R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

Why would Putin do anything for America? He is a leader. A better leader for the Russians than obama is for Americans. But then Putin doesn't hate Russians. obama absolutely hates American.

Son, If Puddin' er..I mean Putin was a better leader than Obama,, why is his country in such dire straits? Even with an obstructionist COngress sitting on his back Obama has persevered and made America better than ever. what has Pootin' done but ride around on horseback without a shirt and get one of his pilots killed over Turkey, without any discernible response as of yet. Let an American plane get shot down by a recognizable enemy state and see what Obama does. Go on Make my day!
I suspected all along that RW "conservatism" was contrived; and, underneath the skin, you secretly embraced Nazism and yes, communism, as long as racial homogeneity
was maintained. Now, I see my suspicions were justified. Putin, is the leader you respect even though he has done NOTHING for America. You hate Obama because he is Black and had the audacity to seek and become the President of the United States. Thank God for the wisdom of the voting public who chose the right man for the job... otherwise the country would have been bankrupted and overextended in conflicts in which we had no business. After 7 years our country still leads the rest of the world economically and in just about everything else. How does Putin's Russia stack up against us? Hmmm, I think I would prefer Obama to Putin any day.

Yikes!... I told them idiots in Washington that administering street drugs to monkeys in the name of research was a BAD idea, did they listen? NOOOO... now just look at what they've done to this poor creature.
GOTCHA! You lose!..now all you can do is babble nonsense.
Uh-huh, apparently that last neuron just committed seppuku; on the bright side at least it managed to redeem it's honor. :)
You think that white Mrs. Hillary will get a nicer reception if she wins?

Probably not.Those waters have yet to be tested since no woman has ever been elected president. Now , however, Obama is president and we know how the RW white male Taliban has expressed their seething hatred of him.

You are lying.

YOu know the answer is NO. If she wins the situation will be the same. Her lib agenda will be seen by conservatives as bad for this nation and we will fight it as hard as we can.

Her being a woman is no new "test".

Her being a leftist is the same old same old, just like Obama and just like her Husband.

Stop your lying.
Because you are a buffoon I will ignore your vituperative allusions to my credibility. Thanks for theFreudian slip that unmasks your confidence that Hillary will be the next
president. That being said, I have expressed my honest viewpoint with "probably not" in answer to your supercilious query. Those two words cover a lot of ground and can be taken a myriad of ways. You chose to twist them into your own personal straw man. Have fun...but don't think people didn't notice.

Obviously that sign does NOT apply here on an anonymous board!

And yet you libs keep trying.
What Libs? I consider myself a REAL conservative who stands up for the president of the USA no matter what race he/she is? You haters have frequently shown more favoritism for the Russian leader, Putin! Why is that?
Libs or real conservatives don't do that!

If you consider yourself a "real conservative" then you are delusional.

Because Putin seems to be a leader who is pursuing the interests of his nation while Obama is more interested some pie in the sky Universalist nonsense.

One is worthy of some respect, the other is worthy of ridicule.
When you realize that incorrigible bigots, bonding under the guise of "conservatism",'who are intolerant of other religions, races and the plight of the poor, you might finally see the truth about your ilk. I doubt that would change your sense of belonging to that group, but you might be a little hesitant to call yourself a conservative.

I suspected all along that RW "conservatism" was contrived; and, underneath the skin, you secretly embraced Nazism and yes, communism, as long as racial homogeneity
was maintained. Now, I see my suspicions were justified. Putin, is the leader you respect even though he has done NOTHING for America. You hate Obama because he is Black and had the audacity to seek and become the President of the United States. Thank God for the wisdom of the voting public who chose the right man for the job... otherwise the country would have been bankrupted and overextended in conflicts in which we had no business. After 7 years our country still leads the rest of the world economically and in just about everything else. How does Putin's Russia stack up against us? Hmmm, I think I would prefer Obama to Putin any day.

If Conservatives hated Obama because he is Black, Ben Carson would have never had any support at all in his quest for the White House. The "Conservatives Don't like a Black Man in the White House" mantra is a fallacy.
If it wasnt for the incessant rw hatred spouted here, the board would be unrecognizable. Sad

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I suspected all along that RW "conservatism" was contrived; and, underneath the skin, you secretly embraced Nazism and yes, communism, as long as racial homogeneity
was maintained. Now, I see my suspicions were justified. Putin, is the leader you respect even though he has done NOTHING for America. You hate Obama because he is Black and had the audacity to seek and become the President of the United States. Thank God for the wisdom of the voting public who chose the right man for the job... otherwise the country would have been bankrupted and overextended in conflicts in which we had no business. After 7 years our country still leads the rest of the world economically and in just about everything else. How does Putin's Russia stack up against us? Hmmm, I think I would prefer Obama to Putin any day.

