so on and so forth.....all of that allowed him to get away with it....proving once again there is a double standard at white politician could have gotten away with it....also one other thing to consider....he not only got away without presenting a legitimate birth certificate he also was not even vetted.....for those who know what that means. It is beyond ridiculous....almost least to those who do not understand how racial politics work.

Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted

Barack Obama’s past as murky as his word
Crooked Donnie was never properly vetted

Still waiting on those tax returns

It’s hard to imagine a more thorough vetting than the intense media and political operative scrutiny Trump went through during the recent election. Far more than required to determine that he meets the Constitutional requirements to be President of the USA; that he is a natural born citizen, over 35 years of age, and resident in the US for 14 years. He had been a public figure for years before deciding to run for the Presidency....under intense media scrutiny for most of his life. From a well known family etc.etc.etc.

'In the 2008 presidential election, candidates were vetted by the press in varying degrees. The media examined, analyzed, and publicly evaluated them. They explored in detail John McCain’s personal wealth, marriage, place of birth, mental stability, and other important issues. McCain cooperated, provided documents, and answered questions.

On the other hand, Barack Obama’s background remains nearly a blank slate. His school records, from kindergarten to law school, remain hidden. The story of his financial support is hidden — his private elementary and high school in Hawaii, his international travel, his graduate and undergraduate tuition and living expenses, and more. And these are just the beginning of the Barack Obama vetting failure.

My extensive research into the espionage operations of the Communist International (Comintern), detailed in Willing Accomplices, familiarized me with their techniques. One of their most common tactics when responding to exposure is so pervasive that it could be their motto: Admit nothing. Deny everything. Make counteraccusations.

For a professional vetter, it is clear that one candidate in 2008 was concealing vital information, at best. The documents and stories floated to support the candidate’s claims only raise more suspicion.

The most disturbing aspect of attempts to vet the mystery candidate was the Obama camp’s vigorous response. Their stereotypical response is nearly as damning as any information that could be revealed: Admitting nothing, denying everything, and making counteraccusations, the vetting of candidate Obama continues.

Do we need a professional candidate vetter? It looks like the project may have just begun. The future of our country might depend on it.'........................Kent Clizbe

Kent Clizbe, a former CIA covert case officer, is a professional vetter. From spies to computational linguistics engineers he has successfully vetted scores of valid candidates, and exposed many lying candidates. His upcoming book, "Willing Accomplices," explores how the KGB used covert influence to destroy American exceptionalism and create Political Correctness and Progressive politics."

Read Newsmax: Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted |
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Vetting Presidential Candidates
Obama cooperated as much as McCain. Both presented birth certificates and tax returns and neither presented school transcripts. I’m amused how you accept McCain’s cooperation but not Obama’s. What lucid explanation is there for such blatant hypocrisy?
Let us look at what Cnn's Lou Dobbs has said about the birth certificate scandal........................

Addressing an issue promoted by the far-right "birther" movement, Lou Dobbs repeatedly said on his radio show that President Obama needs to "produce a birth certificate" and that Obama's birth certificate posted online has "some issues".

During the July 15 edition of his radio program, CNN host Lou Dobbs devoted substantial airtime to the issue of President Obama's birth certificate, asserting repeatedly that the president needs to "produce" it. Dobbs said that the birth certificate posted online by "purporting to validate the president" has "some issues ... I mean, it's peculiar," and stated that he wants to see a "long form" birth certificate, which he called "the real deal."

Dobbs also mentioned the issue of Obama's birth certificate on the July 15 edition of his CNN television show. Referring to the document that posted, Dobbs said, "It is, in fact, the so-called short form, not the original document. It is really a document saying that the state of Hawaii has the real document in its possession."

Dobbs' radio show

During his radio program, Dobbs stated: "hould he produce his birth certificate -- the long form, the real deal? Should he be a little more forthcoming? ... What is the deal here? I'm starting to think we have a -- we have a document issue. Do you suppose he's un -- no, I won't even use the word undocumented. It wouldn't be right."

Dobbs later stated that when examining the birth certificate issue, at first he "thought, 'Here we go with the lunatic fringe. This is a bunch of quackeroos going after him.' " However, Dobbs said he now believes that there are "some issues here that should be really resolved" with Obama's birth certificate.

During his program, Dobbs repeatedly faulted Obama for what he said was Obama's failure to definitively answer questions raised about his birth certificate:

  • Dobbs stated: "The first thing is to determine whether or not his birth certificate is valid. And what I don't understand is why that has not been released and given over to the public record."
  • After a caller said "something doesn't smell right" with Obama, Dobbs said that the "way to get rid of those odors is always just open the windows and let the sun shine in. And all we need here is a doggone document, but for some reason the president doesn't want to release that."
  • Dobbs said that in contrast to efforts undertaken by Sen. John McCain "to determine that he met the standard of natural-born citizen," there is "absolutely, you know, no effort to do so on the part of Barack H. Obama. Nor, as also our callers have pointed out, this president would not release his medical records. And the national media seemed to be fine with that, whereas they probably would have eviscerated John McCain for failing to do so."
  • After a caller theorized that Obama is rushing through programs because Obama "knows what's coming" with regard to the birth certificate lawsuits, Dobbs said: "Certainly your view can't be discounted at this point, because this president refused to provide the documentation that would settle all of the controversy here."
  • After a caller said she initially thought the birth certificate controversy was "the dumbest thing ever," Dobbs replied:
DOBBS: Well, it is a dumb thing. I think we have to all admit this is a dumb thing either way, because, I mean, I can't understand why the president wouldn't just move to get this stuff out of the way. Show the documents, get it done -- I mean, he -- think about it.

Dobbs also claimed that a soldier questioning Obama's citizenship "should be taken seriously. There are real questions here that need to be answered" and "reasonable people should be interested" in the birth certificate issue:

DOBBS: I mean, because I got to be honest with everybody. When I started looking at this and the lawsuit -- Orly Taitz his attorney, for Major Cook, when he -- you know, I thought this is kind of peculiar. But I thought we should find out what's going on because, you know, it's a lawsuit -- a major who is -- he is, by the way, a combat veteran. Some people in the media have called him a coward; they are fools for doing so. But they're fools, anyway; it isn't this one instance that makes them fools.

This is a man who should be taken seriously. There are real questions here that need to be answered. And people talk about, quote-unquote, the lunatic fringe are the only ones interested in this, and it turns out that reasonable people should be interested, and reasonable -- excuse me -- reasonable minds have to understand what's going on. And this can be dismissed with one -- the production of one simple little document, and that's a birth certificate. It's extraordinary.

During the show, Dobbs also repeatedly cast doubt on Obama's birth certificate posted online by, saying that it is a "peculiar little document" that has "some issues." In the first hour, Dobbs hosted Temple Law School professor Peter J. Spiro, who said that there's "absolutely no doubt that [Obama is] eligible to be president of the United States." Dobbs replied to Spiro that he has "got the problem that other people looking at the only document that's available say, 'Wait a minute,' " to which Spiro replied:

SPIRO: I'm not sure what the "wait a minute" is about. I think what's fueling these theories is the counter-factual of if he had been born in Kenya, under the citizenship statute as it was then written, he would not have been a citizen at birth.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: So that gives these theorists something to work with.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: Even though at the threshold there's a basic factual problem with the theory.

Dobbs also said: "We have a certification of live birth that doesn't have a signature or an attestment of any kind attached to it." Spiro replied:

SPIRO: You know, I'm not an expert on Hawaii documents, but my understanding is that this is the real thing.

DOBBS: Right. No, no, I understand the same thing, too --

SPIRO: And that, you know, at this point, the claims are fringy enough that, again, in the absence --

DOBBS: My word exactly.

SPIRO: -- in the absence of any proof to the contrary, he's satisfied any burden of proof here.

Dobbs later said of Spiro to a caller skeptical of Obama's citizenship: "I was sort of taken by the fact he declares President Obama to be a natural-born citizen without having looked at any of the real documentation that would make it so." Another caller also asked Dobbs if he had seen the birth certificate online, and Dobbs replied that it is a "peculiar little document, this certification of life birth that everyone is purporting to validate the president" and "there's some issues with this."

Dobbs also dismissed the "certification of live birth" because it says "that this is evidence that another document exists somewhere at some place at some time":

DOBBS: There's some reason -- there's some reason that they don't want to do this. I mean, I don't know what the heck it is. But this whole -- you and I agree no matter what you believe about this other stuff -- we agree, do we not, [caller], that if we just looked down at a certificate of birth that had the signature of the doctor, the testament of the hospital, the name of the hospital, the seal, whatever, you know, that would be sufficient.

But what we've got here is a certification of live birth that says that this is evidence that another document exists somewhere at some place at some time.

Dobbs also hosted former presidential and Illinois senatorial candidate Alan Keyes and lawyer Orly Taitz. The Orange County Weekly described Taitz as the "queen bee of people obsessed with Barack Obama's birth certificate" and the "the most controversial figure in the effort to prove that President Barack Obama is foreign-born." Keyes has filed a lawsuit against Obama.

On the July 16 edition of his radio show, Dobbs was asked by a caller why Obama is "refusing to show his real birth certificate. What has he got to hide?" Dobbs replied:

DOBBS: Well, you know, that is the real question, isn't it? I mean, why not just get this silly, you know, nonsense out of the way? I mean, let's just say you put your birth certificate out there. You know, you have to present a birth certificate to get a passport. You've got to have a birth certificate drivers licenses in some places. We use birth certificates all the time. Why is there such a special need to keep that birth certificate out of the public eye?

