R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

Nothing in your post addressed my point.

what point? You don't have one.

The Bush haters were mostly liberals and the Obama haters are mostly Conserv

Says WHO? I think Bush was disliked because he needlessly caused too many body bags to return home with his lying ways. 911 gave him unprecedented support by all Americans and he BLEW IT!

Obviously you don't understand that millions of those who vote are independent thinkers who judge presidents by their actions . The hate, if any for Bush, turns upon his selfish desire for retribution against Hussein for an attempted assignation of his father rather than the culprits behind 911. Those who lost family or just plain are disgusted by all the American lives lost in the Iraq campaign might tend to HATE Bush for lying abut WMDS as a pretext to an IRAQ invasion. Obama has done nothing that would come close to being a comparison.
or not!

And you're obviously not very bright.
So who appointed you as the arbiter for determining who is bright or not? What are your qualifications? Oh, don't bother answering, we already know you are barely qualified to debate in this thread let alone be the judge of some one's intelligence..:lol: :lol: :lol:

You're obviously not very bright.
First off the author is published widely....... second he's agreeing with you Obama is hated ..just by more than you know .........third you admit Obama is polarizing on purpose.....thanks
And here's another moronic lie propagated by many on the right: that the president is 'intentionally' trying to 'polarize' the Nation, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Little is more divisive than a false accusation of racism.

Obama and his partisans have been playing that game from before his election.
A false accusation of racism? I never heard Obama make any such accusations...

Fucking bullshit:

“The legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives, you know, that casts a long shadow, and that’s still part of our DNA that’s passed on.”

In an interview touching on the shooting last week that killed nine black worshipers at an African-American church, Mr. Obama said: “It’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say ‘******’ in public. That’s not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. It’s not just a matter of overt discrimination.”

In a deeply personal response to outbreaks of racially motivated protests, President Barack Obama on Monday blamed a lack of opportunity in minority communities and harsher treatment of black and Hispanic men by police for fueling a sense of “unfairness and powerlessness.”

The country’s first black president called for a nationwide mobilization to reverse inequalities and said the cause will remain a mission for the rest of his presidency and his life. “There are consequences to indifference,” Obama said.

Helping launch a foundation to assist young minorities, Obama said the catalysts of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and in Baltimore were the deaths of young black men and “a feeling that law is not always applied evenly in this country. They experience being treated differently by law enforcement — in stops and in arrests, and in charges and incarcerations,” Obama said. “The statistics are clear, up and down the criminal justice system. There’s no dispute.”
So where are the FALSE accusations of racism by Obama?

As noted previously, you're not very bright.
...otherwise Obama would not have won twice...
Obama won the first time, because, as the Magic Negro, he ran against McSame, and nobody wanted a third Bush term.

Hopey-Changey... Hopey-Changey... Hopey-Changey... Hopey-Changey

Obama won the second time, because he looked marginally more attractive than Mister Forty-Seven Percent; Mittens.

The Pubs were stupid enough to put-up hacks like McSame in 2008 and Mittens in 2012, and they paid the price for it.

Fun time's over, kiddies.
The way I see it is that Obama won both times because he was the best person for the job. The reason McCain and Mitt ran was THEY were stupid. The rest of the republican field knew better. After Bush, smart repubs knew they wouldn't stand a chance for generations.
The reason why Obama won twice.
1st time - No one wanted a liberal lite who ran as a Republican, because no one even conservatives wanted a 3rd Bush term.
2nd time - People who weren't here legally were voting in states that were critical to the election, where legal citizens were turned away for trying to vote twice. Dead people were voting and pets also. Harry Reid lied about Mitt, but to liberals anything goes to win. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
4 million conservatives stayed home because they didn't like Mitt the moderate Republican.

After 7 years of Obama's economic and worldly policies, is the World and American better off?
The rabid hatred of Obama by right wing losers continues even when this president approaches his last year of his two-term tenure.

There is plenty of criticism of Obama's policies by progressive democrats, but the hatred expressed by some (not all) right wingers on here is not only fanatical, but I would contend that such hatred is rooted in latent racism.

