R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

The only country he pulled out of the toilet is Iran. shitstain.

You're too ignorant to recognize all the good Obama did for the middle-class (not just the 1% like Doofus Bush).....we're lucky we didn't go into a depression thanks to the Dumb and Dumber (Bush/Cheney) and their idiotic actions.....Turdo.
Uh-huh, Thank god for Obama! since he managed to disabuse me of the belief that in George W. Bush we as a nation had reached the bottom of the Well of Incompetence, turns out it's FAR deeper than I thought.

Yeah, say all the dumb folk.....with unemployment lower than ever, healthcare for everyone and the economy doing so much better than when Doofus was in charge....that bubble that Faux News watchers and Trump droolers live in is really strong...no facts ever penetrate it We can't fix stupid.

    • The economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average.
    • Real weekly earnings are up 1.7 percent, thanks in part to a plunge in gasoline prices.
    • Corporate profits have nearly tripled, and stock prices have soared.
    • On the other hand, the number of Americans receiving food stamps remains 45 percent higher than when the president first took office, and the rate of home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
    • The average premium for a benchmark “silver” health plan in the Obamacare marketplaces rose only 2 percent this year, and consumers had more plans from which to choose. But the tax penalty for going without insurance will double.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
Yayyyy the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer!
Such standards you have!

Thanks to the conservatives who hate welfare to the poor but embrace corporate welfare with open arms.
You're too ignorant to recognize all the good Obama did for the middle-class (not just the 1% like Doofus Bush).....we're lucky we didn't go into a depression thanks to the Dumb and Dumber (Bush/Cheney) and their idiotic actions.....Turdo.
Uh-huh, Thank god for Obama! since he managed to disabuse me of the belief that in George W. Bush we as a nation had reached the bottom of the Well of Incompetence, turns out it's FAR deeper than I thought.

Yeah, say all the dumb folk.....with unemployment lower than ever, healthcare for everyone and the economy doing so much better than when Doofus was in charge....that bubble that Faux News watchers and Trump droolers live in is really strong...no facts ever penetrate it We can't fix stupid.

    • The economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average.
    • Real weekly earnings are up 1.7 percent, thanks in part to a plunge in gasoline prices.
    • Corporate profits have nearly tripled, and stock prices have soared.
    • On the other hand, the number of Americans receiving food stamps remains 45 percent higher than when the president first took office, and the rate of home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
    • The average premium for a benchmark “silver” health plan in the Obamacare marketplaces rose only 2 percent this year, and consumers had more plans from which to choose. But the tax penalty for going without insurance will double.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
Yayyyy the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer!
Such standards you have!

Thanks to the conservatives who hate welfare to the poor but embrace corporate welfare with open arms.
Of course! Welfare for the poor is a loss. They generate nothing but shit. The poor have an obligation to at least try to move on. Corporations employ people, that employment generates services and goods. Corporations lead to prosperity. No one ever worked for a poor person.
It's just more evidence, from that poster, that libturds love suppression.
Ya'll let me know if we need to dump a truckload of elephant shit into this cesspool...
Are you saying you are full of shit?
A gift for you few remaining ObamaBots, as you worship your Failed Messiah...


Back to the Kiddie Table with you... You're bothering the grown-ups...

If you can't stand the heat......
If you can't produce heat, the fire is out.
It's obvious you hate capitalism. For one thing, you don't even know what it is. Obama subsidizing business by pumping trillions of dollars into the economy with Quantitative Easing is not capitalism. It's crony capitalism.
You Dumbo. If i don't know what capitalism IS, how the hell canI hate it? :lol:
Stop using terms you don't understand. Keep It Simple Stupid MaybeYou'll Attain Some Success.

That's easy. Every dunce hates calculus, but they don't have a clue what it is. You hate whatever your despicable party tells you to hate.

So you hate calculus, dunce?

I knew that would go right over your head.
You wish! I don't have a party. Now what are you going say, you calculus hating dunce. :lol:
Sure you don't
Uh-huh, Thank god for Obama! since he managed to disabuse me of the belief that in George W. Bush we as a nation had reached the bottom of the Well of Incompetence, turns out it's FAR deeper than I thought.

Yeah, say all the dumb folk.....with unemployment lower than ever, healthcare for everyone and the economy doing so much better than when Doofus was in charge....that bubble that Faux News watchers and Trump droolers live in is really strong...no facts ever penetrate it We can't fix stupid.

