R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

Yup, the far right was making it about race and he called them out.
Do you have anything to say to address the op, or the point(s) i have been making, or are you just here to troll?
I addressed the OP by addressing the comment above. The race hatred for Obama continues and it always will.
Yup, Correll continues to lie. I told him the way it is, and guess what, that won't change. He gets what he dishes. It will always be that way.

The hatred of Obama, particularly since he kicked far right ass often and repeatedly, continues. Probably always will
or not!!

Hateful speech is just hateful and you sir are full of it.
Yup, the far right was making it about race and he called them out.
Do you have anything to say to address the op, or the point(s) i have been making, or are you just here to troll?
I addressed the OP by addressing the comment above. The race hatred for Obama continues and it always will.
the race hate is the reverse of what you wrote, but I don't lose sleep over it like you do with your fantasies. But enough evidence has been provided in this thread that trumps the OP. bye bye
Yup, the far right was making it about race and he called them out.
Do you have anything to say to address the op, or the point(s) i have been making, or are you just here to troll?
I addressed the OP by addressing the comment above. The race hatred for Obama continues and it always will.
Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
You don't even know what that means. :lol:
In November 2016...

1. Republicans will keep the House

2. Republicans will keep the Senate

3. Republicans may take the White House

If (3) materializes, Congress won't need a veto-proof majority, to dump the ACA....

Because there'll be no veto to impede such legislation...

Besides the fantasy of the above (check out, for example, how many seats will have to be defended by republicans in the senate).......There are over TEN MILLION people who have signed on to the ACA....take a guess as to how well repealing the ACA will go.
A little more gerrymandering to isolate more welfare queens and it's a done deal...
And as you indicate the 50 plus times they have done it. ignoring the midterm wins by the right. Those people did speak. Perhaps meeting a compromise rather than just veto.

You may (or perhaps, not) have heard the republican 2010 and 2014 mantra that the ACA would be repealed and REPLACED.......Did this last bill by the republicans REPLACE ANYTHING?
In November 2016...

1. Republicans will keep the House

2. Republicans will keep the Senate

3. Republicans may take the White House

If (3) materializes, Congress won't need a veto-proof majority, to dump the ACA....

Because there'll be no veto to impede such legislation...
If the Republicans do repeal the ACA, they had better have a damn good replacement for it. You forgot item .4
The voting public may have something to say about such inclinations to repeal Obamacare with their votes.
The populist urge to kick out the illegal beaners and to ban the dangerous rag-heads should overwhelm that...
Yup, the far right was making it about race and he called them out.
Do you have anything to say to address the op, or the point(s) i have been making, or are you just here to troll?
I addressed the OP by addressing the comment above. The race hatred for Obama continues and it always will.
Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
You don't even know what that means. :lol:

Everything you are doing in this thread is defined by one of the common logical fallacies.

And we both know what it means.
And you project your failure as a person and a group on this issue on your enemies. I will continue to call your lies out.
And you response does not actually address anything I said. As is normal. Oh, and Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominem Attack.
You can't disagree with any of my post because my points about the RIght's hatred of white Dems is undeniable. As is my points about the Left's hatred of republican Presidents.
You are a racialist and a failure on this issues, so no ad hom has taken place. I have been very kind in my comments about you and your beliefs. Yes, you are racialist, yes, you are far right, and yes, you are wrong.

I am not a racist. That is just something you libs say.

I am not a failure on the issues. You are the one afraid to honestly address me on the issues.

Would you like to answer jc456's question, Did you hate Bush in his last year?

Their hatred of Bush is like nothing we've seen in a while. He's been gone for 7 years and they're still blaming everything on Bush.
Who else can you blame for such monstrous failures during the Bush era? Those failures are still reverberating economically and politically to day.
Ae we supposed to ignore that fact?
Yes, act like he never existed. That's how self-proclaimed conservatives and neo-cons treat GWB.

