Quote for the day

We hate to have some people give us advice because we know how badly they need it themselves.
~Author Unknown​
“Common sense is the most widely shared commodity in the world, for every man is convinced that he is well supplied with it.”
― René Descartes
“ Every man is born to one possession which out-values all his others-his last breath. ” — Mark Twain
There are many humorous things in the world; among them, the white man’s notion that he less savage than the other savages - Mark Twain
“Women have ‘outstanding verbal agility, the ability to connect deeply in friendship, a nearly psychic capacity to read faces and tone of voice for emotions and states of mind, the ability to defuse conflict. All of this is hardwired into the brains of women’” -Louann Brizendine

From Dee Dee Myers book, Why Women Should Rule the World p.81

Essays... And Then Some!: Women have superior leadership traits

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