Quiverfull Cult and it's Roman Catholic roots

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Someone here had challenged me to look into whether or not the church the Duggar family were members of a cult. While investigating the connection Bill Gothard (an agent of Rome working for the Jesuit Pope) to Quiverfull I learned that Rick Santorum was also part of the Quiverfull movement. What is Rick Santorum? A Roman Catholic. It does appear that Quiverfull is another Jesuit plant created to destroy the Protestant Church through false doctrine and destroying the reputation of the Protestants. As you will learn Rick Santorum was a part of the Quiverfull crowd and was also connected to the Duggars.

We begin here:

Fanatic for Jesus Rick Santorum and the Skeletons in His Closet

have heard the name Rick Santorum ever since my husband and I decided to say goodbye to birth control and trust the Lord for the number of children we would have. Rick and his wife were part of the Quiver Full crowd, and were in the process of having their seven children. It was during this time that the Quiver Full and Patriarchy movements were hijacked by Christian Reconstructionism/Dominionism and Right Wing politics.

Santorum, part of those who assisted in the hijacking, is part of the political Religious Right Wing. He seems to have a squeaky clean Christian boy from next-door packaging, but he's actually someone entirely different. Since most of the Right Wing politicians have a skeleton or two in their closet, let's take a look at him.
Here we see more connections:

OPUS DEI-- War on Protestantism

The Vatican has infiltrated, or neutered and spayed, virtually every denomination and organization in Christendom. Various means have been used, but Opus Dei has played a major role in this.

What is left for the Vatican to dilute and destroy?

Answer: Fundamental Baptists, and a few Brethren, Pentecostals, some Wesleyans, Bible churches, Orthodox Presbyterian, some Brethren, and all Fundamental Bible colleges.

If your church is not mentioned here, it certainly is targeted if you use the King James Bible. Rick Warren is very likely an agent of change for the Whore of Rome in his Purpose Driven Cheese et al.

Virtually 100% of the world's seminaries are in the pocket of the Roman Whore in that they use her Bible via the Alexandrian Gnostic Greek texts.

I am fully persuaded that Opus Dei and the Jesuits have already planted many of their agents in Baptist and Fundamental churches and schools.

Jack Hyles boasted that he prayed to his mother, and Hyles Anderson College accepted credits from Catholic Universities like Xavier U, but Hyles Anderson rejected Bible credits from many Fundamental schools. Hyles taught that your works for God would pay for your sins, a very old Catholic doctrine.

Bill Gothard has added many aspects of the Whore's monastic machinations. We have many Catholic doctrines morphing into the Baptist movement as preachers exalt works, attendance, and the altar call as the place to meet God.

I am convinced that many Fundamental Baptist churches are NOW pastored by Jesuits and Opus Dei agents. Many deacons and Sunday School teachers are now inside the Baptist movement teaching doctrines of Rome. You need to read the following articles so that you can watch for the signs that you too have an hireling planted in your church by the Vatican.
If we examine what Dr. Alberto Rivera - the ex-Jesuit who exposed the Roman Catholic Vatican and their giving him the assignment to infiltrate and destroy Protestant churches we see the pattern is continuing to this day. The latest attack against the Protestants is the Jesuit infitration and false doctrine which brought forth the Quiverfull Church. This is the church the Duggar's belonged to. It is not founded on the Word of God but it another false movement the Jesuits engineered to destroy the Protestants.

See the Alberto Rivera - testimony of an ex-Jesuit by Jack Chick publications to see how they get away with it.
Please examine how the Quiverfull church is presented. As a fundamentalist church. But it isn't. Behind the scenes the Vatican arranged this just as they arranged Jim Jones to be presented as a protestant. Yet we know now that Jim Jones was a Jesuit! Are you seeing the pattern? What is the motive? To present the fundamentalist Christians as the ones who are in error. This is how the Vatican operates. They send their Jesuit agents in to plant these churches, raise them up, give them world attention and then? In front of the world create that "Jim Jones" moment to make the Protestants appear insane. Jim Jones was a Jesuit - trained by the Jesuits - an agent of Rome on assignment from Rome. It is time for the world to realize what is going on here!