Kathy, I think you're asking a very important question. It gives the appearance he's hiding something. I personally don't think he is, but I also think it's so silly of the Obama administration and this president not to just put it out there, get all the nonsense out of the way. It's the smartest thing he could do.

Dobbs' CNN television show

Dobbs discussed the Obama birth certificate issue on the July 15 edition of his CNN program, noting the remarks about the birth certificate by Cook,, and the White House:

DOBBS: Well, new questions are raised about the president's eligibility to be president. The latest from U.S. Army Reserve Major Stefan Cook, who refused deployment to Afghanistan. Cook claimed his orders were illegal because President Obama wasn't born in United States, which makes him ineligible to be president and commander in chief. The major's orders for deployment to Afghanistan were rescinded. An Army spokeswoman told us the major volunteered to go to Afghanistan for one year and could rescind his request at any time right up to his deployment. This is what the Army said: "Based on the fact that he no longer wished to serve on active duty and at the request of central command his orders were revoked on July 14."

Now the major's attorney is challenging the legitimacy of the Obama presidency in court. She joins a lawsuit by former presidential candidate Alan Keyes, who wants documentary proof the president was born in the United States. President Obama was born in Hawaii, according to state officials, and copies of his certification of birth --, investigating those circumstances prior to the election, and they have a copy of what they say is the original birth certificate posted on their website. It is, in fact, the so-called short form, not the original document. It is really a document saying that the state of Hawaii has the real document in its possession. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs in May said Hawaii provided a copy of the birth certificate with the state seal that's posted on the Internet.

Documentary proof needed to run by office, by the way, varies from state to state. The Federal Election Commission -- you may be surprised to learn -- does not require any kind of certification or proof of citizenship in running for president. They leave that to the states. And in the state of Illinois, for example, where President Obama first ran for office, proof of citizenship is not required for either the state Legislature or to run for Congress or for the United States Senate.

On December 9, 2008, CNN host Kiran Chetry said: "A New Jersey man claimed that Obama could not be sworn in because his father was from Kenya, therefore, a British subject. He claimed that because of that Obama is not a natural born citizen. Obama's birth certificate shows he was born in Hawaii."

In a June 11 article, reported that "online postings attributed to James von Brunn promoted the claim that Obama has no valid U.S. birth certificate.

From the July 15 edition of United Stations Radio Networks' The Lou Dobbs Show:

DOBBS: Well, later this hour I'll be talking about the Alan Keyes lawsuit. Folks, this is something -- I have to tell you. When David -- when Major Cook, Stefan Cook -- decided to resist his deployment to Afghanistan -- we learned of it yesterday -- on the basis that Barack Obama is not legitimately president of the United States because he's not a natural-born citizen.

It turns out that the Army just rescinded the deployment order to Afghanistan for the major. Alan Keyes -- we talked with his attorney -- Major Cook's, and Alan Keyes' attorney, Orly Taitz -- I mean, I've learned more here in the last day about natural-born citizenship, what documents are available for the president of the United States,and what aren't -- I mean, it's truly crazy. And I decided we'd do something on this, you know, on this show, just to get it out of the way.

This isn't one of those things that goes away quite as easily as I -- at least I thought at first. I thought we were talking about a bunch of folks that were on the left, or on the right, you know, the fringe that gets a little excited about, you know, tinfoil on their heads and that sort of thing. Well, guess what, folks? There are some issues here that should be really resolved. What's really crazy about this is all the president of the United States has to do is produce a birth certificate. That's all that has to be done, and it would be over. So, we're going to be talking about that this hour. We're going to be talking with you.

As a matter of fact, I want to go to the phones right now. I want to talk to Jay in Reno, Nevada. Jay, good to have you with us on The Lou Dobbs Show.

CALLER: Hey, Lou, it's great to hear you. The reason -- there's a whole bunch of points that the media has overlooked. The only thing that the Obama people have is ridicule; they don't have answers, they just make fun of anybody who asks a question. But, you know, his birthday is coming up -- I'll point out a few things nobody mentions. His birthday is coming up in a few weeks, and everybody in the media is going to be telling us he's 48 years old. I would like to know how they know that.

DOBBS: Well, because it says that on the certification of live birth, which I have in my hands right in front of me, Jay. I have the actual document that says that this is a document certifying that there is another document.

CALLER: Shown to be fraudulent, but I'll get to that in a minute. Orly Taitz's going to tell you about that.

DOBBS: All right, but you don't have a whole bunch of time now, partner. I'm not contracted with you for a long run here. Just gotta -- gotta get to the point, if you will, Jay.

CALLER: What could be more personal than somebody's tax return? Barack Obama gladly showed his tax return on April 15, but he won't show his birth certificate. I would like to know the very simple question. Why is he spending millions of dollars in court cases all over America to prevent anyone from seeing it? His lawyers have even threatened people for even asking to see his birth certificate, not to mention all the other records that he refused to show.

DOBBS: Well, if they want to sue The Lou Dobbs Show here, if they want to sue me personally, come on down. But we're going to keep talking about this until we get some straight answers. You know, I can afford a lawyer or two myself, you know. But I really want to know what's going on. I have no idea what the real -- what the reality is here, but I'm one of those morons who, when I look at something that says "certification of live birth" on, I assume it's certification of live birth, not -- you know, that's it. is a terrific website, and they do a wonderful job. But when I'm looking at a certificate of live birth that is certified to be a certification that there is another document that I haven't seen, I get a little annoyed. Especially when John McCain, born in Panama, went to all of the trouble to make certain that the solicitor general rendered an opinion and a determination that he was a natural-born citizen, so why not do the same thing for President Obama? Produce a doggone long -- so-called -- I don't even know what it a long-form birth certificate looks like -- but just produce it and be done with it. I mean, that'd satisfy you, wouldn't it, Jay?

CALLER: It certainly would, but he is going out of his way not to show that there's a reason why he won't show it. American people have a right -- the people --

DOBBS: One of our callers, Jay, by the way, pointed out a lot of people in states all over the country have to produce their birth certificates to get a driver's license, for crying out loud.

CALLER: Every single thing he's done as president, if he is not eligible, will be deemed illegal and have to be undone. What a catastrophe.

DOBBS: Yeah, well that would be a little annoying, wouldn't it?

CALLER: From spending us into oblivion with trillions of dollars that nobody should have ever spent --

DOBBS: Now, wait a minute. You know what I would really like to find out is that George Bush wasn't a natural-born citizen, because that means we could get back about $12 trillion under his authorization that went into the economy. What do you think?

CALLER: I agree, but he would show his -- you -- George Bush, me, you, and everybody else would show a birth certificate.

DOBBS: Yeah.

CALLER: This guy refuses.

DOBBS: You got it. Well, I appreciate the call, Jay, there in Reno, Nevada. We're going to take a quick break; we're going to be taking your calls, we want to hear you. What do you think? Is President Obama -- should he produce his birth certificate -- the long form, the real deal? Should he be a little more forthcoming?

One of our callers, by the way, pointed out that he didn't release -- he didn't release his medical records, either. Now isn't that interesting? And hasn't produced some other documents. What's the deal? What is the deal here? I'm starting to think we have a -- we have a document issue. Do you suppose he's un -- no, I won't even use the word undocumented. It wouldn't be right. We'll be right back.


DOBBS: Professor, I have to be honest. When we started this, going -- following the lawsuit by Major Cook, I thought, "My gosh, you know, this is crazy stuff. Let's get this, you know, get into it and get out of it, and we'll get the truth and we'll be done." This is not quite that easy, is it?

SPIRO: Well, I think it is pretty easy, actually.

DOBBS: All right.

SPIRO: I don't think there's much of a case here.

DOBBS: All right.

SPIRO: It's pretty clear that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: And there's absolutely no doubt that he is eligible to be president of the United States on that basis.

DOBBS: All right.

SPIRO: Now what's --

DOBBS: Now you've done that, but you know what? I've got the problem that other people looking at the only document that's available say, "Wait a minute."

SPIRO: I'm not sure what the "wait a minute" is about. I think what's fueling these theories is the counter-factual of if he had been born in Kenya, under the citizenship statute as it was then written, he would not have been a citizen at birth.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: So that gives these theorists something to work with.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: Even though at the threshold there's a basic factual problem with the theory.

DOBBS: All right, here's my problem as I look at it. And I respect very much the fact that, you know, you've declared him to be a, you know, a natural-born citizen. But my question is: Are you making such a judgment based on his birth certificate that we see on the Web?

SPIRO: Well, as far as I know, nobody has offered up any evidence to the contrary.

DOBBS: Correct.

SPIRO: So there's no evidence that he was born in Kenya.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: And so the best evidence we have is the birth certificate, which has been attested to by various state officials and others with knowledge of what birth certificates from Hawaii look like.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: So there's no reason to believe that he wasn't born in Hawaii.

DOBBS: So, you -- what you're saying is then the burden of proof rests not with the individual or the statement that he is or is not a natural-born citizen, but rather on those who would disprove that he or she is?

SPIRO: Well, I think he's supplied adequate evidence for his birth in the United States, that the burden has certainly shifted to others to prove otherwise.

