Questions for liberals and progressives

At what mark in that video do you think Clapper says the FBI “in bedded” spies into the Trump campaign...?
When he is talking to Bahar or whatever her name is....he describe an "informant" he doesn't like the term spy...imagine that....the former NSA doesn't like the term spy....Buuuuuaaaaahahahahaha!!!!!
The man has a name its been released and its now known he requested a cabinet position after Trump won.....unbelievable.....Obama is in trouble....
At what mark in the video, ya dumbass. Do I need to explain to you what is meant by a “mark?”

Ok then... in minutes and seconds... at what point in the video does he say that,,,?
At what mark in the video, ya dumbass. Do I need to explain to you what is meant by a “mark?”

Ok then... in minutes and seconds... at what point in the video does he say that,,,?
Are you ten years know what? even a ten year old can watch and comprehend a video without asking for a freaking video mark....I promise you it has only taken the other libs here 5 viewings to get it.....I'm sure you never will...but watch it a few more times without the bong in the room and you may get it too.....stop asking others to do your research.......if you don't trust the source check it out....that's the best way to learn....if I point you in the right direction you will not trust it....
At what mark in the video, ya dumbass. Do I need to explain to you what is meant by a “mark?”

Ok then... in minutes and seconds... at what point in the video does he say that,,,?
Are you ten years know what? even a ten year old can watch and comprehend a video without asking for a freaking video mark....I promise you it has only taken the other libs here 5 viewings to get it.....I'm sure you never will...but watch it a few more times without the bong in the room and you may get it too.....stop asking others to do your research.......if you don't trust the source check it out....that's the best way to learn....if I point you in the right direction you will not trust it....

That’s ok, I knew it’s not in there anyway, which is why you can’t give a mark. It must come right after Clapper’s talking about how Trump butt-fucked you.
Obama was a slight disappoint. He ran his campaign as a progressive and he ran the Whitehouse like a moderate. Wish he had ran a more progressive Whitehouse.

Other than that yes I'm proud of him. He repaired our international image and economy that was torn apart by Bush ( although I have a new found respect for him now).

But Obama is irrelevant at this point he isn't president anymore. You Trumpsters try everything in power to distract people from Trump's Clownhouse.

And it's not spying if the FBI suspected criminal activity going on the Trump campaign. It's called an investigation.
The Obama Birth Certificate controversy was and is a legitimate issue.

The Obama Birth Certificate
Early on the morning of April 27, 2011 after Donald Trump challenged him to release it, at a special White House news conference, President Barack H. Obama revealed what he purported to be a certified copy of his "long form" birth certificate. While calling those who have been asking for a release of the certificates "silly," he put the purported document up on a screen for all the world to see. A computer image of the document had already been posted on the White House web page in a Portable Document Format, or PDF, file so the announcement didn't come as a surprise to the media. When I first saw it, I thought that the matter had been resolved, but that only lasted until I took a look at it and saw what was on the document.

I have been following the issue of the Obama birth certificate loosely since the question of where he was born was first raised during the 2008 Presidential Democrat Primaries by supporters of Hillary Clinton. The issue of his having been born outside of the United States was raised early, not by Republicans but by Democrats during the primaries. And with good reason, because Article II of the Constitution states that a president must, without question, be a "native-born" citizen, meaning that they must have been born within the geographical confines of the United States. While I have plenty of issues with him, particularly that he rose to political power in the most corrupt city in America, I have not been placing any particular emphasis on the birth issue. My feelings have always been that he should have released his birth certificate during the presidential primaries. Instead, his campaign obtained the form that the State of Hawaii uses, a form that is not a replica of the original birth certificate as is the practice in many, if not most, other states. Instead, they released a Certification of Live Birth which is a computer generated document using information from a data base. In fact, not only did the Hawaii health department refuse to provide a copy of his original birth certificate, they indicated that it was no longer accessible.

While I have not been personally making an issue of where he was born, at the same time I have been very concerned about the attitude of Obama supporters and members of the media toward those who are concerned, referring to them as "birthers" and generally belittling them without acknowledging that they have a legitimate concern. Personally, I consider such people - the criticizers - as dupes, or dupers, meaning they have been duped by politics, specifically by politicans and in this case by the Obama campaign. It was a legitimate issue at the time it was raised and it is still a legitimate issue. Americans seem to have this idiotic idea that just because an official has been elected, they are above reproach. (Take a trip to the closest Federal correction facility and see just how many inmates are politicians who have been convicted of corruption!) Few Americans are aware that Adolph Hitler came to power through an election, as have dozens of other totalitarian dictators. or that communism became the state government in Eastern European countries in elections. For that matter, the President of the United States isn't even elected in the national elections. When Americans go to the polls on presidential election days, we are actually chosing a slate of electors from our state, who then go to Washington, DC and officially elect the president. It is a system that was established by the authors of the Constitution, with how the electors are chosen being left up to each state. Currently, nearly all states use a system of "winner take all" in which all of a state's electors go to the candidate who has the highest statewide vote, which is not truly representative of the population as a whole, but is slanted toward the major population centers of each state.

