R-W Morons like o compe shooting in Chicago with Oregon's

We should sue the manufacturer of your computer for the stupid shit that emits from it daily.

Actually I AM going to sue the manufacturer of my KEYBOARD for that botched thread's title. Thanks for the reminder.

Just like a liberal, sue someone over their own mistake

Just like a Conservative to stand in judgement over others.

This is an excellent opportunity to tell you to go fuck yourself, little data-miner.

I am going to take advantage of that opportunity since you, like virtually all RWNJs, have no respect for human life. Those innocents who died mean nothing to you. I bet if they had been your relatives, you would be whistling a different form of Dixie, ****.
Good thing you're not president.

Yea, a president who will ban guns so secret service can't have them and neither can all the wealthy campaign donors. You are so full of shit.

Some people are so ignorant that they do not understand the difference between dangerous people who would harm or kill others and innocent people who simply want to protect themselves and their families from the dangerous people. Instead of understanding that people can be good, bad or just insane, the left blames the easy target- guns. It's about people who have no respect for life. Many murderers are sociopaths or psychopaths and have no ability to feel emotions or value any life other than their own. I don't want to be a victim should one of them break into my home. I'm sure you libs think innocent people should just let the criminals do as they wish.

How many innocent people die at the hands of criminals each year? Most are killed with knives or people's bare hands, yet you blame guns for the violence instead of the violent people. How many law abiding people would die because they would no longer have a way to defend themselves? Criminals would continue to have guns forever and would love nothing more than an unarmed society. All evil wants an unarmed and helpless population.

That makes you and your ilk the morons.
Well Clementine,in Australia we don't have Guns,except Sporting Shooters,Farmers and a few others.......we know Crims get them illegally but we have very few shootings......I agree with most of what you say,but still don't believe allowing everyone the Gun is positive......I get tired of hearing Americans say inparticular after a Mass Killing.."This is TERRIBLE"...then a week later forget all about it...Until it happens again......Most people are not responsible enough to carry a Gun,and the heartbreak and people affected that ensues, it is just awful.

Unarmed people are not helpless in a Non-Gun Culture but they are definitely helpless(Armed or Unarmed) in an open Gun Culture...as we all see in America.Gun Culture is MORONIC and the majority of people who adhere to it.......That is my Opinion.....Clementine I pray nothing happens to you and your family....You are a Proud American and I Respect YOU for that,but I just wish you all never had Guns.You are a good person

I will add that many American friends say, that "It is safer carrying a Gun,than not" maybe you could answer me that? because they never can.

Clementine,I could well be a MORON as you say,but I can't agree......I wish You and your Family well. Best Regards Steven

That's a lovely story.

In the USA we have this document - It's called the "Bill of Rights".


The second amendment ensures we have the right to keep and bear arms and that right will not be infringed. PERIOD.
Hi Zander,that is my point,the 2nd Amendment was laid down under different circumstances in a totally different Epoch,not at all relevant today.steven
So, since the 1st amendment was written before the second - thus making it older, we can scrap that one also?
Just let me know well in advance of when the fourth amendment expires. It is then that I will restore the 2nd
Hortysir........ I am only referring to the 2nd,...............any others are no problem,not that I really know what they are ,maybe you could post them here,It would be appreciated and I could go through them..steven.
Sorry, Scooter....you don't get to pick and choose which rights are out of date and which ones aren't.
They are referred to as"rights" because they are intrinsic.
We elect our leaders to protect these rights. They have no power to take them away, since they're not the ones that gave them to us
Of course those who have been told (probably by Sean Hannity) to harp on comparing the shootings in Chicago with those in Oregon are unequivocal MORONS.

There are MAJOR differences:

In Chicago, gangs and thugs kill one another over turf, vengeance and drug deals.....As bad as that may be, the shooters and victims know exactly what their perilous lives entail.

In Oregon, innocent bystanders are killed for no other reason than to satisfy the sick psychosis of a nihilist.