DOBBS: All right. And here is part of -- you know, I'm not sure how one does that. In this case, we're talking about disproving a negative. But rather than going to the merits of this, I want to get back -- well, first of all --

SPIRO: It's not proving the negative; it's proving an allegation that he was born in Kenya.

DOBBS: No, I understand what you're saying, but I'm actually not saying that that would be the problem here. The first thing is to determine whether or not his birth certificate is valid.

SPIRO: Right.

DOBBS: And what I don't understand is why that has not been released and given over to the public record. We have a certification of live birth that doesn't have a signature or an attestment of any kind attached to it.

SPIRO: You know, I'm not an expert on Hawaiian documents, but my understanding is that this is the real thing.

DOBBS: Right. No, no, I understand the same thing, too --

SPIRO: And that, you know, at this point, the claims are fringy enough that, again, in the absence --

DOBBS: My word exactly.

SPIRO: -- in the absence of any proof to the contrary, he's satisfied any burden of proof here.


CALLER: The professor who was on is like a mouthpiece for the Obama administration.

DOBBS: Yeah, I agree --[caller] -- I gotta say. Peter Spiro, he is the foremost authority on citizenship, but I was sort of taken by the fact he declares President Obama to be a natural-born citizen without having looked at any of the real documentation that would make it so.

CALLER: That's correct. And the other thing is there have been lawsuits that have -- that they have been attempted to force the legislators and the Electoral College to validate his eligibility. And it's like you have said, there have been millions and millions of dollars spent to quash all of these lawsuits in every legitimate inquiry.

DOBBS: Yeah.

CALLER: And, you know, if it smells like a skunk, it probably is a skunk, and something doesn't smell right with all of this.

DOBBS: Well -- and the way to get rid of those odors is always just open the windows and let the sun shine in. And all we need here is a doggone document, but for some reason the president doesn't want to release that.


DOBBS: First of all, we got to figure out what's going on. You know, we heard Professor Peter Spiro, who's a professor of law at Temple. He's the foremost -- one of the country's foremost experts on citizenship. He says in his judgment that the president is a natural-born citizen. I think most of us would say, as a matter of fact, that he is a natural-born citizen until proved otherwise.

David [caller], we have no proof that he isn't a natural-born citizen, and what's really frustrating here is that he seems to be resistant to the idea of proving that he is -- that is, providing the full-form birth certificate. Why, I don't know. What do you think?

CALLER: Well, all the lawsuits that he's squashing -- it's possible, and probable, I think, that the president knows what's coming.

DOBBS: Well, you know, the way you frame that -- it is possible to say it's probable, you know, as a matter of your opinion or mine, it doesn't matter. You know, I think it's improbable, you think it's probable. The issue is we're talking about it. Wouldn't it be helpful if the president would simply set this aside? Because there's a number of callers have said on this broadcast -- you know, here is John McCain, 72 years old, running for president of the United States. He knows he was born in Panama, because his father was in the Navy and his mother was with his father in Panama, and he was born there. He sought out a ruling by the solicitor general to determine that he met the standard of natural-born citizen.

Absolutely, you know, no effort to do so on the part of Barack H. Obama. Nor, as also our callers have pointed out, this president would not release his medical records. And the national media seemed to be fine with that, whereas they probably would have eviscerated John McCain for failing to do so.

CALLER: Well, I think it's probable. And I think that he's rushing through all these programs through by whatever means because he knows, by virtue of all the lawsuits that are generated, that we the public, we the citizens of the United States, have a mission, and we don't have to wait until the votes -- the voting for 2010.

DOBBS: Well, you obviously are intent upon that. And, David, you know, we'll see if you're right. Certainly your view can't be discounted at this point, because this president refused to provide the documentation that would settle all of the controversy here. David, thank you a lot for the call from Freeport, New York.


DOBBS: There's some reason -- there's some reason that they don't want to do this. I mean, I don't know what the heck it is. But this whole -- you and I agree no matter what you believe about this other stuff -- we agree, do we not, [caller], that if we just looked down at a certificate of birth that had the signature of the doctor, the testament of the hospital, the name of the hospital, the seal, whatever, you know, that would be sufficient.

But what we've got here is a certification of live birth that says that this is evidence that another document exists somewhere at some place at some time.


CALLER: Good to hear you, Lou. I DVR your show every day; I watch it on television. I just found out you had this on your air, and I'm -- this has been an issue on the blogs for over a year now.

DOBBS: Right.

CALLER: When I first heard about it, I thought, "Oh, come on, leave this guy alone. This is the dumbest thing ever."

DOBBS: Well, it is a dumb thing. I think we have to all admit this is a dumb thing either way, because, I mean, I can't understand why the president wouldn't just move to get this stuff out of the way. Show the documents, get it done -- I mean, he -- think about it. Well, actually, when I sit here thinking about it, he did not release his medical records, did he?

CALLER: No medical records.

DOBBS: That's right.

CALLER: He spent over a billion -- million dollars to fight this. Why? McCain has shown his birth certificate. Do you realize to get my license renewed in Oregon I have to show my birth certificate?

DOBBS: You know what? This is really very interesting, isn't it? I mean, because I got to be honest with everybody. When I started looking at this and the lawsuit -- Orly Taitz his attorney, for Major Cook, when he -- you know, I thought this is kind of peculiar. But I thought we should find out what's going on because, you know, it's a lawsuit -- a major who is -- he is, by the way, a combat veteran. Some people in the media have called him a coward; they are fools for doing so. But they're fools, anyway; it isn't this one instance that makes them fools.

This is a man who should be taken seriously. There are real questions here that need to be answered. And people talk about, quote-unquote, the lunatic fringe are the only ones interested in this, and it turns out that reasonable people should be interested, and reasonable -- excuse me -- reasonable minds have to understand what's going on. And this can be dismissed with one -- the production of one simple little document, and that's a birth certificate. It's extraordinary.

CALLER: That's all we're asking for. And have you looked at the birth certificate that is online?

DOBBS: Yes, I have. I've got it in front of me, as a matter of fact.

CALLER: Look at the verbiage. Does that look like '60s verbiage for a birth certificate?

DOBBS: Sixties verbiage?

CALLER: The nationality of his father.

DOBBS: OK, under race?


DOBBS: Yes, African. Mother's race: Caucasian. It's peculiar, I have to say. But, you know, hell, I can tell you this, in a career in journalism and broadcasting, I've seen a lot of peculiar things that turned out to be just as true as they can be. And things that seemed as true as they ought to be were the phoniest son-of-a-guns in the world, so we'll find out. We appreciate the call, [caller]. Thank you very much.

But this is a peculiar little document, this certification of life birth that everyone is purporting to validate the president. I think there's some issues with this. I mean, it's peculiar.

From the July 16 edition of United Stations Radio Networks' The Lou Dobbs Show:

CALLER: I have a question; it has to do with why Obama is refusing to show his real birth certificate. What has he got to hide?

DOBBS: Well, you know, that is the real question, isn't it? I mean, why not just get this silly, you know, nonsense out of the way? I mean, let's just say you put your birth certificate out there. You know, you have to present a birth certificate to get a passport. You've got to have a birth certificate drivers licenses in some places. We use birth certificates all the time. Why is there such a special need to keep that birth certificate out of the public eye?

Kathy, I think you're asking a very important question. It gives the appearance he's hiding something. I personally don't think he is, but I also think it's so silly of the Obama administration and this president not to just put it out there, get all the nonsense out of the way. It's the smartest thing he could do.
The Obama birth certificate scandal...............The Obama “Birth Certificate” Scandal
Utter stupidity.

By the time that article was published, Obama had already released this...

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Another one who does not understand the difference between a 'certificate of live birth' and a long form birth certificate....and the beat goes on. This poster obviously has not been keeping up with the discussion....we see that way too often...a wast of board space. If you are going to make any comments the least you can do is to read what has already been posted. Duh!

Birth Certificates: Short Form vs. Long Form | Birth Certificate Format
You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about, despite your self-propelling claims of extensive research; which is undoubtedly nothing more than spending countless hours reading rightwingnut websites on the discussion.

It’s evident you don’t know what you’re talking about because you’re now conflating a “birth certificate” with a “certificate of live birth” which is what Obama presented in a long format.

Furthermore, for the purposes of meeting Constitional requirements of age and natural born status, both documents Obama brought forth to the public’s discretion prove he was born more than 35 years prior to his first election and both prove he was born in Hawaii. There is no further evidence on his long form, which is not on his short form, that is needed to prove that.
Let us look at what Cnn's Lou Dobbs has said about the birth certificate scandal........................

Addressing an issue promoted by the far-right "birther" movement, Lou Dobbs repeatedly said on his radio show that President Obama needs to "produce a birth certificate" and that Obama's birth certificate posted online has "some issues".

During the July 15 edition of his radio program, CNN host Lou Dobbs devoted substantial airtime to the issue of President Obama's birth certificate, asserting repeatedly that the president needs to "produce" it. Dobbs said that the birth certificate posted online by "purporting to validate the president" has "some issues ... I mean, it's peculiar," and stated that he wants to see a "long form" birth certificate, which he called "the real deal."

Dobbs also mentioned the issue of Obama's birth certificate on the July 15 edition of his CNN television show. Referring to the document that posted, Dobbs said, "It is, in fact, the so-called short form, not the original document. It is really a document saying that the state of Hawaii has the real document in its possession."