Yikes!... I told them idiots in Washington that administering street drugs to monkeys in the name of research was a BAD idea, did they listen? NOOOO... now just look at what they've done to this poor creature.
GOTCHA! You lose!..now all you can do is babble nonsense.
Uh-huh, apparently that last neuron just committed seppuku; on the bright side at least it managed to redeem it's honor. :)

My honor was never lost,it is YOUR'S that is need of redeeming after your scurrilous ad hominem.
Obviously that sign does NOT apply here on an anonymous board!

And yet you libs keep trying.
What Libs? I consider myself a REAL conservative who stands up for the president of the USA no matter what race he/she is? You haters have frequently shown more favoritism for the Russian leader, Putin! Why is that?
Libs or real conservatives don't do that!

If you consider yourself a "real conservative" then you are delusional.

Because Putin seems to be a leader who is pursuing the interests of his nation while Obama is more interested some pie in the sky Universalist nonsense.

One is worthy of some respect, the other is worthy of ridicule.
When you realize that incorrigible bigots, bonding under the guise of "conservatism",'who are intolerant of other religions, races and the plight of the poor, you might finally see the truth about your ilk. I doubt that would change your sense of belonging to that group, but you might be a little hesitant to call yourself a conservative.

I suspected all along that RW "conservatism" was contrived; and, underneath the skin, you secretly embraced Nazism and yes, communism, as long as racial homogeneity
was maintained. Now, I see my suspicions were justified. Putin, is the leader you respect even though he has done NOTHING for America. You hate Obama because he is Black and had the audacity to seek and become the President of the United States. Thank God for the wisdom of the voting public who chose the right man for the job... otherwise the country would have been bankrupted and overextended in conflicts in which we had no business. After 7 years our country still leads the rest of the world economically and in just about everything else. How does Putin's Russia stack up against us? Hmmm, I think I would prefer Obama to Putin any day.

If Conservatives hated Obama because he is Black, Ben Carson would have never had any support at all in his quest for the White House. The "Conservatives Don't like a Black Man in the White House" mantra is a fallacy.
Carson enjoyed some support because he was being used to draw some Obama voters to the GOP side. But that was so short lived it is almost comical to bring him up as a serious Republican nominee. It is no accident that the GOP is top heavy with RW White males. That is the last sanctuary for those who espouse the rigid racial hegemony of our fading past. Most all of the RW extremist hate groups are ensconced within the GOP. No Black Republican is going to get past that!
So, you just though that out there for what?

I will need my "moron-to-English" dictionary to decipher that sentence.

Still waiting for you to explain you Putin/Saddam comparison.
I'll give it a shot:

Neither Saddam or Pootin' had a hostile Congressional element around their necks. Both Hussein and Putin had unrestricted power to make political and military decisions without input from anyone else. Like Trump, Hussein and Putin exemplify the definition of Megalomaniacs. Need more time to absorb this? Take your time, I'll be around to school you.
The rabid hatred of Obama by right wing losers continues even when this president approaches his last year of his two-term tenure.

There is plenty of criticism of Obama's policies by progressive democrats, but the hatred expressed by some (not all) right wingers on here is not only fanatical, but I would contend that such hatred is rooted in latent racism.

The fuck there is,

Most leftists are mindless sycophants like you.
Son, If Puddin' er..I mean Putin was a better leader than Obama,, why is his country in such dire straits? Even with an obstructionist COngress sitting on his back Obama has persevered and made America better than ever. what has Pootin' done but ride around on horseback without a shirt and get one of his pilots killed over Turkey, without any discernible response as of yet. Let an American plane get shot down by a recognizable enemy state and see what Obama does. Go on Make my day!

Son, I took a shit this morning that is a better leader than Obama.

Fuck Putin, this isn't Russia, though Obama has done his best to recreate life under Stalin.
I'll give it a shot:

Neither Saddam or Pootin' had a hostile Congressional element around their necks. Both Hussein and Putin had unrestricted power to make political and military decisions without input from anyone else. Like Trump, Hussein and Putin exemplify the definition of Megalomaniacs. Need more time to absorb this? Take your time, I'll be around to school you.