If you care enough for your loved one to NOT be gunned down in a mall, a cinema, in a college campus or even in an elementary school, then the gun-lobbyists MUST be stopped...I do not believe that its just the NRA since they are beholden to the real culprits...and those are the gun manufacturers.

Morons be moronic.

See post #2.
We should sue the manufacturer of your computer for the stupid shit that emits from it daily.

Actually I AM going to sue the manufacturer of my KEYBOARD for that botched thread's title. Thanks for the reminder.

Just like a liberal, sue someone over their own mistake

Just like a Conservative to stand in judgement over others.

This is an excellent opportunity to tell you to go fuck yourself, little data-miner.

I am going to take advantage of that opportunity since you, like virtually all RWNJs, have no respect for human life. Those innocents who died mean nothing to you. I bet if they had been your relatives, you would be whistling a different form of Dixie, ****.
More stupidity from the peanut gallery. You seem to have an endless supply.

How does taking a gun away from a law abiding citizen make you any safer? Think beyond your pecker. It will be difficult at first but the longest journey begins with but a single step.
natbrain, You are the moron. You make it sound like it's just part of the normal routine for drug dealers, gangs and thugs to kill each other and anyone else who crosses their path. You failed to mention the countless innocents murdered by all those thugs. I think it's quite pertinent that most murders by shooting take place in cities with stricter gun control or where guns are banned. The one guard at the college was unarmed. What the hell good is an unarmed guard? Without a way to actually stop a dangerous person, that just makes them a bystander. Of course, a helpless guard is the left's number one choice when it comes to safety. Only Hillary, Obama and other elites are allowed guns for protection.

The mass shootings have all happened in gun-free zones. We should rename them gun-fire zones because they are the locations of choice for the maniacs of the world. The left is slow to catch on sometimes and still love it when any place declares itself wide open for any psychopath who wants to kill people. And if the maniacs had no guns, they would make bombs or set fire to buildings. Only thing that might deter them is knowing they could be killed before they are able to carry out their plan. Funny how that works. They go to schools because they know the liberals have ensured that there will be no danger for them when they strike. It's the same reason the guy chose that particular Colorado theater. He knew he'd only get away with it in a theater than banned guns and he figured that most people actually respect laws.

The laws will only tie the hands of the honest citizens. The left doesn't like to talk about all the home invaders shot and killed by homeowners who refused to be victims. The left drools when there is an accidental shooting or when another insane person heads to a gun-free zone to do some killing. For you guys to act like these shootings are reason to restrict guns shows how little you understand about the problem. The vast majority of the population will not harm anyone unless it's in self-defense. The left would never suggest that Obama's secret service give up their guns and Hillary wouldn't dream of having unarmed bodyguards accompanying her. Those of you who demand gun control and blame the gun makers or sellers are so damn ignorant. Most murders are committed with knives or a person's hands.

Why can't liberals understand that it's the individual that kills and it's their own mindset that is responsible for their actions?

Witnesses on the Oregon college campus said that the shooter asked which religion people followed. Those that answered 'Christian' were shot in the head and the others shot in the legs. The guy is a sicko. Funny that some libs are freaking out and worrying that there will be a shooting at a mosque. I bet they are armed to the teeth at those places. Is there even an ounce of concern for Christians?

Obama was a little too excited about the shooting and is not hiding the fact that he thinks it should be politicized. Would have been nice to express sympathy for the families and the victims, but he couldn't wait to use the tragedy to his advantage.
All Gun Toting Americans are COMPLETE MORONS, say NO to GUNS......If your founding Fathers had realised what MORONS YOU TURNED OUT TO BE,NO WAY WOULD THEY HAVE GIVEN YOU THE GUN,NO WAY EVER.

What is interesting is how you talk about other GUN TOTING CRETINS,CONSIDERING YOU ARE ONE YOURSELF. Enough SAID
I'll turn all my guns in one minute after you get them out of the hands of criminals.

