QUICK! Ben Carson is Guest Hosting Hannity's radio show RIGHT NOW!

We are more concerned with character.

Obama has none.

Dr. Ben's character is well developed and respectable to all loyal Americans.

Any lying, law breaking, America hating con man can convince some of you to vote for him.

But we want someone we can respect and lead us!

That's why Dr. Ben is head and shoulders better than anyone on the Democratic horizon.

Yes, we understand the right hates Obama. He has no character, hates America, is a Muslim....

The American people heard your message and rejected it......TWICE


52.87% to 45.60%, 365-173


51.01% to 47.15%, 332-206



Then, roughly half of the American voting public can be tricked, (Lied to, Manipulated, Misinformed and Bribed) into acting against its better interests.

And THAT is a problem neither Obama nor anyone else in the Democrat Party wants to remedy.

For that we need a President Cruz or a President Carson or a President West.

Remember, on the eve of the Pearl Harbor attack most of America still thought isolationism was the answer to the problem facing the USA, and World freedom.

Americans CAN be wrong.

However, what we can depend on is America and Americans EVENTUALLY coming to our senses and doing the RIGHT thing in the end.

Most Americans recognize their vote for Barack Obama was a big mistake.

Now, what are we going to do about correcting that mistake?

Hillary is NOT the answer.

Warren is NOT the answer.

We need a CONSERVATIVE POTUS the next 12 years (AT LEAST!) in order to right things in this country before we can ever trust another Liberal or Dem in the Oval Office again!!!
I don't care much for Hannity or Carson one way or the other, but I don't know why anyone on the left would invest so much emotion into this non-issue. It's a freaking radio show. If you don't like it don't listen to it.
I love it when Republicans try to compare Carson's qualifications to Obamas. Obama served eight years in the Illinois senate and four years in the US senate

Carson's qualifications are that he bad mouthed Obama in public

Yeah, in the Senate he voted present, except for late term abortion. Which he voted for, talk about character.

Obama never voted "present" in the US senate

Carson has never voted for anything

"It’s very rare for a senator to vote 'present,' " said U.S. Senate historian Donald A. Ritchie. "That’s usually only if they are somehow personally involved in something."

So, what about Palin's claim that Obama had 150 "present" votes in the U.S. Senate? The claim harkens back to the (again, accurate) charge that Obama frequently voted "present" when he was a state senator in Illinois. (It was actually a Democrat -- Hillary Rodham Clinton -- who gave this claim high-profile attention during the primaries.)

Obama acknowledged voting "present" -- a vote similar in its effect to "abstain" -- 129 times during his eight-year state Senate tenure, according to a Boston Globe fact-check at the time. The Globe said that Obama cast about 4,000 votes as an Illinois legislator, meaning that he voted "present" in about one of every 31 votes he took. The New York Times reported that the records show at least 36 occasions in which Obama was either the only state senator to vote present or was part of a group of six or fewer to vote that way.

Palin says Obama voted "present" in U.S. Senate "quite often" | PolitiFact
If Carson wants to be considered as a credible political candidate he needs to distance himself from Hannity. If he wants to be a future foxnews host, Hannity is the place to earn your chops

Perfect venue for him.

Seriously. He has nothing to offer on a national level, no qualifications to run for office, no apparent loyalty to the US. ---

Oh wait, that makes him the perfect Republican candidate for darn near any office and/or a future fox pundit.

You are doing the old Jihadist Chat Room Reach Around, right?

That is, accusing Carson of something we all know is a FUNDAMENTAL source of criticism of Obama: 'He had nothing to offer on a national level, no qualifications to run for office, no apparent loyalty to the US.'

Ben Carson is who you Liberals HOPED Obama would be!

But Dr. Ben is the real thing!

The model by which all other Black aspirants for POTUS should be measured.

Soft spoken, articulate, brilliant, world-wide recognition and respect of his accomplishments, thoughtful, God-fearing, a man of the people, courageous, LOVES America, product of an inner city American upbringing by a single mom, traditional values.

If the current resident was more like Ben Carson, Hillary might have more reason for optimism going into 2016.

The voters WILL tar her with BO's brush.

Not that she hasn't enough negatives of her own to overcome on the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
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Hello! Mojo2????? Helloooooooo?

I love it when Republicans try to compare Carson's qualifications to Obamas. Obama served eight years in the Illinois senate and four years in the US senate

Carson's qualifications are that he bad mouthed Obama in public

We are more concerned with character.

Obama has none.

Dr. Ben's character is well developed and respectable to all loyal Americans.

Any lying, law breaking, America hating con man can convince some of you to vote for him.

But we want someone we can respect and lead us!

That's why Dr. Ben is head and shoulders better than anyone on the Democratic horizon.

Yes, we understand the right hates Obama. He has no character, hates America, is a Muslim....

The American people heard your message and rejected it......TWICE

If the media would've done their job, Obama would've never became president.
So, the american people aren't smart enough to make up their own minds on who they choose to vote for?
I love it when Republicans try to compare Carson's qualifications to Obamas. Obama served eight years in the Illinois senate and four years in the US senate

Carson's qualifications are that he bad mouthed Obama in public

We are more concerned with character.

Obama has none.

Dr. Ben's character is well developed and respectable to all loyal Americans.

Any lying, law breaking, America hating con man can convince some of you to vote for him.

