R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

FYI, I don't hate Obama. I only detest his very existence. Anyone who can't see through the slimy snake oil salesman deserves to be be fooled, cheated and swindled. A course in Psychology 101 could help leftards a little bit. Not very much but a little bit.

Wouldn't you be happier burning a cross on someone's (someone dark skinned preferably) lawn than to demonstrate your stupidity on this forum?
Not one person in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. NOT ONE, even those here illegally. There was no healthcare crisis. ACA was nothing but a way for the govt to take over 1/6 of the economy.

Moron.......You know who made out like bandits from the ACA??? The private sector insurers, the AMA, the big pharamas and the hospital owners.

Yes, they did, and you and I are paying for it. Why do you consider that a good thing?
FYI, I don't hate Obama. I only detest his very existence. Anyone who can't see through the slimy snake oil salesman deserves to be be fooled, cheated and swindled. A course in Psychology 101 could help leftards a little bit. Not very much but a little bit.

Wouldn't you be happier burning a cross on someone's (someone dark skinned preferably) lawn than to demonstrate your stupidity on this forum?
You, my friend, are a mindless maggot. You wallow in racism and blame it on others. Seek help at once.

Obviously that sign does NOT apply here on an anonymous board!

And yet you libs keep trying.
What Libs? I consider myself a REAL conservative who stands up for the president of the USA no matter what race he/she is? You haters have frequently shown more favoritism for the Russian leader, Putin! Why is that?
Libs or real conservatives don't do that!

You're a leftwinger, in other words.

That is what YOUR kind calls me but I see myself as an American who thinks for himself. I don't follow the ritual political fads that manifests as sheer propaganda on radio and television talkshows.

That is what anyone who can read a dictionary calls you. You don't get to make up your own definitions for the words you use.
You think that white Mrs. Hillary will get a nicer reception if she wins?

Probably not.Those waters have yet to be tested since no woman has ever been elected president. Now , however, Obama is president and we know how the RW white male Taliban has expressed their seething hatred of him.

Obama is NOT black, he is half white. No one dislikes him for his bi racial parentage, he is disliked for his far left, socialist, hate-America ideology.

Racists always give mixed race a break for being half white

Racists like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Whoopi, Jackson-Lee? Sorry dude, but your side owns the racists
What does that have todo with half blacks being considered black in our society ?
ACA was nothing but a way for the govt to take over 1/6 of the economy.

Make up your mind (if that were ever possible)...You state that "government has taken over 1/6 of the economy"...If you had a few more brain cells you'd know that if that were so, that would be the start of a single-payer system.....Are you sending your health care premiums to DC or to some private health insurer?
Not one person in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. NOT ONE, even those here illegally. There was no healthcare crisis. ACA was nothing but a way for the govt to take over 1/6 of the economy.

Moron.......You know who made out like bandits from the ACA??? The private sector insurers, the AMA, the big pharamas and the hospital owners.

So then why do you support it?
The hatred we rightly show for Obama is peanuts compared to the hatred the left will show to any GOP President in 2016-2020

Look what they show towards a WOMAN Governor running for the office of Vice President. that was some of the vilest I have yet see come from them. We had to put up Madeline Halfbright, and that murderer Janet Reno in higher positions. but they way the Treated Sarah Palin. it was downright digusting, low and vile
Not one person in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. NOT ONE, even those here illegally. There was no healthcare crisis. ACA was nothing but a way for the govt to take over 1/6 of the economy.

Moron.......You know who made out like bandits from the ACA??? The private sector insurers, the AMA, the big pharamas and the hospital owners.

So then why do you support it?
LOL, Checkmate. :clap2:
The hatred we rightly show for Obama is peanuts compared to the hatred the left will show to any GOP President in 2016-2020

Look what they show towards a WOMAN Governor running for the office of Vice President. that was some of the vilest I have yet see come from them. We had to put up Madeline Halfbright, and that murderer Janet Reno in higher positions. but they way the Treated Sarah Palin. it was downright digusting, low and vile

Personally I don't think Sarah Palin got treated any better or any worse than usual, after all she chose to run for office and knew full well what a cesspool our politics have become. What was absolutely despicable was the way some members of the "media" attacked her family, especially her children, those folks should really be ashamed of themselves (but of course they're not).
You think that white Mrs. Hillary will get a nicer reception if she wins?

Probably not.Those waters have yet to be tested since no woman has ever been elected president. Now , however, Obama is president and we know how the RW white male Taliban has expressed their seething hatred of him.

Obama is NOT black, he is half white. No one dislikes him for his bi racial parentage, he is disliked for his far left, socialist, hate-America ideology.
I don't think you can quantify that! The private sector has done quite well under Obama. His PPACA has given millions of White people health care who could not afford it before. Look around at who dislikes Obama. It is mostly RW WHITE MALES and the women who love them. Rebel flag wavers, White CC members, and other supremacists are right at home in your party.

Not one person in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. NOT ONE, even those here illegally. There was no healthcare crisis. ACA was nothing but a way for the govt to take over 1/6 of the economy.
Obama's mother was denied SOMETHING and died under the old system, thus was born his determination to reform it; which he did.
There is one aspect of right wingers' proclivities (were they allowed to do so) that match the Founders':

while the fathers of our nation were writing our Constitution and fighting for our liberty, they did, in fact, have hundreds of human beings that were listed in their account books as personal property and worked for them as slaves. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Patrick Henry were all slave-owners.