Until then STFU
As your president,today I BAN all GUNS....they have to be handed in within one month.........non compliance......You will be SHOT WITH YOUR OWN GUN........
natbrain, You are the moron. You make it sound like it's just part of the normal routine for drug dealers, gangs and thugs to kill each other and anyone else who crosses their path. You failed to mention the countless innocents murdered by all those thugs. I think it's quite pertinent that most murders by shooting take place in cities with stricter gun control or where guns are banned. The one guard at the college was unarmed. What the hell good is an unarmed guard? Without a way to actually stop a dangerous person, that just makes them a bystander. Of course, a helpless guard is the left's number one choice when it comes to safety. Only Hillary, Obama and other elites are allowed guns for protection.

The mass shootings have all happened in gun-free zones. We should rename them gun-fire zones because they are the locations of choice for the maniacs of the world. The left is slow to catch on sometimes and still love it when any place declares itself wide open for any psychopath who wants to kill people. And if the maniacs had no guns, they would make bombs or set fire to buildings. Only thing that might deter them is knowing they could be killed before they are able to carry out their plan. Funny how that works. They go to schools because they know the liberals have ensured that there will be no danger for them when they strike. It's the same reason the guy chose that particular Colorado theater. He knew he'd only get away with it in a theater than banned guns and he figured that most people actually respect laws.

The laws will only tie the hands of the honest citizens. The left doesn't like to talk about all the home invaders shot and killed by homeowners who refused to be victims. The left drools when there is an accidental shooting or when another insane person heads to a gun-free zone to do some killing. For you guys to act like these shootings are reason to restrict guns shows how little you understand about the problem. The vast majority of the population will not harm anyone unless it's in self-defense. The left would never suggest that Obama's secret service give up their guns and Hillary wouldn't dream of having unarmed bodyguards accompanying her. Those of you who demand gun control and blame the gun makers or sellers are so damn ignorant. Most murders are committed with knives or a person's hands.

Why can't liberals understand that it's the individual that kills and it's their own mindset that is responsible for their actions?

Witnesses on the Oregon college campus said that the shooter asked which religion people followed. Those that answered 'Christian' were shot in the head and the others shot in the legs. The guy is a sicko. Funny that some libs are freaking out and worrying that there will be a shooting at a mosque. I bet they are armed to the teeth at those places. Is there even an ounce of concern for Christians?

Obama was a little too excited about the shooting and is not hiding the fact that he thinks it should be politicized. Would have been nice to express sympathy for the families and the victims, but he couldn't wait to use the tragedy to his advantage.
All Gun Toting Americans are COMPLETE MORONS, say NO to GUNS......If your founding Fathers had realised what MORONS YOU TURNED OUT TO BE,NO WAY WOULD THEY HAVE GIVEN YOU THE GUN,NO WAY EVER.

What is interesting is how you talk about other GUN TOTING CRETINS,CONSIDERING YOU ARE ONE YOURSELF. Enough SAID
I'll turn all my guns in one minute after you get them out of the hands of criminals.

Until then STFU
As your president,today I BAN all GUNS....they have to be handed in within one month.........non compliance......You will be SHOT WITH YOUR OWN GUN........

another inbred island dweller trying to tell us how we need to do things in america...

probably never even been to america..

I do business in...... America,been their dozens of times,likewise the rest of the world.......I meet white TRASH like you all the time although I try to avoid them like the plague,they are.

Austustralians are one of the most multicultural nations on earth..So much for Inbred,your
White Trash,Cretin........NO GUNS
natbrain, You are the moron. You make it sound like it's just part of the normal routine for drug dealers, gangs and thugs to kill each other and anyone else who crosses their path. You failed to mention the countless innocents murdered by all those thugs. I think it's quite pertinent that most murders by shooting take place in cities with stricter gun control or where guns are banned. The one guard at the college was unarmed. What the hell good is an unarmed guard? Without a way to actually stop a dangerous person, that just makes them a bystander. Of course, a helpless guard is the left's number one choice when it comes to safety. Only Hillary, Obama and other elites are allowed guns for protection.