The Obama Birth Certificate

This is why people laugh at you right wingers. This is exactly why comedians always make jokes about you all.

You all keep pushing loony ideas and agenda that have been debunked by facts.
The Obama Birth Certificate controversy was and is a legitimate issue.

The Obama Birth Certificate
Early on the morning of April 27, 2011 after Donald Trump challenged him to release it, at a special White House news conference, President Barack H. Obama revealed what he purported to be a certified copy of his "long form" birth certificate. While calling those who have been asking for a release of the certificates "silly," he put the purported document up on a screen for all the world to see. A computer image of the document had already been posted on the White House web page in a Portable Document Format, or PDF, file so the announcement didn't come as a surprise to the media. When I first saw it, I thought that the matter had been resolved, but that only lasted until I took a look at it and saw what was on the document.

I have been following the issue of the Obama birth certificate loosely since the question of where he was born was first raised during the 2008 Presidential Democrat Primaries by supporters of Hillary Clinton. The issue of his having been born outside of the United States was raised early, not by Republicans but by Democrats during the primaries. And with good reason, because Article II of the Constitution states that a president must, without question, be a "native-born" citizen, meaning that they must have been born within the geographical confines of the United States. While I have plenty of issues with him, particularly that he rose to political power in the most corrupt city in America, I have not been placing any particular emphasis on the birth issue. My feelings have always been that he should have released his birth certificate during the presidential primaries. Instead, his campaign obtained the form that the State of Hawaii uses, a form that is not a replica of the original birth certificate as is the practice in many, if not most, other states. Instead, they released a Certification of Live Birth which is a computer generated document using information from a data base. In fact, not only did the Hawaii health department refuse to provide a copy of his original birth certificate, they indicated that it was no longer accessible.

While I have not been personally making an issue of where he was born, at the same time I have been very concerned about the attitude of Obama supporters and members of the media toward those who are concerned, referring to them as "birthers" and generally belittling them without acknowledging that they have a legitimate concern. Personally, I consider such people - the criticizers - as dupes, or dupers, meaning they have been duped by politics, specifically by politicans and in this case by the Obama campaign. It was a legitimate issue at the time it was raised and it is still a legitimate issue. Americans seem to have this idiotic idea that just because an official has been elected, they are above reproach. (Take a trip to the closest Federal correction facility and see just how many inmates are politicians who have been convicted of corruption!) Few Americans are aware that Adolph Hitler came to power through an election, as have dozens of other totalitarian dictators. or that communism became the state government in Eastern European countries in elections. For that matter, the President of the United States isn't even elected in the national elections. When Americans go to the polls on presidential election days, we are actually chosing a slate of electors from our state, who then go to Washington, DC and officially elect the president. It is a system that was established by the authors of the Constitution, with how the electors are chosen being left up to each state. Currently, nearly all states use a system of "winner take all" in which all of a state's electors go to the candidate who has the highest statewide vote, which is not truly representative of the population as a whole, but is slanted toward the major population centers of each state.

The Obama Birth Certificate

This is why people laugh at you right wingers. This is exactly why comedians always make jokes about you all.

You all keep pushing loony ideas and agenda that have been debunked by facts.

Suppressed video of Obama admitting he was not born in Hawaii....................
The Obama Birth Certificate controversy was and is a legitimate issue.

The Obama Birth Certificate
Early on the morning of April 27, 2011 after Donald Trump challenged him to release it, at a special White House news conference, President Barack H. Obama revealed what he purported to be a certified copy of his "long form" birth certificate. While calling those who have been asking for a release of the certificates "silly," he put the purported document up on a screen for all the world to see. A computer image of the document had already been posted on the White House web page in a Portable Document Format, or PDF, file so the announcement didn't come as a surprise to the media. When I first saw it, I thought that the matter had been resolved, but that only lasted until I took a look at it and saw what was on the document.

