R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

Nothing in your post addressed my point.

what point? You don't have one.

The Bush haters were mostly liberals and the Obama haters are mostly Conserv

Says WHO? I think Bush was disliked because he needlessly caused too many body bags to return home with his lying ways. 911 gave him unprecedented support by all Americans and he BLEW IT!

Obviously you don't understand that millions of those who vote are independent thinkers who judge presidents by their actions . The hate, if any for Bush, turns upon his selfish desire for retribution against Hussein for an attempted assignation of his father rather than the culprits behind 911. Those who lost family or just plain are disgusted by all the American lives lost in the Iraq campaign might tend to HATE Bush for lying abut WMDS as a pretext to an IRAQ invasion. Obama has done nothing that would come close to being a comparison.

No, the vast majority of the real "haters" are ideological partisans.

Bush was hated by most of his haters, before he even took office. And those haters were the core of those who hated him in his last year.

Obama was hated before he took office. Yes, it was NOT primarily because of any specific policy. it was the deep Partisan and Ideological Divide, just like with Bush.

Just like with Bill Clinton. Just like, potentially with Hillary.
What you are saying sounds good but it doesn't seem to ring true. You keep saying Bush was hated before he took office without giving a hint of why you think that. was it something he said in his campaign or was it the hanging chad incident that just coincidentally occurred in a state where his brother was governor?

It was the deep partisan and ideological divide between the Left and the Right.

Any Republican is going to be hated by the Left no matter what they do, for partisan and ideological reasons.

Any Democrat is going to be hated by Right no matter what they do, for partisan and ideological reasons.

The specifics of each candidate affect nothing but the presentation of this hate.

Lefties called Bush a dumb silverspoon frat boy.

That was not why they hated him. If he was a self made man, with a Nobel Prize they would have just packaged their personal attacks differently.
The most rabidly anti-Obama posters are the same posters that were rabidly anti-Bill Clinton, and are now also rabidly anti-HIllary Clinton.

You must have worked really, really hard to poll ALL those anti-Clinton and anti-Obama posters...Take a nap.

The most rabidly anti-Obama posters are the same posters that were rabidly anti-Bill Clinton, and are now also rabidly anti-HIllary Clinton.

What do BIll Clinton, Obama, and potentially HIllary Clinton have in common?

HInt: it is not skin color.
Well, if Obama had been caught engaging in Monica Lewinsky's oral orifice, I doubt the outcomes would have been the same as Clinton's.

And you refuse to answer a serious and honest question.

The most rabidly anti-Obama posters are the same posters that were rabidly anti-Bill Clinton, and are now also rabidly anti-HIllary Clinton.

What do BIll Clinton, Obama, and potentially HIllary Clinton have in common?

HInt: it is not skin color.
If you want to be taken seriously, put some evidence out there that supports your spurious claim.

Do you seriously doubt that the partisan anti-Obama far right posters here today were not anti-BIll Clinton back in the day, and won't be equally anti-HIllary if she wins?
First off the author is published widely....... second he's agreeing with you Obama is hated ..just by more than you know .........third you admit Obama is polarizing on purpose.....thanks
And here's another moronic lie propagated by many on the right: that the president is 'intentionally' trying to 'polarize' the Nation, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Little is more divisive than a false accusation of racism.

Obama and his partisans have been playing that game from before his election.
A false accusation of racism? I never heard Obama make any such accusations...

IN his campaign. Against McCain. "They will tell you he doesn't look like the other Presidents on those bills".

That's where I gave up on any hope that he might improve race relations at all.

So where is the false accusation of racism?

McCain did not run the campaign that Obama accused him of.

That was race baiting his supporters to get them fired up.

It works. But it is extremely divisive.
You must have worked really, really hard to poll ALL those anti-Clinton and anti-Obama posters...Take a nap.

The most rabidly anti-Obama posters are the same posters that were rabidly anti-Bill Clinton, and are now also rabidly anti-HIllary Clinton.

What do BIll Clinton, Obama, and potentially HIllary Clinton have in common?

HInt: it is not skin color.
Well, if Obama had been caught engaging in Monica Lewinsky's oral orifice, I doubt the outcomes would have been the same as Clinton's.

And you refuse to answer a serious and honest question.

The most rabidly anti-Obama posters are the same posters that were rabidly anti-Bill Clinton, and are now also rabidly anti-HIllary Clinton.

What do BIll Clinton, Obama, and potentially HIllary Clinton have in common?

HInt: it is not skin color.
If you want to be taken seriously, put some evidence out there that supports your spurious claim.

Do you seriously doubt that the partisan anti-Obama far right posters here today were not anti-BIll Clinton back in the day, and won't be equally anti-HIllary if she wins?
Will HRC be able to lead the country from behind jail bars? It seems that Obama's FBI is getting closer on her classified emails that were sent on her PRIVATE SERVER. When she and her friends who also received classified emails on their private servers are perped walked , will the vagina get her just desserts?
At this point what difference does it make whether Christopher Stevens was murdered by Al Qaeda, or just Muslims who hated a video? With friends like liberals, who needs enemies.
Little is more divisive than a false accusation of racism.

Obama and his partisans have been playing that game from before his election.
A false accusation of racism? I never heard Obama make any such accusations...

IN his campaign. Against McCain. "They will tell you he doesn't look like the other Presidents on those bills".

That's where I gave up on any hope that he might improve race relations at all.
One, why is that racist if true, and, two, a link, please.