The mass shootings have all happened in gun-free zones. We should rename them gun-fire zones because they are the locations of choice for the maniacs of the world. The left is slow to catch on sometimes and still love it when any place declares itself wide open for any psychopath who wants to kill people. And if the maniacs had no guns, they would make bombs or set fire to buildings. Only thing that might deter them is knowing they could be killed before they are able to carry out their plan. Funny how that works. They go to schools because they know the liberals have ensured that there will be no danger for them when they strike. It's the same reason the guy chose that particular Colorado theater. He knew he'd only get away with it in a theater than banned guns and he figured that most people actually respect laws.

The laws will only tie the hands of the honest citizens. The left doesn't like to talk about all the home invaders shot and killed by homeowners who refused to be victims. The left drools when there is an accidental shooting or when another insane person heads to a gun-free zone to do some killing. For you guys to act like these shootings are reason to restrict guns shows how little you understand about the problem. The vast majority of the population will not harm anyone unless it's in self-defense. The left would never suggest that Obama's secret service give up their guns and Hillary wouldn't dream of having unarmed bodyguards accompanying her. Those of you who demand gun control and blame the gun makers or sellers are so damn ignorant. Most murders are committed with knives or a person's hands.

Why can't liberals understand that it's the individual that kills and it's their own mindset that is responsible for their actions?

Witnesses on the Oregon college campus said that the shooter asked which religion people followed. Those that answered 'Christian' were shot in the head and the others shot in the legs. The guy is a sicko. Funny that some libs are freaking out and worrying that there will be a shooting at a mosque. I bet they are armed to the teeth at those places. Is there even an ounce of concern for Christians?

Obama was a little too excited about the shooting and is not hiding the fact that he thinks it should be politicized. Would have been nice to express sympathy for the families and the victims, but he couldn't wait to use the tragedy to his advantage.
All Gun Toting Americans are COMPLETE MORONS, say NO to GUNS......If your founding Fathers had realised what MORONS YOU TURNED OUT TO BE,NO WAY WOULD THEY HAVE GIVEN YOU THE GUN,NO WAY EVER.

What is interesting is how you talk about other GUN TOTING CRETINS,CONSIDERING YOU ARE ONE YOURSELF. Enough SAID
I'll turn all my guns in one minute after you get them out of the hands of criminals.

Until then STFU
As your president,today I BAN all GUNS....they have to be handed in within one month.........non compliance......You will be SHOT WITH YOUR OWN GUN........

another inbred island dweller trying to tell us how we need to do things in america...

probably never even been to america..

I do business in...... America,been their dozens of times,likewise the rest of the world.......I meet white TRASH like you all the time although I try to avoid them like the plague,they are.

Austustralians are one of the most multicultural nations on earth..So much for Inbred,your
White Trash,Cretin........NO GUNS
Note the lack of denial to being an inbred
All Gun Toting Americans are COMPLETE MORONS, say NO to GUNS......If your founding Fathers had realised what MORONS YOU TURNED OUT TO BE,NO WAY WOULD THEY HAVE GIVEN YOU THE GUN,NO WAY EVER.

What is interesting is how you talk about other GUN TOTING CRETINS,CONSIDERING YOU ARE ONE YOURSELF. Enough SAID
I'll turn all my guns in one minute after you get them out of the hands of criminals.

Until then STFU
As your president,today I BAN all GUNS....they have to be handed in within one month.........non compliance......You will be SHOT WITH YOUR OWN GUN........

another inbred island dweller trying to tell us how we need to do things in america...

probably never even been to america..

I do business in...... America,been their dozens of times,likewise the rest of the world.......I meet white TRASH like you all the time although I try to avoid them like the plague,they are.

Austustralians are one of the most multicultural nations on earth..So much for Inbred,your
White Trash,Cretin........NO GUNS
Note the lack of denial to being an inbred
No need for a DENIAL because your Insane mouthings do not apply to us but America certainly,and you are a Prime Example.
I do business in...... America,been their dozens of times,likewise the rest of the world.......I meet white TRASH like you all the time although I try to avoid them like the plague,they are.

