R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

Obama's mother was denied SOMETHING and died under the old system, thus was born his determination to reform it; which he did

:bsflag: what exactly was this "something"?? AND.., he had his Hawaiian grandmother silenced, she knew too much truth, his Kenyan Grandmother said he was born in Kenya.

you libertards lie so much you make rugs envious! :lmao:

LMAO. Obama born in Kenya. Cruz born in Canada.


Oh wait, I know. Obama won. twice.

And Cruz hasnt got a chance of winnin.

I see why you are upset.
Because Putin seems to be a leader who is pursuing the interests of his nation while Obama is more interested some pie in the sky Universalist nonsense.

One is worthy of some respect, the other is worthy of ridicule.

If one "respects" Putin.....then that same one should have "respected" Sadaam Hussein......otherwise that someone is a hypocrite.

Republican = Hypocrite. All the time, every time.
Because Putin seems to be a leader who is pursuing the interests of his nation while Obama is more interested some pie in the sky Universalist nonsense.

One is worthy of some respect, the other is worthy of ridicule.

If one "respects" Putin.....then that same one should have "respected" Sadaam Hussein......otherwise that someone is a hypocrite.

I'm finding it hard to believe that you are serious.

But be welcome to explain WTF you are talking about.
But at least hatred is now more issue oriented. During the first few years it seemed a good number of RW'ers feelings were hurt because of his mixed race.

The rabid hatred of Obama by right wing losers continues even when this president approaches his last year of his two-term tenure.

There is plenty of criticism of Obama's policies by progressive democrats, but the hatred expressed by some (not all) right wingers on here is not only fanatical, but I would contend that such hatred is rooted in latent racism.
Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
Once you understand this about liberalism, it is easy to see the reason why they do what they do.
1. When liberal lose an argument, the only thing left for them to do is call US, racists.
2. At one time people had respect for themselves and their neighbors and people lived pretty well off. With liberalism it is all about control, and making people miserable.
3. Obama has been whining since he took office that he inherited a mess left to him by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Maxine Waters who created the housing market collapse.
4. The 1st two years of Obama's failed administration, he, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid could of made minimum wage 25 dollars or more, increased welfare, taxed the shit out of the rich, but instead all they did was make ACA, because Jonathan Gruber knew "The Liberal Voter was stupid".
Obamacare: Voters, are you stupid? - CNN.com
Obamacare: Liberal Voters, are you stupid? Yes you are!
You left wing liberal radical nutjobs, are so angry because your messiah of ultimate liberalism has failed to move America to the point where Communist Russia would be center right, and now that the Republitards will have the Presidency, House and Senate, your dreams of total government control is going to slip away from 2 or more generatioins. I see you had many other liberal posters agreeing with you, but most of America(Legal US Citizens) hate you and Obama, not because of the color of his skin, but of his ineptitude of leading this country.
ESPN host: Black people should vote for GOP - CNN Video
ESPN host: Black people should vote for GOP
Even a box of rocks has more intelligence than a liberal.

My point that you specifically and liberals in general have moved away from the belief in Inherent RIghts stands.

While Conservatives have NOT.

Thus our "claim" to the Founders is valid, while yours is not.

So, having a good majority of the Founders being slave owners "supports" your contention that these founders were ALL for "inherent [human] rights"????........Lets look at the example of how conservatives view the Voting Rights Act.

As the Founders were a small group of rebels fighting against the Largest Empire in the World, a reasonable observer would understand them kicking a divisive issue like that down the road a bit.

Which of course, leaves you libs out.

My point that you specifically and liberals in general have moved away from the belief in Inherent RIghts stands.


As the Founders were a small group of rebels fighting against the Largest Empire in the World, a reasonable observer would understand them kicking a divisive issue like that down the road a bit.

Which of course, leaves you libs out.

My point that you specifically and liberals in general have moved away from the belief in Inherent RIghts stands.
At one time, I was amazed at how liberals are so in the tank for government take over. Once I studied that Adolf Hitler, Socialist Democrat Workers Party - far right socialist -Fascism, and Joseph Stalin, United Soviet Socialist Republic - far left socialist -Communism, which ever way you lean from socialism, many people die.
Adolph Hitler - killed 6 million Jews.
Joseph Stalin - killed 11 million Ukrainians.
Mau Zedong - killed 22 million Chinese.
Obama - kills 33,000 born and unborn American babies a month. 33,000 x 12mo x 8yr = 3,168,000 American babies during his presidency.
Socialism kills people, just be thankful that it wasn't you.
Just imagine how much greater it would be if Obama hadn't had to pull the country out of the toilet!

The only country he pulled out of the toilet is Iran. shitstain.

You're too ignorant to recognize all the good Obama did for the middle-class (not just the 1% like Doofus Bush).....we're lucky we didn't go into a depression thanks to the Dumb and Dumber (Bush/Cheney) and their idiotic actions.....Turdo.
I was conversing with a lefty on another forum a while back. She actually said that republicans disliking Obama is about race and the elft disliking Carson was about his policies and lack of experience. YES REALLY
Sad thing is, she is a fairly smart individual. It is amazing how partisanship flat out destroys reality.

Yeah.....like it blinds people like you and the fools that think Palin is smart and Trump will make a good President.....bwahahaha!
I was conversing with a lefty on another forum a while back. She actually said that republicans disliking Obama is about race and the elft disliking Carson was about his policies and lack of experience. YES REALLY
Sad thing is, she is a fairly smart individual. It is amazing how partisanship flat out destroys reality.

Yeah.....like it blinds people like you and the fools that think Palin is smart and Trump will make a good President.....bwahahaha!
Palin is a dumbfuck.
Try again?
The rabid hatred of Obama by right wing losers continues even when this president approaches his last year of his two-term tenure.

