R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

I'll give it a shot:

Neither Saddam or Pootin' had a hostile Congressional element around their necks. Both Hussein and Putin had unrestricted power to make political and military decisions without input from anyone else. Like Trump, Hussein and Putin exemplify the definition of Megalomaniacs. Need more time to absorb this? Take your time, I'll be around to school you.

I recently reviewed some of Mussolini's speeches in the early 1930s....One would be amazed at the similarities of Il Duce's rhetoric to Trump's own.

Mussolini actually used the phrase, "I will make Italy great again", and wanted to round up all the Gypsies and ship them back to the Baltics.
well first, it would be nice if the president would say he was negligent and ignored the four americans in Benghazi but he hasn't. That makes him trash

You're "right"......He should have followed GWB's example in apologizing for being "negligent and ignoring" all the warnings before 9-11.

So, you're correct....My bad.
everything that went wrong during obama's stint in office has all been placed on bush, so you are universes away from factual communications here bubba joe.

Again, you're "correct"........Obama should have taken the entire blame for the $2 Trillion spent on the wars, the caskets coming home, the torture chambers, the half million jobs lost per month in 2008, etc. After all, a real "leader" should protect his predecessor, don't you agree?
Just imagine how much greater it would be if Obama hadn't had to pull the country out of the toilet!

The only country he pulled out of the toilet is Iran. shitstain.

You're too ignorant to recognize all the good Obama did for the middle-class (not just the 1% like Doofus Bush).....we're lucky we didn't go into a depression thanks to the Dumb and Dumber (Bush/Cheney) and their idiotic actions.....Turdo.
Uh-huh, Thank god for Obama! since he managed to disabuse me of the belief that in George W. Bush we as a nation had reached the bottom of the Well of Incompetence, turns out it's FAR deeper than I thought.

Yeah, say all the dumb folk.....with unemployment lower than ever, healthcare for everyone and the economy doing so much better than when Doofus was in charge....that bubble that Faux News watchers and Trump droolers live in is really strong...no facts ever penetrate it We can't fix stupid.

    • The economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average.
    • Real weekly earnings are up 1.7 percent, thanks in part to a plunge in gasoline prices.
    • Corporate profits have nearly tripled, and stock prices have soared.
    • On the other hand, the number of Americans receiving food stamps remains 45 percent higher than when the president first took office, and the rate of home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
    • The average premium for a benchmark “silver” health plan in the Obamacare marketplaces rose only 2 percent this year, and consumers had more plans from which to choose. But the tax penalty for going without insurance will double.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
Yayyyy the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer!
Such standards you have!

Thanks to the conservatives who hate welfare to the poor but embrace corporate welfare with open arms.
Morons, idiots, and retards have more intelligence than the smartest liberal.

Your very posts indicate you are one of the retards.....and retards always think they are smart....they don't have enough brain power to realize they are really stupid.
Your very posts indicate you are one of the retards.....and retards always think they are smart....they don't have enough brain power to realize they are really stupid.

A wise person once quipped: " Everyone is entitled to be sometimes stupid, but some abuse the privilege."
The only country he pulled out of the toilet is Iran. shitstain.

You're too ignorant to recognize all the good Obama did for the middle-class (not just the 1% like Doofus Bush).....we're lucky we didn't go into a depression thanks to the Dumb and Dumber (Bush/Cheney) and their idiotic actions.....Turdo.
Uh-huh, Thank god for Obama! since he managed to disabuse me of the belief that in George W. Bush we as a nation had reached the bottom of the Well of Incompetence, turns out it's FAR deeper than I thought.

Yeah, say all the dumb folk.....with unemployment lower than ever, healthcare for everyone and the economy doing so much better than when Doofus was in charge....that bubble that Faux News watchers and Trump droolers live in is really strong...no facts ever penetrate it We can't fix stupid.

    • The economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average.
    • Real weekly earnings are up 1.7 percent, thanks in part to a plunge in gasoline prices.
    • Corporate profits have nearly tripled, and stock prices have soared.
    • On the other hand, the number of Americans receiving food stamps remains 45 percent higher than when the president first took office, and the rate of home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
    • The average premium for a benchmark “silver” health plan in the Obamacare marketplaces rose only 2 percent this year, and consumers had more plans from which to choose. But the tax penalty for going without insurance will double.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
Yayyyy the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer!
Such standards you have!

Thanks to the conservatives who hate welfare to the poor but embrace corporate welfare with open arms.
Of course! Welfare for the poor is a loss. They generate nothing but shit. The poor have an obligation to at least try to move on. Corporations employ people, that employment generates services and goods. Corporations lead to prosperity. No one ever worked for a poor person.
That was supposed to be art and freedom of expression, right?