Obviously that sign does NOT apply here on an anonymous board!

And yet you libs keep trying.
What Libs? I consider myself a REAL conservative who stands up for the president of the USA no matter what race he/she is? You haters have frequently shown more favoritism for the Russian leader, Putin! Why is that?
Libs or real conservatives don't do that!

Putin is a man and a leader who puts his country first. Obama is a pussy who is determined to destroy the USA. That is the difference.

Putin is a KGB thug, but we are talking about which of them is a real leader, Putin wins hands down.

But don't get excited, this is not saying that putin is a good person, a humanitarian, or anything else, but he is a leader.
Yours is exactly the kind of vitriol that is dividing this country, not the president.
Wise men see that president Obama has outsmarted Putin. Obama chooses to preserve out resources and the lives of our fighting men and women. Even Trump agrees to let Russia do their part... it exhausts further the resources of their already faltering economy. Win won for the USA.

You RW war eagles don't seem to care about the lives of our soldiers. But youor hypocrisy doesn't stop there... you fret and rave about spending. By not engaging in every conflict that pops up,Obama is stabilizing our booming economy even more. Do not be so naive as to say that a man who controls the most powerful armed forces in the solar system is a "pussy" just because he uses his mind instead of his fists. He doesn;'t have to get out there and fight, OTHERS DO. I find his attitude remarkable.

Obama is following the advice of Teddy Roosevelt,: " Speak softly and carry a big stick!"
So then why do you support it?

Well, because unlike you and your ilk, I am a humanitarian who cares for the millions of fellow citizens who had NO health insurance or who were too sick for any insurer to provide care.

Good enough reason?
The hatred we rightly show for Obama is peanuts compared to the hatred the left will show to any GOP President in 2016-2020

Look what they show towards a WOMAN Governor running for the office of Vice President. that was some of the vilest I have yet see come from them. We had to put up Madeline Halfbright, and that murderer Janet Reno in higher positions. but they way the Treated Sarah Palin. it was downright digusting, low and vile

Personally I don't think Sarah Palin got treated any better or any worse than usual, after all she chose to run for office and knew full well what a cesspool our politics have become. What was absolutely despicable was the way some members of the "media" attacked her family, especially her children, those folks should really be ashamed of themselves (but of course they're not).

No woman Democrat has been treated like that since I've been following politics. but that's the LEFT today, just look at Obama telling people to get in peoples faces, you don't bring a knife to a gun fight etc etc. so that is where they are in this day age. it's sickening

He was ordered to shoot beanbags at the armed gang of drug thieves they found in the desert. The firearm was legally sold in Arizona. Because of lax gun laws, and even though the ATF had surveillance on the buyers, the AZ DA's refused to press charges. The laws haven't changed of course so the practice continues I'm sure. Has nothing to do with the White House.
Are you denying the fact that they were white Christian males?

What a stupid question....(as expected)...Sure, they were white and males, BUT they specifically wanted to keep Christianity to be separate from governance. You're more stupid than usual.

The issue here is what non-white non-Christian immigrants have done to make this nation great. So far, none of you leftwing turds have been able to list anything.

Well, The Chinese invented gunpowder, which was used to wrest all this great land from the Indians. It also enabled colonialism and imperialism; both of which contributed to the "greatness" of the USA.

I asked what non-white non-Christian immigrants have done to make this nation great. Gun powder was invented in China by citizens of China.
Heck, I suppose the Chinese brought fireworks with them...How dull would the 4th of July be without that? heh heh heh!

Dr, Ben Carson revolutionized neurosurgery.

Vivian Thomas surgically solved the blue baby"syndrome even though he was not a doctor...( he lived at a time when people like you were everywhere so he never went to med school even though he trained many medical students in the process he pioneered.

People of all races fought in our major wars...can you give those who were non white some credit for helping to make and KEEP America great?

George Washington Carver - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Henrietta Lacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The cells from Henrietta's tumor were given to researcher George Gey, who "discovered that [Henrietta's] cells did something they'd never seen before: They could be kept alive and grow."[15] Before this, cells cultured from other cells would only survive for a few days. Scientists spent more time trying to keep the cells alive than performing actual research on the cells, but some cells from Lacks's tumor sample behaved differently from others. George Gey was able to isolate one specific cell, multiply it, and start a cell line. Gey named the sample HeLa, after the initial letters of Henrietta Lacks' name. As the first human cells grown in a lab that were "immortal" (they do not die after a few cell divisions), they could be used for conducting many experiments. This represented an enormous boon to medical and biological research.
Obviously that sign does NOT apply here on an anonymous board!

And yet you libs keep trying.
What Libs? I consider myself a REAL conservative who stands up for the president of the USA no matter what race he/she is? You haters have frequently shown more favoritism for the Russian leader, Putin! Why is that?
Libs or real conservatives don't do that!

You're a leftwinger, in other words.

That is what YOUR kind calls me but I see myself as an American who thinks for himself. I don't follow the ritual political fads that manifests as sheer propaganda on radio and television talkshows.

That is what anyone who can read a dictionary calls you. You don't get to make up your own definitions for the words you use.
And YOU don't get to define ME with your one dimensional interpretations of what you think you read in a dictionary.

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