There is plenty of criticism of Obama's policies by progressive democrats, but the hatred expressed by some (not all) right wingers on here is not only fanatical, but I would contend that such hatred is rooted in latent racism.
Roughly the same level of hatred that the Left had of Bush.

That's where the "(Name) Derangement Syndrome" meme began.

Both sides are absolutely convinced they're justified.

We all know this, right?
Democrats supported Bush economic policies in his last year allowing him to get TARP , auto bailouts and bank bailouts

Republicans would not do the same for Obama voting unanimously against
Obama has gotten about everything he wanted in the past seven years.

Not with any help from the Obtuse right-wing.......why he's considered a good President as opposed to Doofus Bush. And, lets not forget, the Republicans are trying to undo everything he did......especially Obamacare......how many repeals have the idiots turned in?

Republican/conservatives can live in a bubble.....the rest of the world recognizes reality.

Poll: Obama is better than Bush
I was conversing with a lefty on another forum a while back. She actually said that republicans disliking Obama is about race and the elft disliking Carson was about his policies and lack of experience. YES REALLY
Sad thing is, she is a fairly smart individual. It is amazing how partisanship flat out destroys reality.

Yeah.....like it blinds people like you and the fools that think Palin is smart and Trump will make a good President.....bwahahaha!
Palin is a dumbfuck.
Try again?

Of course she is.......so is trump try and convince your peers on this Forum and Republican base.......bwahahaha...
Just imagine how much greater it would be if Obama hadn't had to pull the country out of the toilet!

The only country he pulled out of the toilet is Iran. shitstain.

You're too ignorant to recognize all the good Obama did for the middle-class (not just the 1% like Doofus Bush).....we're lucky we didn't go into a depression thanks to the Dumb and Dumber (Bush/Cheney) and their idiotic actions.....Turdo.
Uh-huh, Thank god for Obama! since he managed to disabuse me of the belief that in George W. Bush we as a nation had reached the bottom of the Well of Incompetence, turns out it's FAR deeper than I thought.
Just imagine how much greater it would be if Obama hadn't had to pull the country out of the toilet!

The only country he pulled out of the toilet is Iran. shitstain.

You're too ignorant to recognize all the good Obama did for the middle-class (not just the 1% like Doofus Bush).....we're lucky we didn't go into a depression thanks to the Dumb and Dumber (Bush/Cheney) and their idiotic actions.....Turdo.
Uh-huh, Thank god for Obama! since he managed to disabuse me of the belief that in George W. Bush we as a nation had reached the bottom of the Well of Incompetence, turns out it's FAR deeper than I thought.

Yeah, say all the dumb folk.....with unemployment lower than ever, healthcare for everyone and the economy doing so much better than when Doofus was in charge....that bubble that Faux News watchers and Trump droolers live in is really strong...no facts ever penetrate it We can't fix stupid.

  • The economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average.
  • Real weekly earnings are up 1.7 percent, thanks in part to a plunge in gasoline prices.
  • Corporate profits have nearly tripled, and stock prices have soared.
  • On the other hand, the number of Americans receiving food stamps remains 45 percent higher than when the president first took office, and the rate of home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
  • The average premium for a benchmark “silver” health plan in the Obamacare marketplaces rose only 2 percent this year, and consumers had more plans from which to choose. But the tax penalty for going without insurance will double.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
Just imagine how much greater it would be if Obama hadn't had to pull the country out of the toilet!

The only country he pulled out of the toilet is Iran. shitstain.

You're too ignorant to recognize all the good Obama did for the middle-class (not just the 1% like Doofus Bush).....we're lucky we didn't go into a depression thanks to the Dumb and Dumber (Bush/Cheney) and their idiotic actions.....Turdo.
Uh-huh, Thank god for Obama! since he managed to disabuse me of the belief that in George W. Bush we as a nation had reached the bottom of the Well of Incompetence, turns out it's FAR deeper than I thought.

Yeah, say all the dumb folk.....with unemployment lower than ever, healthcare for everyone and the economy doing so much better than when Doofus was in charge....that bubble that Faux News watchers and Trump droolers live in is really strong...no facts ever penetrate it We can't fix stupid.

    • The economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average.
    • Real weekly earnings are up 1.7 percent, thanks in part to a plunge in gasoline prices.
    • Corporate profits have nearly tripled, and stock prices have soared.
    • On the other hand, the number of Americans receiving food stamps remains 45 percent higher than when the president first took office, and the rate of home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
    • The average premium for a benchmark “silver” health plan in the Obamacare marketplaces rose only 2 percent this year, and consumers had more plans from which to choose. But the tax penalty for going without insurance will double.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
Yayyyy the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer!
Such standards you have!
Just imagine how much greater it would be if Obama hadn't had to pull the country out of the toilet!

The only country he pulled out of the toilet is Iran. shitstain.

You're too ignorant to recognize all the good Obama did for the middle-class (not just the 1% like Doofus Bush).....we're lucky we didn't go into a depression thanks to the Dumb and Dumber (Bush/Cheney) and their idiotic actions.....Turdo.
These excerpts from the hearings show the "willful blindness" and corruption that went into the Democrats continual support for these two criminal enterprises, and the efforts made by the Republicans to clean up what everyone knew was coming . . .
Morons, idiots, and retards have more intelligence than the smartest liberal. And to think 47% of Americans fall into that low information category. When liberals screw up, they MUST accuse others of doing the wrong, as sociopaths are never wrong. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
When you understand how a liberal thinks, then it is easy to see why they do what they do. How else can they RUIN the lives of others and not shed a tear.

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