Look at the description below:

Quiverfull - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Quiverfull is a movement among some conservative fundamentalist Protestant couples, chiefly in the United States, but with some adherents in Canada,[1] Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and elsewhere.[2] It promotes procreation, and sees children as a blessing from God,[2][3][4]eschewing all forms of birth control, including natural family planning andsterilization.[5][6] Adherents are known as quiver full, full quiver, quiverfull-minded, or simply QF Christians. Some refer to the Quiverfull position asProvidentialism,[7] while other sources have referred to it as a manifestation of natalism.[8][9] Currently, several thousand Christians worldwide identify with this movement,[5] although entire Christian sects hold many beliefs correlative to those who self-identify as Quiverfull adherents.
Rick Santorum is a Roman Catholic. So why was he and his wife and children with Quiverfull? Because it was birthed by the Jesuits and Santorum is another agent of Rome and the Jesuits. Quiverfull is not fundamentalist, it is not Protestant - it is only designed to appear that way.
The truth is perceived as hatred by those who have something to hide, Sunni man. I am posting what I found after Luddly asked me why I had not looked into whether or not the Duggar family were involved with a cult. What I am posting is what I have found thus far. I'm sure there will be more to come. The timing of this story is of great importance to the Vatican. One person had asked why this story was kept from coming out until now. (it could have been reported much earlier). Now we should examine why. It was a very good question.
The Quiverfull movement followed the teachings of Bill Gothard who was an agent of Rome and the Jesuits. Andrea Yates, the girl who murdered her own children was a follower of the Quiverfull movement. See the story here:

Quiver-full Convicted The New Homemaker

Families who are quiver-full convicted eschew artificial birth control; most refuse even to use natural family planning.

Dawn Prince*, a 29-year old mother to five in Trenton, New Jersey, explains it this way.

"It comes down to the question of where do you believe babies come from? I have a hard time believing conception is just a biological act. I believe that God is at work in each and every conception that takes place."

It is a conviction that was probably shared by the Yates family. According to an interview with Andrea Yates's brother and sister, Russell Yates "wanted as many children as God wanted."

Bring up the Yates's to a group of quiver-full families and they get understandably wary.

"While the Andrea Yates case is tragic," says Paula Dunham, publisher of Joyfull Noise, a magazine for families with four or more children. "Unfortunately, these types of things happen in all types of families, not just those that have five children and home school."

Many quiver-full families are worried that the tragedy will bring unwanted criticism their way.

"I'm afraid to complain to my family about a run-of-the-mill bad day," says one mother of six. "I get old Andrea Yates thrown up in my face if I do."

"Having a large family in a day and age when family is relatively unimportant makes it hard to discuss the challenges of raising several children," says Wendy Armstrong, a mother of four in Paducah, KY. "I find that many are quick to point out that we do not have to have so many children, basically blaming us for making our own lives so hard. It would not surprise me if Andrea Yates experienced the same."

"The most critical people are those that don't know us," says Louise Strelow*, a mother to nine in Grand Rapids, MI. "We have had this happen most often when someone in public counts all our children and might say something quite crude."

John Willis is an ordained Baptist elder in Kane County, IL. His wife, Terry, is a registered nurse. They are the parents of eleven children. The oldest is thirty-two and the youngest is one; they are expecting another baby this summer.

"We both get sayings like, you are having babies like a cat or dog," says Terry. "Or enough is enough, when are you going to stop? I still get angry when I hear this sometimes but it's mostly when I'm pregnant."

Quiverfull is not a bible based church. It's a cult that was getting it's teachings from Bill Gothard - another agent of Rome - just like Jim Jones ( a Jesuit and agent of Rome sent to destroy the reputation of Protestant Churches). When you follow false teachers? This is the result.
To understand the history of the Duggar's church - Quiverfull - we must understand who Bill Gothard is because Quiverfull was following Gothard's false teachings. Who was Bill Gothard? He claimed to be a former Catholic. The truth is Bill Gothard was trained by the Jesuits and is an agent of the Vatican. He had done great harm to the body of Christ. Not only to the Duggar family.
Bill Gothard Cult Spiritual Abuse Sanctuary

Especially unacceptable to Christians are Gothard’s extremely abusive practices which would tend to send an already abused and vulnerable person, who’s been exposed to severe abuse by Gothardistic methods in the home and marriage into complete physical, emotional and spiritual breakdown. The stories are legion. The case of Coral Anika Theill would be a prime example.http://www.coralanikatheill.com.