But we want someone we can respect and lead us!

That's why Dr. Ben is head and shoulders better than anyone on the Democratic horizon.

Yes, we understand the right hates Obama. He has no character, hates America, is a Muslim....

The American people heard your message and rejected it......TWICE

If the media would've done their job, Obama would've never became president.
So, the american people aren't smart enough to make up their own minds on who they choose to vote for?

No, the American people haven't been very keen on instilling civics, values, American History into our young people, so now we have two generations of virtually functional idiots.

ABC-TV is even making noises like it intends to revive the Schoolhouse Rock programs because todays kids are so lacking in fundamental knowledge building blocks for successful citizenship in America.

America has no effective protection against its own excesses.

The news about Obama has been out there since early in the 2007 campaign year.

Why didn't America read it and why didn't it make a difference?

Part of the problem is the Liberal media.

Part of the problem is our mental processes and how we spot and address inconsistencies revealed in our research.

We have to know when to ask more, better or tougher questions to get at a deeper level of scrutiny.

Obama was avoidable.
I love it when Republicans try to compare Carson's qualifications to Obamas. Obama served eight years in the Illinois senate and four years in the US senate

Carson's qualifications are that he bad mouthed Obama in public

We are more concerned with character.

Obama has none.

Dr. Ben's character is well developed and respectable to all loyal Americans.

Any lying, law breaking, America hating con man can convince some of you to vote for him.

But we want someone we can respect and lead us!

That's why Dr. Ben is head and shoulders better than anyone on the Democratic horizon.

Yes, we understand the right hates Obama. He has no character, hates America, is a Muslim....

The American people heard your message and rejected it......TWICE

If the media would've done their job, Obama would've never became president.
So, the american people aren't smart enough to make up their own minds on who they choose to vote for?

No, the American people haven't been very keen on instilling civics, values, American History into our young people, so now we have two generations of virtually functional idiots.

ABC-TV is even making noises like it intends to revive the Schoolhouse Rock programs because todays kids are so lacking in fundamental knowledge building blocks for successful citizenship in America.

America has no effective protection against its own excesses.

The news about Obama has been out there since early in the 2007 campaign year.

Why didn't America read it and why didn't it make a difference?

Part of the problem is the Liberal media.

Part of the problem is our mental processes and how we spot and address inconsistencies revealed in our research.

We have to know when to ask more, better or tougher questions to get at a deeper level of scrutiny.

Obama was avoidable.
No, the American people haven't been very keen on instilling civics, values, American History into our young people, so now we have two generations of virtually functional idiots.

You mean like people who say, "Keep your government hands off my Medicare"?

Yeah, those g-ddammned socialists!! Oh, wait, those were Tea Party freaks who said that....

No, the American people haven't been very keen on instilling civics, values, American History into our young people, so now we have two generations of virtually functional idiots.

You mean like people who say, "Keep your government hands off my Medicare"?

Yeah, those g-ddammned socialists!! Oh, wait, those were Tea Party freaks who said that....


If you judge Medicare and Obamacare to be equally benign Government programs you haven't been reading the fine print.

There were more than a few Republicans who voted for Medicare.


Because it was a useful and much needed answer to the medical costs to our senior citizens employing services from 30 different private insurers.

With Obamacare no one knows what the ACA bill was about since they couldn't read it before voting on it.

But the ACA does have a provision to become a single payer system once the insurance companies withdraw from the rigged game they could not win even from the start. Why they went along with it even knowing that healthy younger people were less inclined to sign up for it is a mystery.

The private insurers were going to lose money but I guess they believed the Obama administration would create some bit of leverage to force the recalcitrant youth to sign the fuck up anyway!

Well, when the private insurers all bow out (as expected) the Government (licking its chops) will be waiting to collect your premiums, administer your plan and in so doing will have access to ALL your health records and will have control of your health care.

And when you control a peoples health care, you control those people.

And THAT is the difference.

With Obamacare the Government winds up being in total control over us.

Just like you trust your buddies, you wouldn't trust them with your ATM and your PIN number.

Well, you may trust the Government. Even one which has made it very clear they aren't above fucking up the system so badly that even Obama himself had to try 'tap dancing' the Obamacare computer problem away.

But when the POTUS lies to the American people for his own political gain, and he shifts the blame for mistakes and finagles the law to serve his own personal desires and uses executive orders and arbitrarily revises bills already signed into law, when this POTUS uses departments of the Government to do his personal bidding and more...

When those types of things begin happening before your very eyes and the President's team of proven and accomplished liars are out to fool and take advantage of the people, how can anyone placidly give their sovereignty to a Government so undeserving of our trust?

The ACA is designed to transfer sovereignty from the people to the Government.

We were designed by the Founding Fathers to be the owners of our government.

Our elected reps we send to D.C. are supposed to be our hired hands. Our employees.

Well, giving our trust to the Govt. to handle our medical billing and records and determining whose illnesses and conditions will or won't be covered and to what degree is asking for trouble.

Govt. is not the kindly group of people like at your Bank or the Netflix website.

Government is a tiger. And if you do not control it, it will control you.

Do not give the government your power by giving them control of your medical care and costs.

ACA was designed to give the government control of the American people.

Once they have control they will never voluntarily relinquish it back to us.

If we lose it now it is lost forever.

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