I have been following the issue of the Obama birth certificate loosely since the question of where he was born was first raised during the 2008 Presidential Democrat Primaries by supporters of Hillary Clinton. The issue of his having been born outside of the United States was raised early, not by Republicans but by Democrats during the primaries. And with good reason, because Article II of the Constitution states that a president must, without question, be a "native-born" citizen, meaning that they must have been born within the geographical confines of the United States. While I have plenty of issues with him, particularly that he rose to political power in the most corrupt city in America, I have not been placing any particular emphasis on the birth issue. My feelings have always been that he should have released his birth certificate during the presidential primaries. Instead, his campaign obtained the form that the State of Hawaii uses, a form that is not a replica of the original birth certificate as is the practice in many, if not most, other states. Instead, they released a Certification of Live Birth which is a computer generated document using information from a data base. In fact, not only did the Hawaii health department refuse to provide a copy of his original birth certificate, they indicated that it was no longer accessible.

While I have not been personally making an issue of where he was born, at the same time I have been very concerned about the attitude of Obama supporters and members of the media toward those who are concerned, referring to them as "birthers" and generally belittling them without acknowledging that they have a legitimate concern. Personally, I consider such people - the criticizers - as dupes, or dupers, meaning they have been duped by politics, specifically by politicans and in this case by the Obama campaign. It was a legitimate issue at the time it was raised and it is still a legitimate issue. Americans seem to have this idiotic idea that just because an official has been elected, they are above reproach. (Take a trip to the closest Federal correction facility and see just how many inmates are politicians who have been convicted of corruption!) Few Americans are aware that Adolph Hitler came to power through an election, as have dozens of other totalitarian dictators. or that communism became the state government in Eastern European countries in elections. For that matter, the President of the United States isn't even elected in the national elections. When Americans go to the polls on presidential election days, we are actually chosing a slate of electors from our state, who then go to Washington, DC and officially elect the president. It is a system that was established by the authors of the Constitution, with how the electors are chosen being left up to each state. Currently, nearly all states use a system of "winner take all" in which all of a state's electors go to the candidate who has the highest statewide vote, which is not truly representative of the population as a whole, but is slanted toward the major population centers of each state.

The Obama Birth Certificate

This is why people laugh at you right wingers. This is exactly why comedians always make jokes about you all.

You all keep pushing loony ideas and agenda that have been debunked by facts.

Suppressed video of Obama admitting he was not born in Hawaii....................


“Suppressed?” You mean, “manufactured,” right?
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says a new video analysis shows that parts of Obama's birth certificate were copied from another certificate. After arguing his point for five years, Arpaio says he will turn this new evidence over to the fed.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, still a 'birther,' says 5-year investigation proves Obama birth certificate is 'fake'

In exacting detail, Zullo explained how a careful analysis of the document’s typed letters and words, as well as the angles of the date stamps, proved the forgery.

According to the theory, the birth certificate presented to the public was created after copying and pasting information from the legitimate birth certificate of a woman born in Hawaii. An accompanying video simulated how the text would have been moved.

Zullo repeatedly stressed that the theory was supported by two experts on two separate continents. He said the investigators analyzed nine Hawaii birth certificates, and that one of them, belonging to a woman named Johanna Ah’Nee, was the source of the copied text.

Arpaio & Zullo, thoroughly & utterly debunked...

Exposed: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Birther Scam -- Here's the Proof that Arpaio's Posse Fabricated Evidence and Lied to the Nation - Investigating the Obama Birth Mysteries
For all who want the truth ....................................................... Even after Barack Obama's release of an official long-form birth certificate online, a Gallup poll showed that fewer than half of Americans are fully convinced that Barack Obama was actually born in the United States.

In a single month, more than 700 YouTube videos were posted on whether or not the long-form birth certificate is a fake -- with the vast majority claiming, based on examinations of the computer file, that it is. These videos alleging fraud have been viewed more than 3 million times -- and counting.

The publication of such a blatantly fake document about something so basic as the birthplace of Mr. Obama, should have raised great concern about the suitability of obama to hold high office. .

Moreover, the lack of action on the part of the members of the United States House of Representatives and Senate, as well as the courts of the United States, despite many previous appeals to these three branches of American government, also raise a concern about how the governmental institutions of the reputedly best, and certainly the most important democracy in the Free World have avoided this issue.

As usual political correctness and a biased media allowed this fake document to avoid the congressional scrutiny it should have gotten.

The only hope for the truth to emerge will be to launch a real congressional investigation into this matter...perhaps after the midterms when the Republicans will enjoy a good congressional majority....then and only then will the real truth have a chance of emerging.

