R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

The rabid hatred of Obama by right wing losers continues even when this president approaches his last year of his two-term tenure.

There is plenty of criticism of Obama's policies by progressive democrats, but the hatred expressed by some (not all) right wingers on here is not only fanatical, but I would contend that such hatred is rooted in latent racism.
Roughly the same level of hatred that the Left had of Bush.

That's where the "(Name) Derangement Syndrome" meme began.

Both sides are absolutely convinced they're justified.

We all know this, right?
Democrats supported Bush economic policies in his last year allowing him to get TARP , auto bailouts and bank bailouts

Republicans would not do the same for Obama voting unanimously against
Obama has gotten about everything he wanted in the past seven years.

Not with any help from the Obtuse right-wing.......why he's considered a good President as opposed to Doofus Bush. And, lets not forget, the Republicans are trying to undo everything he did......especially Obamacare......how many repeals have the idiots turned in?

Republican/conservatives can live in a bubble.....the rest of the world recognizes reality.

Poll: Obama is better than Bush
Liberal think tank? See picture below.

Just imagine how much greater it would be if Obama hadn't had to pull the country out of the toilet!

The only country he pulled out of the toilet is Iran. shitstain.

You're too ignorant to recognize all the good Obama did for the middle-class (not just the 1% like Doofus Bush).....we're lucky we didn't go into a depression thanks to the Dumb and Dumber (Bush/Cheney) and their idiotic actions.....Turdo.
Uh-huh, Thank god for Obama! since he managed to disabuse me of the belief that in George W. Bush we as a nation had reached the bottom of the Well of Incompetence, turns out it's FAR deeper than I thought.

Yeah, say all the dumb folk.....with unemployment lower than ever, healthcare for everyone and the economy doing so much better than when Doofus was in charge....that bubble that Faux News watchers and Trump droolers live in is really strong...no facts ever penetrate it We can't fix stupid.

    • The economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average.
    • Real weekly earnings are up 1.7 percent, thanks in part to a plunge in gasoline prices.
    • Corporate profits have nearly tripled, and stock prices have soared.
    • On the other hand, the number of Americans receiving food stamps remains 45 percent higher than when the president first took office, and the rate of home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
    • The average premium for a benchmark “silver” health plan in the Obamacare marketplaces rose only 2 percent this year, and consumers had more plans from which to choose. But the tax penalty for going without insurance will double.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
The economy is recovering the economy is recovering the economy is recovering, there it was said 3 times, so it must be true. Yet since the DOW reached over 18k last year, we have been going into a death spiral with the DOW down over 2000 points with another 300 dip today. Walmart is closing 161 of its smaller stores, Macys and other retail chains also following, yet you dumbass liberals(redundant statement) just keep on harping the liberal rainbow house koolaid talking points. Maybe if you got your heads out of your asses, go to the inner cities of NYC, Baltimore and Chicago, and interview those residents on how well Obama's economic policies have done for them, maybe you would find out REALITY. Until then keep on smelling the shit that is where your head is tucked up in. I repeat the picture once again.

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Yeah, say all the dumb folk.....with unemployment lower than ever, healthcare for everyone and the economy doing so much better than when Doofus was in charge....that bubble that Faux News watchers and Trump droolers live in is really strong...no facts ever penetrate it We can't fix stupid.
LOL, I guess you didn't get the memo; you're supposed to sprinkle that hyper-partisan fairy dust not snort it. That shit should come with a warning label and a child proof cap.
The 1st two years of Obama's failed administration, he, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid could of made minimum wage 25 dollars or more, increased welfare, taxed the shit out of the rich, but instead all they did was make ACA, because Jonathan Gruber knew "The Liberal Voter was stupid".

Right wing morons....like you.....should understand that the democratic party does NOT follow in lock-step as do the republicans. We have diversity of opinions, values and approaches to problems; whereas most (not all) republicans turn to Rush or Sean or the NRA to see what they should do.
The 1st two years of Obama's failed administration, he, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid could of made minimum wage 25 dollars or more, increased welfare, taxed the shit out of the rich, but instead all they did was make ACA, because Jonathan Gruber knew "The Liberal Voter was stupid".

Right wing morons....like you.....should understand that the democratic party does NOT follow in lock-step as do the republicans. We have diversity of opinions, values and approaches to problems; whereas most (not all) republicans turn to Rush or Sean or the NRA to see what they should do.
Would you mind showing some articles about your diversity of opinions, values(lack of for sure) and approaches to problems? I mean pretty hard to do any of that when your head is shoved up your asses.