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Yup, the far right was making it about race and he called them out.
Do you have anything to say to address the op, or the point(s) i have been making, or are you just here to troll?
I addressed the OP by addressing the comment above. The race hatred for Obama continues and it always will.
Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
You don't even know what that means. :lol:
Everything you are doing in this thread is defined by one of the common logical fallacies. And we both know what it means.
Study them, learn them, and write by them, and we will get along fine. I see: I told you could learn if you wanted to.
The populist urge to kick out the illegal beaners and to ban the dangerous rag-heads should overwhelm that...

....and then, some right wingers actually "accuse" democrats of being racists.....Go figure.
Do you have anything to say to address the op, or the point(s) i have been making, or are you just here to troll?
I addressed the OP by addressing the comment above. The race hatred for Obama continues and it always will.
Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
You don't even know what that means. :lol:
Everything you are doing in this thread is defined by one of the common logical fallacies. And we both know what it means.
Study them, learn them, and write by them, and we will get along fine. I see: I told you could learn if you wanted to.

Do you have anything to say to address the op, or the point(s) i have been making, or are you just here to troll?
The populist urge to kick out the illegal beaners and to ban the dangerous rag-heads should overwhelm that...

....and then, some right wingers actually "accuse" democrats of being racists.....Go figure.

The most rabidly anti-Obama posters are the same posters that were rabidly anti-Bill Clinton, and are now also rabidly anti-HIllary Clinton.

What do BIll Clinton, Obama, and potentially HIllary Clinton have in common?

HInt: it is not skin color.
The OP has been addressed, but since you don't like what is said, Correll, in your strangle, little mind, it has not been addressed. That is delusion.

Obama is hated because he kicked far right ass over and over and over, and he laughed while he did it. He is hated because the far right is impotent.

And it will be impotent as you will see when Trump then Cruz fall.
The OP has been addressed, but since you don't like what is said, Correll, in your strangle, little mind, it has not been addressed. That is delusion.

Obama is hated because he kicked far right ass over and over and over, and he laughed while he did it. He is hated because the far right is impotent.

And it will be impotent as you will see when Trump then Cruz fall.

In that he won, and won reelection, your slant of this is has some truth in it.

But that is not what the OP claims.

Indeed, your words are far closer to my own, ie that it is a partisan and ideological motivated "hatred", rather than Racial.

Or do you think that Right Wing partisan Ideologues don't mind getting "kicked far right ass over and over and over, and he laughed while he did it. He is hated because the far right is impotent." if the kicker would be say, Hillary Clinton?

This is one of those simply, and serious questions, that you have been refusing to seriously and honestly answer.
Third paragraph is confused: try again, Correll.

BHO is hated because he is black by some of the far right and by most GOP
because he can and has and will really make many Republicans look really stupid.

HRC is hated because she is a Clinton, Bill's wife, a woman, and one who is implacably stomping on Republicanism of all brands.

My personal opinion is that HRC is far more an ideologue than her husband.
Lets hope his policies and disdain for the US Constitution and Bill of Rights are sufficient basis for their position. As for the Clinton administration, there was enough smoke and bullshit to indicate the presence of a major fire.
The populist urge to kick out the illegal beaners and to ban the dangerous rag-heads should overwhelm that...

....and then, some right wingers actually "accuse" democrats of being racists.....Go figure.
Doesn't matter... the illegal beaners are going, and the rag-heads aren't coming in... at least, not after January 20, 2017...
And as you indicate the 50 plus times they have done it. ignoring the midterm wins by the right. Those people did speak. Perhaps meeting a compromise rather than just veto.

You may (or perhaps, not) have heard the republican 2010 and 2014 mantra that the ACA would be repealed and REPLACED.......Did this last bill by the republicans REPLACE ANYTHING?
In November 2016...

1. Republicans will keep the House

2. Republicans will keep the Senate

3. Republicans may take the White House

If (3) materializes, Congress won't need a veto-proof majority, to dump the ACA....

Because there'll be no veto to impede such legislation...
If the Republicans do repeal the ACA, they had better have a damn good replacement for it. You forgot item .4
The voting public may have something to say about such inclinations to repeal Obamacare with their votes.
that was what they wanted to do, there are actually good ideas in it and really bad ones. the mandate for instance, many young people would prefer not to be mandated into an insurance policy.

What were the good ideas?

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