Dobbs' radio show

During his radio program, Dobbs stated: "hould he produce his birth certificate -- the long form, the real deal? Should he be a little more forthcoming? ... What is the deal here? I'm starting to think we have a -- we have a document issue. Do you suppose he's un -- no, I won't even use the word undocumented. It wouldn't be right."

Dobbs later stated that when examining the birth certificate issue, at first he "thought, 'Here we go with the lunatic fringe. This is a bunch of quackeroos going after him.' " However, Dobbs said he now believes that there are "some issues here that should be really resolved" with Obama's birth certificate.

During his program, Dobbs repeatedly faulted Obama for what he said was Obama's failure to definitively answer questions raised about his birth certificate:

    • Dobbs stated: "The first thing is to determine whether or not his birth certificate is valid. And what I don't understand is why that has not been released and given over to the public record."

    • After a caller said "something doesn't smell right" with Obama, Dobbs said that the "way to get rid of those odors is always just open the windows and let the sun shine in. And all we need here is a doggone document, but for some reason the president doesn't want to release that."

    • Dobbs said that in contrast to efforts undertaken by Sen. John McCain "to determine that he met the standard of natural-born citizen," there is "absolutely, you know, no effort to do so on the part of Barack H. Obama. Nor, as also our callers have pointed out, this president would not release his medical records. And the national media seemed to be fine with that, whereas they probably would have eviscerated John McCain for failing to do so."

    • After a caller theorized that Obama is rushing through programs because Obama "knows what's coming" with regard to the birth certificate lawsuits, Dobbs said: "Certainly your view can't be discounted at this point, because this president refused to provide the documentation that would settle all of the controversy here."

    • After a caller said she initially thought the birth certificate controversy was "the dumbest thing ever," Dobbs replied:
DOBBS: Well, it is a dumb thing. I think we have to all admit this is a dumb thing either way, because, I mean, I can't understand why the president wouldn't just move to get this stuff out of the way. Show the documents, get it done -- I mean, he -- think about it.

Dobbs also claimed that a soldier questioning Obama's citizenship "should be taken seriously. There are real questions here that need to be answered" and "reasonable people should be interested" in the birth certificate issue:

DOBBS: I mean, because I got to be honest with everybody. When I started looking at this and the lawsuit -- Orly Taitz his attorney, for Major Cook, when he -- you know, I thought this is kind of peculiar. But I thought we should find out what's going on because, you know, it's a lawsuit -- a major who is -- he is, by the way, a combat veteran. Some people in the media have called him a coward; they are fools for doing so. But they're fools, anyway; it isn't this one instance that makes them fools.

This is a man who should be taken seriously. There are real questions here that need to be answered. And people talk about, quote-unquote, the lunatic fringe are the only ones interested in this, and it turns out that reasonable people should be interested, and reasonable -- excuse me -- reasonable minds have to understand what's going on. And this can be dismissed with one -- the production of one simple little document, and that's a birth certificate. It's extraordinary.

During the show, Dobbs also repeatedly cast doubt on Obama's birth certificate posted online by, saying that it is a "peculiar little document" that has "some issues." In the first hour, Dobbs hosted Temple Law School professor Peter J. Spiro, who said that there's "absolutely no doubt that [Obama is] eligible to be president of the United States." Dobbs replied to Spiro that he has "got the problem that other people looking at the only document that's available say, 'Wait a minute,' " to which Spiro replied:

SPIRO: I'm not sure what the "wait a minute" is about. I think what's fueling these theories is the counter-factual of if he had been born in Kenya, under the citizenship statute as it was then written, he would not have been a citizen at birth.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: So that gives these theorists something to work with.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: Even though at the threshold there's a basic factual problem with the theory.

Dobbs also said: "We have a certification of live birth that doesn't have a signature or an attestment of any kind attached to it." Spiro replied:

SPIRO: You know, I'm not an expert on Hawaii documents, but my understanding is that this is the real thing.

DOBBS: Right. No, no, I understand the same thing, too --

SPIRO: And that, you know, at this point, the claims are fringy enough that, again, in the absence --

DOBBS: My word exactly.

SPIRO: -- in the absence of any proof to the contrary, he's satisfied any burden of proof here.

Dobbs later said of Spiro to a caller skeptical of Obama's citizenship: "I was sort of taken by the fact he declares President Obama to be a natural-born citizen without having looked at any of the real documentation that would make it so." Another caller also asked Dobbs if he had seen the birth certificate online, and Dobbs replied that it is a "peculiar little document, this certification of life birth that everyone is purporting to validate the president" and "there's some issues with this."

Dobbs also dismissed the "certification of live birth" because it says "that this is evidence that another document exists somewhere at some place at some time":

DOBBS: There's some reason -- there's some reason that they don't want to do this. I mean, I don't know what the heck it is. But this whole -- you and I agree no matter what you believe about this other stuff -- we agree, do we not, [caller], that if we just looked down at a certificate of birth that had the signature of the doctor, the testament of the hospital, the name of the hospital, the seal, whatever, you know, that would be sufficient.

But what we've got here is a certification of live birth that says that this is evidence that another document exists somewhere at some place at some time.

Dobbs also hosted former presidential and Illinois senatorial candidate Alan Keyes and lawyer Orly Taitz. The Orange County Weekly described Taitz as the "queen bee of people obsessed with Barack Obama's birth certificate" and the "the most controversial figure in the effort to prove that President Barack Obama is foreign-born." Keyes has filed a lawsuit against Obama.

On the July 16 edition of his radio show, Dobbs was asked by a caller why Obama is "refusing to show his real birth certificate. What has he got to hide?" Dobbs replied:

DOBBS: Well, you know, that is the real question, isn't it? I mean, why not just get this silly, you know, nonsense out of the way? I mean, let's just say you put your birth certificate out there. You know, you have to present a birth certificate to get a passport. You've got to have a birth certificate drivers licenses in some places. We use birth certificates all the time. Why is there such a special need to keep that birth certificate out of the public eye?

Kathy, I think you're asking a very important question. It gives the appearance he's hiding something. I personally don't think he is, but I also think it's so silly of the Obama administration and this president not to just put it out there, get all the nonsense out of the way. It's the smartest thing he could do.

Dobbs' CNN television show

Dobbs discussed the Obama birth certificate issue on the July 15 edition of his CNN program, noting the remarks about the birth certificate by Cook,, and the White House:

DOBBS: Well, new questions are raised about the president's eligibility to be president. The latest from U.S. Army Reserve Major Stefan Cook, who refused deployment to Afghanistan. Cook claimed his orders were illegal because President Obama wasn't born in United States, which makes him ineligible to be president and commander in chief. The major's orders for deployment to Afghanistan were rescinded. An Army spokeswoman told us the major volunteered to go to Afghanistan for one year and could rescind his request at any time right up to his deployment. This is what the Army said: "Based on the fact that he no longer wished to serve on active duty and at the request of central command his orders were revoked on July 14."

Now the major's attorney is challenging the legitimacy of the Obama presidency in court. She joins a lawsuit by former presidential candidate Alan Keyes, who wants documentary proof the president was born in the United States. President Obama was born in Hawaii, according to state officials, and copies of his certification of birth --, investigating those circumstances prior to the election, and they have a copy of what they say is the original birth certificate posted on their website. It is, in fact, the so-called short form, not the original document. It is really a document saying that the state of Hawaii has the real document in its possession. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs in May said Hawaii provided a copy of the birth certificate with the state seal that's posted on the Internet.

Documentary proof needed to run by office, by the way, varies from state to state. The Federal Election Commission -- you may be surprised to learn -- does not require any kind of certification or proof of citizenship in running for president. They leave that to the states. And in the state of Illinois, for example, where President Obama first ran for office, proof of citizenship is not required for either the state Legislature or to run for Congress or for the United States Senate.

On December 9, 2008, CNN host Kiran Chetry said: "A New Jersey man claimed that Obama could not be sworn in because his father was from Kenya, therefore, a British subject. He claimed that because of that Obama is not a natural born citizen. Obama's birth certificate shows he was born in Hawaii."

In a June 11 article, reported that "online postings attributed to James von Brunn promoted the claim that Obama has no valid U.S. birth certificate.

From the July 15 edition of United Stations Radio Networks' The Lou Dobbs Show:

DOBBS: Well, later this hour I'll be talking about the Alan Keyes lawsuit. Folks, this is something -- I have to tell you. When David -- when Major Cook, Stefan Cook -- decided to resist his deployment to Afghanistan -- we learned of it yesterday -- on the basis that Barack Obama is not legitimately president of the United States because he's not a natural-born citizen.

It turns out that the Army just rescinded the deployment order to Afghanistan for the major. Alan Keyes -- we talked with his attorney -- Major Cook's, and Alan Keyes' attorney, Orly Taitz -- I mean, I've learned more here in the last day about natural-born citizenship, what documents are available for the president of the United States,and what aren't -- I mean, it's truly crazy. And I decided we'd do something on this, you know, on this show, just to get it out of the way.

This isn't one of those things that goes away quite as easily as I -- at least I thought at first. I thought we were talking about a bunch of folks that were on the left, or on the right, you know, the fringe that gets a little excited about, you know, tinfoil on their heads and that sort of thing. Well, guess what, folks? There are some issues here that should be really resolved. What's really crazy about this is all the president of the United States has to do is produce a birth certificate. That's all that has to be done, and it would be over. So, we're going to be talking about that this hour. We're going to be talking with you.

As a matter of fact, I want to go to the phones right now. I want to talk to Jay in Reno, Nevada. Jay, good to have you with us on The Lou Dobbs Show.