    • The economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average.
    • Real weekly earnings are up 1.7 percent, thanks in part to a plunge in gasoline prices.
    • Corporate profits have nearly tripled, and stock prices have soared.
    • On the other hand, the number of Americans receiving food stamps remains 45 percent higher than when the president first took office, and the rate of home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
    • The average premium for a benchmark “silver” health plan in the Obamacare marketplaces rose only 2 percent this year, and consumers had more plans from which to choose. But the tax penalty for going without insurance will double.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
Yayyyy the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer!
Such standards you have!

Thanks to the conservatives who hate welfare to the poor but embrace corporate welfare with open arms.
Of course! Welfare for the poor is a loss. They generate nothing but shit. The poor have an obligation to at least try to move on. Corporations employ people, that employment generates services and goods. Corporations lead to prosperity. No one ever worked for a poor person.

Ahhh,,,,finally a rwnj that is willing to admit they hate the poor because the poor don't give them back anything? I guess it's fair to say you should drop the "Family Values" and "religious right" mantras - and adopt a new one.....like "greedy bastards". Keeping the poor from starving or turning to thieving helps the whole country stay above third world status....but the dumb can't figure that out. How much has the CEO's millions in bonuses helped you?
Only a libturd would hate someone trying to promote success rather than promote further failed libturd handouts to continue suppressing a fellow human. Stand proud you keep the poor poor. Congrats
So, because (former) President Ronald Reagan is dead the left no longer teaches their offspring to pray that he rots in Hell.

Yeah, right.

They don't.

Because they only "prey" - not "pray". They just teach those kiddies to despise, loathe and fervently wish that President Reagan's bones rot an a particularly painful way. See the difference?
What the fk did you say? In English
Back to the Kiddie Table with you... You're bothering the grown-ups...

If you can't stand the heat......
I find the idea that you perceive yourself to be providing 'heat', to be highly amusing...

Mirth is what he provides.
Coupled with the truth, that combination is dynamite.
Let us know when you finally find the truth. Cause you just proved the lie.
Moderation Message:

OK -- I've gotta ask --- do we NEED this thread open any more? Are y'all done making this
into a FZ thread? There WAS a topic here 40 or 50 pages back. I can't really find it.

Let's try this. I'll leave it open -- but if the topic isn't addressed, you'll get warned and the thread will be closed.
So -- don't be a hero and take a bullet to get it closed -- just do the right thing by the rules..
Are you saying you are full of shit?
A gift for you few remaining ObamaBots, as you worship your Failed Messiah...


Back to the Kiddie Table with you... You're bothering the grown-ups...

If you can't stand the heat......
If you can't produce heat, the fire is out.

The "heat' is evidenced by the fact it drives you right wing roaches out of the woodwork. The picture of a woman holding a bag under an elephant's ass while it shits is symbolic of just how misogynistic you bahs-turds are. THAT IS HEAT, son!
You Dumbo. If i don't know what capitalism IS, how the hell canI hate it? :lol:
Stop using terms you don't understand. Keep It Simple Stupid MaybeYou'll Attain Some Success.

That's easy. Every dunce hates calculus, but they don't have a clue what it is. You hate whatever your despicable party tells you to hate.

So you hate calculus, dunce?

I knew that would go right over your head.
You wish! I don't have a party. Now what are you going say, you calculus hating dunce. :lol:
Sure you don't
I have NO reason to lie about party affiliations. There are millions of Americans like me.. People like me are the very reason political power does not stagnate
and remain constantly in the hands of one party.
Back to the Kiddie Table with you... You're bothering the grown-ups...

If you can't stand the heat......
I find the idea that you perceive yourself to be providing 'heat', to be highly amusing...

Mirth is what he provides.
Coupled with the truth, that combination is dynamite.
Let us know when you finally find the truth. Cause you just proved the lie.
Based on what evidence, counselor?
The left bemoans the right's dislike of Big Ears, but the left hated W with a passion. Which made no sense, since the shrub was a big gov statist.
A gift for you few remaining ObamaBots, as you worship your Failed Messiah...


Back to the Kiddie Table with you... You're bothering the grown-ups...

If you can't stand the heat......
If you can't produce heat, the fire is out.

The "heat' is evidenced by the fact it drives you right wing roaches out of the woodwork. The picture of a woman holding a bag under an elephant's ass while it shits is symbolic of just how misogynistic you bahs-turds are. THAT IS HEAT, son!
Moderation Message:

OK -- I've gotta ask --- do we NEED this thread open any more? Are y'all done making this
into a FZ thread? There WAS a topic here 40 or 50 pages back. I can't really find it.

Let's try this. I'll leave it open -- but if the topic isn't addressed, you'll get warned and the thread will be closed.
So -- don't be a hero and take a bullet to get it closed -- just do the right thing by the rules..

So what is new? virtually every political thread on USMB becomes a FZ when Obama's name appears. What is so different about this one?

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