And the seduction and molestation of Charlotte by Gothard:
Charlotte s Story
The Gothard Files A Case for Disqualification

I pray that Christians will repent from following any man, no matter how convincing he may sound, and turn fully to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Beware of Bill Gothard
By Bro. David Cloud
Way of Life Website

May 31, 2005 – David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143. Send e-mail: [email protected]

Bill Gothard has wielded vast influence among fundamentalists and independent Baptists. Not long after I was converted in 1973 I was invited to one of Gothard’s Basic Youth Conflict seminars and in 1978 I attended a Gothard minister’s conference in Tampa, Florida. His organization claims that more than two and a half million people have attended his seminars, and many more have been influenced by those who have attended and by using his materials.

Long ago we issued warnings about Gothard’s dangerous tendency to intermingle human psychology and his own thinking to a level of authority alongside the Scriptures, his dangerous ecumenism, downplaying the scriptural position of the church*, and other things, but now he has fallen even farther off the deep end. Now he is promoting charismatic-style Power of Blessing and Total Health programs.

This is not totally surprising, because as early as 1994 Gothard attended a radically ecumenical conference that featured Charismatics. This was Bill Bright’s Prayer and Fasting conference in December of that year. To understand why Gothard should not have participated in this conference, we have to know something about the man who brought it together. The late Bill Bright had one of the most radically unscriptural ecumenical philosophies and agendas of any man of his generation. As early as 1969, Bright said, “We do not attack the Roman Church. We believe God is doing a mighty work in it and will no doubt use millions of Roman Catholics to help evangelize the world” (The Post & Times Star, Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 30, 1969). We mightily wonder how this could be when the Roman Catholic Church preaches a false gospel. At Billy Graham’s Amsterdam ’86 conference, Bright said, “There was a day when Protestants and Roman Catholics would not have much to do with one another. But today the Spirit of God is doing such a great work in both the Roman Catholic and Protestant fellowships and communions that I feel very much at home wherever Jesus Christ is honored” (Foundation, Jul.-Aug. 1986). We would ask how it is possible that Roman Catholics honor Jesus Christ when they add works and sacraments to His Gospel of Grace and exalt Mary and the Pope beyond every scriptural bound, to mention only a couple of their doctrinal abominations? In 1978 Richard Quebedea
This is why it is so important to expose false teachers, people. Many are Jesuit agents sent to the Protestants by the Vatican with the assignment of destroying the Protestants. Bill Gothard is just the tip of the iceberg. Look at what Billy Graham (another agent of Rome) has done and listen to what he believes in - it is not Scriptural! God said, My people perish for lack of knowledge! You must know the Bible, people! You must study the Scriptures as the Bereans did and make sure that what you are being taught is Scriptural! There is a way that seemeth right but leads to death!

Shuller and Graham were both agents of Rome. Listen to this video and listen to their words. Does it line up with the Word of God? No. It doesn't. They were sent to endorse the Roman Catholic Babylonian religion. They are teaching false doctrine. Listen to them for yourself and tell me what you hear.

How many more agents of Rome have the people been deceived by? Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Kenneth Copeland, Billy Graham, Shuller, Jim Jones, Joseph Prince, Andrew Womack, Bill Gothard, Katherine Kuhlman............ the list is long. When the end comes and God reveals just how deeply the Jesuits infiltrated the body of Christ we will be horrified.
Jesus said to preach the Gospel.

He didn't appoint you to be his accuser of the brethern.

True story........ :cool:

False teachers are not our brethren. They are children of the devil. You need to open your eyes because you have been deceived by a false prophet yourself, Sunni man. There is no salvation in Islam.
As we learned already from ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera the Mason were founded and created by the Romanists. (Catholic Vatican) Now we can examine further who Billy Graham really is. Please note Graham not only endorsing Catholicism but also Islam calling it a "great religion"... please open your eyes, people! Not everyone who calls Jesus Christ LORD is a Christian!