These are just a few of the problems with this document. There are many other problems with this document that you can read about in various documents and web sites such as:

Long-Form Birth Certificate of Obama is a Forged Document
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For all who want the truth ....................................................... Even after Barack Obama's release of an official long-form birth certificate online, a Gallup poll showed that fewer than half of Americans are fully convinced that Barack Obama was actually born in the United States.

In a single month, more than 700 YouTube videos were posted on whether or not the long-form birth certificate is a fake -- with the vast majority claiming, based on examinations of the computer file, that it is. These videos alleging fraud have been viewed more than 3 million times -- and counting.

The publication of such a blatantly fake document about something so basic as the birthplace of Mr. Obama, should have raised great concern about the suitability of obama to hold high office. .

Moreover, the lack of action on the part of the members of the United States House of Representatives and Senate, as well as the courts of the United States, despite many previous appeals to these three branches of American government, also raise a concern about how the governmental institutions of the reputedly best, and certainly the most important democracy in the Free World have avoided this issue.

As usual political correctness and a biased media allowed this fake document to avoid the congressional scrutiny it should have gotten.

The only hope for the truth to emerge will be to launch a real congressional investigation into this matter...perhaps after the midterms when the Republicans will enjoy a good congressional majority....then and only then will the real truth have a chance of emerging.

These are just a few of the problems with this document. There are many other problems with this document that you can read about in various documents and web sites such as:

Long-Form Birth Certificate of Obama is a Forged Document
I got only as far as the first item in your list to see you’re a complete whack job. :cuckoo:

According to affidavit of the chief investigator of the special investigations unit of the US Coast Guard (ret) and special agent with the Homeland security Jeffrey Steven Coffman (Exhibit 7), according to sheriff Arpaio Obama's SSS application is a forgery
Selective service contains social Security number 042-68-4425, which was never assigned to Obama according to E-Verify and SSNVS

Attention Deficit Syndrome?

Whatever..............for me just one thing discredits Obama's b.s more than anything else......and it does not take anyone with some academic degree or high i.q. to understand.............simply this.....................After years of stonewalling and fighting in court to keep his long-form birth certificate under wraps, President Barack Obama has publicized an image of the document he claims should resolve his birthplace once and for all.

Thus anyone with common sense wonders why it took him so long? Why did he fight releasing it in the first place? Now this would be scandalous behavior for anyone in public office....but for the President of The United States to carry on with such a charade as he did regarding this whole matter is something only a very well protected politician could pull off....without the medias protection and without the ideology of political correctness aka....anyone who questioned him was quickly labeled a racist............thus scaring off just about every career politician....etc.etc. and so on and so forth.....all of that allowed him to get away with it....proving once again there is a double standard at white politician could have gotten away with it....also one other thing to consider....he not only got away without presenting a legitimate birth certificate he also was not even vetted.....for those who know what that means. It is beyond ridiculous....almost least to those who do not understand how racial politics work.

Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted

Barack Obama’s past as murky as his word
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Attention Deficit Syndrome?

Whatever..............for me just one thing discredits Obama's b.s more than anything else......and it does not take anyone with some academic degree or high i.q. to understand.............simply this.....................After years of stonewalling and fighting in court to keep his long-form birth certificate under wraps, President Barack Obama has publicized an image of the document he claims should resolve his birthplace once and for all.

Thus anyone with common sense wonders why it took him so long? Why did he fight releasing it in the first place? Now this would be scandalous behavior for anyone in public office....but for the President of The United States to carry on with such a charade as he did regarding this whole matter is something only a very well protected politician could pull off....without the medias protection and without the ideology of political correctness aka....anyone who questioned him was quickly labeled a racist............thus scaring off just about every career politician....etc.etc. and so on and so forth.....all of that allowed him to get away with it....proving once again there is a double standard at white politician could have gotten away with it....also one other thing to consider....he not only got away without presenting a legitimate birth certificate he also was not even vetted.....for those who know what that means. It is beyond ridiculous....almost least to those who do not understand how racial politics work.

Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted
It didn’t take him long at all. He released a copy of his state sanctioned, certified birth record before he was even elected president.
Attention Deficit Syndrome?

Whatever..............for me just one thing discredits Obama's b.s more than anything else......and it does not take anyone with some academic degree or high i.q. to understand.............simply this.....................After years of stonewalling and fighting in court to keep his long-form birth certificate under wraps, President Barack Obama has publicized an image of the document he claims should resolve his birthplace once and for all.