CALLER: Hey, Lou, it's great to hear you. The reason -- there's a whole bunch of points that the media has overlooked. The only thing that the Obama people have is ridicule; they don't have answers, they just make fun of anybody who asks a question. But, you know, his birthday is coming up -- I'll point out a few things nobody mentions. His birthday is coming up in a few weeks, and everybody in the media is going to be telling us he's 48 years old. I would like to know how they know that.

DOBBS: Well, because it says that on the certification of live birth, which I have in my hands right in front of me, Jay. I have the actual document that says that this is a document certifying that there is another document.

CALLER: Shown to be fraudulent, but I'll get to that in a minute. Orly Taitz's going to tell you about that.

DOBBS: All right, but you don't have a whole bunch of time now, partner. I'm not contracted with you for a long run here. Just gotta -- gotta get to the point, if you will, Jay.

CALLER: What could be more personal than somebody's tax return? Barack Obama gladly showed his tax return on April 15, but he won't show his birth certificate. I would like to know the very simple question. Why is he spending millions of dollars in court cases all over America to prevent anyone from seeing it? His lawyers have even threatened people for even asking to see his birth certificate, not to mention all the other records that he refused to show.

DOBBS: Well, if they want to sue The Lou Dobbs Show here, if they want to sue me personally, come on down. But we're going to keep talking about this until we get some straight answers. You know, I can afford a lawyer or two myself, you know. But I really want to know what's going on. I have no idea what the real -- what the reality is here, but I'm one of those morons who, when I look at something that says "certification of live birth" on, I assume it's certification of live birth, not -- you know, that's it. is a terrific website, and they do a wonderful job. But when I'm looking at a certificate of live birth that is certified to be a certification that there is another document that I haven't seen, I get a little annoyed. Especially when John McCain, born in Panama, went to all of the trouble to make certain that the solicitor general rendered an opinion and a determination that he was a natural-born citizen, so why not do the same thing for President Obama? Produce a doggone long -- so-called -- I don't even know what it a long-form birth certificate looks like -- but just produce it and be done with it. I mean, that'd satisfy you, wouldn't it, Jay?

CALLER: It certainly would, but he is going out of his way not to show that there's a reason why he won't show it. American people have a right -- the people --

DOBBS: One of our callers, Jay, by the way, pointed out a lot of people in states all over the country have to produce their birth certificates to get a driver's license, for crying out loud.

CALLER: Every single thing he's done as president, if he is not eligible, will be deemed illegal and have to be undone. What a catastrophe.

DOBBS: Yeah, well that would be a little annoying, wouldn't it?

CALLER: From spending us into oblivion with trillions of dollars that nobody should have ever spent --

DOBBS: Now, wait a minute. You know what I would really like to find out is that George Bush wasn't a natural-born citizen, because that means we could get back about $12 trillion under his authorization that went into the economy. What do you think?

CALLER: I agree, but he would show his -- you -- George Bush, me, you, and everybody else would show a birth certificate.

DOBBS: Yeah.

CALLER: This guy refuses.

DOBBS: You got it. Well, I appreciate the call, Jay, there in Reno, Nevada. We're going to take a quick break; we're going to be taking your calls, we want to hear you. What do you think? Is President Obama -- should he produce his birth certificate -- the long form, the real deal? Should he be a little more forthcoming?

One of our callers, by the way, pointed out that he didn't release -- he didn't release his medical records, either. Now isn't that interesting? And hasn't produced some other documents. What's the deal? What is the deal here? I'm starting to think we have a -- we have a document issue. Do you suppose he's un -- no, I won't even use the word undocumented. It wouldn't be right. We'll be right back.


DOBBS: Professor, I have to be honest. When we started this, going -- following the lawsuit by Major Cook, I thought, "My gosh, you know, this is crazy stuff. Let's get this, you know, get into it and get out of it, and we'll get the truth and we'll be done." This is not quite that easy, is it?

SPIRO: Well, I think it is pretty easy, actually.

DOBBS: All right.

SPIRO: I don't think there's much of a case here.

DOBBS: All right.

SPIRO: It's pretty clear that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: And there's absolutely no doubt that he is eligible to be president of the United States on that basis.

DOBBS: All right.

SPIRO: Now what's --

DOBBS: Now you've done that, but you know what? I've got the problem that other people looking at the only document that's available say, "Wait a minute."

SPIRO: I'm not sure what the "wait a minute" is about. I think what's fueling these theories is the counter-factual of if he had been born in Kenya, under the citizenship statute as it was then written, he would not have been a citizen at birth.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: So that gives these theorists something to work with.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: Even though at the threshold there's a basic factual problem with the theory.

DOBBS: All right, here's my problem as I look at it. And I respect very much the fact that, you know, you've declared him to be a, you know, a natural-born citizen. But my question is: Are you making such a judgment based on his birth certificate that we see on the Web?

SPIRO: Well, as far as I know, nobody has offered up any evidence to the contrary.

DOBBS: Correct.

SPIRO: So there's no evidence that he was born in Kenya.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: And so the best evidence we have is the birth certificate, which has been attested to by various state officials and others with knowledge of what birth certificates from Hawaii look like.

DOBBS: Right.

SPIRO: So there's no reason to believe that he wasn't born in Hawaii.

DOBBS: So, you -- what you're saying is then the burden of proof rests not with the individual or the statement that he is or is not a natural-born citizen, but rather on those who would disprove that he or she is?

SPIRO: Well, I think he's supplied adequate evidence for his birth in the United States, that the burden has certainly shifted to others to prove otherwise.

DOBBS: All right. And here is part of -- you know, I'm not sure how one does that. In this case, we're talking about disproving a negative. But rather than going to the merits of this, I want to get back -- well, first of all --

SPIRO: It's not proving the negative; it's proving an allegation that he was born in Kenya.

DOBBS: No, I understand what you're saying, but I'm actually not saying that that would be the problem here. The first thing is to determine whether or not his birth certificate is valid.

SPIRO: Right.

DOBBS: And what I don't understand is why that has not been released and given over to the public record. We have a certification of live birth that doesn't have a signature or an attestment of any kind attached to it.

SPIRO: You know, I'm not an expert on Hawaiian documents, but my understanding is that this is the real thing.

DOBBS: Right. No, no, I understand the same thing, too --

SPIRO: And that, you know, at this point, the claims are fringy enough that, again, in the absence --

DOBBS: My word exactly.

SPIRO: -- in the absence of any proof to the contrary, he's satisfied any burden of proof here.


CALLER: The professor who was on is like a mouthpiece for the Obama administration.

DOBBS: Yeah, I agree --[caller] -- I gotta say. Peter Spiro, he is the foremost authority on citizenship, but I was sort of taken by the fact he declares President Obama to be a natural-born citizen without having looked at any of the real documentation that would make it so.

CALLER: That's correct. And the other thing is there have been lawsuits that have -- that they have been attempted to force the legislators and the Electoral College to validate his eligibility. And it's like you have said, there have been millions and millions of dollars spent to quash all of these lawsuits in every legitimate inquiry.

DOBBS: Yeah.

CALLER: And, you know, if it smells like a skunk, it probably is a skunk, and something doesn't smell right with all of this.

DOBBS: Well -- and the way to get rid of those odors is always just open the windows and let the sun shine in. And all we need here is a doggone document, but for some reason the president doesn't want to release that.


DOBBS: First of all, we got to figure out what's going on. You know, we heard Professor Peter Spiro, who's a professor of law at Temple. He's the foremost -- one of the country's foremost experts on citizenship. He says in his judgment that the president is a natural-born citizen. I think most of us would say, as a matter of fact, that he is a natural-born citizen until proved otherwise.

David [caller], we have no proof that he isn't a natural-born citizen, and what's really frustrating here is that he seems to be resistant to the idea of proving that he is -- that is, providing the full-form birth certificate. Why, I don't know. What do you think?

CALLER: Well, all the lawsuits that he's squashing -- it's possible, and probable, I think, that the president knows what's coming.

DOBBS: Well, you know, the way you frame that -- it is possible to say it's probable, you know, as a matter of your opinion or mine, it doesn't matter. You know, I think it's improbable, you think it's probable. The issue is we're talking about it. Wouldn't it be helpful if the president would simply set this aside? Because there's a number of callers have said on this broadcast -- you know, here is John McCain, 72 years old, running for president of the United States. He knows he was born in Panama, because his father was in the Navy and his mother was with his father in Panama, and he was born there. He sought out a ruling by the solicitor general to determine that he met the standard of natural-born citizen.

Absolutely, you know, no effort to do so on the part of Barack H. Obama. Nor, as also our callers have pointed out, this president would not release his medical records. And the national media seemed to be fine with that, whereas they probably would have eviscerated John McCain for failing to do so.

CALLER: Well, I think it's probable. And I think that he's rushing through all these programs through by whatever means because he knows, by virtue of all the lawsuits that are generated, that we the public, we the citizens of the United States, have a mission, and we don't have to wait until the votes -- the voting for 2010.

DOBBS: Well, you obviously are intent upon that. And, David, you know, we'll see if you're right. Certainly your view can't be discounted at this point, because this president refused to provide the documentation that would settle all of the controversy here. David, thank you a lot for the call from Freeport, New York.