Wow. You must be a recluse then.
Hardly.......But what I do see in the US is a lot of people living below the poverty line........what do/have you done with all the money???????over the years.....nothing for Americans but I suppose giving Israel 67 TRILLION of Tax-payers TRILLIONS is OK to you guys....Charity begins at home.
In truth no one cares about inner-city black thugs offing each other. This is decidedly different.
And soon, no one (except for those directly affected) will care about school and theater and mall shootings. They are becoming common and that's what makes us not care.

Pretty soon...we'll have a fantasy mass shooting league.

We can turn anything into a game.
I do business in...... America,been their dozens of times,likewise the rest of the world.......I meet white TRASH like you all the time although I try to avoid them like the plague,they are.

Wow. You must be a recluse then.
Hardly.......But what I do see in the US is a lot of people living below the poverty line........what do/have you done with all the money???????over the years.....nothing for Americans but I suppose giving Israel 67 TRILLION of Tax-payers TRILLIONS is OK to you guys....Charity begins at home.

The US does not give TRILLIONS to anyone. You are deeply misinformed.

Since it was founded in 1948, Israel has become the largest single recipient of U.S foreign assistance — a total of $121 billion, almost all of which has been in the form of military assistance.​
U.S. foreign aid to Israel: 2014 congressional report - Journalist's Resource
I do business in...... America,been their dozens of times,likewise the rest of the world.......I meet white TRASH like you all the time although I try to avoid them like the plague,they are.

Wow. You must be a recluse then.
Hardly.......But what I do see in the US is a lot of people living below the poverty line........what do/have you done with all the money???????over the years.....nothing for Americans but I suppose giving Israel 67 TRILLION of Tax-payers TRILLIONS is OK to you guys....Charity begins at home.

The US does not give TRILLIONS to anyone. You are deeply misinformed.

Since it was founded in 1948, Israel has become the largest single recipient of U.S foreign assistance — a total of $121 billion, almost all of which has been in the form of military assistance.​
U.S. foreign aid to Israel: 2014 congressional report - Journalist's Resource

trillions..LMAO..he's funny! they just make up any number out of thin air and pretend it's "data"...comical...
I do business in...... America,been their dozens of times,likewise the rest of the world.......I meet white TRASH like you all the time although I try to avoid them like the plague,they are.

Wow. You must be a recluse then.
Hardly.......But what I do see in the US is a lot of people living below the poverty line........what do/have you done with all the money???????over the years.....nothing for Americans but I suppose giving Israel 67 TRILLION of Tax-payers TRILLIONS is OK to you guys....Charity begins at home.

The US does not give TRILLIONS to anyone. You are deeply misinformed.

Since it was founded in 1948, Israel has become the largest single recipient of U.S foreign assistance — a total of $121 billion, almost all of which has been in the form of military assistance.​
U.S. foreign aid to Israel: 2014 congressional report - Journalist's Resource
Sorry you are wrong
I do business in...... America,been their dozens of times,likewise the rest of the world.......I meet white TRASH like you all the time although I try to avoid them like the plague,they are.

Wow. You must be a recluse then.
Hardly.......But what I do see in the US is a lot of people living below the poverty line........what do/have you done with all the money???????over the years.....nothing for Americans but I suppose giving Israel 67 TRILLION of Tax-payers TRILLIONS is OK to you guys....Charity begins at home.

The US does not give TRILLIONS to anyone. You are deeply misinformed.

Since it was founded in 1948, Israel has become the largest single recipient of U.S foreign assistance — a total of $121 billion, almost all of which has been in the form of military assistance.​
U.S. foreign aid to Israel: 2014 congressional report - Journalist's Resource
Take also into account the Federal Reserve owned by Jews,also the Jewish Banks money given during the bailout,Arms Aid,Financial Aid ETC.,ETC,.your figures are crap.$121 Billion.....what a load of Crap

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