The 1st two years of Obama's failed administration, he, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid could of made minimum wage 25 dollars or more, increased welfare, taxed the shit out of the rich, but instead all they did was make ACA, because Jonathan Gruber knew "The Liberal Voter was stupid".

Right wing morons....like you.....should understand that the democratic party does NOT follow in lock-step as do the republicans. We have diversity of opinions, values and approaches to problems; whereas most (not all) republicans turn to Rush or Sean or the NRA to see what they should do.
Carter says ‘navigation error’ – not mechanical problem – put US boats in Iranian waters | Fox News
Secretary of Defense
Carter says ‘navigation error’ – not mechanical problem – put US boats in Iranian waters
2 Small US Navy Boats Held by Iran, US Official Says
It's believed that at least one of the boats had mechanical problems and that both of the boats may have drifted into the Iranian waters, a U.S. official said. The craft were supposed to have been refueled by another U.S. Navy ship in the Gulf so that they could complete their journey from Kuwait to Bahrain, the U.S. official said, but they never made it to the refueling craft.
White House to Susan Rice: Blame the Video for Benghazi Attack - Breitbart
Blame the video, not the president’s foreign policy. That was the White House’s advice to Susan Rice as she prepared to appear on Sunday morning talk shows after the terrorist attack in Benghazi.
Clinton Told Chelsea Truth, Lied to American People on Benghazi
Clinton Told Chelsea Truth, Lied to American People on Benghazi
Called Benghazi an attack by terror group
Once again, VALUES ? Oh my god, I am rolling on the floor laughing my ass off on that one. The only values you libs believe in are IMMORAL ones. Why else do you use the Rules for Radicals as your bible. Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
laughing your ass off commercial - Bing video
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So then why do you support it?

Well, because unlike you and your ilk, I am a humanitarian who cares for the millions of fellow citizens who had NO health insurance or who were too sick for any insurer to provide care.

Good enough reason?
And they thought you were checkmated...HA!
No he isn't. He's not a humanitarian. He's a thug who compels others to pay for his causes. If he was truly a humanitarian he would use his own time and money to help people. Furthermore, Obamacare harms fare more people than it helps. Obamacare is a disaster that is a net loss for the American people. That's why they hate it.
Nothing like the hatred shown to Bush.

Not true!!! Bush was criticized for his moronic war-mongering, the 9-11 catastrophe and neglect of middle class families.......the hatred of Obama started the minute he was sworn into office.
Yeah because we could see the cluster fuck coming from day one . You "progressive" morons just thought it was a black man's "turn ".
...otherwise Obama would not have won twice...
Obama won the first time, because, as the Magic Negro, he ran against McSame, and nobody wanted a third Bush term.

Hopey-Changey... Hopey-Changey... Hopey-Changey... Hopey-Changey

Obama won the second time, because he looked marginally more attractive than Mister Forty-Seven Percent; Mittens.

The Pubs were stupid enough to put-up hacks like McSame in 2008 and Mittens in 2012, and they paid the price for it.

Fun time's over, kiddies.
The way I see it is that Obama won both times because he was the best person for the job. The reason McCain and Mitt ran was THEY were stupid. The rest of the republican field knew better. After Bush, smart repubs knew they wouldn't stand a chance for generations.
Not one person in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. NOT ONE, even those here illegally. There was no healthcare crisis. ACA was nothing but a way for the govt to take over 1/6 of the economy.
Obama's mother was denied SOMETHING and died under the old system, thus was born his determination to reform it; which he did.

That's Obama bullshit.

Obama’s Untrue Anecdote

President Obama's much-told story about his mother's fight to get cancer coverage was untrue, according to a recently published book. And the White House isn't disputing the author's account.

The New York Times reports that Janny Scott, in her biography, “A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother,” writes that Stanley Ann Dunham's health insurance provider did, in fact, cover most of the medical expenses related to her uterine and ovarian cancer.

New York Times, July 13: In her book, published in May by Riverhead Books, Ms. Scott writes that Mr. Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, had an employer-provided health insurance policy that paid her hospital bills directly, leaving her "to pay only the deductible and any uncovered expenses, which, she said, came to several hundred dollars a month."

Obama, during the 2008 presidential campaign and the many months before he signed the health care law last year, often spoke of his mother's complications as a reason to overhaul the nation's health care system, saying that she nearly was denied health insurance coverage due to the fact that her illness was considered a preexisting condition. For example, when Obama was asked at an AARP tele-town hall two years ago if insurers would be required to cover people with preexisting conditions under his health care proposal, he replied:

Obama, July 28, 2009: The answer is yes. And so let me talk just a little bit about the kind of insurance reform that we're proposing as part of the broader reform package.