1. His campaign later admitted it was about race.

2. Obama says Republicans trying to scare voters

"So what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me," Obama said. "You know, he's not patriotic enough, he's got a funny name, you know, he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills.""

THat's a false accusation of McCain using racism in the campaign.

Nothing is more divisive than that, in modern America.
If he used the pronoun "they're" to define his detractors he wasn't just talking about McCain. He was accurately summarizing stuff we all have heard Limbaugh Hannity or Savage say on public airwaves. Still waiting for a FALSE accusation of racism by Obama.

It was in the context of a campaign. McCain and his campaign was They at that time.

You are making excuses for someone you like.

Obama went there.
Yup, the far right was making it about race and he called them out.

Do you have anything to say to address the op, or the point(s) i have been making, or are you just here to troll?
That is not trolling, it is called reeling your fish in.

Someone who is afraid to answer serious and honest and simple questions is not "reeling in" anything, he is being a troll.
The most rabidly anti-Obama posters are the same posters that were rabidly anti-Bill Clinton, and are now also rabidly anti-HIllary Clinton.

What do BIll Clinton, Obama, and potentially HIllary Clinton have in common?

HInt: it is not skin color.
Well, if Obama had been caught engaging in Monica Lewinsky's oral orifice, I doubt the outcomes would have been the same as Clinton's.

And you refuse to answer a serious and honest question.

The most rabidly anti-Obama posters are the same posters that were rabidly anti-Bill Clinton, and are now also rabidly anti-HIllary Clinton.

What do BIll Clinton, Obama, and potentially HIllary Clinton have in common?

HInt: it is not skin color.
If you want to be taken seriously, put some evidence out there that supports your spurious claim.

Do you seriously doubt that the partisan anti-Obama far right posters here today were not anti-BIll Clinton back in the day, and won't be equally anti-HIllary if she wins?
Will HRC be able to lead the country from behind jail bars? It seems that Obama's FBI is getting closer on her classified emails that were sent on her PRIVATE SERVER. When she and her friends who also received classified emails on their private servers are perped walked , will the vagina get her just desserts?
At this point what difference does it make whether Christopher Stevens was murdered by Al Qaeda, or just Muslims who hated a video? With friends like liberals, who needs enemies.

I have no faith in Obama's fbi.
When the FED(not a federal government entity but the central bank) created 5 trillion dollars to stimulate the economy, who is going to pay for that FAUX money? Those who have deposits in the banks, or tax payers? Either way, that is a tax that is waiting to happen. You are as stupid as any liberal I know.

Did you think that the moronic and lie-laden wars in the ME and Afghanistan were going to be paid with "green stamps"?; Did you think that the give-away to insurance companies, Medicare Advantage was going to be paid by profits form the Lottery?; Did you think that U.S. Corporations who shelter their money in the Cayman Islands and other tax-havens to avoid U.S. taxes, were not going to impact on the needed revenue?

What Obama has done is to bring the debts out in the open, and morons think that the needed reality is the fault of the one that exposed the reality.
Yup, the far right was making it about race and he called them out.

Do you have anything to say to address the op, or the point(s) i have been making, or are you just here to troll?
That is not trolling, it is called reeling your fish in.

Someone who is afraid to answer serious and honest and simple questions is not "reeling in" anything, he is being a troll.

Way to contribute to the discussion.
When Bush left office, people could CHOOSE to buy healthcare or not, today those people who don't get PUNISHED(FASCISM) for not follow Der Fuhrer's law.

Gee, then the rest of the ENTIRE industrialized world (including ALL of our allies) is "fascist"....Who knew?
Will HRC be able to lead the country from behind jail bars? It seems that Obama's FBI is getting closer on her classified emails that were sent on her PRIVATE SERVER. When she and her friends who also received classified emails on their private servers are perped walked , will the vagina get her just desserts?

Try to find a right wing "virgin" to sacrifice.....Maybe THAT will help your "dream" come through.
When Bush left office, people could CHOOSE to buy healthcare or not, today those people who don't get PUNISHED(FASCISM) for not follow Der Fuhrer's law.

Gee, then the rest of the ENTIRE industrialized world (including ALL of our allies) is "fascist"....Who knew?
Finally, you realized why America at one time was FREE, while the rest of the world wanted to come to US. Lets see how you would feel if the next president came in and mandated that all non criminal citizens HAVE to purchase a gun. Bet you libtards would be calling that president a fascist. :hellno:
That is what you are doing Correll.

You won't admit the racialism is part of the reasons for the hatred of Obama by the far right.
That is what you are doing Correll.

You won't admit the racialism is part of the reasons for the hatred of Obama by the far right.
As the last resort of a liberal who is losing an argument, must go on the attack and call me a racist. I am not surprised, at this is the typical tactic of the Rules for Radicals. Why is it that the most liberal of liberals(Hollywood) didn't have one black person win an Oscar? Because liberals are the TRUE racists, sexists, bigots, and homophobes, they just pander to these people for their votes. Other than that, they could care less about these people. Or any people, except themselves, which is why the Clintons, Gores and Obama's have made their millions while the rest of US barely squeak by. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Lets see how you would feel if the next president came in and mandated that all non criminal citizens HAVE to purchase a gun. Bet you libtards would be calling that president a fascist

What a truly dumb example.......This may come as a surprise to your mentality, but lots of US citizens live their lives without stroking their guns, but almost none go on without visiting a doctor or going bankrupt if you get really sick without health insurance.

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