Quote of the day, particularly pertinent to the alt-left and millennials on this board


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Been re-reading some Milton Friedman lately and listening to some of his old speeches. This particular quote was too perfect for me to let pass by without sharing.

From his speech "The Rise of Socialism is Absurd"

"It's a funny thing. After the fall of communism, everyone in the world agreed that socialism was a failure. Everyone in the world, more or less, agreed that capitalism was a success. And every capitalist country in the world apparently deduced from that, that what the West needed was more socialism".

Damn we need a man of his stature today to educate these neo-communists who are fighting tooth and nail to destroy the American Dream. Trump may not be a Friedman, but with his economic team and some like Rand Paul within the GOP ranks, he just might be able to bring more freedom to the markets the likes of which we haven't seen in a century.

All while being FORCED to balance this with fairness in trade with China, Mexico and Canada, among others. This particular challenge one that Friedman may not have foreseen, since in his heyday any nation that was communist was clearly viewed as an enemy. Now some just pretend they aren't...

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