Number one, if you've got a preexisting condition, insurance companies will still have to insure you. This is something very personal for me. My mother, when she contracted cancer, the insurance companies started suggesting that, well, maybe this was a preexisting condition; maybe you could have diagnosed it before you actually purchased your insurance. Ultimately, they gave in, but she had to spend weeks fighting with insurance companies while she's in the hospital bed, writing letters back and forth just to get coverage for insurance that she had already paid premiums on. And that happens all across the country. We are going to put a stop to that. That's point number one.
But according to the Times, Scott writes that Dunham's dispute wasn't over health insurance coverage at all, but rather over a disability insurance policy. Such disability policies aren't covered by the new health care law for which Obama was arguing.

New York Times, July 13: The Cigna disability policy, according to Ms. Scott, allowed the company to deny a claim if a patient had seen a doctor about the condition that caused the disability in the three months before employment. During that period, Ms. Dunham visited a New York gynecologist. When Cigna obtained the doctor’s notes, it learned that she had formed a working hypothesis that Ms. Dunham might have uterine cancer, Ms. Scott wrote.

The doctor ordered up a series of tests, and Ms. Dunham submitted to most of them. “None of these tests indicated that I had cancer,” Ms. Dunham wrote to Cigna, according to the book.

After several months, Cigna denied the claim.

Scott, who calls Obama's version of what happened "abbreviated" in her book, told the paper that she found no evidence that Dunham encountered similar challenges from Dunham's actual health insurance provider.
Nicholas Papas, a White House spokesman, did not challenge Scott's account, which was based on actual letters Dunham had written to CIGNA, according to the Times. “We have not reviewed the letters or other material on which the author bases her account,” he told the paper. “The president has told this story based on his recollection of events that took place more than 15 years ago.”

— D'Angelo Gore
You know what? I don't give a damn what Scott says or the motive Obama had behind it. I am glad he got rid of that" pre existing conditions' bull shit and I am not alone by far. Trump sealed HIS fate when he announced he would appeal Obamacare.... that probably lost him the national election.

Wrong, turd, that will win him the election. Left wing turds like you are suffering from the delusion that America likes Obamacare. It doesn't. It despises Obamacare.
Saggy butt, A few Old RW conservative males and their groupies don't represent the general consensus otherwise Obama would not have
won twice. Until you flakes learn to deal with that you will remain out of touch with the majority of voters. Changing demographics favor the democrats and it only gets worst for you in the near future.
Every poll taken has shown that a majority of the public would like to see Obamacare repealed. Obama got reelected despite that fact. Republicans won two huge landslides in 2010 and 2014 precisely because of the opposition to Obamacare.

You're an idiot in denial.

Obamacare is doomed.
You're a leftwinger, in other words.

That is what YOUR kind calls me but I see myself as an American who thinks for himself. I don't follow the ritual political fads that manifests as sheer propaganda on radio and television talkshows.

That is what anyone who can read a dictionary calls you. You don't get to make up your own definitions for the words you use.
And YOU don't get to define ME with your one dimensional interpretations of what you think you read in a dictionary.

I didn't define you. English is what defines you. When you hate capitalism, you're a leftist, and you obviously hate capitalism.
what is so obvious that make you believe that lie? I don't hate capitalism and neither does Obama. As noted earlier, the business sector has been blessed since by Obama took office with astounding success. Pay attention, please.

It's obvious you hate capitalism. For one thing, you don't even know what it is. Obama subsidizing business by pumping trillions of dollars into the economy with Quantitative Easing is not capitalism. It's crony capitalism.
The rabid hatred of Obama by right wing losers continues even when this president approaches his last year of his two-term tenure.

There is plenty of criticism of Obama's policies by progressive democrats, but the hatred expressed by some (not all) right wingers on here is not only fanatical, but I would contend that such hatred is rooted in latent racism.

Would it be appropriate if The Right Wing showed the exact level of respect and decorum that the Left showed Bush? The Left is always about holding the other side to standards. Well, here's an opportunity.
There is one aspect of right wingers' proclivities (were they allowed to do so) that match the Founders':

while the fathers of our nation were writing our Constitution and fighting for our liberty, they did, in fact, have hundreds of human beings that were listed in their account books as personal property and worked for them as slaves. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Patrick Henry were all slave-owners.