Thus anyone with common sense wonders why it took him so long? Why did he fight releasing it in the first place? Now this would be scandalous behavior for anyone in public office....but for the President of The United States to carry on with such a charade as he did regarding this whole matter is something only a very well protected politician could pull off....without the medias protection and without the ideology of political correctness aka....anyone who questioned him was quickly labeled a racist............thus scaring off just about every career politician....etc.etc. and so on and so forth.....all of that allowed him to get away with it....proving once again there is a double standard at white politician could have gotten away with it....also one other thing to consider....he not only got away without presenting a legitimate birth certificate he also was not even vetted.....for those who know what that means. It is beyond ridiculous....almost least to those who do not understand how racial politics work.

Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted

Barack Obama’s past as murky as his word
Crooked Donnie was never properly vetted

Still waiting on those tax returns
Attention Deficit Syndrome?

Whatever..............for me just one thing discredits Obama's b.s more than anything else......and it does not take anyone with some academic degree or high i.q. to understand.............simply this.....................After years of stonewalling and fighting in court to keep his long-form birth certificate under wraps, President Barack Obama has publicized an image of the document he claims should resolve his birthplace once and for all.

Thus anyone with common sense wonders why it took him so long? Why did he fight releasing it in the first place? Now this would be scandalous behavior for anyone in public office....but for the President of The United States to carry on with such a charade as he did regarding this whole matter is something only a very well protected politician could pull off....without the medias protection and without the ideology of political correctness aka....anyone who questioned him was quickly labeled a racist............thus scaring off just about every career politician....etc.etc. and so on and so forth.....all of that allowed him to get away with it....proving once again there is a double standard at white politician could have gotten away with it....also one other thing to consider....he not only got away without presenting a legitimate birth certificate he also was not even vetted.....for those who know what that means. It is beyond ridiculous....almost least to those who do not understand how racial politics work.

Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted

Barack Obama’s past as murky as his word
Crooked Donnie was never properly vetted

Still waiting on those tax returns

It’s hard to imagine a more thorough vetting than the intense media and political operative scrutiny Trump went through during the recent election. Far more than required to determine that he meets the Constitutional requirements to be President of the USA; that he is a natural born citizen, over 35 years of age, and resident in the US for 14 years. He had been a public figure for years before deciding to run for the Presidency....under intense media scrutiny for most of his life. From a well known family etc.etc.etc.

'In the 2008 presidential election, candidates were vetted by the press in varying degrees. The media examined, analyzed, and publicly evaluated them. They explored in detail John McCain’s personal wealth, marriage, place of birth, mental stability, and other important issues. McCain cooperated, provided documents, and answered questions.

On the other hand, Barack Obama’s background remains nearly a blank slate. His school records, from kindergarten to law school, remain hidden. The story of his financial support is hidden — his private elementary and high school in Hawaii, his international travel, his graduate and undergraduate tuition and living expenses, and more. And these are just the beginning of the Barack Obama vetting failure.

My extensive research into the espionage operations of the Communist International (Comintern), detailed in Willing Accomplices, familiarized me with their techniques. One of their most common tactics when responding to exposure is so pervasive that it could be their motto: Admit nothing. Deny everything. Make counteraccusations.

For a professional vetter, it is clear that one candidate in 2008 was concealing vital information, at best. The documents and stories floated to support the candidate’s claims only raise more suspicion.

The most disturbing aspect of attempts to vet the mystery candidate was the Obama camp’s vigorous response. Their stereotypical response is nearly as damning as any information that could be revealed: Admitting nothing, denying everything, and making counteraccusations, the vetting of candidate Obama continues.

Do we need a professional candidate vetter? It looks like the project may have just begun. The future of our country might depend on it.'........................Kent Clizbe

Kent Clizbe, a former CIA covert case officer, is a professional vetter. From spies to computational linguistics engineers he has successfully vetted scores of valid candidates, and exposed many lying candidates. His upcoming book, "Willing Accomplices," explores how the KGB used covert influence to destroy American exceptionalism and create Political Correctness and Progressive politics."

Read Newsmax: Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted |
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Vetting Presidential Candidates
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The Obama birth certificate scandal...............The Obama “Birth Certificate” Scandal
Utter stupidity.

By the time that article was published, Obama had already released this...

View attachment 195400

Another one who does not understand the difference between a 'certificate of live birth' and a long form birth certificate....and the beat goes on. This poster obviously has not been keeping up with the discussion....we see that way too often...a wast of board space. If you are going to make any comments the least you can do is to read what has already been posted. Duh!

Birth Certificates: Short Form vs. Long Form | Birth Certificate Format
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