DOBBS: There's some reason -- there's some reason that they don't want to do this. I mean, I don't know what the heck it is. But this whole -- you and I agree no matter what you believe about this other stuff -- we agree, do we not, [caller], that if we just looked down at a certificate of birth that had the signature of the doctor, the testament of the hospital, the name of the hospital, the seal, whatever, you know, that would be sufficient.

But what we've got here is a certification of live birth that says that this is evidence that another document exists somewhere at some place at some time.


CALLER: Good to hear you, Lou. I DVR your show every day; I watch it on television. I just found out you had this on your air, and I'm -- this has been an issue on the blogs for over a year now.

DOBBS: Right.

CALLER: When I first heard about it, I thought, "Oh, come on, leave this guy alone. This is the dumbest thing ever."

DOBBS: Well, it is a dumb thing. I think we have to all admit this is a dumb thing either way, because, I mean, I can't understand why the president wouldn't just move to get this stuff out of the way. Show the documents, get it done -- I mean, he -- think about it. Well, actually, when I sit here thinking about it, he did not release his medical records, did he?

CALLER: No medical records.

DOBBS: That's right.

CALLER: He spent over a billion -- million dollars to fight this. Why? McCain has shown his birth certificate. Do you realize to get my license renewed in Oregon I have to show my birth certificate?

DOBBS: You know what? This is really very interesting, isn't it? I mean, because I got to be honest with everybody. When I started looking at this and the lawsuit -- Orly Taitz his attorney, for Major Cook, when he -- you know, I thought this is kind of peculiar. But I thought we should find out what's going on because, you know, it's a lawsuit -- a major who is -- he is, by the way, a combat veteran. Some people in the media have called him a coward; they are fools for doing so. But they're fools, anyway; it isn't this one instance that makes them fools.

This is a man who should be taken seriously. There are real questions here that need to be answered. And people talk about, quote-unquote, the lunatic fringe are the only ones interested in this, and it turns out that reasonable people should be interested, and reasonable -- excuse me -- reasonable minds have to understand what's going on. And this can be dismissed with one -- the production of one simple little document, and that's a birth certificate. It's extraordinary.

CALLER: That's all we're asking for. And have you looked at the birth certificate that is online?

DOBBS: Yes, I have. I've got it in front of me, as a matter of fact.

CALLER: Look at the verbiage. Does that look like '60s verbiage for a birth certificate?

DOBBS: Sixties verbiage?

CALLER: The nationality of his father.

DOBBS: OK, under race?


DOBBS: Yes, African. Mother's race: Caucasian. It's peculiar, I have to say. But, you know, hell, I can tell you this, in a career in journalism and broadcasting, I've seen a lot of peculiar things that turned out to be just as true as they can be. And things that seemed as true as they ought to be were the phoniest son-of-a-guns in the world, so we'll find out. We appreciate the call, [caller]. Thank you very much.

But this is a peculiar little document, this certification of life birth that everyone is purporting to validate the president. I think there's some issues with this. I mean, it's peculiar.

From the July 16 edition of United Stations Radio Networks' The Lou Dobbs Show:

CALLER: I have a question; it has to do with why Obama is refusing to show his real birth certificate. What has he got to hide?

DOBBS: Well, you know, that is the real question, isn't it? I mean, why not just get this silly, you know, nonsense out of the way? I mean, let's just say you put your birth certificate out there. You know, you have to present a birth certificate to get a passport. You've got to have a birth certificate drivers licenses in some places. We use birth certificates all the time. Why is there such a special need to keep that birth certificate out of the public eye?

Kathy, I think you're asking a very important question. It gives the appearance he's hiding something. I personally don't think he is, but I also think it's so silly of the Obama administration and this president not to just put it out there, get all the nonsense out of the way. It's the smartest thing he could do.
I care not about Lou Dobbs. What matters is the law. And Obama’s certification of live birth serves as prima facie evidence at every legal level. And it proves he was born prior to 1974 and it proves he was born in the U.S.

Case closed.
So what about that? She was right — all candidates should be vetted.

But why wasn't Obama vetted?

John Ritenbaugh, focusing on the term vetted or vetting, reveals that the original denotation, derived from veterinarian, refers to the qualifying or examination of horses prior to racing them on a track. The term has generalized to include the scrutiny of job applications, health insurance applications, and other screening activity designed to determine the suitability or qualifications of the applicant. Political parties usually vet their candidates, discovering whether they can stand the fire of the campaign. Candidates are screened for physical and mental health, church membership, work experience, criminal records, level of education, military experience, marital fidelity, prior management experience, friends and acquaintances. Shockingly, it appears that no one ever vetted President Obama, not even in terms of his birth status or eligibility to run for office. As a member of the Illinois state senate, he never took a stand but voted present. Barack Obama spent the entirety of his formative years outside of the United States in cultures that hate Americans. His education records from Pepperdine, Harvard, and Columbia Universities are "sealed," unlike George W. Bush's records which were made public
So what about that? She was right — all candidates should be vetted.

But why wasn't Obama vetted?

John Ritenbaugh, focusing on the term vetted or vetting, reveals that the original denotation, derived from veterinarian, refers to the qualifying or examination of horses prior to racing them on a track. The term has generalized to include the scrutiny of job applications, health insurance applications, and other screening activity designed to determine the suitability or qualifications of the applicant. Political parties usually vet their candidates, discovering whether they can stand the fire of the campaign. Candidates are screened for physical and mental health, church membership, work experience, criminal records, level of education, military experience, marital fidelity, prior management experience, friends and acquaintances. Shockingly, it appears that no one ever vetted President Obama, not even in terms of his birth status or eligibility to run for office. As a member of the Illinois state senate, he never took a stand but voted present. Barack Obama spent the entirety of his formative years outside of the United States in cultures that hate Americans. His education records from Pepperdine, Harvard, and Columbia Universities are "sealed," unlike George W. Bush's records which were made public
He was vetted. All the things you mentioned from church membership to military experience, all of it. He was vetted as much as any other candidate.
So what about that? She was right — all candidates should be vetted.

But why wasn't Obama vetted?

John Ritenbaugh, focusing on the term vetted or vetting, reveals that the original denotation, derived from veterinarian, refers to the qualifying or examination of horses prior to racing them on a track. The term has generalized to include the scrutiny of job applications, health insurance applications, and other screening activity designed to determine the suitability or qualifications of the applicant. Political parties usually vet their candidates, discovering whether they can stand the fire of the campaign. Candidates are screened for physical and mental health, church membership, work experience, criminal records, level of education, military experience, marital fidelity, prior management experience, friends and acquaintances. Shockingly, it appears that no one ever vetted President Obama, not even in terms of his birth status or eligibility to run for office. As a member of the Illinois state senate, he never took a stand but voted present. Barack Obama spent the entirety of his formative years outside of the United States in cultures that hate Americans. His education records from Pepperdine, Harvard, and Columbia Universities are "sealed," unlike George W. Bush's records which were made public
He was vetted. All the things you mentioned from church membership to military experience, all of it. He was vetted as much as any other candidate.

Sounds like you missed the NewsMax artricle........................

Most Americans don’t realize we have elected a president whom we know very little about. Researchers have discovered that Obama’s autobiographical books are little more than PR stunts, as they have little to do with the actual events of his life. The fact is we know less about President Obama than perhaps any other president in American history and much of this is due to actual efforts to hide his record. This should concern all Americans. A nation-wide network of researchers has sprung up to attempt to fill in the blanks, but at every opportunity Obama’s high-priced lawyers have built walls around various records or simply made them disappear. It is estimated that Obama’s legal team has now spent well over $1.4 million dollars blocking access to documents every American should have access to. The question is why would he spend so much money to do this? The president who campaigned for a more ―open government‖ and ―full disclosure‖ will not unseal his medical records, his school records, his birth records or his passport records. He will not release his Harvard records, his Columbia College records, or his Occidental College records—he will not even release his Columbia College thesis. All his legislative records from the Illinois State Senate are missing and he claims his scheduling records during those State Senate years are lost as well. In addition, no one can find his school records for the elite K-12 college prep school, Punahou School, he attended in Hawaii. What is he hiding? Well, for starters, some of these records will shed light on his citizenship and birth. For example, Obama’s application to Punahou School – now mysteriously missing – would likely contain a birth certificate. And, according to attorney Gary Kreep, ―his Occidental College records are important as they may show he attended there as a foreign exchange student.‖ Indeed, Obama used his Indonesian name ―Barry Soetoro‖ while attending Occidental. Kreep has filed lawsuits challenging Obama’s eligibility to be president and as part of his lawsuit he requested Obama’s records from Occidental. However, Obama’s lawyers quickly moved to stop Occidental from honoring this request. Picture: Barack Obama’s Autobiography, Dreams from My Father. Picture: “Scott & Barry, 3rd grade 1969” Punahou School in H

The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues – By Steve Baldwin, Exclusive to Western Center for Journalism
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Attention Deficit Syndrome?

Whatever..............for me just one thing discredits Obama's b.s more than anything else......and it does not take anyone with some academic degree or high i.q. to understand.............simply this.....................After years of stonewalling and fighting in court to keep his long-form birth certificate under wraps, President Barack Obama has publicized an image of the document he claims should resolve his birthplace once and for all.