Obviously that sign does NOT apply here on an anonymous board!

And yet you libs keep trying.
What Libs? I consider myself a REAL conservative who stands up for the president of the USA no matter what race he/she is? You haters have frequently shown more favoritism for the Russian leader, Putin! Why is that?
Libs or real conservatives don't do that!

If you consider yourself a "real conservative" then you are delusional.

Because Putin seems to be a leader who is pursuing the interests of his nation while Obama is more interested some pie in the sky Universalist nonsense.

One is worthy of some respect, the other is worthy of ridicule.
When you realize that incorrigible bigots, bonding under the guise of "conservatism",'who are intolerant of other religions, races and the plight of the poor, you might finally see the truth about your ilk. I doubt that would change your sense of belonging to that group, but you might be a little hesitant to call yourself a conservative.

I suspected all along that RW "conservatism" was contrived; and, underneath the skin, you secretly embraced Nazism and yes, communism, as long as racial homogeneity
was maintained. Now, I see my suspicions were justified. Putin, is the leader you respect even though he has done NOTHING for America. You hate Obama because he is Black and had the audacity to seek and become the President of the United States. Thank God for the wisdom of the voting public who chose the right man for the job... otherwise the country would have been bankrupted and overextended in conflicts in which we had no business. After 7 years our country still leads the rest of the world economically and in just about everything else. How does Putin's Russia stack up against us? Hmmm, I think I would prefer Obama to Putin any day.
Because Putin seems to be a leader who is pursuing the interests of his nation while Obama is more interested some pie in the sky Universalist nonsense.

One is worthy of some respect, the other is worthy of ridicule.

Moronic.....Comparing the government system of Russia and how Putin despotically makes decisions, to how Obama has to function in a democratic system, is simply stupid. Anyone who praises or "respects" Putin's style is just showing his/her hatred of Obama and a yet another chance to "ridicule" him.

I was clear about what I respected and it was not Putin's style, or how he makes decisions.

I was also clear about what I disrespect about Obama and it was not how he functions in a democratic system.

Some one asked a question. I answered it seriously and honestly.

YOur response had nothing to do with anything I said.

You are welcome to try again.

Pootin' is pursuing the interest of his nation? If so, he'd better take off his rose colored glasses so he can see Obama better.
Obama's economy is one that Pootin' can only dream about.
I suspected all along that RW "conservatism" was contrived; and, underneath the skin, you secretly embraced Nazism and yes, communism, as long as racial homogeneity
was maintained. Now, I see my suspicions were justified. Putin, is the leader you respect even though he has done NOTHING for America. You hate Obama because he is Black and had the audacity to seek and become the President of the United States. Thank God for the wisdom of the voting public who chose the right man for the job... otherwise the country would have been bankrupted and overextended in conflicts in which we had no business. After 7 years our country still leads the rest of the world economically and in just about everything else. How does Putin's Russia stack up against us? Hmmm, I think I would prefer Obama to Putin any day.

Yikes!... I told them idiots in Washington that administering street drugs to monkeys in the name of research was a BAD idea, did they listen? NOOOO... now just look at what they've done to this poor creature.
Why would Putin do anything for America? He is a leader. A better leader for the Russians than obama is for Americans. But then Putin doesn't hate Russians. obama absolutely hates American.
Obama's mother was denied SOMETHING and died under the old system, thus was born his determination to reform it; which he did

:bsflag: what exactly was this "something"?? AND.., he had his Hawaiian grandmother silenced, she knew too much truth, his Kenyan Grandmother said he was born in Kenya.

you libertards lie so much you make rugs envious! :lmao:
Look it up... google does wonders for retarded minds.
I suspected all along that RW "conservatism" was contrived; and, underneath the skin, you secretly embraced Nazism and yes, communism, as long as racial homogeneity
was maintained. Now, I see my suspicions were justified. Putin, is the leader you respect even though he has done NOTHING for America. You hate Obama because he is Black and had the audacity to seek and become the President of the United States. Thank God for the wisdom of the voting public who chose the right man for the job... otherwise the country would have been bankrupted and overextended in conflicts in which we had no business. After 7 years our country still leads the rest of the world economically and in just about everything else. How does Putin's Russia stack up against us? Hmmm, I think I would prefer Obama to Putin any day.

Yikes!... I told them idiots in Washington that administering street drugs to monkeys in the name of research was a BAD idea, did they listen? NOOOO... now just look at what they've done to this poor creature.
GOTCHA! You lose!..now all you can do is babble nonsense.

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