Would it be appropriate if The Right Wing showed the exact level of respect and decorum that the Left showed Bush? The Left is always about holding the other side to standards. Well, here's an opportunity.
While Bush was in office, the left attacked him as a war monger, a hater of blacks and wanted to starve children.
1. Yes Bush made a mistake in attacking Iraq, Obama made a bigger mistake by not getting a SOFA, and left Iraq to ISIS.
2. Bush had to wait for the Governor of Louisiana to declare the state a disaster before he could have FEMA come in, the chocolate city Mayor Ray Nagin was diverting government funds for levees, which failed after the Cat 3 hurricane hit. Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin guilty of corruption charges - CNN.com
Prosecutors argued the 57-year-old Nagin was at the center of a kickback scheme in which he received checks, cash, wire transfers, personal services and free travel from businessmen seeking contracts and favorable treatment from the city. He faces up to 20 years in prison, but Fanning said a 14- to 17-year term was more likely.
CNN.com - Affidavit: $90,000 found in congressman's freezer - May 22, 2006
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Federal agents searched the Capitol Hill office of a Louisiana congressman under investigation on bribery charges Sunday, while newly released court papers said agents found $90,000 in cash last year in his Washington home.

Nagin could of had the people evacuated but instead of loading up the school buses he told HIS people to hunker down in the SuperDome and that ended up becoming the SuperDummyDome.
Jefferson diverted the National Guard from helping people by having them go to HIS house so he could rescue his 90,000 stashed in the frig.
3. Obama has created more people in poverty ever in the history of the US. Go look at the inner cities of NYC, Baltimore and Chicago and see how well the first 1/2 president has treated those people. Black lives matter only when it supports the liberal agenda, otherwise, black people be damned, which is why they are killing each other.
Black people continue to believe in the lies from the left, because in public education they are dumbed down and brainwashed against those who really want to help them. Those that break away from the plantation usually end up being called names. Is this guy a racist? ESPN host: Black people should vote for GOP - CNN Video
ESPN host: Black people should vote for GOP
Stupid people vote Dumbocrat.
the Voting Rights Act was never challenged until African Americans came out in force to vote for an African American man as President. Suddenly there were absurd claims of a pressing need to control voting that inspired Republican-governed Confederate states most affected by the VRA to pass vote suppression laws specifically targeting African American communities.

50 Republicans Who Tweeted Tributes To MLK But Don’t Support Restoring The Voting Rights Act
Nobody (sane) wants the Welfare Queens to get the upper hand...

They phukk up everything they touch...

Voter ID... gerrymandering... whatever it takes to prevent them from getting their mitts on the Treasury...

All the while remembering to pander to them and keep the welfare checks coming and to throw them an occasional bone like a Black in the top job for a little while...
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Of course I hate Obama. The reasons are many and have nothing at all to do with his skin color.

He's a liar, and I hate liars.

He's a consummate con artist, and very successful at it. I hate that too.

He has ruined everything he touches, yet led by the lap dog media, the left believes he's the best think since sliced bread. Hate him for that as well.
If you claim to hate liars then you must hate T-Rump, and you must REALLY hate Cruz the Canadian.

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Is it just me or did liberals used to be smarter back in the day? Today you all argue just like 10 year olds.
That is high praise coming form a Right winger who debates like a 6 year old!

There you go. "I know you are but what am I" straight out of the sandbox. Good job.
here is what happens when the GOP rats are in power
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Poisons Flint Kids And Then Declares An Emergency

Snyder has apologized in the past for the state’s role in the water crisis. But the consequences of the water crisis may be irreversible. Lead can affect children’s brain development, with “no known level of lead exposure that is considered safe,” according to the World Health Organization.
It's not partisan.

Republicans have been known to foster and sustain public health hazards.

Democrats have been known to foster and sustain public health hazards.

The fault lies with lack of accountability, regardless of which clique of shmucks happen to hold power at the moment.
Do you think white people of the US can demand reparations for what this Moronic President has FORCED many wrondoings upon them?

Yes.....ALL those Americans who were placed in concentration camps by Obama may have a claim on reparation. (LOL)
Do you think white people of the US can demand reparations for what this Moronic President has FORCED many wrondoings upon them?

Yes.....ALL those Americans who were placed in concentration camps by Obama may have a claim on reparation. (LOL)
and letting Ebola into America which killed large numbers of Americans just so he could invade Texas with "Jade Helms"........
Do you think white people of the US can demand reparations for what this Moronic President has FORCED many wrondoings upon them?

Yes.....ALL those Americans who were placed in concentration camps by Obama may have a claim on reparation. (LOL)
At one time, Americans could CHOOSE whether they wanted healthcare or not. At one time, Americans paid less taxes than they do today. Americans were paid for a 40 hour week that was fulltime. Maybe the whole country has been turned into a concentration camp and Der Fuhrer has 1 more year to punish US more.
Tax rates at a 30 year low but that does not in any way stop the stupid mother fuckers from crying about "Obama Taxes" fuck all you wing nut cry babies no wonder you end up going nuts and shooting up a bunch of innocent folks.........

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