Thus anyone with common sense wonders why it took him so long? Why did he fight releasing it in the first place? Now this would be scandalous behavior for anyone in public office....but for the President of The United States to carry on with such a charade as he did regarding this whole matter is something only a very well protected politician could pull off....without the medias protection and without the ideology of political correctness aka....anyone who questioned him was quickly labeled a racist............thus scaring off just about every career politician....etc.etc. and so on and so forth.....all of that allowed him to get away with it....proving once again there is a double standard at white politician could have gotten away with it....also one other thing to consider....he not only got away without presenting a legitimate birth certificate he also was not even vetted.....for those who know what that means. It is beyond ridiculous....almost least to those who do not understand how racial politics work.

Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted

Barack Obama’s past as murky as his word
Crooked Donnie was never properly vetted

Still waiting on those tax returns

It’s hard to imagine a more thorough vetting than the intense media and political operative scrutiny Trump went through during the recent election. Far more than required to determine that he meets the Constitutional requirements to be President of the USA; that he is a natural born citizen, over 35 years of age, and resident in the US for 14 years. He had been a public figure for years before deciding to run for the Presidency....under intense media scrutiny for most of his life. From a well known family etc.etc.etc.

'In the 2008 presidential election, candidates were vetted by the press in varying degrees. The media examined, analyzed, and publicly evaluated them. They explored in detail John McCain’s personal wealth, marriage, place of birth, mental stability, and other important issues. McCain cooperated, provided documents, and answered questions.

On the other hand, Barack Obama’s background remains nearly a blank slate. His school records, from kindergarten to law school, remain hidden. The story of his financial support is hidden — his private elementary and high school in Hawaii, his international travel, his graduate and undergraduate tuition and living expenses, and more. And these are just the beginning of the Barack Obama vetting failure.

My extensive research into the espionage operations of the Communist International (Comintern), detailed in Willing Accomplices, familiarized me with their techniques. One of their most common tactics when responding to exposure is so pervasive that it could be their motto: Admit nothing. Deny everything. Make counteraccusations.

For a professional vetter, it is clear that one candidate in 2008 was concealing vital information, at best. The documents and stories floated to support the candidate’s claims only raise more suspicion.

The most disturbing aspect of attempts to vet the mystery candidate was the Obama camp’s vigorous response. Their stereotypical response is nearly as damning as any information that could be revealed: Admitting nothing, denying everything, and making counteraccusations, the vetting of candidate Obama continues.

Do we need a professional candidate vetter? It looks like the project may have just begun. The future of our country might depend on it.'........................Kent Clizbe

Kent Clizbe, a former CIA covert case officer, is a professional vetter. From spies to computational linguistics engineers he has successfully vetted scores of valid candidates, and exposed many lying candidates. His upcoming book, "Willing Accomplices," explores how the KGB used covert influence to destroy American exceptionalism and create Political Correctness and Progressive politics."

Read Newsmax: Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted |
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here in Poll

Vetting Presidential Candidates
Nothing about Obama was hidden that previous Presidents also didn’t reveal
No previous President was forced to provide a birth certificate to prove citizenship. No previous President (including Trump)revealed their kindergarten through college grades. Obama revealed how he paid for and student loans. The Great Obama also provided his tax records for ten years

It is Trump who was not vetted. What offense did he commit to get sent to Military School? How did he get into Wharton without a strong academic record? What are the details of his divorce settlements?
What dealings has he had with Russia? What about his money laundering real estate deals?
So what about that? She was right — all candidates should be vetted.

But why wasn't Obama vetted?

John Ritenbaugh, focusing on the term vetted or vetting, reveals that the original denotation, derived from veterinarian, refers to the qualifying or examination of horses prior to racing them on a track. The term has generalized to include the scrutiny of job applications, health insurance applications, and other screening activity designed to determine the suitability or qualifications of the applicant. Political parties usually vet their candidates, discovering whether they can stand the fire of the campaign. Candidates are screened for physical and mental health, church membership, work experience, criminal records, level of education, military experience, marital fidelity, prior management experience, friends and acquaintances. Shockingly, it appears that no one ever vetted President Obama, not even in terms of his birth status or eligibility to run for office. As a member of the Illinois state senate, he never took a stand but voted present. Barack Obama spent the entirety of his formative years outside of the United States in cultures that hate Americans. His education records from Pepperdine, Harvard, and Columbia Universities are "sealed," unlike George W. Bush's records which were made public
He was vetted. All the things you mentioned from church membership to military experience, all of it. He was vetted as much as any other candidate.

Sounds like you missed the NewsMax artricle........................

I’m glad I missed it. That article just wasted a minute of my life.

The only area it points out where Obama was not vetted was in regards to his school records...

On the other hand, Barack Obama’s background remains nearly a blank slate. His school records, from kindergarten to law school, remain hidden. The story of his financial support is hidden — his private elementary and high school in Hawaii, his international travel, his graduate and undergraduate tuition and living expenses, and more. And these are just the beginning of the Barack Obama vetting failure.

... only no other presidential candidate released their school transcripts.

Not only do you fail at demonstrating Obama wasn’t properly vetted... not only have you failed to prove his birth records were faked...

But now you demonstrate unwarranted bias against Obama, where you think he should have been required to be vetted more than other candidates.

It wasn’t good enough for the right that Obama presented an official recording of his birth, y’all wanted him to show two forms. Name any other politician who showed two forms?

Now you show, it doesn’t matter if no other candidate refuses to release their school transcripts, Obama should have to be the one who does.

And to highlight your hypocrisy, watch this...... until Trump, every other presidential candidate for the last half century has released their tax returns to the public. How come you’re not bitching that Trump won’t release his?
Attention Deficit Syndrome?

Whatever..............for me just one thing discredits Obama's b.s more than anything else......and it does not take anyone with some academic degree or high i.q. to understand.............simply this.....................After years of stonewalling and fighting in court to keep his long-form birth certificate under wraps, President Barack Obama has publicized an image of the document he claims should resolve his birthplace once and for all.

Thus anyone with common sense wonders why it took him so long? Why did he fight releasing it in the first place? Now this would be scandalous behavior for anyone in public office....but for the President of The United States to carry on with such a charade as he did regarding this whole matter is something only a very well protected politician could pull off....without the medias protection and without the ideology of political correctness aka....anyone who questioned him was quickly labeled a racist............thus scaring off just about every career politician....etc.etc. and so on and so forth.....all of that allowed him to get away with it....proving once again there is a double standard at white politician could have gotten away with it....also one other thing to consider....he not only got away without presenting a legitimate birth certificate he also was not even vetted.....for those who know what that means. It is beyond ridiculous....almost least to those who do not understand how racial politics work.

Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted

Barack Obama’s past as murky as his word
Crooked Donnie was never properly vetted

Still waiting on those tax returns

It’s hard to imagine a more thorough vetting than the intense media and political operative scrutiny Trump went through during the recent election. Far more than required to determine that he meets the Constitutional requirements to be President of the USA; that he is a natural born citizen, over 35 years of age, and resident in the US for 14 years. He had been a public figure for years before deciding to run for the Presidency....under intense media scrutiny for most of his life. From a well known family etc.etc.etc.

'In the 2008 presidential election, candidates were vetted by the press in varying degrees. The media examined, analyzed, and publicly evaluated them. They explored in detail John McCain’s personal wealth, marriage, place of birth, mental stability, and other important issues. McCain cooperated, provided documents, and answered questions.

On the other hand, Barack Obama’s background remains nearly a blank slate. His school records, from kindergarten to law school, remain hidden. The story of his financial support is hidden — his private elementary and high school in Hawaii, his international travel, his graduate and undergraduate tuition and living expenses, and more. And these are just the beginning of the Barack Obama vetting failure.

My extensive research into the espionage operations of the Communist International (Comintern), detailed in Willing Accomplices, familiarized me with their techniques. One of their most common tactics when responding to exposure is so pervasive that it could be their motto: Admit nothing. Deny everything. Make counteraccusations.

For a professional vetter, it is clear that one candidate in 2008 was concealing vital information, at best. The documents and stories floated to support the candidate’s claims only raise more suspicion.

The most disturbing aspect of attempts to vet the mystery candidate was the Obama camp’s vigorous response. Their stereotypical response is nearly as damning as any information that could be revealed: Admitting nothing, denying everything, and making counteraccusations, the vetting of candidate Obama continues.

Do we need a professional candidate vetter? It looks like the project may have just begun. The future of our country might depend on it.'........................Kent Clizbe

Kent Clizbe, a former CIA covert case officer, is a professional vetter. From spies to computational linguistics engineers he has successfully vetted scores of valid candidates, and exposed many lying candidates. His upcoming book, "Willing Accomplices," explores how the KGB used covert influence to destroy American exceptionalism and create Political Correctness and Progressive politics."

Read Newsmax: Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted |
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here in Poll

Vetting Presidential Candidates
Nothing about Obama was hidden that previous Presidents also didn’t reveal
No previous President was forced to provide a birth certificate to prove citizenship. No previous President (including Trump)revealed their kindergarten through college grades. Obama revealed how he paid for and student loans. The Great Obama also provided his tax records for ten years

It is Trump who was not vetted. What offense did he commit to get sent to Military School? How did he get into Wharton without a strong academic record? What are the details of his divorce settlements?
What dealings has he had with Russia? What about his money laundering real estate deals?

Trump and McCain were well known, their families were well known....there was no doubt they were natural born citizens....whereas obama with all his foreign relatives and having lived in Indonesia, the claims of his relatives that he was born in Kenya and his lack of a legitimate birth certificate and or his refusal to present one from the very beginning along with many other anomalies created a lot of suspicion and doubt as to who he really was and whether or not he met the constitutional requirement of being a Natural Born Citizen. Thus if he had been vetted properly all of that could have been cleared up one way or the other before the election and thus spared the nation all the rancor and divisiveness that occurred after he was elected.