It is written:

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Galatians 1:8
How far did Jesuit Operative - Bill Gothard (whose teachings were used in Quiverfull Churches) go? This far. Note the comments and those who knew he was a false teacher. Please note that Christianity Today presents itself as a Christian magazine but they are also operatives for Rome. The Jesuits always run both sides. Both sides of an argument, both sides of a war, both sides in order to confuse people. They are MASTERS OF DECEIT.

Bill Gothard Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment Investigation Gleanings ChristianityToday.com

Gothard, 79, has never been married. His ministry has weathered moral and financial controversies, as well as scrutiny over his teachings, in the past.

His seminars, which explain "how Biblical principles of life will result in harmonious relationships in all areas of life," have been popular among many conservative Christian families. More than 2.5 million people have gone through one of Gothard'sBasic Seminars, which began as a course at Wheaton College—his alma mater—shortly after he graduated in 1961.

Now, a whistle-blowing website—Recovering Grace—has collected testimonies from 34 women accusing the Christian leader of sexual harassment, as well as one case of abuse.
Note that Christianity today (should be called Catholicism today) calls Gothard a "Christian". Gothard claims to be a former Catholic. This is one of the ways these Catholic Jesuits infiltrate the Protestant Churches - they claim to be former Catholics - in reality - they are agents of Rome sent to destroy the reputation of Jesus Christ and His Followers - they are infiltrating to destroy Protestant Churches. We need to be aware that not everyone who claims to be a Christian is in fact a Christian. Some have been sent to destroy the Body of Christ. (by the Whore of Rome) We need to vigilant to expose false teachers and warn others to have no part of them.
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Now for the connection to the Duggars and Catholicism and their endorsement of Rick Santorum - who also endorses Quiverfull and is a part of that false church / movement.

I feel very sorry for the Duggar family - they were deceived because they did not hold fast to the Scriptures concerning Catholicism.

It is written:

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Yet our founding fathers warned us about Catholicism and the Jesuits. They warned us about electing them into office yet here we see this couple endorsing a Roman Catholic! Rick Santorum! How sad! How very, very sad!

For a full understanding of just how knowledgable our founding fathers were about the dangers of Roman Catholicism and the Jesuits look at a free download of "Washington in the Lap of Rome" by Fulton. It will explain to you that much of what America is suffering now is due to our failure to heed their warning.

They have not only infiltrated Congress, the Senate, the White House, they have infiltrated the Christian Churches of America and destroyed them from within! Oh people of God! Please wake up!
Full text of Washington in the lap of Rome

"WASHINGTON in the Lap of Rome" has been
written to call the attention of the American
people to the great trust which has been betrayed,
and to the great work which devolves upon them.
It uncovers facts which will bring the blush of
shame to the cheek of the real Republican and
fill his soul with indignation. Fifteen thousand
department clerks are under the surveillance of
Rome. If it be not true, as is charged, that a
private wire runs from the White House, in
Washington, to the Cardinal s Palace, in Baltimore,
and that every important question touching the
interests of Romanism in America is placed before
his eye, before it becomes a public act, it is true
that the Cardinal is a factor in politics. Romanism
is the dominant power in the Capitol of the United
States. Lincoln, Grant, and Arthur withstood
it, and suffered the consequences. The power is
unseen. It is shadowy. It inhabits the air and
infects it. Romanism is the malaria of the spiritual
world. It stupefies the brain, deadens the heart,
and sears the conscience as with a hot iron.
It comes, as did the tempter, with gifts in its
hands, of rule, of power, and of wealth, to all

How did the Vatican manage to spy on Americans and our government? Through the use of their confessionals and Jesuits they sent to infiltrate and educate the future generations who would become teachers, politicians, leaders in our community. According to ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera every single confession is turned in by the priest to Rome for the Jesuit General - the Black Pope to record and collect and use as he wishes. The power of the Vatican resides with the Jesuit General - the Black Pope. Now they have a Jesuit in the office of White Pope as well. These are very dark times indeed. It is time for the people of God to wake up! It is time for the church to wake up and realize the enemy is inside the gate!
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