The "movie" was a foreign (NOT a US one)...Given your "sensitivities" we should have declared war on that country? (lol)

But we are supposed to import foreign muzzie savages to protect our freedom of religion?
Isn't that what freedom of religion is all about? If a muslim isn't free to follow his religion, rape women and behead infidels, are any of us truly free?
well first, it would be nice if the president would say he was negligent and ignored the four americans in Benghazi but he hasn't. That makes him trash

You're "right"......He should have followed GWB's example in apologizing for being "negligent and ignoring" all the warnings before 9-11.

So, you're correct....My bad.
and yet when warnings go off like bats out of hell there are all the left libturds stating that we on the right are racist.

So what it boils down to is I take them in progression, bush, I can't do anything about he's gone, obubba's still here and someone asked and I replied. trash.
Your very posts indicate you are one of the retards.....and retards always think they are smart....they don't have enough brain power to realize they are really stupid.

A wise person once quipped: " Everyone is entitled to be sometimes stupid, but some abuse the privilege."
so drop your stupid off on the corner.
Of course! Welfare for the poor is a loss. They generate nothing but shit. The poor have an obligation to at least try to move on. Corporations employ people, that employment generates services and goods. Corporations lead to prosperity. No one ever worked for a poor person.

Ahhh, I see that you've been reading and quoting from Mein Kampf.
That is what YOUR kind calls me but I see myself as an American who thinks for himself. I don't follow the ritual political fads that manifests as sheer propaganda on radio and television talkshows.

That is what anyone who can read a dictionary calls you. You don't get to make up your own definitions for the words you use.
And YOU don't get to define ME with your one dimensional interpretations of what you think you read in a dictionary.

I didn't define you. English is what defines you. When you hate capitalism, you're a leftist, and you obviously hate capitalism.
what is so obvious that make you believe that lie? I don't hate capitalism and neither does Obama. As noted earlier, the business sector has been blessed since by Obama took office with astounding success. Pay attention, please.

It's obvious you hate capitalism. For one thing, you don't even know what it is. Obama subsidizing business by pumping trillions of dollars into the economy with Quantitative Easing is not capitalism. It's crony capitalism.
You Dumbo. If i don't know what capitalism IS, how the hell canI hate it? :lol:
Stop using terms you don't understand. Keep It Simple Stupid MaybeYou'll Attain Some Success.
YOu are raving like a lunatic.

You ARE a lunatic. Shut up and let the more erudite posters absorb my words of wisdom...perhaps one might be so kind as to translate my scholarly narrative in simpler terms so you can understand it better.

I answered your question seriously and honestly. Do you have a reply that is coherent?

You don't have an honest bone in your decaying body. RW apologists have no honesty...never had and never will have it.

Reposting for you.

Because Putin seems to be a leader who is pursuing the interests of his nation while Obama is more interested some pie in the sky Universalist nonsense.

One is worthy of some respect, the other is worthy of ridicule.

Go back to the top of my post..start at the You ARE a lunatic and proceed from there...ok?
...otherwise Obama would not have won twice...
Obama won the first time, because, as the Magic Negro, he ran against McSame, and nobody wanted a third Bush term.

Hopey-Changey... Hopey-Changey... Hopey-Changey... Hopey-Changey

Obama won the second time, because he looked marginally more attractive than Mister Forty-Seven Percent; Mittens.

The Pubs were stupid enough to put-up hacks like McSame in 2008 and Mittens in 2012, and they paid the price for it.

Fun time's over, kiddies.
The way I see it is that Obama won both times because he was the best person for the job. The reason McCain and Mitt ran was THEY were stupid. The rest of the republican field knew better. After Bush, smart repubs knew they wouldn't stand a chance for generations.
Oh, I agree that Obumble was the best choice for the job, in both 2008 and 2009.

Then again, it wasn't exactly much of stretch, to be better than McSame or Mittens.

Much like a dreamy-eyed liar and whiner is usually preferable to a washed-up copycat, or the last scion of an old political family whose blood had thinned-out too far...
...otherwise Obama would not have won twice...
Obama won the first time, because, as the Magic Negro, he ran against McSame, and nobody wanted a third Bush term.

Hopey-Changey... Hopey-Changey... Hopey-Changey... Hopey-Changey

Obama won the second time, because he looked marginally more attractive than Mister Forty-Seven Percent; Mittens.

The Pubs were stupid enough to put-up hacks like McSame in 2008 and Mittens in 2012, and they paid the price for it.

Fun time's over, kiddies.
The way I see it is that Obama won both times because he was the best person for the job. The reason McCain and Mitt ran was THEY were stupid. The rest of the republican field knew better. After Bush, smart repubs knew they wouldn't stand a chance for generations.
Oh, I agree that Obumble was the best choice for the job, in both 2008 and 2009.

Then again, it wasn't exactly much of stretch, to be better than McSame or Mittens.

Much like a dreamy-eyed liar and whiner is usually preferable to a washed-up copycat, or the last scion of an old political family whose blood had thinned-out too far...
The field of candidates entailed more than just Obama and McCain in the beginning and more than Obama and Romney on the second election.

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