In modern times there has never been a Presidential Candidate who needed vetting more than Obama.....and to this day there lingers much mystery about him....he came out of nowhere, was given privileges he did not deserve...but since the media was so ecstatic about electing a Negroid President....mush was overlooked and he was given a pass simly because of his skin color. Essentially the media hoodwinked the public was a masterful con job.
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Attention Deficit Syndrome?

Whatever..............for me just one thing discredits Obama's b.s more than anything else......and it does not take anyone with some academic degree or high i.q. to understand.............simply this.....................After years of stonewalling and fighting in court to keep his long-form birth certificate under wraps, President Barack Obama has publicized an image of the document he claims should resolve his birthplace once and for all.

Thus anyone with common sense wonders why it took him so long? Why did he fight releasing it in the first place? Now this would be scandalous behavior for anyone in public office....but for the President of The United States to carry on with such a charade as he did regarding this whole matter is something only a very well protected politician could pull off....without the medias protection and without the ideology of political correctness aka....anyone who questioned him was quickly labeled a racist............thus scaring off just about every career politician....etc.etc. and so on and so forth.....all of that allowed him to get away with it....proving once again there is a double standard at white politician could have gotten away with it....also one other thing to consider....he not only got away without presenting a legitimate birth certificate he also was not even vetted.....for those who know what that means. It is beyond ridiculous....almost least to those who do not understand how racial politics work.

Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted

Barack Obama’s past as murky as his word
Crooked Donnie was never properly vetted

Still waiting on those tax returns

It’s hard to imagine a more thorough vetting than the intense media and political operative scrutiny Trump went through during the recent election. Far more than required to determine that he meets the Constitutional requirements to be President of the USA; that he is a natural born citizen, over 35 years of age, and resident in the US for 14 years. He had been a public figure for years before deciding to run for the Presidency....under intense media scrutiny for most of his life. From a well known family etc.etc.etc.

'In the 2008 presidential election, candidates were vetted by the press in varying degrees. The media examined, analyzed, and publicly evaluated them. They explored in detail John McCain’s personal wealth, marriage, place of birth, mental stability, and other important issues. McCain cooperated, provided documents, and answered questions.

On the other hand, Barack Obama’s background remains nearly a blank slate. His school records, from kindergarten to law school, remain hidden. The story of his financial support is hidden — his private elementary and high school in Hawaii, his international travel, his graduate and undergraduate tuition and living expenses, and more. And these are just the beginning of the Barack Obama vetting failure.

My extensive research into the espionage operations of the Communist International (Comintern), detailed in Willing Accomplices, familiarized me with their techniques. One of their most common tactics when responding to exposure is so pervasive that it could be their motto: Admit nothing. Deny everything. Make counteraccusations.

For a professional vetter, it is clear that one candidate in 2008 was concealing vital information, at best. The documents and stories floated to support the candidate’s claims only raise more suspicion.

The most disturbing aspect of attempts to vet the mystery candidate was the Obama camp’s vigorous response. Their stereotypical response is nearly as damning as any information that could be revealed: Admitting nothing, denying everything, and making counteraccusations, the vetting of candidate Obama continues.

Do we need a professional candidate vetter? It looks like the project may have just begun. The future of our country might depend on it.'........................Kent Clizbe

Kent Clizbe, a former CIA covert case officer, is a professional vetter. From spies to computational linguistics engineers he has successfully vetted scores of valid candidates, and exposed many lying candidates. His upcoming book, "Willing Accomplices," explores how the KGB used covert influence to destroy American exceptionalism and create Political Correctness and Progressive politics."

Read Newsmax: Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted |
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here in Poll

Vetting Presidential Candidates
Nothing about Obama was hidden that previous Presidents also didn’t reveal
No previous President was forced to provide a birth certificate to prove citizenship. No previous President (including Trump)revealed their kindergarten through college grades. Obama revealed how he paid for and student loans. The Great Obama also provided his tax records for ten years

It is Trump who was not vetted. What offense did he commit to get sent to Military School? How did he get into Wharton without a strong academic record? What are the details of his divorce settlements?
What dealings has he had with Russia? What about his money laundering real estate deals?

Trump and McCain were well known, their families were well known....there was no doubt they were natural born citizens....whereas obama with all his foreign relatives and having lived in Indonesia, the claims of his relatives that he was born in Kenya and his lack of a legitimate birth certificate and or his refusal to present one from the very beginning along with many other anomalies created a lot of suspicion and doubt as to who he really was and whether or not he met the constitutional requirement of being a Natural Born Citizen. Thus if he had been vetted properly all of that could have been cleared up one way or the other before the election and thus spared the nation all the rancor and divisiveness that occurred after he was elected.

In modern times there has never been a Presidential Candidate who needed vetting more than Obama.....and to this day there lingers much mystery about him....he came out of nowhere, was given privileges he did not deserve...but since the media was so ecstatic about electing a Negroid President....mush was overlooked and he was given a pass simly because of his skin color. Essentially the media hoodwinked the public was a masterful con job.
Now you’re simply lying; a clear indication even you know you’ve lost this debate. Again, Obama produced an official copy of his birth record in 2008. Certified and authenticated formally by the state of Hawaii, proving Obam was born there a natural born citizen.

You are being pig many times has it been shown that a 'certificate of live birth' is not a official birth certificate.....yet you simply try to ignore may ignore it all you want...but the readers of this board understand your bias and refusal to accept the truth.....

Certificate of Live Birth. What is the difference between the Birth Certificate and Certificate of Live Birth?

"Hospital Record of Birth: Certificate of Live Birth"

The medical community has established the practice of issuing the Certificate of Live Birth when a human being enters the world. This form will include the basics of the baby name, parent names, doctor names, hospital, sex, race, date of birth and person completing the record. Health careprofessionals will then enter the information into their hospital database.

At this point, the father should verify that the information on the form is correct. Mistakes can be made on the original form or during medical data entry. The mother will, of course, be stressed and won't be able to concentrate when given the form. Corrections should be made before the Birth Certificate is officially issued.

The Certificate of Live Birth is the first unofficial draft of the fact that your mother gave birth to you. Once this information is complete, this Certificate of Live Birth is sent to the Office of Vital Statistics or State Register to create the Official Birth Certificate.
again>>>>>Difference Between Birth Certificate And Certificate Of Live Birth

Obama created his own monster and damaged the democratic party as well as the nation by not presenting from the git go his authentic and official long form birth certificate. But of course how can you present something you do not have? appears he had to wait until one could be 'manufactured' for him and they did a lousy job of it as the Arizona sheriff has documented.

The most embarassing thing for Obama is how so many of his close relatives claim he was born in Kenya.....not even to mention how his arrogance and petty behavior helped pave the way for the election of a Republican President...who of course put so much political pressure on Obama that he was forced to release his long form birth certificate......which of course raised much suspicion in regards why he did not release it at the beginning of the controversy. As in....what was he hiding? What did he fear?

The American Public in general must also be held accountable in regards to how so many were manipulated by the media and so easily fell for the media's con job of making a joke out of the whole matter.
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You are being pig many times has it been shown that a 'certificate of live birth' is not a official birth certificate.....yet you simply try to ignore may ignore it all you want...but the readers of this board understand your bias and refusal to accept the truth.....

Certificate of Live Birth. What is the difference between the Birth Certificate and Certificate of Live Birth?

"Hospital Record of Birth: Certificate of Live Birth"

The medical community has established the practice of issuing the Certificate of Live Birth when a human being enters the world. This form will include the basics of the baby name, parent names, doctor names, hospital, sex, race, date of birth and person completing the record. Health careprofessionals will then enter the information into their hospital database.

At this point, the father should verify that the information on the form is correct. Mistakes can be made on the original form or during medical data entry. The mother will, of course, be stressed and won't be able to concentrate when given the form. Corrections should be made before the Birth Certificate is officially issued.

The Certificate of Live Birth is the first unofficial draft of the fact that your mother gave birth to you. Once this information is complete, this Certificate of Live Birth is sent to the Office of Vital Statistics or State Register to create the Official Birth Certificate.
again>>>>>Difference Between Birth Certificate And Certificate Of Live Birth

Obama created his own monster and damaged the democratic party as well as the nation by not presenting from the git go his authentic and official long form birth certificate. But of course how can you present something you do not have? appears he had to wait until one could be 'manufactured' for him and they did a lousy job of it as the Arizona sheriff has documented.

The most embarassing thing for Obama is how so many of his close relatives claim he was born in Kenya.....not even to mention how his arrogance and petty behavior helped pave the way for the election of a Republican President...who of course put so much political pressure on Obama that he was forced to release his long form birth certificate......which of course raised much suspicion in regards why he did not release it at the beginning of the controversy. As in....what was he hiding? What did he fear?

The American Public in general must also be held accountable in regards to how so many were manipulated by the media and so easily fell for the media's con job of making a joke out of the whole matter.
Read it again.... this time for clarity....

At the bottom of Obama’s certification of live birth...

This copy serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding. [HRS 338-13(B), 339-19]


It’s an official record of birth, certified by the State Registrar, authenticated by the Director of Health, and proving Obama was at least 35 years of age and born in the U.S.

Case closed

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