Say Comrade Shitferbrains, didn't your little tin god have both houses for his first two years and a filibusterer proof Senate?

Hey, it's kewl, lying for your filthy party is the greater good, KOS and the other hate sites told you so,,,
Son, If Puddin' er..I mean Putin was a better leader than Obama,, why is his country in such dire straits? Even with an obstructionist COngress sitting on his back Obama has persevered and made America better than ever. what has Pootin' done but ride around on horseback without a shirt and get one of his pilots killed over Turkey, without any discernible response as of yet. Let an American plane get shot down by a recognizable enemy state and see what Obama does. Go on Make my day!

Son, I took a shit this morning that is a better leader than Obama.

That just means you are full of shit!

Fuck Putin, this isn't Russia, though Obama has done his best to recreate life under Stalin.

Tell that to the CEOS of Wall street. Record profits... Stalin would be furious.
The rabid hatred of Obama by right wing losers continues even when this president approaches his last year of his two-term tenure.

There is plenty of criticism of Obama's policies by progressive democrats, but the hatred expressed by some (not all) right wingers on here is not only fanatical, but I would contend that such hatred is rooted in latent racism.
well first, it would be nice if the president would say he was negligent and ignored the four americans in Benghazi but he hasn't. That makes him trash. And to top it off has never apologized for blaming some innocent video as the reason. Gutless, And again, anyone voting for Hillary after she ignored the four americans in benghazi are trash as well. and can kiss my ass.
Nothing like the hatred shown to Bush.

Not true!!! Bush was criticized for his moronic war-mongering, the 9-11 catastrophe and neglect of middle class families.......the hatred of Obama started the minute he was sworn into office.
everything that went wrong during obama's stint in office has all been placed on bush, so you are universes away from factual communications here bubba joe.
Nothing like the hatred shown to Bush.

Not true!!! Bush was criticized for his moronic war-mongering, the 9-11 catastrophe and neglect of middle class families.......the hatred of Obama started the minute he was sworn into office.
everything that went wrong during obama's stint in office has all been placed on bush, so you are universes away from factual communications here bubba joe.

And all of Obama's fuckups, of which there are many, will become the next president's if he has an (R) by his name, otherwise, it will still be Bush.

These people are nuts.

Obviously that sign does NOT apply here on an anonymous board!

And yet you libs keep trying.
What Libs? I consider myself a REAL conservative who stands up for the president of the USA no matter what race he/she is? You haters have frequently shown more favoritism for the Russian leader, Putin! Why is that?
Libs or real conservatives don't do that!

If you consider yourself a "real conservative" then you are delusional.

Because Putin seems to be a leader who is pursuing the interests of his nation while Obama is more interested some pie in the sky Universalist nonsense.

One is worthy of some respect, the other is worthy of ridicule.
When you realize that incorrigible bigots, bonding under the guise of "conservatism",'who are intolerant of other religions, races and the plight of the poor, you might finally see the truth about your ilk. I doubt that would change your sense of belonging to that group, but you might be a little hesitant to call yourself a conservative.

I suspected all along that RW "conservatism" was contrived; and, underneath the skin, you secretly embraced Nazism and yes, communism, as long as racial homogeneity
was maintained. Now, I see my suspicions were justified. Putin, is the leader you respect even though he has done NOTHING for America. You hate Obama because he is Black and had the audacity to seek and become the President of the United States. Thank God for the wisdom of the voting public who chose the right man for the job... otherwise the country would have been bankrupted and overextended in conflicts in which we had no business. After 7 years our country still leads the rest of the world economically and in just about everything else. How does Putin's Russia stack up against us? Hmmm, I think I would prefer Obama to Putin any day.

YOu are raving like a lunatic.

I answered your question seriously and honestly. Do you have a reply that is coherent?

Reposting for you.

Because Putin seems to be a leader who is pursuing the interests of his nation while Obama is more interested some pie in the sky Universalist nonsense.

One is worthy of some respect, the other is worthy of ridicule.
Would it be appropriate if The Right Wing showed the exact level of respect and decorum that the Left showed Bush? The Left is always about holding the other side to standards. Well, here's an opportunity.

Absolutely.......Most of us ridiculed Bush for being a patsy of Dick Cheney and invading the weakest of his infamous "axis of evil" (and failing) at the cost of $2+ Trillion and 4500 US casualties.

Whereas your ilk, call Obama a black, Kenyan Muslim socialist whose goal is to take away your guns, Bibles and destroy the white race.

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